sizeof() 内置类型

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#define TRACE(S) cout << #S" : " << sizeof(S) <<endl;

int main()
     TRACE(int);           //4
     TRACE(unsigned int);  //4
     TRACE(long);          //4
     TRACE(unsigned long); //4
     cout << endl;
     TRACE(float);          //4
     TRACE(unsigned float); //4
     TRACE(long float);     //8
     cout << endl;
     TRACE(double);          //8
     TRACE(unsigned double); //4
     TRACE(long double);     //8
     cout << endl;

     TRACE(char); //1
     TRACE(bool); //1
     cout << endl;

    double i = 123;
     double *p = &i;

    TRACE(i);    //8
     TRACE(p);    //4 (what's p point to(address of i) )
     TRACE(*p);   //8
     TRACE(&p);   //4  (address of p)
     cout << endl;

   double array[3] = {1.2, 2.2, 3.2};
     double *q = array;

    TRACE(array);    // 24 ( 3 * 8)
     TRACE(array[1]); //8
     TRACE(q);        //4
     TRACE(*q);       //8
     TRACE(&q);       //4
     cout << endl;

     cout << " Done" << endl;
     return 0;

//测试机器 :P4 32位
//操作系统 :windows 2003

sizeof(long) >= sizeof(int) >= sizeof(short)
16位机器: int 2, long 4;
32位机器: int 4, long 4;

TRACE(double);          //8
TRACE(unsigned double); //4
TRACE(long double);     //8
浮点型(float和double)的内存布局中第一位是符号位,这是固定的,不像整型那样需要unsigned修饰. 浮点类型是不存在unsigned修饰的.其实这样写, double 就被忽略了,而 unsigned double 就被编译成为 unsigned int 成为4个字节了

#define TRACE(S) cout << #S" : " << sizeof(S) <<endl;

下面是ANSI C的解释:

 The   #   operator  
  1   Each   #   preprocessing   token   in   the   replacement   list   for   a   function-like   macro   shall   be  followed   by   a   parameter   as   the   next   preprocessing   token   in   the  replacement   list.  
  2   If,   in   the   replacement   list,   a   parameter   is   immediately   preceded   by   a   #   preprocessing  token,   both   are   replaced   by   a   single   character   string   literal preprocessing   token   that  contains   the   spelling   of   the   preprocessing   token   sequence   for   the   corresponding  argument.   Each   occurrence   of   white   space   between   the   argument
s   preprocessing   tokens becomes   a   single   space   character   in   the   character   string   literal.   White   space   before   the first   preprocessing   token   and   after   the   last   preprocessing   token   composing   the   argument  is   deleted.   Otherwise,   the   original   spelling   of   each   preprocessing   token   in   the   argument is   retained   in   the   character   string   literal,   except   for   special   handling   for   producing   the spelling   of   string   literals   and   character   constants:   a   /   character   is   inserted   before   each   " and   /   character   of   a   character   constant   or   string   literal   (including   the   delimiting   "  characters),   except   that   it   is   unspecified   whether   a   /   character   is   inserted   before   the   /  character beginning   a   universal   character   name.   If   the   replacement   that   results   is   not   a  valid   character   string   literal,   the   behavior   is   undefined.   The   character   string   literal corresponding   to   an   empty   argument   is   "".   The   order   of   evaluation   of   #   and   ##   operators  
  is   unspecified.   The   ##   operator  
  1   A##   preprocessing   token   shall   not   occur   at   the   beginning   or   at   the   end   of   a   replacement  list   for   either   form   of   macro   definition.  
  2   If,   in   the   replacement   list   of   a   function-like   macro,   a   parameter   is   immediately   preceded  or   followed   by   a   ##   preprocessing   token,   the   parameter   is   replaced   by   the   corresponding argument
s   preprocessing   token   sequence;   however,   if   an   argument   consists   of   no preprocessing   tokens,   the   parameter   is   replaced   by   a   placemarker   preprocessing   token  instead.  
  3   For   both   object-like   and   function-like   macro   invocations,   before   the   replacement   list   is reexamined   for   more   macro   names   to   replace,   each   instance   of   a   ##   preprocessing   token in   the   replacement   list   (not   from   an   argument)   is   deleted   and   the   preceding   preprocessing  token   is   concatenated   with   the   following   preprocessing   token.   Placemarker   preprocessing   tokens   are   handled   specially:   concatenation   of   two   placemarkers   results   in   a   single   placemarker   preprocessing   token,   and   concatenation   of   a   placemarker   with   a  non−placemarker   preprocessing   token   results   in   the   non−placemarker   preprocessing  token.   If   the   result   is   not   a   valid   preprocessing   token,   the   behavior   is   undefined.   The  resulting   token   is   available   for   further   macro   replacement.   The   order   of   evaluation   of   ##   operators   is   unspecified.  
  4   EXAMPLE   In   the   following   fragment:  
  #define   hash_hash   #   ##   #  
  #define   mkstr(a)   #   a  
  #define   in_between(a)   mkstr(a)  
  #define   join(c,   d)   in_between(c   hash_hash   d)  
  char   p[]   =   join(x,   y);   //   equivalent   to  
  //   char   p[]   =   "x   ##   y";  
  The   expansion   produces,   at   various   stages:  
  join(x,   y)  
  in_between(x   hash_hash   y)  
  in_between(x   ##   y)  
  mkstr(x   ##   y)  
  "x   ##   y"  
  In   other   words,   expanding   hash_hash   produces   a   new   token,   consisting   of   two   adjacent   sharp   signs,   but   this   new   token   is   not   the   ##   operator.






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