

#ifndef SinglyLinkedListEDLIST_H_INCLUDED
#define SinglyLinkedListEDLIST_H_INCLUDED
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

template<class T>
class LinkNode {
        LinkNode(LinkNode<T>* ptr = NULL) {cout << "Constructing a LinkNode by default way!" << endl; link = ptr;}
        LinkNode(const T& item, LinkNode<T>* ptr = NULL) {cout << "Constructing a LinkNode by defined way!" << endl; data = item, link = ptr;}
        ~LinkNode() {cout << "Desctructing a LineNode!" << endl; delete link;}
        T data;                    // Data Scope
        LinkNode<T> *link;         // Point Scope, Point to next Node

// SinglyLinkedListList with head node
template <class T>
class SinglyLinkedList : public LinkNode<T> {
        SinglyLinkedList() {cout << "Constructing a SinglyLinkedListList by default way" << endl; first = new LinkNode<T>;}
        SinglyLinkedList(const T&x);
        SinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList<T>& L);       // Deep copy constructor function
        ~SinglyLinkedList() {cout << "Destructing a SinglyLinkedListNode by default way" << endl; delete first;}
        void makeEmpty();           // Delete all nodes in the SinglyLinkedList
        int Length() const;         // Get the length of the SinlyLinkedList
        LinkNode<T> *GetHead() const {return first;} // Return first
        LinkNode<T> *Search(T x);   // x can only be a variable while T& x
        LinkNode<T> *Locate(int i); // Get the i-th node's address
        bool GetData(int i, T& x);        // Get the data in i-th node and let x = data
        void SetData(int i, T& x);              // Make the data in i-th node equals x
        bool Insert(int i, T& x);               // Insert a node in i-th with its' data be x
        bool Remove(int i, T& x);               // Delete the i-th node and make x = node[i]->data
        bool IsEmpty() const {return first->link == NULL ? true : false;}
        bool IsFull() const {return false;}
        void Sort();                            // Sort all datas in the SinglyLinkedList by non-decreasing way
        void Input();                           // Input all elements
        void Output();                          // Out all elements
        SinglyLinkedList<T>& operator=(SinglyLinkedList<T>& L); // Overloading operator =
        LinkNode<T> *first;     // Point to Head node

#endif // SinglyLinkedListEDLIST_H_INCLUDED


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "SinglyLinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

template<class T>
SinglyLinkedList<T>::SinglyLinkedList(const T&x) {
        first = new LinkNode<T>;
        if(first == NULL) {
                cerr << "Invalid allocation " << endl;
        first->link->data = x;

template<class T>
SinglyLinkedList<T>::SinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList<T>& L) {        // Deep copy constructor function
        LinkNode<T> *destptr = first = new LinkNode<T>;
        LinkNode<T> *srcptr = L.GetHead();
        while(srcptr->link != NULL){
                destptr->link = srcptr->link;
                destptr->link->data = srcptr->link->data;
                destptr = destptr->link;
                srcptr = srcptr->link;

template<class T>
void SinglyLinkedList<T>::makeEmpty() {
        // Cannot delete first due to is the head in order to make some operation like insert more easy
        LinkNode<T> *current;
        while(first->link != NULL) {
               current = first->link;
               first->link = current->link;
               delete current;

template<class T>
int SinglyLinkedList<T>::Length() const {
        int cnt = 0;
        LinkNode<T> *current = first;
        while(current->link != NULL) {
                current = current->link;
        return cnt;

template<class T>
LinkNode<T>* SinglyLinkedList<T>::Search(T x) {      // x can only be a variable while T& x
        LinkNode<T> *current = first;
        while(current->link != NULL) {
                if(current->link->data == x) {
                        return current;
                current = current->link;
        return NULL;    // Not found

template<class T>
LinkNode<T>* SinglyLinkedList<T>::Locate(int i) {
        // Return the address of i-th node
        if(i < 0) {
                cerr << "Invalid Location of " << i << endl;
                return NULL;
        LinkNode<T> *current = first;
        int k = 0;
        while(current != NULL && k < i) {
                current = current->link;
        return current;         // Return NULL while i is too large

template<class T>
bool SinglyLinkedList<T>::GetData(int i, T& x) {
        if(i <= 0) {
                cerr << "Invalid index of " << i << endl;
                return false;
        LinkNode<T> *current = Locate(i);
        if(current == NULL) {
                return false;
        x = current->data;
        return true;

template<class T>
void SinglyLinkedList<T>::SetData(int i, T& x) {
        if(i <= 0) {
                cerr << "Invalid index of " << i << endl;
                return ;
        LinkNode<T> *current = Locate(i);
        if(current == NULL) return ;
        current->data = x;

template<class T>
bool SinglyLinkedList<T>::Insert(int i, T& x) {
        // Insert a node behind i-th node
        if(i <= 0) {
                cerr << "Invalid index of " << i << endl;
                return false;
        LinkNode<T> *current = Locate(i-1);
        if(current == NULL) {
                return false;
        LinkNode<T> *newLinkNode = new LinkNode<T>(x);
        if(newLinkNode == NULL) {
                cerr << "Invalid allocation " << endl;
                return false;
        newLinkNode->link = current->link;
        current->link = newLinkNode;
        return true;

template<class T>
bool SinglyLinkedList<T>::Remove(int i, T& x) {
        // Remove the i-th node is the SinglyLinkedList
        if(i <= 0) {
                cerr << "Invalid position " << endl;
        LinkNode<T> *current = Locate(i-1);
        if(current == NULL || current->link == NULL) {
                return false;   // The SinglyLinkedList is too short
        LinkNode<T> *del = current->link;
        x = del->data;
        current->link = del->link;
        delete del;
        return true;

template<class T>
void SinglyLinkedList<T>::Sort() {
        // Sort all datas in the SinglyLinkedList by non-decreasing way
        LinkNode<T> *p = first->link;
        LinkNode<T> *q;
        T value;
        while(p->link != NULL) {
                q = p->link;
                while(q != NULL) {
                        if(q->data < p->data) {
                                value = p->data;
                                p->data = q->data;
                                q->data = value;
                        q = q->link;
                p = p->link;

template<class T>
void SinglyLinkedList<T>::Input() {
        int cnt;
        cout << "Please enter the total nodes of the SinglyLinkedListedList" << endl;
        while(true) {
                cin >> cnt;
                if(cnt <= 0) {
                        cerr << "Invalid length of SinglyLinkedListedList, the length must be a positive interger " << endl;
                else break;
        LinkNode<T> *current = first;
        T val;
        for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; ++i) {
                cin >> val;
                current->link = new LinkNode<T>(val);
                current = current->link;

template<class T>
void SinglyLinkedList<T>::Output() {
        LinkNode<T> *current = first;
        int cnt = 1;
        while(current->link != NULL) {
                cout << "#No. " << cnt++ << "  "  << current->link->data << endl;
                current = current->link;

template<class T>
SinglyLinkedList<T>& SinglyLinkedList<T>::operator=(SinglyLinkedList<T>& L) {
        LinkNode<T> *srcptr, *destptr;
        destptr = first = new LinkNode<T>;
        srcptr = L.GetHead();
        while(srcptr->link != NULL) {
                destptr->link = srcptr->link;
                destptr->link->data = srcptr->link->data;
                destptr = destptr->link;
                srcptr = srcptr->link;
        destptr->link = NULL;
        return *this;
int main()
        int a = 10;
        SinglyLinkedList<int> SinglyLinkedListList;
        if(SinglyLinkedListList.IsEmpty()) {
                cout << "Jesus Christ, is empty!" << endl;
        cout << "Length: " << SinglyLinkedListList.Length() << endl;
        int num = 284;
        SinglyLinkedListList.Insert(1, num);
        SinglyLinkedListList.Insert(2, num);
        SinglyLinkedListList.Insert(3, num);
        cout << "\n----------------------------\n";
        SinglyLinkedListList.GetData(1, a);
        cout << "a: " << a << endl;
        cout << "Length before remove the first element is:   " << SinglyLinkedListList.Length() << endl;
        SinglyLinkedListList.Remove(1, a);
        cout << "a: " << a << endl;
        cout << "Length after remove the first element is:   " << SinglyLinkedListList.Length() << endl;
        if(SinglyLinkedListList.IsEmpty()) {
                cout << "Jesus Christ, is Empty!" << endl;

        return 0;

面向对象程序设计课程作业 1. 请创建一个数据类型为T的链表类模板List,实现以下成员函数: 1) 默认构造函数List(),将该链表初始化为一个空链表(10分) 2) 拷贝构造函数List(const List& list),根据一个给定的链表构造当前链表(10分) 3) 析构函数~List(),释放链表中的所有节点(10分) 4) Push_back(T e)函数,往链表最末尾插入一个元素为e的节点(10分) 5) operator<<()友元函数,将链表的所有元素按顺序输出(10分) 6) operator=()函数,实现两个链表的赋值操作(10分) 7) operator+()函数,实现两个链表的连接,A=B+C(10分) 2. 请编写main函数,测试该类模板的正确性: 1) 用List模板定义一个List类型的模板类对象int_listB,从键盘读入m个整数,调用Push_back函数将这m个整数依次插入到该链表中;(4分) 2) 用List模板定义一个List类型的模板类对象int_listC,从键盘读入n个整数,调用Push_back函数将这n个整数依次插入到该链表中;(4分) 3) 用List模板定义一个List类型的模板类对象int_listA,调用List的成员函数实现A = B + C;(4分) 4) 用cout直接输出int_listA的所有元素(3分) 5) 用List模板定义List类型的模板类对象double_listA, double_listB, double_listC,重复上述操作。(15分) 3. 输入输出样例: 1) 输入样例 4 12 23 34 45 3 56 67 78 3 1.2 2.3 3.4 4 4.5 5.6 6.7 7.8 2) 输出样例 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5 5.6 6.7 7.8




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