A Brief Guide to Cloud Computing -- 1

A Brief Guide to Cloud Computing



This book is being written in the cloud. This means that my word processor is not installed on my computer. The files for each chapter are also not being saved on one of my own hard disks or USB keys. Instead, the program I am using is running somewhere ‘out there’ on the Internet. My files are then being saved to remote online storage. This service is also being provided to me for free.


Exactly where my word processor is running and where my files are I really have no idea. More importantly, I simply don’t care. This is also the whole point. Cloud computing is ‘fluffy’ because the resources being used are irrelevant to the vase majority of users. This is why cloud computing is so scary and resisted in many corporate data centres. It is also why cloud computing is so liberating and powerful for the rest of us.


Just before you think that I have no idea what I am doing, I can reveal that this book is being written in Google Docs. As illustrated in screenshot 1.1, this is an online word processing, spreadsheet, drawing and presentations package now being used by tens of millions of people and an increasing number of companies. In the UK, the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph national newspapers are now partially written in Google Docs. This has been occurring since July 2008 when the Telegraph Media Group began a transition from local Microsoft software to the online Google Apps software suite.

就在你以为我不知道我在云上能干什么的时候,我已经在Google Docs上编写完这本书。正如截图1.1,Google Docs是一个拥有成千上万普通用户的在线文档处理、电子表格、绘图和PPT的工具包,它的公司用户数也一直在持续增长。在英国,包括每日电讯报和星期日电讯报这样的全国性报纸都在部分的使用Google Docs。而电讯传媒集团【默多克?】早在2008年就开始逐步的将在本地MS上的文件处理迁移到在线Google APPs上。

Jaguar Land Rover, Rentokil Initial and the District of Columbia government are just three of the far larger organizations that have also adopted Google Apps. Meanwhile universities from Arizona to Delhi, Washington to Notre Dame, and Dublin to Leeds, are in a stampede to sign up to Google Apps Education Edition. Strange and scary as it may initially seem, make no mistake that cloud computing is already entering the mainstream.

在已经完全采用Google Apps的商业组织中,捷豹路虎(豪车)、Rentokil Initial(一个商业服务集团)和哥伦比亚政府是其中最大的三个。从亚利桑那(美国西南部的州)到德里(印度城市),从华盛顿(美国)到圣母院(法国巴黎),从都柏林(爱尔兰首都)到利兹(英格兰北部城市)其间的所有学校都蜂拥而至,体验着Google Apps教育版带来的便捷。它看起来是那么不可思议,所有一切都表明云计算已经成为主流。

This book is your guide to the dawning age of cloud computing in which all manner of computing resources will be accessed over the Internet. It is therefore a book about a technological change as radical as the personal computer revolution. This is, however, not a technical tome. Rather,A Brief Guide to Cloud Computing is your route map to the future practices and philosophy of computing and how they will affect us all.


ScreenShot 1.1: Word processing in Google Docs.


So What Exactly is the Cloud?


You may be wondering what any of this has to do with clouds! The answer is that, for many years, the Internet has been represented on network diagrams by a cloud symbol. When, around 2008, a variety of new services started to emerge that permitted computing resources to be accessed over the Internet, the label ‘cloud computing’ started to be used as an umbrella term. So does this mean that we ought to be talking about ‘Internet computing’? Well, perhaps. However, in the strictest sense, the ‘cloud’ is a label for online computing resources rather than the entire Internet. The term ‘cloud computing’ is also useful because it distinguishes the kinds of things we have been doing online for a couple of decades from a totally new age of online software and processing power.


Figure 1.1 illustrates the key differences between traditional and cloud computing. As shown in the top half of the figure, at present local software is installed and data is stored on most personal computers. Most computer users in organizations also access enterprise applications, data storage and processing power from a corporate data centre. The Internet may additionally be used and often relied upon. However, until now, for most people Internet usage has been confined to accessing information from websites and exchanging e-mails and file attachments.


The lower half of figure 1.1 shows the brave new world of cloud computing. Here the corporate data centre has been decommissioned. Also, software applications and data are no longer installed and stored on a user’s computing device. Rather, enterprise applications, personal applications, data storage and remote processing power are all accessed from the cloud.


The scenarios shown in figure 1.1 indicate the two most extreme positions, with a hybrid model somewhere in between being most likely in the medium-term. Even so, the implications of ceasing to install all applications and store all data on personal computers or in a data centre will be very significant. Not least, as explored in chapter seven, there will be major ramifications for traditional software companies such as Microsoft. As discussed in chapter eight, the implications for those who currently work in company IT departments will also be just as great.



In practical terms, the cloud is made up loads of giant data centres – also known as ‘server farms’ – run by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Apple and a host of other traditional and emerging computing giants. While the sorts of online services that can be offered from the cloud are quite varied, they can largely be classified under the two broad headings of ‘online software’ and ‘online hardware’. Lots of information and examples to demonstrate what this means in practice are provided in chapters three and four respectively.

在实际应用中,云是由巨型数据中心构成 – 通常称为“服务器农场”—运行在如Google、Amazon、Microsoft、IBM、Apple和其他传统或新兴的计算巨头主机上。虽然云可以提供的各种在线服务是多种多样的,但是他们在很大程度上可以区分为“在线软件”和“在线硬件”。在第三章和第四章将分别提供大量的信息和例子来证明这在实践中意味着什么。


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