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原创 hihocoder#1609 : 数组分拆II(DP)

时间限制:10000ms单点时限:1000ms内存限制:256MB描述给定一个包含N个整数的数组A=[A1, A2, ... AN]。小Ho想将A拆分成若干连续的子数组,使得每个子数组中的整数都是两两不同的。在满足以上条件的前提下,小Ho想知道子数组数量最少是多少。同时他还想知道,在数量最少的前提下有多少中不同的拆法。例如对于[1, 2, 3

2018-01-28 18:16:15 462

原创 hihocoder#1689 : 推断大小关系(二分)

hihocoder#1689 : 推断大小关系(二分)有N个整数A1, A2, ... AN,现在我们知道M条关于这N个整数的信息。每条信息是:Ai < Aj 或者 Ai = Aj 小Hi希望你能从第一条信息开始依次逐条处理这些信息。一旦能推断出A1和AN的大小关系就立即停止。 输出在处理第几条时第一次推断出A1和AN的关系。如果处理完全部M条信息还是不知道A1和AN的大小关系,输出-1。 保证M条信息是没有矛盾的。

2018-01-21 21:53:10 586

原创 Wannafly挑战赛8-C:小C打比赛(状压DP)

时间限制:C/C++ 1秒,其他语言2秒空间限制:C/C++ 32768K,其他语言65536K64bit IO Format: %lld题目描述 小C现在要参加一场wannafly挑战赛,一场挑战赛一共有n道题,一共有m分钟。对于第i道题,小C解决它需要恰好j分钟的概率是pi,j。小C每次会选择某一道没做完的题,然后把它解决(不能中途放弃),之后再决策下一

2018-01-20 12:51:03 564

原创 Codeforces-916B:Jamie and Binary Sequence (changed after round)(思维)

B. Jamie and Binary Sequence (changed after round)time limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputJamie is

2018-01-20 11:33:06 806

原创 WUST OJ 1287:B304(DP)

1287: B304Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB   64bit IO Format: %lldSubmitted: 9  Accepted: 4[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionB304 has a special meaning to every member of WHUACM training te

2018-01-18 15:00:54 646

原创 Codeforces-895B:XK Segments(思维)

B. XK Segmentstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputWhile Vasya finished eating his piece of pizza, the lesson has already started. For b

2018-01-18 11:30:19 369

原创 Codeforces-898D:Alarm Clock(双端队列)

D. Alarm Clocktime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputEvery evening Vitalya sets n alarm clocks to

2018-01-14 15:22:54 461

原创 Codeforces-792C:Divide by Three(DP)

C. Divide by Threetime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputA positive integer number n is written on

2018-01-11 23:44:57 358

原创 Codeforces-852G:Bathroom terminal(Trie树+枚举)

G. Bathroom terminaltime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputSmith wakes up at the side of a dirty,

2018-01-10 18:11:00 697

原创 Codeforces-687C:The Values You Can Make(DP)

C. The Values You Can Maketime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputPari wants to buy an expensive c

2018-01-10 11:24:57 516

原创 Codeforces-199C:About Bacteria(数学)

C. About Bacteriatime limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Qwerty the Ranger took up a government job and arrived on planet Mars.

2018-01-05 11:54:19 475

原创 Codeforces-199D:Jumping on Walls(DFS+思维)

D. Jumping on Wallstime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputVasya plays a computer game with ninjas

2018-01-05 11:03:49 557

原创 Codeforces-225C:Barcode(DP)

Codeforces-225C:Barcode(DP)You've got an n × m pixel picture. Each pixel can be white or black. Your task is to change the colors of as few pixels as possible to obtain a barcode picture.A picture is a barcode if the following conditions are fulfilled:All

2018-01-03 11:31:59 472

原创 Codeforces-234F:Fence(DP)

Codeforces-234F:Fence(DP)Vasya should paint a fence in front of his own cottage. The fence is a sequence of n wooden boards arranged in a single row. Each board is a 1 centimeter wide rectangle. Let's number the board fence using numbers 1, 2, ..., n from

2018-01-02 23:39:43 653



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