安装Jabber MSN Gateway/Transport

推荐软件主页: http://delx.net.au/projects/pymsnt/docs.html
安装文档: http://delx.net.au/projects/pymsnt/docs/server.html

1. 安装python


2. 安装twisted

# Debian sarge:
  apt-get install python-twisted python-crypto python-pyopenssl python-imaging
# Debian:
  apt-get install python-twisted python-twisted-words python-crypto python-pyopenssl python-imaging
# Fedora:
  yum install python-twisted pyOpenSSL pycrypto
# Centos 4:
  yum install python-twisted python-crypto pyOpenSSL
# Suse:
  yast -i python-twisted python-openssl python-pycrypto
# Darwin:
  fink install twisted-py23 pycrypto-py23 pyopenssl-py23
# MS Windows: Download and run the binary installers for Twisted, PyCrypto and PyOpenSSL from http://www.twistedmatrix.com
# Others: Use your distribution's installation method, or download (and compile when necessary) from Twisted, PyOpenSSL and PyCrypto

3. 配置
Copy the file config-example.xml to config.xml and edit it to suit your environment.
Note, with older versions of PyMSNt you were supposed to edit config.py. This is NOT recommended in this version.

    * The 'jid' setting should be the ID you want PyMSNt to take on the network. Example: 'msn.host.com'.
    * The 'host' setting should be a public DNS or IP address of the server the transport is running on. This is needed for file transfer!
    * The 'mainServer' setting should be the IP address or DNS of the main Jabber server. Default: ''.
    * The 'port' setting is the port that PyMSNt and the Jabber server agree to use to connect between them (more details on this below). Default: '5347'.
    * The 'secret' setting should match the secret specified for component connections in your main Jabber server. It's a password that only the Jabber server and the transport must know.
    * The 'website' setting should be a website to refer users to.
    * There are other options in this file that are documented by comments. It is safe to leave them at the default values.
    * Ensure that the transport can make outgoing connections on port 443 (HTTPS), 1863, as well as incoming connections on 8010 (for Jabber file transfers).

4. 配置Jabber服务器


If you are using Jabberd2 then you shouldn't have to do much configuration. Make sure the 'mainServer' setting is the IP or DNS of your Jabber server, and leave the 'port' setting alone. Double-check that the secret for legacy components in router.xml (for Jabberd2) is the same as the secret setting in config.xml. That should be all. You don't even need to restart Jabberd2.

You may need to add the following to your Jabberd2 router-users.xml


If you are upgrading from the old C version of MSN-t then you need to remove the alias info in your router.xml and the item discovery info in your sm.xml for the old msn transport. These were needed for the old MSN-t, but Jabberd2 can automatically add the new PyMSNt to the browse lists.

5. 启动

./PyMSNt.py -b





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