Essential Linux Device Driver附录A . Linux汇编

By 宋宝华 / 本系列文章交流与讨论:@宋宝华Barry



· BIOS通常全部用汇编编写。一些流行的PC BIOS使用像Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM)这样的汇编来编码。

· Linux 引导程序,像LILO和GRUB用C与汇编混合编写。SYSLINUX引导程序整个用Netwide Assembler(NASM)汇编编写。

· 实模式的Linux启动代码使用GNU汇编器(GAS)编码。

· 保护模式的BIOS调用用内联汇编编写。内联汇编是GCC支持的结构,在C语句之间插入汇编。

图 A.1. 固件组件与汇编语法




mov dx, 03BCh ;0x3BC is the I/O address of the parallel port

mov al, 0ABh ;0xAB is the data to be output

out dx, al ;Send data to the parallel port


movw $0x3BC, %dx

movb $0xAB, %al

outb %al, %dx
你会发现,不像Intel格式,在AT&T语法中,首先出现的是源操作数,目的操作数在其后。AT&T格式中的寄存器名字由%开始,立即数用$开始。AT&T的操作码为了指定内存操作数的宽度,都带有后缀如b(针对字节)和w(针对字);而Intel语法中通过查看操作数而不是操作码来实现此目的。在Intel语法中,为了移动指针引用,你需要为操作数指定前缀,如byte ptr。



unsigned short port = 0x3BC;

unsigned char data = 0xAB;

asm("outb %%al, %%dx\n\t"


: "a" (data), "d" (port)



asm(assembly : output operand constraints : input operand constraints : clobbered operand specifier );
在操作数项,a,b,c,d,S和D分别代表EAX,EBX,ECX,EDX,ESI和EDI寄存器。输入操作数constraint用于在执行汇编指令之前,将数据从提供的变量里拷贝至寄存器。关于GCC内联汇编语法的细节请查看GCC 内联汇编指南(。



movw $956, -2(%ebp) # Value of data in stack set to 0x3BC

movb $-85, -3(%ebp) # Value of port in stack set to 0xAB

movb -3(%ebp), %al # movb 0xAB, %al

movw -2(%ebp), %dx # movw 0x3BC, %dx

#APP # Marker to note start of inline assembly

outb %al, %dx # Write to parallel port

#NO_APP # Marker to note end of inline assembly


#define READ_COMMAND 3 /* First argument to

syslog() system call */

#define MSG_LENGTH 128 /* Third argument to syslog() */


main(int argc, char *argv[])


int syslog_command = READ_COMMAND;

int bytes_to_read = MSG_LENGTH;

int retval;

char buffer[MSG_LENGTH]; /* Second argument to syslog() */

asm volatile(

"movl %1, %%ebx\n" /* READ_COMMAND */

"movl %2, %%ecx\n" /* buffer */

"movl %3, %%edx\n" /* bytes_to_read */

"movl $103, %%eax\n" /* __NR_syslog */

"int $128\n" /* Generate System Call */

"movl %%eax, %0" /* retval */

:"=r" (retval)



if (retval > 0) printf("%s\n", buffer);

正如在第4章“打下基础”中所学到的,int $128(或者int 0x80)指令产生一个软中断,陷入系统调用。由于系统调用导致从用户模式至内核模式的转换,故函数参数未传入用户或内核堆栈中,而是在CPU寄存器中。此系统调用号(在include/asm-your-arch/unistd.h中有完整列表)存储在EAX寄存器中。对于syslog()系统调用,调用号是103。如果查看syslog()的参考页,将会发现它需要三个参数:命令,存放返回数据的缓冲区的地址,以及缓冲区的长度。这些分别通过EBX、ECX和EAX来传递。返回值被从EAX传递至retval。此内联汇编调用被转换为如下语句:

retval = syslog(syslog_command, buffer, bytes_to_read);


0:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sda

<5>sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0

<7>usb-storage: device scan complete

arch/x86/kernel/entry_32.S中的所有内核系统调用trap会保存所有的寄存器内容至堆栈,因此 ,即使用户空间的代码使用CPU寄存器来传递参数,实际上系统调用处理函数还是从堆栈中取其参数,。为了确保系统调用例程预期的参数在堆栈中,都用GCC属性asmlinkage进行标记。需要注意的是asmlinkage与asm(或__asm__)没有任何关系,后者用于声明内联汇编。

让我们通过演示一个内联汇编的例子来结束本节,此例子修改自基于PowerPC的电路板的Linux引导程序。假设此电路板上的flash存储器不支持背景操作(BackGround Operation,BGO)。这意味此引导程序代码从flash执行时,不能写入flash;但有时这是必须的,例如如果引导程序需要更新内核映象,而此映象存放于flash的另一部分。一个解决方案是修改引导程序,以便用于写入和擦除flash的引导代码完全从指令cache(I-cache)中执行,而数据段放入数据cache(D-cache)中。示例用的GCC内联汇编编写的宏用于完成将必要的引导程序指令搬入I-cache的工作。为了理解此代码片断,你需要有一定的PowerPC汇编知识:

/* instr_length is the number of instructions to touch

into I-cache. _load_i$_copy and _end_i$_copy are

program labels */

#define load_into_icache_copy(instr_length) \

asm volatile("lis %%r3, 0x1@h\n \

ori %%r3, %%r3, 0x1@l\n \

mticcr %%r3\n \

isync\n \

\n \

lis %%r6, _end_i$_copy@h\n \

ori %%r6, %%r6, _end_i$_copy@l\n \

icbt %%r0, %%r6\n \

lis %%r4, %0@h\n \

ori %%r4, %%r4, %0@l\n \

mtctr %%r4\n \

_load_i$_copy: \

addis %%r6, %%r6, 32@ha\n \

addi %%r6, %%r6, 32@l\n \

icbt %%r0, %%r6\n \

bdnz _load_i$_copy\n \

_end_i$_copy: \

nop\n" \

: \

: "i"(instr_length) \




Chapter 1, "Introduction," starts our tryst with Linux. It hurries you through downloading the kernel sources, making trivial code changes, and building a bootable kernel image. Chapter 2, "A Peek Inside the Kernel," takes a brisk peek into the innards of the Linux kernel and teaches you some must-know kernel concepts. It first takes you through the boot process and then describes kernel services particularly relevant to driver development such as kernel threads, timers, concurrency, and memory management. Chapter 3, "Getting Started with Device Drivers," gets you started with the art of writing Linux device drivers. It looks at interrupt handling, the new Linux device model, and Linux assembly. In this chapter, you'll also learn to use kernel helper interfaces such as linked lists, work queues, completion functions, and notifier chains. These helper facilities simplify your code, weed out redundancies from the kernel, and help long-term maintenance. Chapter 4, "Character Drivers," looks at the architecture of character device drivers. Several concepts introduced in this chapter such as polling, asynchronous notification, and I/O control, are relevant to subsequent chapters as well, since many device classes discussed in the rest of the book are 'super' character devices. Chapter 5, "Serial Drivers," explains the kernel layer that handles serial devices. The serial layer consists of low-level drivers, the TTY layer, and line disciplines. Chapter 6, "Input Drivers," discusses the kernel's input subsystem that is responsible for servicing devices such as keyboards, mice, and touch panels. Chapter 7, "The Inter-Integrated Circuit Protocol," dissects drivers for devices such as EEPROMs that are connected to the system I2C bus or SMBus. The chapter also looks at other serial technologies such as the SPI bus and one-wire bus. Chapter 8,"PCMCIA and Compact Flash," delves into the PCMCIA subsystem. It teaches you to write drivers for devices having a PCMCIA or Compact Flash form factor. Chapter 9, "Peripheral Component Interconnect," looks at kernel support for PCI and its derivatives such as CardBus and PCI Express. Chapter 10, "Universal Serial Bus," explores USB architecture and device drivers. Chapter 11, "Video Drivers," explains the Linux video family. Chapter 12, "Audio Drivers," describes the Linux audio family. Chapter 13, "Block Drivers," covers drivers for devices such as IDE and SCSI. It also looks at filesystem drivers. Chapter 14, "Network Interface Cards," is dedicated to network devices. You'll learn about kernel networking data structures and how to interface network drivers with protocol layers. Chapter 15, "Linux Without Wires," looks at driving different wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, Infrared, WiFi and cellular communication. Chapter 16, "Memory Technology Devices," discusses flash memory enablement. This chapter first looks at flash-based protocols and chipsets primarily used on embedded devices. It ends by examining drivers for the Firmware Hub found on desktops and laptops. Chapter 17, "Embedding Linux," steps into the world of embedded Linux. It takes you through the main firmware components of an embedded solution, such as bootloader, kernel, and device drivers. Given the soaring popularity of Linux in the embedded space, it's likely that you'll use the device driver skills that you acquire from this book, to enable embedded devices. Chapter 18, "User Mode Drivers," looks at driving different types of devices from user space. Some device drivers, especially ones that are heavy on policy and light on performance requirements, are better off residing in user land. This chapter also explains how the new ultra-scalable process scheduler improves response times of user mode drivers. Chapter 19, "More Devices and Drivers," takes a tour of a potpourri of driver families not covered thus far, such as Error Detection And Correction (EDAC), cpufreq<...




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