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原创 mac python 3 SSL module is not available

laptop: macbook pro安装python-vlc时报错SSL module is not available百度了一圈都是各种安装openssl或重新compile python的复杂操作. 试了下还是不行.最后还是stackoverflow上这个又简单又解决了问题.brew reinstall python...

2020-06-20 09:03:46 367

原创 bcel Unable to process Jar entry

启动Tomcat 8/9报错:org.apache.tomcat.util.bcel.classfile.ClassFormatException: It is not a Java .class fileJun 03, 2020 3:53:33 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig processAnnotationsJarSEVERE: Unable to process Jar entry [FmsBlendingServiceImpl.cl

2020-06-03 16:16:29 323

原创 Windows Docker vhdx文件压缩

在Windows 10上的Docker,通过docker image/volume/system prune命令把镜像都删掉了,但是vhdx文件一点都没变小,肿么办?解决方案来自:https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/244#issuecomment-526575013docker system prune -a -fnet stop c...

2020-04-27 14:32:53 2394

原创 Oracle 11 数据迁移后中文乱码问题

这段时间把测试环境的Oracle 11数据迁移到了一个新的云端环境,迁移的方式就是使用expdp和impdp按表空间导出导入,主要的命令像这样:expdp devmgr/Passw0rd@ tablespaces=USERS dumpfile=usersdb.dmp directory=test_db logfile=expdp...

2020-01-14 17:23:51 474

原创 多个同名user导致mysql 1045 错误

在mysql中,create user都是要指定@的,我在一个测试库执行了多次create userCREATE USER 'faetest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';CREATE USER 'faetest'@'' IDENDIFIED BY '123456';CREATE USER 'faetest'@'%' ...

2020-01-10 17:40:09 365

原创 The POM for * is invalid

打包一个老应用,结果maven compile的时候报错:The POM for * is invalid然后到本地的maven repository看了下那个包下的pom文件,真的是个坏文件,pom本来是xml格式的,但那个文件下的内容却是html。原来是公司的nexus私服上这个文件有问题,把私服上的这个文件fix掉应该就可以解决了。要快的话就是先从maven central上下...

2020-01-06 16:42:13 6479 1

原创 python中的@运算符

在看fastai的代码时,看到这么一段:n=100x = torch.ones(n,2) x[:,0].uniform_(-1.,1)x[:5]a = tensor(3.,2)y = x@a + torch.rand(n)这里面有个@符号不知道是啥意思?于是百度搜了一下,都是说@xxx是注解或者装饰器,明显不是这段代码的场景嘛!于是又Google了一下,原来这个@是Py...

2019-12-31 10:24:29 11952 7

原创 pytorch ImportError: DLL load failed

我安装pytorch的机器是win10,显卡是intel的集成显卡,没有CUDA。根据pytorch官方文档执行了pip方式的安装,通过官方代码验证安装是否成功时,报错ImportError: DLL load failed网上介绍的解决办法试了都无效,最后呢,发现在官方页面上选择安装方式时错误地选了CUDA 10,其安装命令是:pip install torch===1.3.0 t...

2019-10-11 15:55:28 531

原创 Could not transfer artifact with status code 500

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project op-rpc: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact com.xx:op-rpc:jar:1....

2019-08-19 17:15:47 1997

原创 RocketMQ connect to <null> failed

问题如下: 执行管理命令时报错[faedev02@localhost bin]$ ./mqadmin topicListJava HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM w...

2019-02-12 17:34:41 5282 1

原创 ORA-00907 missing right parenthesis

看错误,像是缺了右括号,但我的SQL是dbvisualizer生成的,怎么会少括号?把SQL拿出来单独跑,也是报同样错。查网上都是说SQL语法错了。SQL是这样的:ALTER TABLE    RTB.TXMSG MODIFY (MSGJSON CLOB);我本来是想把原表的VARCHAR2类型改成CLOB,于是在dbvisualizer上改就遇到这个问题。最后是这样解决...

2019-01-29 17:25:43 888

原创 RocketMQ Producer no route info of this topic

测试RocketMQ 4.3.2,运行Producer的时候,报错no route info of this topic看RocketMQ日志,发现:看样子内存不够,服务异常,于是加机器内存,并修改bin/runserver.sh 和 bin/runbroker.sh 里面的配置,配少点内存,再重启。runserver.sh 默认是4g,  runbroker.sh默认是8g, 我...

2019-01-11 14:35:20 468

原创 PySpark Failed to locate the winutils binary

STEP 1: download right version of winutils.exe, I'm using spark 2.3 with hadoop 2.7, so I need to download Hadoop 2.7's winutils.exe.https://github.com/steveloughran/winutils/blob/master/hadoop-2.7....

2018-11-20 09:48:27 342

原创 Windows Pycharm 开发Spark环境搭建

百度看到的答案都不太满意,自己记录一下,是参考的这个:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34685905/how-to-link-pycharm-with-pyspark环境: Windows 10 64bit, Spark 2.3.2, Pycharm 2018.2具体这样操作:就是先new一个project,然后File -&gt; Set...

2018-10-24 16:59:54 992

原创 ZkTimeoutException: Unable to connect to zookeeper server within timeout: 10000

zookeeper client jar version vs zk server version

2017-12-11 16:42:11 5568

原创 Kafka ZooKeeper Len Error

1. EnvironmentKafka 1.0, ZooKeeper 3.4.10, JDK 1.8 on Ubuntu 16.Spring Cloud Edgware on Mac 10.132. Problem启动spring cloud application. 连接zookeeper/kafka出错spring cloud application error:Cau

2017-12-11 14:48:56 2791

原创 Kafka Creating Topic Error: replication factor larger than available brokers

1. ProblemUbuntu 16, JDK 8. Kafka 1.0使用单独的zookeeper. Started single-node zookeeper, zkCli works perfectly.Created directory /tmp/kafka-logsStarted kafka with default configuration, no error po

2017-12-11 13:18:28 3626 1

原创 OAuth2 401 Bad Credentials Caused By Incorrect URL

做spring microservice in action的oauth2例子,照著书上在postman的url里加上了/auth prefix,  于是url成了xxx/auth/oauth/token, 其它参数反复confirm没问题.但是就是报401 Unauthorized  Bad Credentials.这错报的, misleading啊.结果把/auth这个pref

2017-12-10 07:57:58 4911

原创 com.netflix.zuul.exception.ZuulException: Forwarding error

1. ProblemSpring Cloud各应用配置好并启动后, 在eureka web ui上看到都正常, 通过zuul访问一个service api, 结果报错:com.netflix.zuul.exception.ZuulException: Forwarding error at org.springframework.cloud.netflix.zuul.filters.ro

2017-12-09 08:23:14 2949 1

原创 hbase.client.RpcRetryingCaller Call exception

1. 环境 Environmenthbase client on mac, hbase server 1.2.2 on linux (ubuntu 16, jdk8).2. 问题 problem2017-11-26 09:25:52.074 INFO 16919 --- [hared--pool2-t5] o.a.h.hbase.client.RpcRetryingCalle

2017-11-27 09:51:27 11820 4

原创 java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to create a child event loop

0. EnvironmentNetty 4.0, Windows 2003 Server with firewall disabled, and without any antivirus software.1. ProblemThe application works just fine on other servers or PCs, but encountered such ex

2016-07-06 17:25:03 5864

原创 MyBatis Invalid Bound Statement

1. Problem & AnalysisThe project passes all tests in STS, but fails many tests when executing gradle build.Find the Gradle's test report, many Invalid Bound Statement.Then go to the bin folder,

2016-06-24 17:08:42 792

原创 The error occurred while setting parameters

MyBatis, MySQLError: The error occurred while setting parameters.  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to...An

2016-06-10 18:39:13 5987

原创 Putty exits immediately after entering login command

Problem: Putty exits immediately after entering login commandSolution: Session -> Close window on exit, the default option is 'Only on clean exit', change it to 'Never'.

2016-06-03 18:38:58 218

原创 Mina SSHD Server on Windows Example

The official Mina SSHD server example is oversimplified, so I'd like to work out a more useful example.PART 1: Add Password Authenticationshow source directly:import java.io.File;import java.io

2016-03-28 12:19:22 3664 1

原创 BouncyCastle not registered

I'm trying to run a SSHD demo, but encountered the 'BouncyCastle not registered' error:import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import org.apache.sshd.server.SshServer;import org.apache.ss

2016-03-25 16:33:09 1519

原创 To me, one of the mina's advantages over netty is SSHD

To me, one of the mina's advantages over netty is SSHD

2016-03-25 12:47:35 919

原创 About Integration

Integration is about two kinds of protocols, transport protocol and data protocol.In spring integration's language, it's inter-application messaging and intra-application messaging.in camel's lang

2016-03-24 12:02:36 523

原创 scala note

1. notationScala uses _ for importing all classes in a package.2. case classin akka actor's message handler, the first thing we need to do is to recognize the type, so pattern matching applied,

2016-02-26 16:40:48 554

原创 Protobuf Lesson 2: Data Model for Multiple Message Types

1. ProblemWe need multiple types of messages to communicate between client and server, in Protobuf protocol, the question is how to define the netty handler pipeline and protobuf messages?2. Solut

2016-02-14 17:41:33 1808

原创 akka q

1. what scenarios are fork-join executor suitable of?2. how to call external REST service in nonblocking and efficient way?

2016-01-29 12:13:06 536

原创 Protobuf Lesson 1: compile

The first lesson I learned in protobuf compiling is: the --java_out must be accurate.example: project structure is maven style, the protobuf message's java-package value is "com.xxx.common.vo",

2016-01-23 17:51:20 707

原创 Akka Path Concept

1. Path vs ReferenceQuote from official doc: An actor reference designates a single actor and the life-cycle of the reference matches that actor’s life-cycle; an actor path represents a name which m

2016-01-22 11:17:13 726

原创 类的两个属性具有相同名称

1. ProblemEnvironment: JAXB, Spring RestTemplateError: "类的两个属性具有相同名称",  "Class has two properties of the same name"

2016-01-21 11:44:34 7513 2

原创 A light weight mysql GUI tool

SQLyog community version.I have been using mysql workbench and TOAD for mysql, but TOAD is not stable, often gets stuck. mysql workbench is not very user friendly as its editor width cannot be adj

2016-01-16 17:56:50 513

原创 Dynamic Subdomain in ASP.NET

Some of our frequently visited websites have dynamic subdomain. we'd like to dig it deeper.TO BE CONTINUED.

2016-01-13 22:57:18 769

原创 Python Scraping Tools

scrapy: application framework for web scraping and crawlingbeautifulsoup: library for parsing HTMLmechanizelxml

2016-01-05 06:52:01 851

原创 Great toolset for Web Scraping

www.freeformatter.com is very handy for web scraping stuff, atm I'm using the xpath-tester for validating my xpath expression.http://www.freeformatter.com/xpath-tester.html

2015-12-31 14:58:00 456

原创 Forget Restclient and Embrace Postman for Rest API testing

Yesterday, one of our clients mentioned he uses Postman for testing our Restful API.Then, I added the app to my chrome, astonishing look and easy to use, really a contemporary and stylish alternativ

2015-12-10 10:38:32 191

原创 Weird Memory Consumption

1. Problem2. Analysiscaused by automatic reconnecting, as we didn't clean up data when reconnect.Tue Dec 08 17:01:27 CST 2015 msg length: 379Tue Dec 08 17:01:28 CST 2015 msg length: 254Tue

2015-12-08 17:19:38 584

The Art of Monitoring-James Turnbull(2016)

The Art of Monitoring-James Turnbull(2016).The Art of Monitoring-James Turnbull(2016)


Data and Information Quality_Dimensions, Principles and Techniques

Data and Information Quality_Dimensions, Principles and Techniques-Springer(2016)


Enterprise Information Management in Practice_Managing Data

Enterprise Information Management in Practice_Managing Data and Leveraging Profits in Today's Complex Business Environment-Apress(2015)


An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Math

An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Math. An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Math.


c design patterns and derivatives pricing

c design patterns and derivatives pricing. c design patterns and derivatives pricing



oauth 2 in action. Manning.OAuth.2.in.Action.2017


Manning The Cloud at Your Service

Manning The Cloud at Your Service.



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