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原创 美国众神 [尼尔·盖曼] 中文txt下载

现代神话 American Gods by Neil Gaiman,中文版txt的,下载地址如下:http://danmarner.myrice.com/AmericanGods.zip Enjoy it :)

2007-01-30 15:20:00 7857

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》27

Once Motor-Head lost control it would all be over.  The trouble was,Steve didnt have all day to play around.  He had to floor this hulkingpiece of lumpshit in the next fifteen minutes.  Some chance!

2007-01-01 15:25:00 2352

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》26

But above all, you must try to understand!Come on - help me wake the others."But - Old One - what is the point of going?  If we can changenothing..."A mischievous look crept into Mr Snows eyes

2007-01-01 15:21:00 3339

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》25

... and if Id been just another Tracker?"Wed have left you to burn, replied Cadillac.Steve thought about that for a moment then asked, Why is it that someof you call me The Death-Bringer?  W

2007-01-01 15:20:00 2163

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》24

Okay, in that case, why dont your people attack them, make emprisoner and set em to work?  Why trade valuable goods when you canmake slaves of them?"Cadillac smiled.  Youre thinking like a Tra

2007-01-01 15:19:00 3580

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》23

What Steve needed was something he had never previously contemplated:someone to confide in.  He had been the confidant of his kin-sisterbut, even though they were close, he had always resisted the tem

2007-01-01 15:18:00 2526

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》22

He knew she knew neither item should have been in that particularbasket.  And she knew he knew she knew.  There was nothing else forSteve to do but go on chewing his half of the plum and wait for hern

2007-01-01 15:17:00 2129

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》21

Interesting ideas but also dangerous ones.  He would have to observehis principle captors more carefully; more clinically.  It would notenhance his career prospects to peddle such half-baked notions o

2007-01-01 15:16:00 2540

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》20

There!  You have seen for yourselves how Talisman protects those whowalk in his shadow!"  Heyyy-yahhh, murmured the awed clan.Motor-Head leapt to his feet, his composure regained, and strodeforwa

2007-01-01 15:15:00 3613

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》19

Im a wingman, replied Steve.  Were different.  The pick of thebunch.  Were trained to operate alone." Mr Snow nodded gravely.  I see.  well, just remember that Cadillacand I cant protect you

2007-01-01 15:14:00 2469

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》18

It may not have come to your notice but the Federation has hadway-stations on the overground for nearly two hundred years.  And theway things are going, in another hundred, the whole of America will

2007-01-01 15:13:00 3014

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》17

What kind of damn fool question is that?"  Beaver looked up atYellow-Hat and chuckled.  You think Ive forgotten what they looklike?  Start moving that shit off her legs."Yellow-Hat went to work. 

2007-01-01 15:12:00 2542

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》16

Whats wrong with the rest of me?asked Steve, as the old Mutecompleted his skilled inspection of Steves injuries.Youve got a simple fracture of the left shin-bone, a badly sprainedankle, at leas

2007-01-01 15:11:00 2745

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》15

A searing wave of heat struck Steve.  With his right arm pinned to hishelmet he could barely move his head.  He arched his body and succeededin edging it round a few inches.  A violent stab of pain sh

2007-01-01 15:09:00 2085

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》14

Hartmann watched tensely as Colonel Moore and his four-man commandgroup appeared on screen, firing from shoulder and hip as they passedunder the lead wagons.  The linemen followed in waves, each turni

2007-01-01 15:08:00 3384

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》13

Hartmann leaned towards the mike.  Push on, Mister Clay.  I want asecure five hundred yard perimeter around The Lady by midday at thelatest."Anvil Two.  Roger.  All groups Wilco.  Out."Hartmann

2007-01-01 15:07:00 1539

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》12

It was a flash-flood.An angry foaming, twenty foot-high, mud-coloured wall of water crashedagainst the outside bank of the upriver bend then careened crazily downtowards them, carrying trees and bou

2007-01-01 15:06:00 3526

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》11

Hartmann drew the ends of his mustache in towards his mouth andweighed his reply.  Not yet.  I think we ought to wait until theweather improves."The F.O.O. got the message.  So did everyone else.

2007-01-01 15:04:00 2784

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》10

Sonofabitch!  This is it!"  crowed Gus.  He pummelled Steves arm.Buck McDonnell, the Trail-Boss straightened up from the table andslapped Gus hard across the face.  The force of the blow snapped h

2007-01-01 15:03:00 2326

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》09

The Bears will have to raid other settlements.  There will be blood onthe meat.  Our soul-brothers will not let us take the food from theirmouths without killing."This time, it was Hawk-Wind who lea

2007-01-01 15:02:00 3433

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》08

McDonnell turned smartly towards Hartmarm and brought his right arm upwith jack-knife precision to the brim of his stetson.  Hartmannsacknowledgement had a touch of CFI Carrols famous fly-swipe abou

2007-01-01 15:00:00 2585

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》07

 Roz pursed her lips then tilted her head to one side as she looked downat their clasped hands.  Maybe I need my big brother to look afterme."Their eyes met and held each other fast.That cant h

2007-01-01 14:58:00 2977

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》06

Steve could have cheerfully strangled her with it.Good luck and, uh - good hunting."You too."  Brickman established firm eye contact and smiled warmly asthey shook hands.  And take it easy, oka

2007-01-01 14:46:00 2529

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》05

Cadillac hurriedly loaded his own crossbow.  Could those two crowshave flown to more of their brothers?"  he asked anxiously.  From hisexperience of Mr Snows powers he knew that if it left the summo

2007-01-01 14:37:00 2071

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》04

Cadillac took a tenative peek over the top.  Where has it gone?"Towards the capo, whispered Clearwater.  Holding the knife-stick inher two hands, she rested her elbows on the edge of the gully, p

2007-01-01 14:35:00 2666

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》03

With an involuntary movement, he hit the brake pedal, holding theSkyhawks nose on the double yellow line.  One, two, three, four, fiveseconds.  Six, seven A warning klaxon blared harshly.  The contro

2007-01-01 14:31:00 4578

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》02

By the end of the fourth day, when all the flight times were in,Carrols hunch had been amply confirmed.Brickman not only flew a faultless pattern, he completed it in a timethat was destined to beco

2007-01-01 14:30:00 2559

转载 《The Amtrak Wars I : Cloud_Warrior》01

ONECadillac sat on the ground near Mr Snow and listened with half-closedeyes as the white-haired, bearded old man told the naked clan-childrenthe story of the War of a Thousand Suns.Cadillac knew

2007-01-01 14:26:00 3510



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