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原创 python连接postgresql数据库:SCRAM authentication requires libpq version 10 or above的解决方案

PS:内为测试环境为内网无法联网,在网上找了很多方法,把资源下载后上传到内网,花了不少时间,最终这个方案成功解决。python环境使用psycopg2连接pgsql,报SCRAM版本libpq version 10 or above错误。环境:CentOS7.5 python3.10 系统默认安装psql 9.2.22。下载postgresql10-devel 安装包,解压后运行以下代码成功解决。原因:服务端psql版本过高,需本地libpq V10以上才能连接。安装成功后再次执行程序。

2024-06-25 17:03:01 579


postgresql10-devel 安装包。解决报错Connection to database failed: SCRAM authentication requires libpq version 10 or above



DevExpressVCL_v19.1.2源码,包含安装工具,不包含Demo,如果有需要可以到官网下载 Demo地址:https://www.devexpress.com/support/demos/#vcl



FastReport 6.4.Full_Source 最新版本FastReport 6.4.1 VCL Enterprise FS (Full Source) 是最新版本的报表控件。 企业版完全源代码,正式版本,无任何限制!支持D7~D10.3.1 (Delphi all)



项目分为两个端,WeChatRobot和WeChatHelper。WeChatRobot作为客户端负责和服务端进行通信,将服务端传回的数据显示到界面。WeChatHelper作为服务端,注入到微信进程,进行取数据和HOOK的相关操作,并且将取回的数据发回给客户端。 客户端和服务端之间采用WM_COPYDATA的方式进行进程通讯,互相传输数据


FastReports+5.2.12+Fix FS

FastReports+5.2.12 FS


FastReport 5.2.3.Full XE8

FastReport 5.2.3.Full XE8





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FastReport 5.1.9 Full Source源码

什么都不说了,直接上代码FastReport 5.1.9 FullSource最新版。


FastReport 5.1.9 Full Source

什么都不说了,直接上代码FastReport 5.1.9 FullSource最新版。10分是为了让大家积极评论,多多包含!


FastReport 5.1.9 FullSource

什么都不说了FastReport 5.1.9 FullSource,懂的自己免费下,如果需要请支持正版(有点假假的)


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Devart UniDAC 5.2.7 - source

Universal Data Access Components Developer License Agreement Copyright 1997-2014, Devart. All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. BY INSTALLING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREE TO BECOME BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THIS SOFTWARE AND PROMPTLY RETURN IT TO DEVART. INTRODUCTION This Devart end-user license agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual person or a single legal entity) and Devart, for the use of UniDAC software application, source code, demos, intermediate files, printed materials, and online or electronic documentation contained in this installation file. For the purpose of this Agreement, the software program(s) and supporting documentation will be referred to as the "Software". LICENSE 1. GRANT OF LICENSE The enclosed Software is licensed, not sold. You have the following rights and privileges, subject to all limitations, restrictions, and policies specified in this Agreement. 1.1. If you are a legally licensed user, depending on the license type specified in the registration letter you have received from Devart upon purchase of the Software, you are entitled to either: - install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by 1 (one) for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with this Agreement (the "Single Developer License"); or - install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by up to 4 (four) developers within a single company at one physical address for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with this Agreement (the "Team Developer License"); or - install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by developers in a single company at one physical address for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in accordance with this Agreement (the "Site License"). 1.2. If you are a legally licensed user of the Software, you are also entitled to: - make one copy of the Software for archival purposes only, or copy the Software onto the hard disk of your computer and retain the original for archival purposes; - develop and test applications with the Software, subject to the Limitations below; - create libraries, components, and frameworks derived from the Software for personal use only; - deploy and register run-time libraries and packages of the Software, subject to the Redistribution policy defined below. 1.3. You are allowed to use evaluation versions of the Software as specified in the Evaluation section. No other rights or privileges are granted in this Agreement. 2. LIMITATIONS Only legally registered users are licensed to use the Software, subject to all of the conditions of this Agreement. Usage of the Software is subject to the following restrictions. 2.1. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. 2.2. You may not build any other components through inheritance for public distribution or commercial sale. 2.3. You may not use any part of the source code of the Software (original or modified) to build any other components for public distribution or commercial sale. 2.4. You may not reproduce or distribute any Software documentation without express written permission from Devart. 2.5. You may not distribute and sell any portion of the Software without integrating it into your Applications as Executable Code, except Trial edition that can be distributed for free as original Devart's UniDAC Trial package. 2.6. You may not transfer, assign, or modify the Software in whole or in part. In particular, the Software license is non-transferable, and you may not transfer the Software installation package. 2.7. You may not remove or alter any Devart's copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notice contained in any portion of Devart units, source code, or other files that bear such a notice. 3. REDISTRIBUTION The license grants you a non-exclusive right to compile, reproduce, and distribute any new software programs created using UniDAC. You can distribute UniDAC only in compiled Executable Programs or Dynamic-Link Libraries with required run-time libraries and packages. All Devart's units, source code, and other files remain Devart's exclusive property. 4. TRANSFER You may not transfer the Software to any individual or entity without express written permission from Devart. In particular, you may not share copies of the Software under “Single Developer License” and “Team License” with other co-developers without obtaining proper license of these copies for each individual. 5. TERMINATION Devart may immediately terminate this Agreement without notice or judicial resolution in the event of any failure to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Upon such termination you must destroy the Software, all accompanying written materials, and all copies. 6. EVALUATION Devart may provide evaluation ("Trial") versions of the Software. You may transfer or distribute Trial versions of the Software as an original installation package only. If the Software you have obtained is marked as a "Trial" version, you may install and use the Software for a period of up to 60 calendar days from the date of installation (the "Trial Period"), subject to the additional restriction that it is used solely for evaluation of the Software and not in conjunction with the development or deployment of any application in production. You may not use applications developed using Trial versions of the Software for any commercial purposes. Upon expiration of the Trial Period, the Software must be uninstalled, all its copies and all accompanying written materials must be destroyed. 7. WARRANTY The Software and documentation are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. Devart makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or use. 8. SUBSCRIPTION AND SUPPORT The Software is sold on a subscription basis. The Software subscription entitles you to download improvements and enhancement from Devart’s web site as they become available, during the active subscription period. The initial subscription period is one year from the date of purchase of the license. The subscription is automatically activated upon purchase, and may be subsequently renewed by Devart, subject to receipt applicable fees. Licensed users of the Software with an active subscription may request technical assistance with using the Software over email from the Software development. Devart shall use its reasonable endeavours to answer queries raised, but does not guarantee that your queries or problems will be fixed or solved. Devart reserves the right to cease offering and providing support for legacy IDE versions. 9. COPYRIGHT The Software is confidential and proprietary copyrighted work of Devart and is protected by international copyright laws and treaty provisions. You may not remove the copyright notice from any copy of the Software or any copy of the written materials, accompanying the Software. This Agreement contains the total agreement between the two parties and supersedes any other agreements, written, oral, expressed, or implied.


TMS Workflow Studio v1.9.1.1 Full Source (D7 to XE4)

TMS Workflow Studio v1.9.1.1 Full Source (D7 to XE4)


TMS.Component.Pack.v7.0.0.0 4-XE4

TMS Component Pack v7.0.0.0 release May 28, 2013 ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v7.0.0.0 : update Jun 28, 2013 ***************************************************** New: TAdvCheckTreeView v1.0.0.0 --------------------------------- Treeview with checkbox per node capability New: TAdvMultiButtonEdit v1.0.0.0 ---------------------------------- Edit control with configurable number of buttons left and right from edit control and with predefined button types New: TAdvListBox v1.0.0.0 -------------------------- Listbox with built-in search/filter capability as well as capability to enter directly new values in the list New: TAdvLabelEdit v1.0.0.0 --------------------------- Label with inplace editor control for editing Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - New : edControlDropDown inplace editor - New : RemoveAccented option in Filter & NarrowDown() operation - New : FindMulti/FindMultiNext functions added - Improved : Handling date entry with use of MinDate/MaxDate - Improved : Inplace editing with edMemoDropDown - Improved : Selection drawing with VCL styles - Improved : SelectionRectangle drawing - Fixed : Issue with VCL styles and cell color properties - Fixed : Issue with AdvanceOnEnter and fixed cells - Fixed : Issue with DropDownAlwaysVisible and default EditBtn inplace editor at design time - Fixed : Issue with disjunct row selection & row select via fixed row header - Fixed : Issue with restoring orig. value for esPopup style custom inplace editors when pressing ESC - Fixed : Access of cells created after hiding rows Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.6.4 ---------------------------- - Improved : Handling of filtering with checkbox columns - Fixed : Issue with ReadOnly columns and hiding columns - Fixed : Issue with DataImageField and empty datasets Update : THTMLTreeList v1.4.0.0 ------------------------------- - New : VertAlign property per column added Update : TAdvToolBar v5.4.7.0 ----------------------------- - New : Exposed CompactWindow at TAdvToolbar level Update : TAdvMetroHint v1.0.1.0 ----------------------------- - New : Support for multiline hints Update : TAdvLUEdit v1.4.1.0 ---------------------------- - New : ShowFieldName added in TDBAdvLUEdit Update : TAdvEdit v3.2.0.0 -------------------------- - New : ShowFieldName added in TDBAdvEdit Update : TAdvEditBtn v1.3.5.0 ----------------------------- - New : ShowFieldName added in TDBAdvEditBtn Update : TAdvComboBox v1.5.0.0 ------------------------------ - New : EmptyText, EmptyTextFocused, EmptyTextStyle added Update : TAdvTouchKeyboard v1.2.13.0 ------------------------------------ - New : skEscape special key support added Update : TCABFiles v1.5.5.1 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with change in ansistring handling with older Delphi versions Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.4.2.1 ---------------------------------------- - New : OnItemCompare event - Improved : Exposed DragCursor property - Fixed : Issue with Border repaint Update : TAdvSmoothCircularProgress v1.0.0.1 --------------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with inherited not called in Resize override; Update : TAdvPanel v2.2.1.2 --------------------------- - Fixed : Designtime painting issue Update : TAdvListView v1.6.9.4 ------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with setting FilterBar = true at design time Update : TAdvSmoothTileList v1.4.1.1 ------------------------------------ - Improved : ToggleMaximized called after OnTileDblClick event Update : TAdvListEditor v1.1.0.4 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with backspace under specific circumstances Update : THTMLabel v1.9.0.1 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with Focus control handling Update : TAdvOfficeButtons v1.3.6.3 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with setting ItemIndex from OnClick event Update : TWebUpdate v2.2.4.2 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with NewVersionAvailable function for unconditional updates Update : TAdvOfficeButtons v1.3.6.4 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with TAdvOfficeRadioGroup, TAdvOfficeCheckGroup enabling when CheckBox is unchecked Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.2.3.4 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with drawing disabled imagelist images on 64bit ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.9.3.0 : update Jun 10, 2013 ***************************************************** Update : THTMLTreeList v1.3.1.1 ------------------------------- - New : Added support for PictureCache Update : TAdvWordCloud v1.0.2.0 -------------------------------- - New : Tag property added in TWordCategory Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with VCL styles & ShowSelection = false Update : TAdvSmoothLabel v1.6.0.1 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with position when is shadow applied Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.4.1.2 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with text rendering of item text Update : TAdvOutlookList v1.7.7.2 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with setting HeaderHeight Update : TAdvMemo v3.1.2.4 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with handling clipboard with text that only has the #10 linefeed char Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.2.3.3 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with improved disabled image drawing on older operating systems - Fixed : Issue with Assign() proc ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.9.2.0 : update May 28, 2013 ***************************************************** Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - Improved : Dealing with HTML formatted text in filter conditions - Fixed : Issue with handling cell validation & tab key - Fixed : Issue with OLE drag & drop when mouse buttons are swapped Update : TAdvColumnGrid v3.1.3.5 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with CheckAllCheck column header checkboxes Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.2.3.1 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with autosize and use of WideCaption Update : TTreeList v1.1.1.0 --------------------------- - New : Added ColumnLineColor property Update : TSectionListBox v1.9.2.9 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with inserting items in expanded sections Update : TMS InspectorBars v1.6.5.1 ----------------------------------- - Improved : Behavior in 125% DPI mode Update : THTMLTreeList v1.3.1.0 ------------------------------- - New : Added ColumnLineColor property Update : THTMLForm v1.2.1.0 ---------------------------- - New : OnControlEditMaskError event added Update : TAdvWordCloud v1.0.1.0 --------------------------- - New : Functions AdvWordCloud.Words.IndexOfText/AdvWordCloud.Words.IndexOfValue added Update : TAdvSmoothSlider v1.3.1.0 ---------------------------------- - New : InverseSlider property Update : TAdvSmoothDock v1.3.1.0 -------------------------------- - Improved : StayOnTop property Update : TAdvSmoothPanel v1.3.0.2 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with roundingtype of caption background Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.4.1.1 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed : SelectedItemIndex initialization Update : TAdvSmoothCalendar v2.2.0.1 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with OnMonthChanged not triggered Update : TAdvPreviewMenu v5.0.5.0 --------------------------------- - New : OnSubMenuItemChange event added Update : TAdvOfficeButtons v1.3.6.2 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with ItemIndex in TAdvOfficeRadioGroup Update : TAdvMemo v3.1.2.3 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with non case sensitive search on special chars - Fixed : Issue with BlockIndent on reverse selection Update : TAdvListEditor v1.1.0.3 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Various small issues Update : TvCard v1.1.0.3 ------------------------ - Improved : vCalendar standards compliance Update : TAdvPolyList v1.4.2.0 ------------------------------ - New : ShowDesignTimeMessage property Update : TAdvTimePickerDropDown v1.1.0.4 ----------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with switching between null time & normal time and edit mask Update : TAdvDateTimePicker v1.2.0.6 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with ShowCheckBox & AutoTab = true Update : TColumnComboBox v1.4.3.1 ---------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with ParentFont = true and EditHeight ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.9.1.1 : update May 10, 2013 ***************************************************** Update : TvCard v1.1.0.2 ------------------------ Improved : Compatibility with iCloud Update : THTMLTreeView v1.4.0.1 ------------------------------- - Improved : Painting of state images when checkboxes are used Update : THTMLCheckList v2.3.0.1 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with access objects after modifying items Update : TAdvTimePickerDropDown v1.1.0.3 ----------------------------------------- - Improved : Handling null dates in TDBAdvTimePickerDropDown Update : TAdvNavBar v2.0.2.3 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Painting issue when CaptionVisible = false Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with CursorWalkEditor := true and cell validation ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.9.1.0 : update May 7, 2013 ***************************************************** Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - New : ssNatural sort format added - New : grid.SortSettings.DefaultFormat property added - Fixed : Made OnButtonClick handling consistent for keyboard & mouse when combined with hidden columns - Fixed : Issue with printing stretched / not stretched cell images - Fixed : Issue with RowEnabled[] and sorting Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.6.2 ---------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with setting DropDownAlwaysVisible = true Update : TMS ToolPanels v1.5.7.0 -------------------------------- - New : Added CaptionHeight property to TAdvToolPanel Update : TAdvShapeButton v5.4.0.4 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Direct preview menu item access by shortcut Update : TAdvPanel v2.2.1.0 --------------------------- - New : Property MouseWheelDelta added in TAdvPanelGroup Update: TAdvDualListBox v1.0.1.0 --------------------------------- - New: Event OnCustomizeControls added - New: Exposed buttons & listbox controls as public properties Update : TWebUpdate v2.2.4.1 ---------------------------- - Improved : Handling updates when retrieving the checksum fails Update : TvCard v1.1.0.1 ------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with photo URI decoding over multiple lines Update : TPlannerCalendar v2.0.0.2 ---------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with memory leak on resize of TPlannerCalendarGroup Update : TAdvTimePickerDropDown v1.1.0.2 ----------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with TDBAdvTimePickerDropDown and ShowSeconds = false Update : TAdvStickyPopupMenu v1.5.0.0 ------------------------------------- - New : Hint property added to menu items Update : TAdvSmoothTileList v1.4.1.0 ------------------------------------ - New : NavigateToTile and SelectTile functionality Update : TAdvSmoothDock v1.3.0.1 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Access violation in Delphi 7 when toggling visibility Update : TAdvOfficeStatusBar v1.5.2.1 ------------------------------------- - New : StatusBar.Panels[Index].Rect: TRect property exposed - Improved : Performance with updating panel text Update : TAdvOfficeSelectors v1.4.6.2 ------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with painting for disabled items Update : TAdvDateTimePicker v1.2.0.5 ------------------------------------ - Improved : Focus handling when tabbing Update : TAdvTaskDialog v1.8.1.1 -------------------------------- - Improved : Positioning & button focus handling for single OK button non-native taskdialog Update : TAdvGroupBox v1.1.0.5 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with border drawing when caption is empty ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.9.0.0 : update April 29, 2013 ***************************************************** New : Delphi XE4 & C++Builder XE4 support Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - New : AdvGridImportDialog.FirstRowHeaders property added - Fixed : Rare issue with combination of DropDownAlwaysVisible = true and EditOnDblClickOnly = true - Fixed : Issue with handling radio button clicks - Fixed : Issue with VCL styles & using colors for fixed cells Update : TAdvSmoothMegaMenu v1.3.5.2 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with autosizing Update : TPlannerMonthView v3.0.2.0 ----------------------------------- - New : Made 2nd parameter of HasPlannerItem optional Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.6.1 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with lookup editing Update : TColumnComboBox v1.4.3.0 ---------------------------------- - New : Function ComboItems.ColumnHas() added to search if column has text that starts with a specific string - New : Properties ButtonWidth, FocusBorderColor, BorderColor exposed Update : TAdvToolBar v5.4.6.0 ----------------------------- - Improved : Drawing of disabled images when no DisabledImages list is assigned Update : TAdvOfficeButtons v1.3.6.1 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with setting Visible/Enabled before control is shown Update : TAdvNavBar v2.0.2.2 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with collaps & disabled controls - Fixed : Issue with handling hidden panels Update : TAdvMenus v2.5.4.3 --------------------------- - Improved : Handling of menu on 64bit systems Update : TAdvGroupBox v1.1.0.4 ------------------------------- - Improved : Caption rectangle calculation Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.2.3.0 -------------------------------- - Improved : Drawing of disabled images when no DisabledImages list is assigned Update : TAdvDateTimePicker v1.2.0.4 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with dropdown & closeup event handlers ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.8.2.0 : update April 19, 2013 ***************************************************** Update : TSectionListBox v1.9.2.8 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with spurious horz. scrollbar Update : T(DB)Planner v3.0.3.4 ------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with HasItem() and selected items Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - New : Extra parameter added for grid.ScrollInView to define scroll position better - Improved : Handling of VCL styles - Fixed : Issue with Combobox inplace editor & grid OnKeyDown event - Fixed : Issue with OnKeyDown event handler when Ctrl-Enter is pressed and AllowCtrlEnter = false Update : TAdvSmoothMegaMenu v1.3.5.1 ------------------------------------ - New : Hiding Sections - Fixed : Issue with hiding items Update : TMS ToolPanels v1.5.6.2 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with form's OnShow event handling Update : TAdvSmoothPanel v1.3.0.1 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Do not set size of the shadow as part of the style Update : TAdvSmoothExpanderPanel v1.0.4.2 ----------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with use of CanMove and expander button Update : TAdvSmoothSlideShow v1.3.0.0 ------------------------------------- - New : Events when animation of a placeholder / image is processing / finished - New : OnDrawPlaceHolder event Update: TAdvListEditor v1.1.0.2 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with OnKey* event handling Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.2.2.0 -------------------------------- - Improved : Use of MarginHorz in combination with Layout = blGlyphLeftAdjusted Update : TAdvEdit v3.1.1.1 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with CharCase <> ecNormal and use of Prefix Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.6.0 ---------------------------- - New : Automatic display of memo fields in HTML template columns Update : TAdvPreviewMenu v5.0.4.1 --------------------------------- - Improved : Tab key handling Update : TAdvOutlookList v1.7.7.1 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with reordering columns in TAdvOutlookList Update : TAdvMemo v3.1.2.1 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with context menu handling Update : TAdvListView v1.6.9.3 ------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with Item index for OnLeftClickCell/OnRightClickCell events ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.8.1.0 : update April 9, 2013 ***************************************************** Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - New : AutoHideSelection property added, automatically hide selection when control loses focus - New : Overload from LoadFromCSV() with TEncoding parameter - Improved : Grid will no longer handle Ctrl-Tab, can be externally handled - Fixed : Issue with gallery at design time for specific styles - Fixed : Issue with gradient background display and selection - Fixed : Issue with printing password cells - Fixed : Issue with autogoto and find in selection in TAdvGridFindDialog - Fixed : Issue with OnEllipsClick and DropDownAlwaysVisible = true Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.5.3 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with data image fields of type ftByte - Fixed : Issue with cell validation and AlwaysValidate=false Update : TvCard v1.1.0.0 ------------------------ - New: Added support for Social profile iCloud information - Improved : Handling of photo type & encoding handling Update : TMS ToolPanels v1.5.6.1 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with RestoreState under specific circumstances - Fixed : Issue with alignment updating of controls on form with ToolPanels Update : TAdvMetroScrollBox v1.0.0.1 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with activation of forms shown from form holding TScrollBox Update : TWebCopy v2.4.1.3 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with rare FTP caching - Fixed : Issue with closing dialog Update : TSectionListBox v1.9.2.7 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with inserting items on expanded section Update : TEXEInfo v1.3.0.0 -------------------------- - New : Build, Release, Major, Minor version as separate functions exposed Update : TDBPlanner v3.0.3.0 ---------------------------- - New : Support added for import & export to Google & Windows Live Calendar via TMS Cloud Pack Update : TAdvToolBar v5.4.5.0 ----------------------------- - New : TAdvToolBarPager.BeginUpdate / TAdvToolBarPager.EndUpdate methods added Update : TAdvTimePickerDropDown v1.1.0.1 ----------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with setting time via dropdown spin control Update : TAdvSmoothTabPager v1.3.1.0 ------------------------------------ - New : TabHint added on TAdvSmoothTabPage Update : TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu v1.0.0.2 -------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with hovered item when releasing mouse outside component - Fixed : Issue with changing StartAngle at designtime Update : TAdvSmoothPopup v1.2.1.0 --------------------------------- - New : ButtonBorderColor Update : TAdvSmoothMessageDialog v1.2.1.1 ----------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with handling MinimumHeight Update : TAdvSmoothCapacityBar v1.0.5.0 ---------------------------------------- - New : ShowLegend and ShowTotal properties to optionally show/hide the legend and total values Update : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard v1.7.0.1 ----------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with vertically centering images on keys Update : TAdvSmoothSplashScreen v1.4.0.1 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with StayOnTop Update : TAdvSmoothMegaMenu v1.3.0.0 ------------------------------------ - New : Editor Copy, Move and Reorder items and sections - Fixed : Issue with initializing designtime editor Update : TAdvOfficeSelectors v1.4.6.1 ------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with use on multimonitor config Update : TAdvNavBar v2.0.2.0 ---------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added - Fixed : Issue with fixed caption drawing when collapsed captions overflow Update : TAdvMoneyEdit v1.1.2.5 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with overwriting single digits Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.2.1.2 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with use of action managers that have no largeimages specified Update : TParamTreeView v1.3.3.8 -------------------------------- - Improved : Editing of very long parameters Update : TMS HTML Controls Pack v1.5.0.0 ----------------------------------------- - New : Support for PNG images in PictureContainer - New : Design-time editor that allows automatic picking of images in the PictureContainer Update : TAdvMemo v3.1.2.0 -------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added - Fixed : Issue with blockselection mode at end of text Update : TAdvEdit v3.1.1.0 -------------------------- - Improved : Aligning with label Update : TAdvDropDown controls v1.3.1.0 --------------------------------------- - New : Exposed CharCase property - Fixed : Issue with initial key lookup in TAdvColorPickerDropDown Update : TAdvDBLookupComboBox v1.8.4.0 -------------------------------------- - New : OnGridSelectedCell event added Update : TAdvDateTimePicker v1.2.0.3 ------------------------------------ - Improved : small improvement for setting null dates Update : TAdvColumnGrid v3.1.3.4 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue at design time when comboboxes are used Update : TMS InspectorBars v1.6.5.0 ----------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TDBAdvGlowNavigator v1.1.4.0 ------------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvSplitter v1.3.1.0 ------------------------------ - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvSmartMessageBox v1.4.3.0 ------------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvOutlookList v1.7.7.0 --------------------------------- - New : Support for HTML formatted text in column headers - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvOfficeHint v1.5.3.0 -------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TSHADER v1.4.1.0 ------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvTrackBar v1.6.5.0 ------------------------------ - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvOfficeComboBox v1.2.7.0 ------------------------------------ - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvFontComboBox v1.5.3.0 ---------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvExplorerTreeView v1.3.3.0 -------------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvEditBtn v1.3.4.2 ----------------------------- - Improved : Handling of label when using alignment ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.8.0.1 : update March 23, 2013 ***************************************************** Update : TAdvStringGrid ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with icon used for filterbar interfering with application icon - Fixed : Issue with use of BeginUpdate/EndUpdate and searchfooter - Fixed : Issue with wheel scroll action = waScroll - Fixed : Issue with retrieving RowSelectCount when row selection is not used Update : TWebCopy v2.4.1.1 -------------------------- - Fixed : Rare issue with FTP download when file is removed from server after download Update : TAdvSmoothTimeLine v2.5.0.1 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with hint not showing on control ***************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.8.0.0 : update March 21, 2013 ***************************************************** New: TAdvFancyLabel v1.0.0.0 ---------------------------- Label with text flowing along a Bezier curve New: TAdvCurve v1.0.0.0 ------------------------ Add Bezier curve editing capabilities in your application, with design-time & run-time Bezier curve editor New: TvCard v1.0.0.0 --------------------- Read and write vCard files with full contact information access, including contact picture Major update : TAdvStringGrid v7.0.0.0 --------------------------------------- - New : Windows 8 / Office 2013 color styles - New : FilterEdit capability - New : Configurable width preview in printsettings dialog - New : Always visible edEditBtn inplace editor button - New : SaveToJSON method added - New : AutoColor added for automatic coloring of positive & negative numbers - New : TouchScroll functionality added - New : Extended design-time style gallery - New : OnClipboardPasteDone event added - New : Equidistant column stretching (via ColumnSize.StretchAll = true) - New : MouseActions.AutoFocus added - New : MouseActions.WheelActive added - New : AddRadioButtonGroup, HasRadioButtonGroup, AddRadioButtonGroupColumn methods added - New : Methods AutoGrowCol/AutoGrowColumns added - Improved : Persistence of checked dropdown filter - Improved : Printing of shapes - Improved : Use of nodes in TAdvGridDropDown - Improved : OnCellValidate for use with edColorPickerDropDown editor type - Improved : Extended PDF developers guide Update : TMS Smooth Controls Pack v4.6.0.0 ------------------------------------------- - New : TAdvSmoothCircularProgress component added - New : TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu component added - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added to controls - New : ClipBoard support in TAdvSmoothMessageDialog - New : MinimumWidth and MinimumHeight properties added in TAdvSmoothMessageDialog - New : AutoFormatValues property to automatically format the added values in bytes to bytes, Kb, Mb or Gb in TAdvSmoothCapacityBar - Improved : HideFromWindows public property to hide the popup window from Windows ALT+Tab manager in TAdvSmoothPopup - Improved : ClickDelay property to turn off visual click delays in TAdvSmoothButton - Fixed : Issue with autosizing in full height calculation for scrolling in TAdvSmoothListBox - Fixed : Issue with parenting in TAdvSmoothListBox - Fixed : Issue with repainting when resizing form in TAdvSmoothImageListBox Update : TAdvGridDropDown v6.0.1.3 ---------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with programmatically using filtering Update : TvCalendar v1.2.0.0 ---------------------------- - New : SaveToStream, LoadFromStream, InsertFromStream added Update : TAdvMemo v3.1.1.0 -------------------------- - New : OLE drag & drop support added - New : stComment style type - New : stBracket style type start bracket only (when BracketEnd = #0) - New : Functions ScrollToTop/ScrollToBottom added - Improved : Vertical scrolling changed to scroll till last code line is top line - Improved : Behavior with Ctrl-Up / Ctrl-Down scroll - Improved : Behavior with Ctrl-End and setting active line - Fixed : Issue with number highlighting in very specific circumstances - Fixed : Issue with styler & escape characters - Fixed : Issue with context menu handling - Fixed : Issue with Redo keyboard shortcut - Fixed : Issue with bookmark handling - Fixed : Issue with multiple multiline comment handling on the same line - Fixed : Issue with toggling wordwrap Update : TAdvDBLookupComboBox v1.8.3.0 -------------------------------------- - New : LookupSearch property added to configure to perform lookup from first char or any char in fields Update : T(DB)Planner v3.0.3.3 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with Planner export to HTML and sidebar position in right, left/right positions Update : TAdvToolBar v5.4.4.1 ----------------------------- - New : Event OnHintHelpF1 added to TAdvToolBarPager - Fixed : Issue with tab size calculation for large tab texts Update : TAdvPreviewMenu v5.0.4.0 --------------------------------- - New : OnMenuItemChange event added Update : TRTFLabel v1.3.2.2 --------------------------- - Fixed : Painting issues - Fixed : Issue with accessing RTFLabel.RTF helper rich edit control Update : TFormSize v1.3.1.4 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with restoring form position Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.5.1 ---------------------------- - New : grid.Columns[].UseComboObjectValue added to force use of combobox object values to persist value in ftSmallInt,ftInteger,ftWord fields - Fixed : Issue with display of GIF blob fields - Fixed : edDataCheckBox editor type applicable for both PageMode = true or false Update : TMS Curvy Controls v1.1.1.7 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with painting in non Themed apps of TCurvyComboBox Update : TAdvTouchKeyboard v1.2.12.0 ------------------------------------ - New : skDelete special key support added Update : TAdvMenus v2.5.4.2 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with MDI windows & VCL styles Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.2.1.1 -------------------------------- - New : Automatic use of assigned ActionManager small & large imagelists depending on button state - Fixed : Issue with focus change on form activation Update : TAdvEditBtn v1.3.4.1 ----------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with persistence when used in frames Update : TAdvOfficeSelectors v1.4.6.0 ------------------------------------- - New : Method BlockDropDown() added Update: TAdvDualListBox v1.0.0.1 ------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with read-back of left & right list after moving items Update : TAdvSpinEdit v1.5.3.4 ------------------------------ - Improved : up/down key handling with various international date formats in sptDate mode - Fixed : Issue with AutoSelect = true & setting focus - Fixed : Issue with flat rect & screen DPI setting >=120 Update : TParamTreeView v1.3.3.7 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with mouse anchor sensitivity - Fixed : Item background painting on XE3 with theming enabled Update : TAdvStickyPopupMenu v1.4.0.0 ------------------------------------- - New : Name property added in TStickyMenuItem - New : Support for Actions added Update : TAdvEdit v3.1.0.2 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with Empty text display and VCL styles Update : TAdvPanel v2.2.0.2 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with TAdvPanelGroup and HorzPadding when multiple columns are used - Fixed : Issue with font scaling Update : TAdvListView v1.6.9.2 ------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with filterbar display on Windows 7, 8 Update : TAdvAlertWindow v1.8.2.0 --------------------------------- - New: Event OnHideMessage added - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TTodoList v1.5.1.0 --------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvCardList v2.0.4.2 ------------------------------ - New : OnCardItemComboSelect event added - New : Property AdvCardList.EditCombo: TComboBox exposed (accessible during combobox editing) - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvDropDown controls v1.3.0.0 --------------------------------------- - New : Event OnGetDropDownPos added ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.7.3.0 : update Feb 2, 2013 ************************************************** Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.7.1 -------------------------------- - Improved : Printing of semi transparent cell images - Fixed : Issue with cell merging & hiding columns - Fixed : Issue with showing labels on range indicators Update : TAdvOfficePager v3.2.0.0 --------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvOfficeTabSet v3.2.0.0 ---------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvPanel v2.2.0.0 --------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.2.0.0 -------------------------------- - New : Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added Update : TParamCheckList v1.3.3.4 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Memory leak Update : TAdvRangeSlider v1.6.4.1 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Precision with vertical range slider mouse tracking Update : TWebUpdate v2.2.4.0 ---------------------------- - New : Extra check & extra OnStatus message for downloads where filesize of download is incorrect - Improved : Progressbar positioning on progressform for use in apps with skinning Update : TPlannerMonthView v3.0.1.3 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with layer conflict calculations Update : T(DB)Planner v3.0.3.2 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Event OnItemCreated now triggered for items created via AutoCreateOnSelect Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.4.1 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with DataSource.AutoEdit = false and checkboxes Update : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard v1.6.3.0 ----------------------------------------- - New : OnBeforeKeyClick event Update : TAdvSmoothTimeLine v2.4.0.3 ------------------------------------ - Improved : csAcceptControls flag added to allow adding controls inside the control. - Improved : AnnotationTopHeight and AnnotationBottomHeight to return the used space by the annotations Update : TAdvSmoothPanel v1.2.1.2 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with painting caption background and fill rounding Update : TAdvSmoothListBox v2.6.3.0 ----------------------------------- - New : CaptionMarginRight and CaptionWordWrap properties per item - Improved : Exposed Edit Filter control Update : TAdvSmoothGauge v2.1.1.0 --------------------------------- - New : Boolean Property UnlimitedValue / UnlimitedDisplayValue to allow Values out of range Update : TAdvOutlookList v1.7.5.2 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with handling item objects with OLE drag & drop Update : TAdvOfficeSelectors v1.4.5.0 ------------------------------------- - New : TAdvOfficeScrollSelector.BeginUpdate / TAdvOfficeScrollSelector.EndUpdate added Update : TAdvOfficeHint v1.5.2.0 -------------------------------- - New : Support added to use in DLL Update: TAdvListEditor v1.1.0.1 ------------------------------- - Fixed & improvements wrt item click & hint sensitivity Update : TAdvEdit v3.1.0.1 -------------------------- - Fixed : Lookup dropdown size calculation ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.7.2.0 : update Jan 24, 2013 ************************************************** Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.7.0 -------------------------------- - New : RemoveRowList method added - Improved : Using grid.Ints[] now returns the rounded value when the cell contains a float - Improved : Printing of graphics type ctPicture - Improved : Performance in rich text painting - Improved : Significant performance improvement for RemoveDuplicates() - Fixed : Issue with multiline vertical text alignment - Fixed : Fixed-cell paint issue in glListView style when goFixedVertLine,goFixedHorzLine = false - Fixed : Issue with autosize rows & multiline = true - Fixed : Issue with cell merging & hidden columns - Fixed : Issue with InvalidEntry balloons and custom inplace editors Update: TAdvListEditor v1.1.0.0 ------------------------------- - New : Font in lookup dropdown customizable - New : Spacing added for items in lookup dropdown - New : Added capability to define multiple separator characters - New : LookupPopup.ValueSeparator property added Update : TAdvDBLookupComboBox v1.8.2.2 -------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with text updating when cell is dropdown is reselected Update : TRTFLabel v1.3.2.0 --------------------------- - Improved : Performance for handling rich text strings Update : TFormShape v1.3.0.1 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with Win64 and Windows 8 Update : TFormSize v1.3.1.3 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with Win64 and Windows 8 - Fixed : Issue with maximized state & multimonitor config Update : TAdvToolBar v5.4.3.4 ----------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with 64bit and Windows 8 Update : TAdvSmoothLabel v1.6.0.0 --------------------------------- - New : AutoShadowCaption Apply Automatic shadow caption based on main caption Update : TAdvSmoothTileList v1.3.0.0 ------------------------------------ - New : Header and Footer Caption location and Caption top and left properties - Fixed : Issue with header and footer caption - Fixed : Issue with tile delete Update : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard v1.6.2.1 ----------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with 64bit and Windows 8 - Fixed : Issue with autozoom and showatxy in TAdvSmoothPopupTouchKeyBoard Update : TAdvSmoothPageSlider v1.0.0.5 -------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with 64bit and Windows 8 Update : TAdvSmoothDock v1.2.1.1 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with 64bit and Windows 8 Update : TAdvPanel v2.1.3.1 --------------------------- - Improved : Design time painting performance Update : TAdvOfficeStatusBar v1.5.1.0 ------------------------------------- - New : URLStyle property added - Fixed : Issue with OnAnchorClick and alignment in HTML panels Update : TAdvMenus v2.5.4.1 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with 64bit apps on Windows 8 Update : TAdvMemo v3.0.2.2 -------------------------- - Improved : Behavior and handling of custom context menu items - Fixed : Issue with options initialization during search Update : TAdvLockApp v1.0.0.7 ----------------------------- - Fixed : Rare issue that could cause incorrect lock Update : TAdvListView v1.6.9.1 ------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with 64bit and Windows 8 Update : TAdvEdit v3.1.0.0 -------------------------- - New : Font in lookup dropdown customizable - New : Spacing for items in lookup dropdown added - New : Lookup.ValueSeparator property added - Improved : Lookup value display - Fixed : Memory leak with TAdvEdit OLE drag & drop Update : THTMLTreeList v1.2.2.8 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with OnItemClick ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.7.1.0 : update Jan 10, 2013 ************************************************** Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.6.2 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with VCL Styles & ShowSelection = false - Fixed : Issue with indexed sort indicator display & BidiMode = bdRightToLeft Update : TSectionListBox v1.9.2.6 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Index out of bounds condition when inserting subitems Update : T(DB)Planner v3.0.3.1 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with AutoCreateOnSelect and Overlap = false - Fixed : Cut-off hour text on horizontal time-axis Update : TParamCheckList v1.3.3.3 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with popup menu handling on old Delphi versions Update : THTMLTreeList v1.2.2.7 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with painting & scrolling - Fixed : Issue with context menu handling Update : THTMLStaticText v1.3.1.2 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with reparenting & blinking Update : TMS Curvy Controls v1.1.1.6 ------------------------------------ - Improved : Removed flickering in TCurvyComboBox Update : TAdvSmoothListBox v2.6.2.0 ----------------------------------- - New : OnContextPopup exposed Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.3.1.0 ---------------------------------------- - New : Exposed OnContextPopup event Update : TAdvSmoothDock v1.2.1.0 -------------------------------- - New : Property DragDropItemInteraction to turn off default item delete / reordering / inserting behavior Update : TAdvSmoothButton v1.9.0.1 ---------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with setting cursor different from crDefault Update : TAdvOutlookList v1.7.5.1 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with ItemAtXY() function Update : TAdvOfficeSelectors v1.4.4.0 ------------------------------------- - New : Event OnCanDropDown added - Fixed : Issue with dropdown click when DropDownPosition = dpBottom - Fixed : Handling of up/down key in dropdown to select last item Update : TAdvOfficeComboBox v1.2.6.0 ------------------------------------ - New : Property EnableMouseWheel added Update : TAdvEdit v3.0.1.5 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with label position & reparenting Update : TAdvComboBox v1.4.3.1 ------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with label position & reparenting ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.7.0.0 : update Dec 28, 2012 ************************************************** New: TAdvWordCloud v1.0.0.0 --------------------------- Component to pick single or multiple words from a collection of values New: TAdvWordCategoryCloud v1.0.0.0 ----------------------------------- Component to pick single or multiple words from a collection of values divided in categories New: TAdvWordCloudDropDown v1.0.0.0 ----------------------------------- Dropdown word cloud selector New: TAdvWordCategoryCloudDropDown v1.0.0.0 ------------------------------------------- Dropdown word cloud selector of words divides in categories New: TAdvDualListBox v1.0.0.0 ------------------------------ Dual listbox component with built-in selectable functions to move/copy item(s) from one list to another Update : T(DB)Planner v3.0.3.0 ------------------------------- - New : Support added for import & export to Google & Windows Live Calendar via TMS Cloud Pack - Fixed : Issue with monthly recurrencies at end of the month Update : TAdvGDIPPicture v1.2.0.0 --------------------------------- - New : StretchMode property added Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.4.0 ---------------------------- - New : Support for displaying PNG blob fields added Update : TAdvListView v1.6.9.0 ------------------------------ - New : Support for Title hints on HTML formatted text Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.1.2.0 -------------------------------- - New : Support for DropDownMenu Alignment control Update : TAdvPanel v2.1.3.0 --------------------------- - New : AdvPanel.StatusBar.TopIndent property added Update : TAdvInputTaskDialog v1.8.1.0 ------------------------------------- - New : Property InputMaxLength added in TAdvInputTaskDialog Update : TAdvMemo v3.0.2.0 -------------------------- - New : Scroll via ctrl-Up/ctrl-Down added - New : Block indent / unindent via Tab/Shift tab added - Fixed : Issue with icon in context menu - Fixed : Issue with FindTextCount - Fixed : Issue with TAdvMemoFindReplaceDialog with use of TAdvReplaceDialog - Fixed : Issue with auto completion form going outside screen - Fixed : Issue with inserting text with non Windows line feed Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.6.1 -------------------------------- - Improved : Copy to clipboard as HTML with unicode - Fixed : Issue with horiz. prop. scroll - Fixed : Issue with highlight + hidden columns & search from footer Update : TTreeList v1.1.0.2 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with righ-alignment of items in last column Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.3.9 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with scrolling & floating footer Update : TAdvSpinEdit v1.5.3.1 ------------------------------ - Changed : CheckMinValue/CheckMaxValue default set to false - Fixed : Issue with label font initialization Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.3.0.4 ---------------------------------------- - Improved : ItemObject property per item - Fixed : Issue with html text being drawed when hovering Update : TAdvExplorerTreeView v1.3.2.1 -------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with SetSelectedFolder in aeFolder mode ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.6.4.0 : update Dec 6, 2012 ************************************************** Update : TWebUpdate v2.2.3.0 ---------------------------- - New : Support for Catalan language added Update : TAdvOfficeTabSet v3.1.0.0 ---------------------------------- - New : Multiline tab capability added - New : AutoHeight property added / AdjustHeight method added to auto adjust height of multiline tabs Update : TAdvOfficePager v3.1.0.0 --------------------------------- - New : Multiline tab capability added Update : TAdvMemo v3.0.1.3 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with text search with option frWholeWord Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.6.0 -------------------------------- - New : VirtualEdit public property added - Fixed : Small issue with call to grid.RepaintCell - Fixed : Rare condition for cell scrollbars & mousewheel scrolling - Fixed : Issue with using gradient backgrounds on grid with no cell borders Update : TMS Curvy Controls v1.1.1.5 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with CurvyCombo and large fonts Update : TAdvSmoothSlideShow v1.1.0.1 ------------------------------------- - Improved : PlaceHolder and CurrentPlaceHolder rectangles set public - Fixed : Issue with Animation property disabling timer Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.3.0.3 ---------------------------------------- - Improved : Non-HTML text wordwrapping Update : TAdvSmoothTimeLine v2.4.0.2 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with indicator onchange Update : TAdvFormStyler & TAdvAppStyler v2.1.0.2 ------------------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with TAdvFormStyler in Metro style and frames Update : TSectionListBox v1.9.2.5 --------------------------------- - Improved : Wordwrapped section drawing Update : TAdvToolBar v5.4.3.3 ----------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with activation of tabs while application menu is active Update : TAdvShapeButton v5.4.0.3 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with activation of toolbar tabs when application menu is active Update : TAdvPreviewMenu v5.0.3.1 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with shortcut handling on sub menu items Update : TAdvNavBar v2.0.1.6 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with tab caption image drawing Update : TAdvMemo v3.0.1.3 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with text search with option frWholeWord - Fixed : Issue with icon in context menu - Fixed : Issue with FindTextCount Update : TAdvEdit v3.0.1.4 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with designtime border painting - Fixed : Issue with runtime creation of parent control that has TAdvEdit child(s) ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.6.3.0 : update Nov 25, 2012 ************************************************** Update : TMS DropDown Controls v1.2.2.0 --------------------------------------- - New: Property DropDownEnabled added Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.5.0 -------------------------------- - New : Functions SelectionMin,SelectionMax,SelectionAvg,SelectionSum - New : Functions RectMin, RectMax, RectAvg, RectSum - Improved : OnComboChange event triggered when fixed cell combobox editor is used - Improved : AutoSizeRows() when WordWrap = false - Fixed : Rare issue with handling disjunct row selection Update : TAdvAppStyler v2.1.0.1 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Small issue with introducec Enabled property Update : TPlanner v3.0.2.15 --------------------------- - Improved : Minor item caption rendering issue when caption images are used - Improved : Small performance improvement when rendering ShowCurrentTime Update : TMS Curvy Controls v1.1.1.4 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with EmptyText font - Fixed : Repaint issue on resize Update : TAdvTouchKeyboard v1.2.11.0 ------------------------------------ - New : Added support for F1..F12 keys Update : TAdvSmoothTileList v1.2.0.1 ------------------------------------ - Improved : Clear method to perform initial loading when using subtiles Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.3.0.2 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with AnimationFactor = 0; Update : TAdvPageControl v2.0.0.4 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with SelectNextPage() Update : TAdvNavBar v2.0.1.5 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Paint issue with programmatically fixing tab index Update: TAdvListEditor v1.0.1.1 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with readonly handling ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.6.2.0 : update Nov 15, 2012 ************************************************** Update : TAdvGridRTFIO v1.3.0.0 ------------------------------- - New : Functions to export multiple grids to RTF file Update : TDBPlanner v3.0.1.0 ---------------------------- - New : Multi resource disjunct day views Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.4.0 -------------------------------- - New : Events OnFilterShow / OnFilterClose added - Improved : XHTML output - Improved : Use of Filter.GlyphActive with checklist dropdown filter mode - Improved : Performance for printing - Improved : Printing with merged cells - Fixed : Issue with inplace grid dropdown editor OnDropUp event when ESC pressed - Fixed : Issue with grouping and CheckAllCheck setting - Fixed : Issue in rare condition for fpAlways printing mode Update : TAdvOfficeHint v1.5.1.0 -------------------------------- - Improved : Implemented CalcHintRect to allow direct use of TAdvOfficeHintWindow Update : TPlannerMonthView v3.0.1.2 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Small issue with SetDate() call Update : TMS Curvy Controls v1.1.1.2 ------------------------------------ - Improved : Painting of TCurvyComboBox - Fixed : Issue with OnChange triggering for TCurvyMem Update : TWebCopy v2.4.1.0 -------------------------- - New : Properties DlgTimeSec, DlgTimeMin added to localize time units Update : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard v1.6.2.0 ----------------------------------------- - New : KeyboardWidth / KeyboardHeight properties added in TAdvSmoothPopupTouchKeyboard Update : TAdvSmoothSlider v1.2.0.2 ---------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with form scaling & button display Update : TAdvSmoothSplashScreen v1.3.2.1 ---------------------------------------- - New : Shadow and Overlay properties added for progressbar Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.3.0.1 ---------------------------------------- - Improved : Event OnListClick to detect if an item is deselected Update : TAdvSmoothScrollBar v1.2.0.1 ------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with thumb with range of 1 Update: TAdvSmoothCalendarGroup v1.0.0.1 ---------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with parameters passed to OnSelectMultiDate event Update : TAdvSmoothTimeLine v2.4.0.1 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with dynamic array in XE3 Update : TAdvSmoothSpinner v1.2.0.3 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with Month / Year selection Update : TAdvOfficeButtons v1.3.6.0 ----------------------------------- - New: ControlIndent property added for single column TAdvOfficeRadioGroup - New: ControlIndent property added for single column TAdvOfficeCheckGroup Update : THTMLTreeList v1.2.2.4 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with customizing header height Update : TAdvOfficeTabSet v3.0.1.0 ---------------------------------- - New : Event OnTabInsert added Update : TAdvEdit v3.0.1.2 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with TAdvMaskEdit focus label updating - Fixed : Lookup activation issue Update : TWebUpdate v2.2.2.0 ---------------------------- - New : property AutoRestart added Update : TMS InspectorBars v1.6.4.2 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with OnEditColorChange & custom color picker dialog use Update : TAdvTrackBar v1.6.4.0 ------------------------------ - New : OnMouseWheelUp / OnMouseWheelDown event added - Fixed : Issue with setting pointer when form styler style changes Update : THotSpotImage v2.5.1.1 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with setting hover color at runtime Update : THTMLTreeList v1.2.2.5 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue when using items without columns ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.6.1.0 : update Oct 26, 2012 ************************************************** Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.3.0 -------------------------------- - New : Function HasShape() added - New : FilterDropDownMultiCol property added to enable/disable multicolumn filtering - Improved : Min/max handling with spin inplace editor - Improved : Filter dropdown checklist handling - Improved : MultiLine cell drawing - Fixed : Issue with UnCheckAll() and tristate checkboxes Update : TAdvOutlookList v1.7.5.0 --------------------------------- - Improved : In Preview, normal text is now displayed as wordwrapped text Update : TAdvProgressBar v1.2.0.2 --------------------------------- - Improved : Painting of last segment Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.3.0.1 ---------------------------------------- - New : TopLayer click event and function to return top layer item at X, Y - New : Scrollindicators - Fixed : Issue with top layer item detection Update : TAdvSmoothListBox v2.6.1.0 ----------------------------------- - New : MouseSelect property added Update : TPlanner v3.0.2.13 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with anchor handling when PlannerItem.ImageId is used Update : TAdvSmoothTrackBar v1.3.0.2 ------------------------------------ - Improved : Performance when Max is a very large value Update : TAdvOfficeButtons v1.3.5.1 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Focus indication in TAdvOfficeCheckGroup Update : TAdvColumnGrid v3.1.3.3 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Rare issue with column width changing during form closing - Fixed : Issue with using grid.ComboIndex() - Fixed : Issue with FilterDropDownAuto = true Update : THTMLCheckList v2.2.0.1 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with state saving on recreatewnd Update: TAdvListEditor v1.0.1.0 ------------------------------- - New: Added property MaxItems Update : TWebUpdate v2.2.1.0 ---------------------------- - New : Greek version of wizard added Update : TAdvEdit v3.0.1.0 -------------------------- - Improved : Label font handling with ChangeScale() - Fixed : Small issue with LabelAlwaysEnabled and use via RTTI of TAdvEdit - Fixed : Issue with lookup list and use on fsStayOnTop forms Update : TAdvComboBox v1.4.3.0 ------------------------------ - Improved : Label font handling with ChangeScale() Update : TAdvTaskDialog v1.8.1.0 -------------------------------- - New : Property InputMaxLength added in TAdvInputTaskDialog Update : TMS ToolPanels v1.5.6.0 -------------------------------- - New : Function HidePanels added - Improved : Handling of TAdvToolPanelTab on modal forms Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.3.8 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with OnGetRecordCount & floating footers Update : TAdvFileNameEdit v1.1.1.1 ---------------------------------- - Improved : Handling of FocusFontColor - Fixed : Issue with focus color ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.6.0.0 : update Oct 11, 2012 ************************************************** New: TAdvDataLabel v1.0.0.0 --------------------------- Label that shows both caption and data. Data can be integer,float,string,datetime with configurable formatting. New: TAdvDataList v1.0.0.0 -------------------------- List of caption/data pairs. Data can be integer,float,string,datetime with configurable formatting. New: TAdvWatch v1.0.0.0 ----------------------- Standalone, highly configurable & interactive analog clock New: TAdvListEditor v1.0.0.0 ---------------------------- Edit control to edit a list of values in a flexible way similar to the Microsoft Outlook or iOS email address input. New: TAdvSmoothCalendarGroup v1.0.0.0 ------------------------------------- Multimonth calendar based on the TAdvSmoothCalendar component. Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.2.0 -------------------------------- - New : Function DistinctValues() added - Improved : Autosizing of rows - Improved : Printing with merged cells - Improved : Handling of balloons & recreate window - Fixed : Issue with SelectionTextColor and grid.Enabled = false - Fixed : Issue with OnAnchorHint event - Fixed : Erratic triggering of OnDisjunctRowSelected Update : TAdvGridDropDown v6.0.1.2 ---------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with font initialization when UseItems = true - Fixed : Issue with handling Columns[].Font - Fixed : Issue with lookup & selecting from dropdown Update : TAdvSmartMessageBox v1.4.2.1 ------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with roll in & autosize Update : TAdvPanel v2.1.2.0 --------------------------- - New : Event OnArrangedControls added in TAdvPanelGroup Update : TMS Curvy Controls v1.1.1.0 ------------------------------------ - New : DropDownCount property added in TCurvyCombo Update : TPlannerMonthView v3.0.1.1 ----------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with scroller indication for last day of week Update : TColumnComboBox v1.4.1.3 ---------------------------------- - Improved : Performance when using a very large amount of data - Fixed : Issue with persisting EditHeight Update : TAdvGlowButton v2.1.1.5 -------------------------------- - Improved : Accel char display - Fixed : Issue with shortcut hints in specific circumstances - Fixed : Issue with radiogroup functionality and keyboard handling - Fixed : Issue with constraints & autosize Update : TAdvToolBar v5.4.3.2 ----------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with shortcut hints in specific circumstances - Fixed : Rare issue with changing style while compact toolbar is active Update : TAdvSmoothImageListBox v2.2.0.8 ---------------------------------------- - Improved : Clickmargin property exposed - Fixed : Issue with right-click popup menu & zoom Update : TAdvSmoothDatePicker v2.1.5.0 -------------------------------------- - New : Mask editing support Update : TAdvSmoothTabPager v1.2.5.0 ------------------------------------ - New : Status indicator click events Update : TAdvSmoothTrackBar v1.3.0.1 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with divide by zero when Max = Min Update : TAdvSmoothTileList v1.2.0.0 ------------------------------------ - New : Checkbox support New : TWebConnect v1.1.0.0 --------------------------- - New : Prompt property added Update : TAdvComboBox v1.4.2.0 ------------------------------ - New : Property FocusFontColor added Update : TAdvEditBtn v1.3.4.0 ----------------------------- - Improved : Handling of FocusFontColor Update : TAdvFileNameEdit v1.1.1.0 ---------------------------------- - Improved : Handling of FocusFontColor Update : TvCalendar v1.1.0.0 ---------------------------- - New : Support for parsing timezone information Update : TAdvTreeComboBox v1.1.2.0 ---------------------------------- - New : ShowSelectedImage property added to show selected node image in edit control Update : TAdvSmoothPageSlider v1.0.0.4 -------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with shadow not showing Update : TAdvSpinEdit v1.5.3.0 ------------------------------ - Improved : Handling of FocusFontColor Update : TAdvSmoothComboBox v2.0.3.4 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Selection issue in combobox for splitter items - Fixed : Issues regarding, selection, focus rectangle, interaction - Fixed : Issue with combobox displaying items Update : TAdvMemo v3.0.1.2 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with style update & mousewheel handling - Fixed : Issue with TAdvFindReplaceDialog and TAdvReplaceDialog Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.3.3.7 ---------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with EditPostMode = epCell and PageMode = false - Fixed : Issue with Columns FloatFormat setting and grouping - Fixed : Issue with editing combobox values and using tab/arrow keys Update : TAdvSmoothStepControl v1.2.0.0 --------------------------------------- - New : Disabled step actions (Enabled property for each step) - Fixed : Issue wtih HTML Anchor detection Update : TAdvSmoothMessageDialog v1.1.1.0 ----------------------------------------- - New : Timeout property Update : TAdvSmoothLabel v1.5.5.0 --------------------------------- - New : Autosizing Update : TAdvEdit v3.0.0.0 -------------------------- - New : Lookup.ShowValue added - Improved : Handling of FocusFontColor - Improved : Lookup handling - Fixed : Issue with ShowError and LabelFont Update : TAdvOutlookList v1.7.4.1 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Rare issue with grouping when overflow checking is enabled Update : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard v1.6.1.0 ----------------------------------------- - Improved : Ability to post key based on key word or key caption Update : TAdvSmoothTimeLine v2.4.0.0 ------------------------------------ - New : OnIndicatorPositionCanChange, OnSectionPositionCanChange - New : Autosizing for divisions and subdivisions Update : TAdvSmoothSplashScreen v1.3.2.0 ---------------------------------------- - New : Close method added - Fixed : Issue with design time ProgressFont config Update : TAdvSmoothPopup v1.1.2.0 --------------------------------- - New : Header and Footer click events Update : TAdvSmoothDock v1.2.0.2 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with form unhooking when destroying component at runtime Update : TAdvSmoothButton v1.9.0.0 ---------------------------------- - New : Picture Stretching and Stretch Mode - New : OnStatusClick - Fixed : Issue with double-clicking component Update : TAdvSmoothListBox v2.6.0.0 ----------------------------------- - New : Autosizing items, configurable per item - New : Bubble message list layout with alternate fill per item - New : OnFilterProcessed event - Improved : Clickmargin, dragmargin, deletemargin properties exposed - Fixed : Issues regarding, selection, focus rectangle, interaction Update : TAdvMetroTile v1.1.1.0 ---------------------------------- - New : Support for setting the disabled color added Update : TAdvDateTimePicker v1.2.0.2 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with ShowCheckBox and ParseInput = True Update : TAdvSmoothCalendar v2.1.1.1 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Issue with OnMonthChanged, OnYearChanged triggered from month & year selection Update : TPlanner v3.0.2.12 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with ShowCurrent & OnGetCurrentTime with a TDBDaySource - Fixed : Issue with use of HTMLOptions.TableStyle for horiz. time axis Update : TAdvTrackBar v1.6.3.7 ------------------------------ - Improved : Thumb position tracking when large custom thumbs are used - Fixed : Issue with custom tickmark text positioning Update : TAdvFontCombo v1.5.2.3 ------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue for OnChange handling for specific key combinations ************************************************** TMS Component pack v6.5.0.0 : update Sep 6, 2012 ************************************************** New : Support for Delphi XE3 & C++Builder XE3 Update : TAdvOfficeRadioButton v1.3.5.0 --------------------------------------- - New : Support for use of Actions with TAdvOfficeRadioButton Update : TAdvPolyList v1.4.0.0 ------------------------------ - New : CaptionFontStyle and DescriptionFontStyle properties added - Fixed : Issue with splitteritem not saving values due to default property values Update : TMS Advanced ToolBars & Menus v5.4.3.1 ----------------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with shortcut hints in specific circumstances Update : TPlanner v3.0.2.11 --------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with setting end time in plCustomList mode Update : TAdvStringGrid v6.2.1.1 -------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with tab keys and rich text inplace editor - Fixed : Issue with drag & drop in combination with hidden columns - Fixed : Issue with Search footer / floating footer & default row height - Fixed : Issue with access of AllObjects under specific circumstances Update : TMS DropDown Controls v1.2.1.4 --------------------------------------- - Improved : Handling time updates from dropdown footer buttons in TAdvTimePickerDropDown Update : TAdvMemo v3.0.1.1 -------------------------- - Improved : Showing empty lines in selected text - Fixed : Issue with active line color display versus selected line display Update : TAdvOfficeComboBox v1.5.2.2 ------------------------------------ - Fixed : Font display issue in TAdvOfficeComboBox with large fonts Update : TAdvEdit v2.9.4.2 -------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with Ctl3D = false and borders Update : TAdvGroupBox v1.1.0.3 ------------------------------- - Improved : Caption will be painted in gray when control is disabled Update : TFolderDialog v1.1.0.2 ------------------------------- - Fixed issue with default positioning of dialog Update : TAdvOfficePager v3.0.0.4 --------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with OnShow event handling when closing pages Update : TAdvSmoothDatePicker v2.1.0.2 -------------------------------------- - Fixed : Issue with entering invalid dates loop Update : TAdvSmoothSpinner v1.2.0.


TMS.Component demo

TMS.Component_Samples Demo 注意,只是实例



21.12.2012 AlphaControls v8.13 Stable released * Improved drawing of text in menus * Solved problem with support of TntUnicodeControls * In the TsAlphaImageList added the UseCache property and MoveItem procedure * In the TsVirtualImageList added the UseCache property * Improved drawing of transparent panel * Added support of the Flat property in the TsToolBar * Improved autosizing of items in the TsTitleBar component * Updated most demo-apps





RAD Studio XE4 Hotfix for InterBase Express (IBX)

安装说明: 1。附带的zip文件解压缩(保持目录结构)。 2。提取的文件夹复制并粘贴到主BDS目录: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\11.0 3。在IDE中,安装的IBX包: A.选择元件>安装软件包。 B.单击“添加”按钮。 C.导航和选择dclib180.bpl文件,单击“打开” (默认为, C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\11.0\bin\dclib180.bpl). D.按“确定” 版权所有2013年,Embarcadero Technologies公司。保留所有权利。





BusinessSkinForm 10.20

BusinessSkinForm V10.06 汉化//源代码 1、通过修改常量表bsconst.pas实现汉化; 2、此版本已破解;



仿QQ消息右下角QQtip DElPHI源码


AlphaControls 2010 v7.55

The Library contains skinning tool for Borland Delphi 5..XE2 and C++ Builder 6..XE2 TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------- Overview Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Feedback Overview -------- AlphaControls is a collection of standard controls with new properties added in order to enhanced program interface and add behaviors to common controls. Each control have their own properties for painting extended gradient, extended borders, alpha-blending and true blurred shadow. Graphics functions are rendered in real time, so, effects are always sharp with color scheme used. Added caption properties for position and rendering. Mouse event added provide great possiblities. Style Hints control make hints to be displayed alpha-blended and you can choose from many ways to display. Analogues of standard components provides all functionality and adds many new possibilities for application interface design and work. With AlphaControls, use a new modern way to design enhanced interfaces and make your application more attractive... while adding pleasure and fun to end users. Demonstration Programs ---------------------- Demonstration programs shows some features of AlphaControls and can help you in understanding of main conceptions of AlphaControls. Page with demo's : http://www.alphaskins.com/ademos.php Link to compiled main demo : http://www.alphaskins.com/sfiles/askindemo.zip Registering and Prices ---------------------- The AlphaControls is a Shareware product. If you find it useful and want to receive the latest versions please register your evaluation copy. You can read detail information about registration in ORDERS page at the AlphaControls home-site. After registration you will receive fully-functional package with last versions of components. By registering the components you get the following advantages: 1. You will be notified about new versions of the package. 2. You will receive new versions of AlphaControls FREE. 3. You encourage the authors do make the components even better. Feedback --------



密码学中的高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard,AES),又称 高级加密标准 Rijndael加密法,是美国联邦政府采用的一种区块加密标准。这个标准用来替代原先的DES,已经被多方分析且广为全世界所使用。经过五年的甄选流程,高级加密标准由美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST)于2001年11月26日发布于FIPS PUB 197,并在2002年5月26日成为有效的标准。2006年,高级加密标准已然成为对称密钥加密中最流行的算法之一。


delphi 实现AES加/解密

AES 是一种使用安全码进行信息加密的标准。 它支持 128 位、192 位和 256 位长度的密匙。 加密算法的实现在 ElAES.pas 单元中。 本人将其加密方法封装在 AES.pas 单元中, 只需要调用两个标准函数就可以完成字符串的加密和解密。


delphi实现像QQ一样 窗口停靠

delphi实现像QQ一样 窗口停靠,可以停在窗口的四边,并会自动隐藏



delphi 数据加密与解密技术。delphi 数据加密与解密技术。



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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