
document.write("<div id=meizzCalendarLayer style='position: absolute; z-index: 9999; width: 144; height: 198; display: none;border:1px #FFF solid;'>");
document.write("<iframe name=meizzCalendarIframe scrolling=no frameborder=0 width=144px height=198px></iframe></div>");

document.write("<div id=meizzCalendarTimeLayer style='position: absolute; z-index: 9999; width: 190; height: 50; display: none;border:1px #FFF solid;'>");
document.write("<iframe name=meizzCalendarTimeIframe scrolling=no frameborder=0 width=190px height=50px></iframe></div>");
function writeIframe() {
    var strIframe = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'><style>" +
    "*{font-size: 12px; font-family: 宋体}" +
    ".bg{  color: " + WebCalendar.lightColor + "; cursor: default; background-color: " + WebCalendar.darkColor + ";}" +
    "table#tableMain{ width: 142; height: 180;}" +
    "table#tableWeek td{ color: " + WebCalendar.lightColor + ";}" +
    "table#tableDay  td{ font-weight: bold;}" +
    "td#meizzYearHead, td#meizzYearMonth{color: " + WebCalendar.wordColor + "}" +
    ".out { width:20px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid " + WebCalendar.DarkBorder + "; border-left: 1px solid " + WebCalendar.DarkBorder + ";" +
    "border-right: 1px solid " + WebCalendar.lightColor + "; border-bottom: 1px solid " + WebCalendar.lightColor + ";}" +
    ".over{width:20px; background-color:#FF6347; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF; border-left: 1px solid #FFFFFF;" +
    "border-bottom: 1px solid " + WebCalendar.DarkBorder + "; border-right: 1px solid " + WebCalendar.DarkBorder + "}" +
    "input{ border: 1px solid " + WebCalendar.darkColor + "; padding-top: 1px; height: 18; cursor: hand;" +
    "       color:" + WebCalendar.wordColor + "; background-color: " + WebCalendar.btnBgColor + "}" +
    "</style></head><body onselectstart='return false' style='margin: 0px' οncοntextmenu='return false'><form name=meizz>";

    if (WebCalendar.drag) {
        strIframe += "<scr" + "ipt language=javascript>" +
    "var drag=false, cx=0, cy=0, o = parent.WebCalendar.calendar; function document.onmousemove(){" +
    "if(parent.WebCalendar.drag && drag){if(o.style.left=='')o.style.left=0; if(o.style.top=='')o.style.top=0;" +
    "o.style.left = parseInt(o.style.left) + window.event.clientX-cx;" +
    "o.style.top  = parseInt(o.style.top)  + window.event.clientY-cy;}}" +
    "function document.onkeydown(){ switch(window.event.keyCode){  case 27 : parent.hiddenCalendar(); break;" +
    "case 37 : parent.prevM(); break; case 38 : parent.prevY(); break; case 39 : parent.nextM(); break; case 40 : parent.nextY(); break;" +
    "case 84 : document.forms[0].today.click(); break;} window.event.keyCode = 0; window.event.returnValue= false;}" +
    "function dragStart(){cx=window.event.clientX; cy=window.event.clientY; drag=true;}</scr" + "ipt>"

    strIframe += "<select name=tmpYearSelect  οnblur='parent.hiddenSelect(this)' style='z-index:1;position:absolute;top:3;left:18;display:none'" +
    " οnchange='parent.WebCalendar.thisYear =this.value; parent.hiddenSelect(this); parent.writeCalendar();'></select>" +
    "<select name=tmpMonthSelect οnblur='parent.hiddenSelect(this)' style='z-index:1; position:absolute;top:3;left:74;display:none'" +
    " οnchange='parent.WebCalendar.thisMonth=this.value; parent.hiddenSelect(this); parent.writeCalendar();'></select>" +

    "<table id=tableMain class=bg border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>" +
    "<tr><td width=140 height=19 bgcolor='" + WebCalendar.lightColor + "'>" +
    "    <table width=140 id=tableHead border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0><tr align=center>" +
    "    <td width=15 height=19 class=bg title='向前翻 1 月&#13;快捷键:←' style='cursor: hand' οnclick='parent.prevM()'><b>&lt;</b></td>" +
    "    <td width=60 id=meizzYearHead  title='点击此处选择年份' οnclick='parent.funYearSelect(parseInt(this.innerText, 10))'" +
    "        οnmοuseοver='this.bgColor=parent.WebCalendar.darkColor; this.style.color=parent.WebCalendar.lightColor'" +
    "        οnmοuseοut='this.bgColor=parent.WebCalendar.lightColor; this.style.color=parent.WebCalendar.wordColor'></td>" +
    "    <td width=50 id=meizzYearMonth title='点击此处选择月份' οnclick='parent.funMonthSelect(parseInt(this.innerText, 10))'" +
    "        οnmοuseοver='this.bgColor=parent.WebCalendar.darkColor; this.style.color=parent.WebCalendar.lightColor'" +
    "        οnmοuseοut='this.bgColor=parent.WebCalendar.lightColor; this.style.color=parent.WebCalendar.wordColor'></td>" +
    "    <td width=15 class=bg title='向后翻 1 月&#13;快捷键:→' οnclick='parent.nextM()' style='cursor: hand'><b>&gt;</b></td></tr></table>" +
    "</td></tr><tr><td height=20><table id=tableWeek border=1 width=140 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 ";
    if (WebCalendar.drag) { strIframe += "οnmοusedοwn='dragStart()' οnmοuseup='drag=false' οnmοuseοut='drag=false'"; }
    strIframe += " borderColorLight='" + WebCalendar.darkColor + "' borderColorDark='" + WebCalendar.lightColor + "'>" +
    "    <tr align=center><td height=20>日</td><td>一</td><td>二</td><td>三</td><td>四</td><td>五</td><td>六</td></tr></table>" +
    "</td></tr><tr><td valign=top width=140 bgcolor='" + WebCalendar.lightColor + "'>" +
    "    <table id=tableDay height=120 width=140 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>";
    for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
        strIframe += "<tr>";
        for (var y = 0; y < 7; y++) strIframe += "<td class=out id='meizzDay" + (x * 7 + y) + "'></td>"; strIframe += "</tr>";
    strIframe += "<tr>";
    for (var x = 35; x < 39; x++) strIframe += "<td class=out id='meizzDay" + x + "'></td>";
    strIframe += "<td colspan=3 class=out title='" + WebCalendar.regInfo + "'><input style=' background-color: " +
         WebCalendar.btnBgColor + ";cursor: hand; padding-top: 4px; width: 55px; height: 100%; border: 0' οnfοcus='this.blur()'" +
         " type=button value='&nbsp; 关闭' οnclick='parent.hiddenCalendar()'></td></tr></table>" +
    "</td></tr><tr><td height=20 width=140 bgcolor='" + WebCalendar.lightColor + "'>" +
    "    <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width=140>" +
    "    <tr><td><input name=prevYear title='向前翻 1 年&#13;快捷键:↑' οnclick='parent.prevY()' type=button value='&lt;&lt;'" +
    "    οnfοcus='this.blur()' style='width:25px;'><input" +
    "    οnfοcus='this.blur()' name=prevMonth title='向前翻 1 月&#13;快捷键:←' οnclick='parent.prevM()' type=button style='width:15px;' value='&lt;'>" +
    "    </td><td align=center><input name=today type=button value='Today' οnfοcus='this.blur()' style='width:45px' title='当前日期&#13;快捷键:T'" +
    "    οnclick=\"parent.returnDate(new Date().getDate() +'/'+ (new Date().getMonth() +1) +'/'+ new Date().getFullYear())\">" +
    "    </td><td align=right><input title='向后翻 1 月&#13;快捷键:→' name=nextMonth οnclick='parent.nextM()' style='width:15px;' type=button value='&gt;'" +
    "    οnfοcus='this.blur()'><input name=nextYear title='向后翻 1 年&#13;快捷键:↓' οnclick='parent.nextY()' type=button value='&gt;&gt;'" +
    "    οnfοcus='this.blur()' style='width:25px;'></td></tr></table>" +
    with (WebCalendar.iframe) {
        document.writeln(strIframe); document.close();
        for (var i = 0; i < 39; i++) {
            WebCalendar.dayObj[i] = eval("meizzDay" + i);
            WebCalendar.dayObj[i].onmouseover = dayMouseOver;
            WebCalendar.dayObj[i].onmouseout = dayMouseOut;
            WebCalendar.dayObj[i].onclick = returnDate;
function WebCalendar() //初始化日历的设置
    this.regInfo = "WEB Calendar ver 3.0&#13;关闭的快捷键:[Esc]";
    this.regInfo += "&#13;&#13;Ver 2.0:www.chinadxy.com";
    this.daysMonth = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    this.day = new Array(39);            //定义日历展示用的数组
    this.dayObj = new Array(39);            //定义日期展示控件数组
    this.dateStyle = null;                     //保存格式化后日期数组
    this.objExport = null;                     //日历回传的显示控件
    this.eventSrc = null;                     //日历显示的触发控件
    this.objExportTime = null;                 //时间回传的显示控件
    this.eventSrcTime = null;                 //时间显示的触发控件
    this.inputDate = null;                     //转化外的输入的日期(d/m/yyyy)
    this.thisYear = new Date().getFullYear(); //定义年的变量的初始值
    this.thisMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1; //定义月的变量的初始值
    this.thisDay = new Date().getDate();     //定义日的变量的初始值
    this.today = this.thisDay + "/" + this.thisMonth + "/" + this.thisYear;   //今天(d/m/yyyy)
    this.iframe = window.frames["meizzCalendarIframe"]; //日历的 iframe 载体
    this.calendar = getObjectById("meizzCalendarLayer");  //日历的层
    this.iframeTime = window.frames["meizzCalendarTimeIframe"]; //时间的 iframe 载体
    this.calendarTime = getObjectById("meizzCalendarTimeLayer");  //时间的层
    this.dateReg = "";           //日历格式验证的正则式

    this.yearFall = 50;           //定义年下拉框的年差值
    this.format = "yyyy-mm-dd"; //回传日期的格式
    this.timeShow = false;         //是否返回时间
    this.drag = false;        //是否允许拖动
    this.darkColor = "#FF6347";    //控件的暗色
    this.lightColor = "#FFFFFF";    //控件的亮色
    this.btnBgColor = "#FFF5A0";    //控件的按钮背景色
    this.wordColor = "#000040";    //控件的文字颜色
    this.wordDark = "#DCDCDC";    //控件的暗文字颜色
    this.dayBgColor = "#FFFACD";    //日期数字背景色
    this.todayColor = "#FF9933";    //今天在日历上的标示背景色
    this.DarkBorder = "#FFE4C4";    //日期显示的立体表达色
    this.darkColor = "#95B7F3";    //控件的暗色
    this.lightColor = "#FFFFFF";    //控件的亮色
    this.btnBgColor = "#E6E6FA";    //控件的按钮背景色
    this.wordColor = "#000080";    //控件的文字颜色
    this.wordDark = "#DCDCDC";    //控件的暗文字颜色
    this.dayBgColor = "#F5F5FA";    //日期数字背景色
    this.todayColor = "#FF0000";    //今天在日历上的标示背景色
    this.DarkBorder = "#D4D0C8";    //日期显示的立体表达色

} var WebCalendar = new WebCalendar();

function calendar() //主调函数
    var e = window.event.srcElement;  //当前控件
    var o = WebCalendar.calendar.style; WebCalendar.eventSrc = e;
    if (arguments.length == 0) WebCalendar.objExport = e;
    else WebCalendar.objExport = eval(arguments[0]);

    WebCalendar.iframe.tableWeek.style.cursor = WebCalendar.drag ? "move" : "default";
    var t = e.offsetTop, h = e.clientHeight, l = e.offsetLeft, p = e.type;
    while (e = e.offsetParent) { t += e.offsetTop; l += e.offsetLeft; }
    o.display = "";
    var cw = WebCalendar.calendar.clientWidth, ch = WebCalendar.calendar.clientHeight;
    var dw = document.body.clientWidth, dl = document.body.scrollLeft, dt = document.body.scrollTop;

    if (document.body.clientHeight + dt - t - h >= ch) o.top = ((p == "image") ? t + h : t + h + 6).toString() + "px";
    else o.top = ((t - dt < ch) ? ((p == "image") ? t + h : t + h + 6) : t - ch).toString() + "px";
    if (dw + dl - l >= cw) o.left = (l.toString() + "px"); else o.left = ((dw >= cw) ? dw - cw + dl : dl).toString() + "px";

    if (!WebCalendar.timeShow) WebCalendar.dateReg = /^(\d{1,4})(-|\/|.)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/;
    else WebCalendar.dateReg = /^(\d{1,4})(-|\/|.)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})$/;

    try {
        if (WebCalendar.objExport.value.trim() != "") {
            WebCalendar.dateStyle = WebCalendar.objExport.value.trim().match(WebCalendar.dateReg);
            if (WebCalendar.dateStyle == null) {
                WebCalendar.thisYear = new Date().getFullYear();
                WebCalendar.thisMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
                WebCalendar.thisDay = new Date().getDate();
                writeCalendar(); return false;
            else {
                WebCalendar.thisYear = parseInt(WebCalendar.dateStyle[1], 10);
                WebCalendar.thisMonth = parseInt(WebCalendar.dateStyle[3], 10);
                WebCalendar.thisDay = parseInt(WebCalendar.dateStyle[4], 10);
                WebCalendar.inputDate = parseInt(WebCalendar.thisDay, 10) + "/" + parseInt(WebCalendar.thisMonth, 10) + "/" +
                parseInt(WebCalendar.thisYear, 10); writeCalendar();
        } else writeCalendar();
    } catch (e) { writeCalendar(); }

function writeTimeIframe() {
    var strIframe = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'><style>" +
    "*{font-size: 12px; font-family: 宋体}" +
    ".bg{  color: " + WebCalendar.lightColor + "; cursor: default; background-color: " + WebCalendar.btnBgColor + ";}" +
    "table th{ color: " + WebCalendar.lightColor + ";font-weight: bold;}" +
    "table td{ color: " + WebCalendar.wordColor + ";font-weight: bold;}" +
    "</style></head><body onselectstart='return false' style='margin: 0px' οncοntextmenu='return false'>" +
    "<table class=bg id=tableMain  border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 width=100%>" +
    "<tr><th colspan=3 align=center>请选择时间&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a  style='cursor: hand;' id=currnetHrefTime herf='return void(0);'>当前时间</a>&nbsp;<input id='btnSetTime' style='cursor: hand;' type=button value=确定></th></tr>" +
    "<tr>" +
    "<td><select id='selectHours'></select>&nbsp;时</td>" +
    "<td><select id='selectMinutes'></select>&nbsp;分</td>" +
    "<td><select id='selectSeconds'></select>&nbsp;秒</td>" +
    "</tr>" +
    "</table>" +
    with (WebCalendar.iframeTime) {

        var _selectHours = document.getElementById("selectHours");
        var _selectMinutes = document.getElementById("selectMinutes");
        var _selectSeconds = document.getElementById("selectSeconds");
        var formatString;
        for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
            formatString = "00" + i;
            formatString = formatString.substring(formatString.length - 2, formatString.length)
            _selectHours.options[i] = new Option(formatString, formatString);
        for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
            formatString = "00" + i;
            formatString = formatString.substring(formatString.length - 2, formatString.length)
            _selectMinutes.options[i] = new Option(formatString, formatString);
            _selectSeconds.options[i] = new Option(formatString, formatString);


        if (WebCalendar.objExportTime) {
            var curobjExportTime = WebCalendar.objExportTime.value;
            var d = curobjExportTime.match(/^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})$/);
            if (d == null) { alert("目标控件的源有时间格式不正确!\r\n\r\n请重新定义!"); }
            else {
                var a = curobjExportTime.split(":");
                _selectHours.selectedIndex = parseInt(a[0]);
                _selectMinutes.selectedIndex = parseInt(a[1]);
                _selectSeconds.selectedIndex = parseInt(a[2]);
        var _btnSetTime = document.getElementById("btnSetTime");
        _btnSetTime.onclick = function () {
            if (WebCalendar.objExportTime) {
                WebCalendar.objExportTime.value = _selectHours.options[_selectHours.selectedIndex].value + ":" + _selectMinutes.options[_selectMinutes.selectedIndex].value + ":" + _selectSeconds.options[_selectSeconds.selectedIndex].value;
        var _currnetHrefTime = document.getElementById("currnetHrefTime");
        _currnetHrefTime.onclick = function () {
            var currentDate = new Date();
            if (WebCalendar.objExportTime) {
                WebCalendar.objExportTime.value = currentDate.getHours() + ":" + currentDate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentDate.getSeconds();


function calendarTime() //主调函数时间控件
    var e = window.event.srcElement; writeTimeIframe();
    var o = WebCalendar.calendarTime.style; WebCalendar.eventSrcTime = e;
    if (arguments.length == 0) WebCalendar.objExportTime = e;
    else WebCalendar.objExportTime = eval(arguments[0]);
    var t = e.offsetTop, h = e.clientHeight, l = e.offsetLeft, p = e.type;
    while (e = e.offsetParent) { t += e.offsetTop; l += e.offsetLeft; }
    o.display = ""; WebCalendar.iframeTime.document.body.focus();
    var cw = WebCalendar.calendarTime.clientWidth, ch = WebCalendar.calendarTime.clientHeight;
    var dw = document.body.clientWidth, dl = document.body.scrollLeft, dt = document.body.scrollTop;

    if (document.body.clientHeight + dt - t - h >= ch) o.top = (p == "image") ? t + h : t + h + 6;
    else o.top = (t - dt < ch) ? ((p == "image") ? t + h : t + h + 6) : t - ch;
    if (dw + dl - l >= cw) o.left = l; else o.left = (dw >= cw) ? dw - cw + dl : dl;

function funMonthSelect() //月份的下拉框
    var m = isNaN(parseInt(WebCalendar.thisMonth, 10)) ? new Date().getMonth() + 1 : parseInt(WebCalendar.thisMonth);
    var e = WebCalendar.iframe.document.forms[0].tmpMonthSelect;
    for (var i = 1; i < 13; i++) e.options.add(new Option(i + "月", i));
    e.style.display = ""; e.value = m; e.focus(); window.status = e.style.top;
function funYearSelect() //年份的下拉框
    var n = WebCalendar.yearFall;
    var e = WebCalendar.iframe.document.forms[0].tmpYearSelect;
    var y = isNaN(parseInt(WebCalendar.thisYear, 10)) ? new Date().getFullYear() : parseInt(WebCalendar.thisYear);
    y = (y <= 1000) ? 1000 : ((y >= 9999) ? 9999 : y);
    var min = (y - n >= 1000) ? y - n : 1000;
    var max = (y + n <= 9999) ? y + n : 9999;
    min = (max == 9999) ? max - n * 2 : min;
    max = (min == 1000) ? min + n * 2 : max;
    for (var i = min; i <= max; i++) e.options.add(new Option(i + "年", i));
    e.style.display = ""; e.value = y; e.focus();
function prevM()  //往前翻月份
    WebCalendar.thisDay = 1;
    if (WebCalendar.thisMonth == 1) {
        WebCalendar.thisMonth = 13;
    WebCalendar.thisMonth--; writeCalendar();
function nextM()  //往后翻月份
    WebCalendar.thisDay = 1;
    if (WebCalendar.thisMonth == 12) {
        WebCalendar.thisMonth = 0;
    WebCalendar.thisMonth++; writeCalendar();
function prevY() { WebCalendar.thisDay = 1; WebCalendar.thisYear--; writeCalendar(); } //往前翻 Year
function nextY() { WebCalendar.thisDay = 1; WebCalendar.thisYear++; writeCalendar(); } //往后翻 Year
function hiddenSelect(e) { for (var i = e.options.length; i > -1; i--) e.options.remove(i); e.style.display = "none"; }
function getObjectById(id) { if (document.all) return (eval("document.all." + id)); return (eval(id)); }
function hiddenCalendar() { getObjectById("meizzCalendarLayer").style.display = "none"; };
function hiddenCalendarTime() { getObjectById("meizzCalendarTimeLayer").style.display = "none"; };
function appendZero(n) { return (("00" + n).substr(("00" + n).length - 2)); } //日期自动补零程序
String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); }
function dayMouseOver() {
    this.className = "over";
    // this.style.backgroundColor = WebCalendar.darkColor;
    if (WebCalendar.day[this.id.substr(8)].split("/")[1] == WebCalendar.thisMonth)
        this.style.color = WebCalendar.lightColor;
function dayMouseOut() {
    this.className = "out"; var d = WebCalendar.day[this.id.substr(8)], a = d.split("/");
    // this.style.removeAttribute('backgroundColor');
    if (a[1] == WebCalendar.thisMonth && d != WebCalendar.today) {
        if (WebCalendar.dateStyle && a[0] == parseInt(WebCalendar.dateStyle[4], 10))
            this.style.color = WebCalendar.lightColor;
        this.style.color = WebCalendar.wordColor;
function writeCalendar() //对日历显示的数据的处理程序
    var y = WebCalendar.thisYear;
    var m = WebCalendar.thisMonth;
    var d = WebCalendar.thisDay;
    WebCalendar.daysMonth[1] = (0 == y % 4 && (y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0)) ? 29 : 28;
    if (!(y <= 9999 && y >= 1000 && parseInt(m, 10) > 0 && parseInt(m, 10) < 13 && parseInt(d, 10) > 0)) {
        WebCalendar.thisYear = new Date().getFullYear();
        WebCalendar.thisMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
        WebCalendar.thisDay = new Date().getDate();
    y = WebCalendar.thisYear;
    m = WebCalendar.thisMonth;
    d = WebCalendar.thisDay;
    WebCalendar.iframe.meizzYearHead.innerText = y + " 年";
    WebCalendar.iframe.meizzYearMonth.innerText = parseInt(m, 10) + " 月";
    WebCalendar.daysMonth[1] = (0 == y % 4 && (y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0)) ? 29 : 28; //闰年二月为29天
    var w = new Date(y, m - 1, 1).getDay();
    var prevDays = m == 1 ? WebCalendar.daysMonth[11] : WebCalendar.daysMonth[m - 2];
    for (var i = (w - 1) ; i >= 0; i--) //这三个 for 循环为日历赋数据源(数组 WebCalendar.day)格式是 d/m/yyyy
        WebCalendar.day[i] = prevDays + "/" + (parseInt(m, 10) - 1) + "/" + y;
        if (m == 1) WebCalendar.day[i] = prevDays + "/" + 12 + "/" + (parseInt(y, 10) - 1);
    for (var i = 1; i <= WebCalendar.daysMonth[m - 1]; i++) WebCalendar.day[i + w - 1] = i + "/" + m + "/" + y;
    for (var i = 1; i < 39 - w - WebCalendar.daysMonth[m - 1] + 1; i++) {
        WebCalendar.day[WebCalendar.daysMonth[m - 1] + w - 1 + i] = i + "/" + (parseInt(m, 10) + 1) + "/" + y;
        if (m == 12) WebCalendar.day[WebCalendar.daysMonth[m - 1] + w - 1 + i] = i + "/" + 1 + "/" + (parseInt(y, 10) + 1);
    for (var i = 0; i < 39; i++)    //这个循环是根据源数组写到日历里显示
        var a = WebCalendar.day[i].split("/");
        WebCalendar.dayObj[i].innerText = a[0];
        WebCalendar.dayObj[i].title = a[2] + "-" + appendZero(a[1]) + "-" + appendZero(a[0]);
        WebCalendar.dayObj[i].bgColor = WebCalendar.dayBgColor;
        WebCalendar.dayObj[i].style.color = WebCalendar.wordColor;
        if ((i < 10 && parseInt(WebCalendar.day[i], 10) > 20) || (i > 27 && parseInt(WebCalendar.day[i], 10) < 12))
            WebCalendar.dayObj[i].style.color = WebCalendar.wordDark;
        if (WebCalendar.inputDate == WebCalendar.day[i])    //设置输入框里的日期在日历上的颜色
        { WebCalendar.dayObj[i].bgColor = WebCalendar.darkColor; WebCalendar.dayObj[i].style.color = WebCalendar.lightColor; }
        if (WebCalendar.day[i] == WebCalendar.today)      //设置今天在日历上反应出来的颜色
        { WebCalendar.dayObj[i].bgColor = WebCalendar.todayColor; WebCalendar.dayObj[i].style.color = WebCalendar.lightColor; }
function returnDate() //根据日期格式等返回用户选定的日期
    if (WebCalendar.objExport) {
        var returnValue;
        // var a = (arguments.length == 0) ? WebCalendar.day[this.id.substr(8)].split("/") : arguments[0].split("/");
        if (this.id)
        { a = WebCalendar.day[this.id.substr(8)].split("/"); }
        { a = arguments[0].split("/"); }

        var d = WebCalendar.format.match(/^(\w{4})(-|\/|.|)(\w{1,2})\2(\w{1,2})$/);
        if (d == null) { alert("你设定的日期输出格式不对!\r\n\r\n请重新定义 WebCalendar.format !"); return false; }
        var flag = d[3].length == 2 || d[4].length == 2; //判断返回的日期格式是否要补零
        returnValue = flag ? a[2] + d[2] + appendZero(a[1]) + d[2] + appendZero(a[0]) : a[2] + d[2] + a[1] + d[2] + a[0];
        if (WebCalendar.timeShow) {
            var h = new Date().getHours(), m = new Date().getMinutes(), s = new Date().getSeconds();
            returnValue += flag ? " " + appendZero(h) + ":" + appendZero(m) + ":" + appendZero(s) : " " + h + ":" + m + ":" + s;
        WebCalendar.objExport.value = returnValue;
document.body.onmouseup = function () {
    if (WebCalendar.eventSrc != window.event.srcElement) hiddenCalendar();
    if (WebCalendar.eventSrcTime != window.event.srcElement) hiddenCalendarTime();






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