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转载 Direct Mapped Cache

Introduction Lets assume, as we did for fully associate caches that we have: 128 slots 32 bytes per slotParking Lot Analogy Suppose we have 1000 parking spots.

2009-09-09 16:44:00 4376

转载 Introduction to Caches

from : http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/sum2003/cmsc311/Notes/Memory/introCache.html Introduction In the simplest model of a computer, there is a CPU, and there isphysical memory (RAM) and

2009-09-09 16:39:00 1430

转载 fully associative cach

Introduction A cache consists of a number of slots. Lets call it N.N is almost always some power of 2. Each slot containsM bytes which is the cache line, and this is usuallya po

2009-09-09 16:05:00 1735

转载 Set-Associative Cache

from: http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/sum2003/cmsc311/Notes/Memory/set.html Introduction A set-associative scheme is a hybrid between a fully associativecache, and direct mapped cache. It

2009-09-09 16:00:00 4523

原创 Tool comand language for ADSP-BF561

#===================================================================# dBDownload## Descripion: Sets up the registers to allow external memory reads/writes##================================

2009-09-08 14:26:00 935

原创 system built-in routines cli() and sti()

IMASK Valuesunsigned cli(void)      /* close interrupt */void sti(unsigned mask)        /* setup interrupt */The cli() function retrieves the old value of IMASK, and disables interrupt

2009-09-07 16:37:00 991

转载 MFC全屏显示技术

from: http://www.cnblogs.com/songsu/articles/1295651.html 全屏显示是一些应用软件程序必不可少的功能。比如在用VC++编辑工程源文件或编辑对话框等资源时,选择菜单“ViewFull Screen”,即可进入全屏显示状态,按“Esc”键后会退出全屏显示状态。   在VC++6.0中我们用AppWizard按默认方式生成单文档界面的应

2009-09-06 10:59:00 1252

翻译 Using Memory Sections

Using Memory SectionsThe C/C++ run-time environment requires that a specific set of memory section names are used for placing code in memory. In assembly language files, these names are used a

2009-09-04 09:27:00 1262

翻译 help about the key-word section in VDSP IDDE

Placement Support Keyword (section)Placement Support Keyword (section) Placement Support Keyword (section)The section() keyword directs the compiler to place an object or function in a

2009-09-04 08:56:00 941

翻译 the robustness of USB 2.0

RobustnessThere are several attributes of the USB that contributes to its robustnessSignal integrity using different drivers, receivers, and shieldingCRC protection over cont

2009-09-03 15:41:00 950

原创 绝对悲剧の连接错误(调了一个星期)

在visual DSP++5.0 中要将USB接口部分封装成Library File (.dlb),但是在主程序中调用库函数总是出现连接错误[Error li1021] the following symbols could not be resoved但是未解决的符号所在的头文件都已经被包含到Library Project相应的文件中。无奈之下,开始思考一、C和CPP的编译链接方

2009-09-02 10:47:00 1980 1

原创 Input Section Directives in Assembly Code

A .SECTION directive defines a section in assembly source. This directive must precede its code or data. Blackfin Code Example .SECTION Library_Code_Space;  /* Section Directive */.GLOBAL _a

2009-09-01 16:26:00 839

原创 一个致命的错误

昨天调试了一天的程序,今天终于发现原来是把设备基地址误写成DMA基地址。static u8 g_IntMgrData[ (ADI_INT_SECONDARY_MEMORY * 8)]; /* storage for interrupt manager */static u8 g_DMAMgrData[ADI_DMA_BASE_MEMORY + (ADI_DMA_CHANNEL

2009-08-27 09:49:00 853

转载 Top 100 Best Software Engineering Books.

from:http://knol.google.com/k/jurgen-appelo/top-100-best-software-engineering-books/z7e4mx2g6lir/3# Top 100 Best Software Engineering Books, EverThe Full List This article c

2009-08-26 10:10:00 2313

转载 鉴相器 PD

  本课内容概述鉴相器环路滤波器 压控振荡器<!-- document.onclick = popUp function popUp() {newX = window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeftne

2009-08-21 08:31:00 8465 1

原创 Device classes

USB defines class codes used to identify a device’s functionalityand to load a device driver based on that functionality. This enables adevice driver writer to support devices from different manuf

2009-08-20 09:17:00 1056

原创 ADSP BF561 short-name (to be updating)

DAB (DMA Access Bus)DCB (DMA Core Bus)DEB (DMA External Bus)EAB (External Access Bus)PAB (peripheral Access Bus) MMU (Memory Management Unit)SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM)IRQ (Interrupt Requ

2009-08-14 17:07:00 1259

转载 printf()用法详解

转自:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1427555.htm 虽然C语言已经用了好多年,但是真正一些细微的东西还是要经常翻书才能记得清楚。在google叔叔上了找了几分钟没找到需要的知识,结果同事^_^在百度百科一下就找到了,嗯,看来评价一个东西还是要具体情况具体分析,不能妄下定论。printf()函数  printf()函数是格式化输出函数, 一般用于向标

2009-08-14 16:48:00 23050 15

原创 Trigonometric Series

Trigonometric seriesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchIn mathematics, a trigonometric series is any series of the form:[1]It is called a

2009-08-14 16:27:00 1102

转载 锁相环的组成和工作原理


2009-08-14 10:24:00 1715

翻译 9 Direct Memory Access

Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

2009-08-13 16:29:00 1224

原创 Windows Driver Kit: Device Installation System-Defined Device Interface Classes

This section lists the system-defined device interface classes that support the following types of devices:1394 and 61883 devicesBattery and ACPI devicesBluetooth devices

2009-08-12 10:36:00 1369

原创 SetupDiGetClassDevs介绍

函数SetupDiGetClassDevs返回设备信息集合句柄,包括本地机器的设备信息元素。函数原型为:HDEVINFO SetupDiGetClassDevs( IN LPGUID ClassGuid..OPTIONAL, IN LPGUID Enumerator..OPTIONAL, IN HWND hwndParent..OPTIONAL, IN DWORD

2009-08-12 10:16:00 13201

原创 用DirectDraw封装的位图动画类

头文件#pragma once#include using namespace std;#include #include #define DXIMAGE_WIDTH 1024#define DXIMAGE_HEIGHT 768class CDXImage{public: CDXImage(void); ~CDXImage(void);//

2009-08-11 17:21:00 2214

原创 关于LoadImage

要写一个位图播放软件demo,用定时器每隔100ms从硬盘中读取一副位图然后显示,所以用API LoadImage从硬盘中读取位图,函数调用如下HBITMAP bmp = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL, strFileName.GetBuffer(), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_LOADFROMFILE);

2009-08-11 11:27:00 11027

原创 NET2272.C代码分析 BindPhysicalEndpoints(ENDPOINT_OBJECT *pLogicalEp)

/*************************************************************************** * Physical Endpoint structure. USB core operates at logical endpoint level. * once host selects a configuration and an

2009-08-10 15:38:00 1388

原创 NET2272.C 代码分析——SetProcessorSpecificDefaultConfiguration

section("L1_code") int SetProcessorSpecificDefaultConfiguration(ADI_NET2272_DEVICE *pDev){ /* enable async bank 3 */ *pEBIU_AMGCTL |= 0xF; ssync(); /* default settings, one should be able

2009-08-10 11:31:00 1380

原创 NET2272.C 代码分析——InitProcessorSpecificConfiguration

函数定义如下:section("L1_code") int InitProcessorSpecificConfiguration(ADI_NET2272_DEVICE *pDev){ unsigned short usValue; volatile unsigned int v;#if defined(__ADSPBF533__) /* configure interr

2009-08-10 10:06:00 1827 1

原创 NET2272.h 代码分析

 参考 NET2272 USB 2.0 Peripheral Controller For Revision 1A 文档  #ifndef _ADI_USB_NET2272_H_#define _ADI_USB_NET2272_H_#include #if defined(__ADSPBF533__)#include #elif defined(__ADSP

2009-08-07 14:14:00 2811 1

转载 volatile的用法

转自:http://www.laogu.com/wz_692.htm volatile的本意是“易变的” 由于访问寄存器的速度要快过RAM,所以编译器一般都会作减少存取外部RAM的优化。比如:static int i=0;int main(void){ ... while (1) { if (i) dosomething(); }}/* Int

2009-08-06 15:26:00 900

原创 ADI Blackfin's source file -- adi_dev.h

/**********************************************************************Copyright(c) Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary and confidential. By using this software

2009-07-23 19:42:00 2025

原创 さようなら

Life is just like a main routine in C/C++. As soon as we were born, the prototype was defined in a header file.To live is to write the function.But sometimes we have to invoke

2009-07-22 21:17:00 926

转载 ADI DSP开发必备

http://www.eaw.com.cn/news/display/article/10306 主要是ADI DSP相关的资料,在一个不知名的网站上下载看到的,并对其进行了一点补充,在此发表,为更多爱好ADI DSP和DSP 开发新手提供一点帮助。1.什么是ADI DSP,有什么特点,有些什么型号?ADI的全称是Analog Device Inc(美国模拟器件有限公司)。ADI

2009-07-11 22:43:00 2684

原创 DMA

DMA 控制器允许Blackfin 或者外设指定数据传送操作,然后返回正常操作中。DMA 控制器传送数据的过程独立于处理器的活动。DMA控制器传送数据的方式有下面几种:l  存储器 存储器 (MemDMA);l  存储器 串行外设接口;l  存储器 串行接口;

2009-07-11 22:07:00 5264 1

原创 【ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite】DMA

Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE

2009-07-11 21:24:00 1461

原创 初入职场

初入职场,虽然还有一年才毕业,但压力也确实挺大的。 现在面临主要的问题在公司接触的是自己并不太熟悉的行业--嵌入式。 虽然职务是软件设计师,但刚进公司的一个礼拜主要还是在搞DSP开发板试验,晚上很难找到Blackfin ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite的学习资料,大部分知识都是通过manual来的。 现在才发现,原来大学里面错过的课程很可能就是以后从事的工作。以

2009-07-09 22:52:00 915

原创 【ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite】LEDs and Push Buttons

Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE

2009-07-08 23:04:00 1010


The ADSP-BF561 has 48 bi-directional, general-purpose I/O, Programmable Flag (PF47-0) pins. The Programmable Flag pins have special functions for SPI port operation. Each programmable flag can be indi

2009-07-07 22:21:00 1245


The ADSP-BF561 processor is a high-performance member of the Blackfin family of products targeting a variety of multimedia and telecommunications applications. At the heart of this device are two

2009-07-07 21:52:00 1170

转载 [C++] C++ Builder的特色

1.C++Builder 是高性能的C++开发工具  C++Builder是基于C++的,它具有高速的编译,连接和执行速度。同时,C++Builder具有双编译器引擎,不仅可以编译C/C++程序,还能编译Object Pascal语言程序。2.C++Builder是优秀的可视化应用程序开发工具  C++Builder是一完善的可视化应用程序开发工具,使程序员从繁重的代码编写

2009-06-27 02:59:00 1399

设计模式 可复用面向对象软件的基础

Gof 的经典之作,软件设计师必读,设计模式 面向对象






嵌入式学习很好资料。 uCOS操作系统学习的良师益友



基于OpenGL,利用MFC9.0开发的贪吃蛇小游戏 贪吃蛇 游戏


实用分形图形学 计算机图形学



写好代码的是个秘诀 程序员开发宝典



自己动手写操作系统 操作系统 LINUX

操作系统,LINUX 自己动手写,名师之作,很好很强大。



MFC 实现了通过电脑终端向手机发送AT指令来操作手机各种功能,增加了自动检测端口功能。



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