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原创 在 LLDB 中为 Objective-C 设置断点

To set a breakpoint Objective C selectors named alignLeftEdges: you can enter either of:(lldb) breakpoint set --selector alignLeftEdges: (lldb) breakpoint set -S alignLeftEdges:You can limit a

2012-12-26 22:42:04 1530

转载 iAP Cracker for iPhone/iPod/iPad

源:http://cydia.myrepospace.com/urus==========================================iAP Cracker by urus; it cracks easy dlc/inapp purchases. As long as the game/app doesn’t check the purchase wit

2012-12-26 22:41:27 2283

原创 iOS & Max_OS_X Debugging Magic

iOS: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#technotes/tn2239/_index.htmlMac OS X: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#technotes/tn2004/tn2124.html=============================================

2012-12-26 22:40:57 1059

转载 A working GNU Debugger on iOS >= 4.3

People know that the gdb package coming from Cydia is broken since 4.3.But here is a simple way to have a working gdb running on your iOS device : use the one from the Apple SDK !P

2012-12-26 22:40:20 956

转载 Cydia and XCode Local App Testing

1. Go to /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.0.sdk/SDKSettings.plist and change CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED to NO and save it. (if it complains about file permission right click

2012-12-26 22:39:56 1166

转载 iOS 设备上的 debugserver 补丁

debugserver is a console app that as server for remote gdb debugging. It is installed when a device is marked for development. It can be found in /Developer/usr/bin/debugserver. This is also the pro

2012-12-26 22:39:22 2299

转载 IDA + GDBServer实现iPhone程序远程调试

源地址:http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?t=138472IDA + GDBServer实现iPhone程序远程调试By:obaby在早期的IDA中包含了一个iphoneserver的程序,这个程序就是配合IDA实现远程调试的。但是在最新版的IDA中这个东西已经不复存在了,因而下载的破解版的IDA中没有那个文件并不是被删除掉了,而是本来

2012-12-26 22:38:53 1598

转载 用IDA 6.2导出的idc增强IDA 6.1的分析

源地址:http://zhiwei.li/text/2012/04/%E7%94%A8ida-6-2%E5%AF%BC%E5%87%BA%E7%9A%84idc%E5%A2%9E%E5%BC%BAida-6-1%E7%9A%84%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90/在IDA 6.2对Objective-C程序的分析已经能去区分 类方法和 对象方法了-[UserAccount

2012-12-26 22:38:12 1372

转载 Tracing Objective-C messages

In my OS X programming of late, one debugging technique I thought would be handy is the ability log and trace Objective-C messages sent. It turns out this is not only possible, but quite easy. However

2012-12-26 22:37:46 1118

转载 objc_msgSend 的 ARM 汇编分析

Here's the disassembly for objc_msgSend on ARMv6, iOS4.2.1 (sorry no ARMv7 devices on my desk at the moment). I'll try to annotate it:  0x32d98f0c : teq r0, #0 ; 0x0 0x32d98f10 : moveq r1,

2012-12-26 22:37:02 1667

原创 为什么在 Objective-C 中给 nil 发送消息程序不会崩溃?

我们知道在 Objective-C 中给 nil 发送消息程序不会崩溃,Objective-C 是以 C 语言为基础的,PC 上,在 C 语言中对空指针进行操作,程序会由于越界访问而出现保护错进而崩溃,但是 Objective-C 中为什么不会崩溃呢?原因需要从源代码中寻找,下面是 objc_msgSend 的 arm 版汇编代码片段:在 a

2012-12-17 23:40:20 1425

原创 Objective-C Runtime 初探(一)

Objective-C 是一种通用、面向对象的编程语言。它以 C 语言为基础并添加了 Smaltalk 的消息特性。它是一种具有动态特性,强类型的编译型语言,其中动态特性是指可以在运行时创建类,为类添加成员变量,为类添加方法。我认为 Objective-C语言设计的比较灵巧:只在 C 语言的基础上增加了比较薄的一层,就具有了面向对象特性和一定的动态特性,于是非常好奇它是如何实现这些特性的。源码

2012-12-17 23:36:09 1614

原创 如何找到并分析iOS设备上的 Provisioning 文件?


2012-12-17 23:35:32 861

转载 Kindle 忘记密码, 如何重新设定密码or去掉密码

前几个月有个人问如果忘记kindle密码该怎么办, 那时比较忙,现在有空给Amazon发了个email. 的到了如下的办法。 If you cannot remember the password for your Kindle, you can reset your password to regain access. Resetting your password will delet

2012-12-17 23:35:10 4572

原创 在 UIWebView 中如何准确获得页面加载完成的事件

单纯使用 UIWebView 无法获得页面加载完成事件,主要有如下几个原因:1、iOS 中的 UIWebView 是一个阉割版,很多接口与事件都没有暴漏(使用私有 API 可以)。2、页面中有 iFrame 或者 ajax 请求。解决问题的办法是通过 Javascript 向 UIWebView 通知页面加载完成的事件:JS Fragment: HasLoa

2012-12-17 23:34:43 2499

转载 Using Accessors in Init and Dealloc

IntroductionThere has been a change in the Cocoa community in the past few years, where the use of accessors in init/dealloc is frowned upon, recommend against, and outright considered to be wrong

2012-12-17 23:34:16 597

转载 How blocks are implemented (and the consequences)

This post is a look at how clang implements blocks and how this implementation leads to a number of strange behaviors including local variables that end up global, Objective-C objects allocated on t

2012-12-17 23:33:45 848

转载 ARM Assembler for iOS

Part-1:Environment SetupA few weeks ago I came into the need of optimizing some OpenGL code for iOS. There was alot of matrix- and vector-calculations going on that could greatly be improved by ta

2012-12-17 23:32:38 1811

转载 A few things iOS developers ought to know about the ARM architecture

When I wrote my Introduction to NEON on iPhone, I considered some knowledge about the iOS devices’ processors as assumed to be known by the reader. However, from some discussions online I have reali

2012-12-17 23:31:46 827

原创 iOS Tools


2012-12-17 23:31:00 824

转载 Xcode Project File Format

IntroductionThe Xcode project file is an old-style plist (Next style) based on braces to delimit the hierarchy. The file begins with an explicit encoding information, usually the UTF-8 one. This m

2012-12-17 23:28:45 1406

转载 A brief look at the Xcode project format

Let’s take a quick little tour of the Xcode project file format. Anyone doing Mac OS X or iOS development in a team environment (i.e. just about everybody) has had to deal with the joy of merging proj

2012-12-17 23:27:27 1548

原创 Get Rid of NSCachedURLResponse's Encoding Methods Warning

Before xcode 4.3 we can use this to encode and decode NSCachedURLResponse: @implementation NSCachedURLResponse (NSCoder)- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder {     // TODO: } - (id)

2012-12-17 23:26:40 698

原创 修改 Xcode, Copyright 的默认值

xcode 首先会在它的“偏好设置PList”中查找对应的信息。如果没有找到,会使用“地址簿”中当前用户信息。如果两个都设置了,那 PList 中的优先级更好一些。在默认情况下,ORGANIZATIONNAME 并没有设置。1、读取 :defaults read com.apple.Xcode PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions -dict ORGANI

2012-12-17 23:26:05 930

原创 关于 UIWebView 的说明


2012-12-17 23:25:24 771

转载 iOS 中的 @synchronize(self)

The Objective-C language level synchronization uses the mutex, just like NSLock does. Semantically there are some small technical differences, but it is basically correct to think of them as two sep

2012-12-17 23:23:05 1095

Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures

Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures


Zero Configuration Networking: The Definitive Guide

It used to be that two laptops, sitting side by side, couldn't communicate with each other; they may as well have been a thousand miles apart. But that was then, before the advent of Zero Configuration Networking technology. This amazing cross-platform open source technology automatically connects electronic devices on a network, allowing them to interoperate seamlessly-without any user configuration. So now you don't have to lift a finger! Needless to say, it has completely changed the way people connect to devices and programs for printing, file sharing, and other activities. Zero Configuration Networking: The Definitive Guide walks you through this groundbreaking network technology, with a complete description of the protocols and ways to implement network-aware applications and devices. Written by two Zero Configuration Networking experts, including one of Apple's own computer scientists, the book covers more than just file sharing and printing. Zero Configuration Networking also enables activities such as music and photo sharing and automatic buddy discovery on Instant Messaging applications. In fact, Zero Configuration Networking can be used for virtually any device that can be controlled by a computer. And this handy guide has the inside scoop on all of its capabilities-and how you can easily apply them in your own environment. For the technically advanced, Zero Configuration Networking: The Definitive Guide examines the three core technologies that make up Zero Configuration Networking: Link-Local Addressing, Multicast DNS, and DNS Service Discovery. It also reviews a series of APIs, including C-API, Java API, CFNetServices, and Cocoa's NSNetServices. Whether you want to understand how iTunes works, or you want to network a series of laptops and other devices at your office for maximum efficiency, you'll find all the answers in this authoritative guide.


Open Source Fuzzing Tools

Product Details Paperback: 210 pages Publisher: Syngress; 1 edition (December 28, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 1597491950 ISBN-13: 978-1597491952 Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches



MachOView 是一个查看 MachO 格式文件信息的开源工具。官方编译的程序在运行时经常会崩溃,这里是个人修改后的程序,目测没遇到崩溃问题。


Programming with Quartz 2D and PDF Graphics in Mac OS X

Programming with Quartz 2D and PDF Graphics in Mac OS X Written by members of the development team at Apple, Programming with Quartz is the first book to describe the sophisticated graphics system of Mac OS X. By using the methods described in this book, developers will be able to fully exploit the state-of-the-art graphics capabilities of Mac OS X in their applications, whether for Cocoa or Carbon development. This book also serves as an introduction to 2D graphics concepts, including how images are drawn and how color is rendered. It includes guidance for working with PDF documents, drawing bitmap graphics, using Quartz built-in color management, and drawing text. Programming with Quartz is a rich resource for new and experienced Mac OS X developers, Cocoa and Carbon programmers, UNIX developers who are migrating to Mac OS X, and anyone interested in powerful 2D graphics systems. * This is the definitive guide to the revolutionary graphics system of Mac OS X that uses the Portable Document Format (PDF) as the basis of its imaging model. * It contains the latest on programming with Quartz for Mac OS X version 10.4. * Carefully crafted and extensive code examples show how to accomplish most of the drawing tasks possible with Quartz.





Hack the Stack

Hack the Stack Using Snort and Ethereal to Master the Layers of an Insecure Network


Protected Mode Software Architecture

Protected Mode Software Architecture


The Indispensable PC Hardware Book - Third Edition

The Indispensable PC Hardware Book - Third Edition


ASP.NET MVC 2 in Action 2nd

ASP.NET MVC 2 in Action 2nd,不是最终的版本,是通过作者手稿整理,并且手工添加了索引,便于了解内容的概貌,便于阅读定为。随书源码作者放在了 GitHub 上,可以搜索下载。



iPhone.Development.Guide.pdf iPhone.Human.Interface.Guidelines Learning.iPhone.Programming.Mar.2010 最近在看,收集了下,与大家分享,省的东找西找了.


个人网站作业 风格3



个人网站作业 风格2



个人网站作业 风格1










BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++,在VC 6.0 +SP6 下可以使用.共两部分,这是第二部分.



BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++,在VC 6.0 +SP6 下可以使用.共两部分,这是第一部分.


BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++ -----------(6)

BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++,在VC 6.0 +SP6 下可以使用.共六部分,这是第六部分.


BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++ -----------(5)

BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++,在VC 6.0 +SP6 下可以使用.共六部分,这是第五部分.


BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++ -----------(4)

BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++,在VC 6.0 +SP6 下可以使用.共六部分,这是第四部分.


BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++ -----------(3)

BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++,在VC 6.0 +SP6 下可以使用.共六部分,这是第三部分.


BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++ -----------(2)

BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++,在VC 6.0 +SP6 下可以使用.共六部分,这是第二部分.


BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++ -----------(1)

BoundsChecker 6.5 VC++,在VC 6.0 +SP6 下可以使用.共六部分,这是第一部分.


Bounds Checker 6.01 for VC

Bounds Checker 6.01 for VC,可以在vc 6 下使用,欢迎大家下载,这是part3,一共三部分。


Bounds Checker 6.01 for VC

Bounds Checker 6.01 for VC,可以在vc 6 下使用,欢迎大家下载,这是part2,一共三部分。


Bounds Checker 6.01 for VC

Bounds Checker 6.01 for VC,可以在vc 6 下使用,欢迎大家下载,这是part1,一共三部分。












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