

返回 Column 英文字

Function ColLetter(ColNumber As Integer) As String
    On Error GoTo Errorhandler
    ColLetter = Left(Cells(1, ColNumber).Address(0, 0), 1 - (ColNumber > 26))
Exit Function
    MsgBox "Error encountered, please re-enter "
End Function


Function MyFind(Value1, ByVal Range1 As Range, ByVal num As Integer, ByVal Col As Integer)
    If Value1 = "" Then Exit Function
    If Range1.Columns.Count > 1 Then Exit Function
    For Each D In Range1
        If D.Value = Value1 Then
            c = c + 1
            If c = num Then
                v1 = D(1, Col)
                Exit For
            End If
        ElseIf IsEmpty(D) Then
            Exit For
        End If
    If v1 = "" Then v1 = "not"
    MyFind = v1
End Function



Function Grsds(bsc As Double, mysala As Double) As Double
On Error GoTo Grsds_err
Select Case mysala
Case Is <= bsc
Grsds = 0
Case Is <= bsc+500
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.05, 2)
Case Is <= bsc+2000
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.1 - 25, 2)
Case Is <= bsc+5000
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.15 - 125, 2)
Case Is <= bsc+20000
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.2 - 375, 2)
Case Is <= bsc+40000
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.25 - 1375, 2)
Case Is <= bsc+60000
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.3 - 3375, 2)
Case Is <= bsc+80000
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.35 - 6375, 2)
Case Is <= bsc+100000
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.4 - 10375, 2)
Case Else
Grsds = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round((mysala - bsc) * 0.45 - 15375, 2)
End Select
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
Resume Grsds_Exit
End Function


Function myvalue(mystring As String) As Double
myvalue = Val(mystring)
End Function
Function mydata(mystring As String) As Double
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Do Until Val(Mid(mystring, i, 1)) > 0
i = i + 1
mydata = Val(Mid(mystring, i, Len(mystring) - i+1))
End Function



Function Money(Number As Currency)

Dim i, j, k, m, leng           As Integer         '计数器
Dim Zero                       As Integer         '连续零标识
Dim Tnumber                    As String          '储存数字字符串,计算数组长度
Dim Num()                      As String          '定义数组
Dim Num1(3)                    As String          '存储万元以下数字
Dim Num2(1)                    As String          '储存拆分后的数字
Dim Cha(8), Cha1(9), Cha2(4)   As String          '储存转化后的汉字
Dim Zcha                       As String          '连接后的字符串
Dim Flag, Flag1                As Boolean         '正负标志
Flag = True
Flag1 = False
Zero = 0


If (Number > 99999999) Or (Number < -99999999) Then
MsgBox ("Sorry,数据超过一亿,暂不处理。")
MsgBox ("顺便问一下,你真有那么多钱吗?")
Money = "Sorry!"

If (Number = 0) Then
Money = "零元整"


If (Number < 0) Then
   Number = Number * (-1)
   Flag = False
End If


If (((Number - Int(Number)) * 100 - Int((Number - Int(Number)) * 100)) > 0) Then
   Tnumber = CStr(Int(Number * 100) / 100)
   Tnumber = CStr(Number)
End If


If (((Number - Int(Number)) * 100 - Int((Number - Int(Number)) * 100)) >= 0.5) Then
   Tnumber = CStr((CCur(Tnumber)) + 0.01)
End If

Number = CCur(Tnumber)


ReDim Num(Len(Tnumber) - 1) As String


For i = 0 To Len(Tnumber) - 1
   Num(i) = Mid(Tnumber, i + 1, 1)
Next i


Dim M1, M2
M1 = Array("零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖")
M2 = Array("", "拾", "佰", "仟", "万", "亿")


If ((Number - Int(Number) > 0) And ((Number * 100 - Int(Number) * 100) Mod 10) = 0) Then
       i = i - 1
       Num2(0) = Num(i)
       Num(i) = ""
       i = i - 1
       Num(i) = ""
       i = i - 1
       Cha2(0) = M1(CByte(Num2(0)))
       Cha2(1) = "角"
       Cha2(2) = "整"

       If ((Number - Int(Number) > 0)) Then
          i = i - 1
          Num2(1) = Num(i)
          Num2(0) = Num(i - 1)
          Num(i) = ""
          i = i - 1
          Num(i) = ""
          i = i - 1
          Num(i) = ""
          i = i - 1
          Cha2(0) = M1(CByte(Num2(0)))
          Cha2(1) = "角"
          Cha2(2) = M1(CByte(Num2(1)))
          Cha2(3) = "分"
       End If
    End If

    If (Int(Number) > 9999) Then
       If (Cha2(0) <> "") Then
          i = i + 1
       End If
       For j = 3 To 0 Step -1
          Num1(j) = Num(i - 1)
          Num(i - 1) = ""
          i = i - 1
       Next j
       If (Cha2(0) <> "") Then
          i = i + 1
       End If
       For j = 0 To i - 1
          Num1(j) = Num(j)
          Num(j) = ""
       Next j
    End If

If (Num(0) <> "") Then

    leng = i
    j = 0
    For k = 0 To leng - 1
      If (Num(k) = "0") Then
         Zero = Zero + 1
         For m = 1 To 5
            If (Cha(j - 1) = M2(m)) Then
               Flag1 = True
            End If
         Next m
         If ((Zero = 1) And (Flag1 = False)) Then
            Cha(j) = M1(CByte(Num(k)))
         End If
         If (Zero = 1) Then
            j = j + 1
         End If
         If (Num(k) <> "") Then
            If (Zero > 0) Then
               Cha(j - 1) = "零"
            End If
            Cha(j) = M1(CByte(Num(k)))
         End If
         j = j + 1
      End If
      If (Num(k) = "0") Then
         i = i - 1
         Cha(j) = M2(i - 1)
         j = j + 1
         i = i - 1
         Zero = 0
      End If
    Next k
    Cha(j - 1) = "万"
    Zero = 0
  End If

  If (Num1(0) <> "") Then
    j = 0
    Flag1 = False
    leng = 3
    While (Num1(leng) = "")
       leng = leng - 1
    i = leng + 1
    For k = 0 To leng
     If (Num1(k) <> "") Then
      If (Num1(k) = "0") Then
         Zero = Zero + 1
         For m = 1 To 5
           If (j <> 0) Then
            If (Cha1(j - 1) = M2(m)) Then
               Flag1 = True
            End If
           End If
         Next m
         If ((Zero = 1) And (Flag1 = False)) Then
            Cha1(j) = M1(CByte(Num1(k)))
         End If
         If (Zero = 1) Then
            j = j + 1
         End If
         If (Num1(k) <> "") Then
            If (Zero > 0) Then
               Cha1(j - 1) = "零"
            End If
            Cha1(j) = M1(CByte(Num1(k)))
         End If
         j = j + 1
      End If
      If (Num1(k) = "0") Then
         i = i - 1
         Cha1(j) = M2(i - 1)
         j = j + 1
         i = i - 1
         Zero = 0
      End If
     End If
    Next k
    Cha1(j - 1) = "元"
    If (Cha2(0) = "") Then
       Cha1(j) = "整"
    End If
  End If

  j = 0
  While (Cha(j) <> "")
     Zcha = Zcha & Cha(j)
     j = j + 1
  j = 0
  While (Cha1(j) <> "")
     Zcha = Zcha & Cha1(j)
     j = j + 1
  j = 0
  While (Cha2(j) <> "")
     Zcha = Zcha & Cha2(j)
     j = j + 1

   If (Flag) Then
     Money = Zcha
     Money = "负" & Zcha
   End If
  End If
End If

End Function


求税金:Public Function 税(fa)
  Dim x
If (fa - 800) > 0 And (fa - 800) < 500 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.05
   税 = x
   ElseIf (fa - 800) >= 500 And (fa - 800) < 2000 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.1 - 25
   税 = x
   ElseIf (fa - 800) >= 2000 And (fa - 800) < 5000 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.15 - 125
   税 = x
   ElseIf (fa - 800) >= 5000 And (fa - 800) < 20000 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.2 - 375
   税 = x
   ElseIf (fa - 800) >= 20000 And (fa - 800) < 40000 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.25 - 1375
   税 = x
   ElseIf (fa - 800) >= 40000 And (fa - 800) < 60000 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.3 - 3375
   税 = x
   ElseIf (fa - 800) >= 60000 And (fa - 800) < 80000 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.35 - 6375
   税 = x
   ElseIf (fa - 800) >= 80000 And (fa - 800) < 100000 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.4 - 10375
   税 = x
   ElseIf (fa - 800) >= 100000 Then
   x = (fa - 800) * 0.45 - 15375
   税 = x
End If
End Function
Function 小写(k)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
m1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round(k * 100, 0)
n1 = Int(m1 / 100)
n2 = Int(m1 / 10) - n1 * 10
n3 = m1 - n1 * 100 - n2 * 10
e = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(n1, "[DBNum1]")
f = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(n2, "[DBNum1]")
g = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(n3, "[DBNum1]")
If n3 = 0 Then
  小写 = "人民币大写:" & e & "元" & "整"
   End If
If (n3 <> 0) And (n2 <> 0) Then
   小写 = "人民币大写:" & e & "元" & f & "角" & g & "分"
   If n1 = 0 Then
   小写 = "人民币大写:" & f & "角" & g & "分"
   End If
End If
If (n3 = 0) And n2 <> 0 Then
小写 = "人民币大写:" & e & "元" & f & "角" & "整"
  If n1 = 0 Then
  小写 = "人民币大写:" & f & "角" & "整"
  End If
End If
If (n3 <> 0) And (n2 = 0) Then
小写 = "人民币大写:" & e & "元" & g & "分"
If n1 = 0 Then
   小写 = "人民币大写:" & g & "分"
   End If
End If
If k = 0 Or k = "" Then
k = ""
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function
Function 大写(k)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
m1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round(k * 100, 0)
n1 = Int(m1 / 100)
n2 = Int(m1 / 10) - n1 * 10
n3 = m1 - n1 * 100 - n2 * 10
e = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(n1, "[dbnum2]")
f = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(n2, "[dbnum2]")
g = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(n3, "[dbnum2]")
If n3 = 0 Then
  大写 = "人民币大写:" & e & "元" & "整"
   End If
If (n3 <> 0) And (n2 <> 0) Then
   大写 = "人民币大写:" & e & "元" & f & "角" & g & "分"
   If n1 = 0 Then
   大写 = "人民币大写:" & f & "角" & g & "分"
   End If
End If
If (n3 = 0) And n2 <> 0 Then
  大写 = "人民币大写:" & e & "元" & f & "角" & "整"
  If n1 = 0 Then
  大写 = "人民币大写:" & f & "角" & "整"
  End If
End If
If (n3 <> 0) And (n2 = 0) Then
大写 = "人民币大写:" & e & "元" & f & g & "分"
If n1 = 0 Then
   大写 = "人民币大写:" & g & "分"
   End If
End If
If k = 0 Or k = "" Then
大写 = ""
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function
Public Function 区(fa$) As String
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim L1$, R1$, L$, R$, a, b$, c, d, e$
    c = Len(fa)
    For i = 1 To c
    d = Mid(fa, i, 1)
    a = Hex(Asc(d))
    L1 = CInt("&H" + Mid(a, 1, 2)) - 160
    R1 = CInt("&H" + Mid(a, 3, 2)) - 160
    If Len(L1) = 1 Then
    L = "0" & L1
    L = L1
    End If
    If Len(R1) = 1 Then
    R = "0" & R1
    R = R1
    End If
    b =d & " " & L & R & " "
    e = e & b
    Next i
    区 = e
End Function


Public Function ReplaceIt(OriginalStr As String, SearchStr As String, ToBeReplaced As String) As String
    Dim FoundPos As Integer
    Do While VBA.InStr(1, OriginalStr, SearchStr) <> 0
        FoundPos = VBA.InStr(1, OriginalStr, SearchStr)
        OriginalStr = VBA.Left(OriginalStr, FoundPos - 1) & ToBeReplaced & VBA.Mid(OriginalStr, (FoundPos + VBA.Len(SearchStr)))
    ReplaceIt = OriginalStr
End Function


Public Function MyInStrRev(MainStr As String, SubStr As String) As Integer
    Dim Counter As Integer
    Dim Success As Boolean
    If VBA.Len(MainStr) < VBA.Len(SubStr) Then
        MyInStrRev = 0
        For Counter = VBA.Len(SubStr) To VBA.Len(MainStr)
            If VBA.Left(VBA.Right(MainStr, Counter), VBA.Len(SubStr)) = SubStr Then
                Success = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next Counter
        If Success Then
            MyInStrRev = VBA.Len(MainStr) - Counter + 1
            MyInStrRev = 0
        End If
    End If
End Function


Public Function 日期格式(rd1)
    Dim day1 As Date
    Dim rdy1 As String
    Dim nn1, yn1, dn1 As Integer
    rdy1 = Trim(rd1)
   If Len(rdy1) <> 8 Then
    日期格式 = "日期位数不对"
    Exit Function
   End If
   On Error GoTo tishi
    nn1 = Left(rdy1, 4)
    yn1 = Mid(rdy1, 5, 2)
    dn1 = Right(rdy1, 2)
    day1 = nn1 & "-" & yn1 & "-" & dn1
    日期格式 = day1
    Exit Function
   日期格式 = "错误的日期"
End Function
Function Elapsed(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date, ReturnType As Integer)
Dim StartYear As Integer '定义变量用以参数中开始日期的计算
Dim StartMonth As Integer
Dim StartDay As Integer
Dim EndYear As Integer '定义变量用以参数中结束日期的计算
Dim EndMonth As Integer
Dim EndDay As Integer
StartYear = Year(StartDate) '从参数中获取开始日期和结束日期的年数,月数,天数
StartMonth = Month(StartDate)
StartDay = Day(StartDate)
EndYear = Year(EndDate)
EndMonth = Month(EndDate)
EndDay = Day(EndDate)
If EndDay < StartDay Then '如果结束日期参数的天数小于开始日期中的天数,则...
EndDay = EndDay + (DateSerial(EndYear, EndMonth + 1, EndDay) - DateSerial(EndYear, EndMonth, EndDay))
EndMonth = EndMonth - 1 '...从月数中借1后再进行减运算,从而得到相关天数
End If
If EndMonth < StartMonth Then '如果结束日期参数的月数小于开始日期参数中的月数,则...
EndMonth = EndMonth + 12
EndYear = EndYear - 1 '从年数中借1后再进行减运算,从而得到相差月数
End If
Select Case ReturnType '如果没有以上特殊情况,则直接进行相减的运算
Case 1 '返回年数
Elapsed = EndYear - StartYear
Case 2 '返回月数
Elapsed = EndMonth - StartMonth
Case 3 '返回天数
Elapsed = EndDay - StartDay
End Select
End Function

Function daydif(x As Range, y As Range)

    Dim date1, date2 As Date
    date1 = x
    date2 = y
    dif = 0
    If (date1 >= date2) Then
        Exit Do
    End If
    date1 = date1 + 1
    t1 = Weekday(date1)
    If (t1 < 7 And t1 > 1) Then
        dif = dif + 1
    End If
    daydif = dif
End Function

Function TextReverse(sSource As String) As String
Dim iCounter As Integer
Dim sText As String
    For iCounter = Len(sSource) To 1 Step -1
        sText = sText & Mid(sSource, iCounter, 1)
    TextReverse = sText
End Function

'q为应纳税所得额  ,w为扣除额,可自定义,如800


Public Function sds(q, w)

je = q - w
If q < w Then
    sds = 0
ElseIf je <= 500 Then
    sds = je * 0.05
ElseIf je > 500 And je <= 2000 Then
    sds = je * 0.1 - 25
ElseIf je > 2000 And je <= 5000 Then
    sds = je * 0.15 - 125
ElseIf je > 5000 And je <= 20000 Then
    sds = je * 0.2 - 375
ElseIf je > 20000 And je <= 40000 Then
    sds = je * 0.25 - 1375
ElseIf je > 40000 And je <= 60000 Then
    sds = je * 0.3 - 3375
ElseIf je > 60000 And je <= 80000 Then
    sds = je * 0.35 - 6375
ElseIf je > 80000 And je <= 10000 Then
    sds = je * 0.4 - 10375
    sds = je * 0.45 - 15375
End If

End Function



Public qb As String
Public hb As String
Public Function xs(p)
xs1 = Choose(Left(p, 1) + 1, "", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖")
xs2 = Choose(Right(p, 1) + 1, "", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖")
If Right(p, 1) <> "0" Then
    If Left(p, 1) <> "0" Then
        xs = xs + xs1 + "角" + xs2 + "分"
    ElseIf Val(qb) = 0 Then
        xs = xs + xs2 + "分"
        xs = xs + "零" + xs2 + "分"
    End If
ElseIf Right(p, 1) = "0" Then
    If Left(p, 1) <> "0" Then
        xs = xs + xs1 + "角" + "整"
        xs = xs + "整"
    End If
End If
End Function

Public Function dx(aa)

kk = Format(aa, "###0.00")
l = Len(kk)
cy = 15 - l
qb = Left(kk, l - 3)
hb = Right(kk, 2)
'Mid(kk, l - 2, 1) = "0"
If l > 15 Then
    dx = MsgBox("警告:请不要输入超过:“仟亿”重量级的数值,好咩?")
    dx = ""
ElseIf aa >= 1 Then
    For x = 1 To l - 3
        a1 = Choose(x + cy, "仟", "佰", "拾", "亿", "仟", "佰", "拾", "万", "仟", "佰", "拾", "元", "", "角", "分")
        b1 = Mid(kk, x, 1)
        b2 = Mid(kk, x + 1, 1)
        c = Choose(b1 + 1, "零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖")
        If b1 = 0 Then
            If a1 = "亿" Then
                If b2 <> 0 Then
                    dx = dx + "亿零"
                    dx = dx + "亿"
                End If
            ElseIf a1 = "万" Then
                If Right(dx, 1) = "亿" Then
                    dx = dx + ""
                ElseIf b2 <> 0 Then
                    dx = dx + "万零"
                    dx = dx + "万"
                End If

            ElseIf a1 = "元" Then
                If Left(hb, 1) = 0 Then
                    dx = dx + "元"
                    dx = dx + "元零"
                End If
            ElseIf b2 = 0 Then
                dx = dx + ""
                dx = dx + "零"
            End If
            dx = dx + c + a1
        End If
    Next x
        dx = dx + xs(hb)
    dx = xs(hb)
End If
End Function



Function IsRepeate(c As Range) As Boolean

Dim cell As Range
Dim SumC As Integer
Dim CountBlank As Integer
SumC = 0: CountBlank = 0
For Each cell In c
   If VBA.IsEmpty(cell) Then
       CountBlank = CountBlank + 1
          SumC = SumC + 1 / WorksheetFunction.CountIf(c, cell)
   End If
Next cell
If SumC = c.count - CountBlank  and c.count > CountBlank Then '不重复的话就返回FALSE
   IsRepeate = False

Else                    '重复的话就返回TRUE
   IsRepeate =True

End If

End Function


'****************' Main Function *'****************
Function SpellNumber(ByVal MyNumber)
    Dim Dollars, Cents, Temp
    Dim DecimalPlace, Count
    ReDim Place(9) As String
    Application.Volatile True
    Place(2) = " Thousand "
    Place(3) = " Million "
    Place(4) = " Billion "
    Place(5) = " Trillion "     ' String representation of amount
    MyNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber))     ' Position of decimal place 0 if none
    DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, ".")
    'Convert cents and set MyNumber to dollar amount
    If DecimalPlace > 0 Then
        Cents = GetTens(Left(Mid(MyNumber, DecimalPlace + 1) & "00", 2))
        MyNumber = Trim(Left(MyNumber, DecimalPlace - 1))
        End If
    Count = 1
    Do While MyNumber <> ""
       Temp = GetHundreds(Right(MyNumber, 3))
       If Temp <> "" Then Dollars = Temp & Place(Count) & Dollars
          If Len(MyNumber) > 3 Then
             MyNumber = Left(MyNumber, Len(MyNumber) - 3)
            MyNumber = ""
            End If
            Count = Count + 1
    Select Case Dollars
        Case ""
            Dollars = "No Dollars"
        Case "One"
            Dollars = "One Dollar"
        Case Else
            Dollars = Dollars & " Dollars"
    End Select
    Select Case Cents
        Case ""
            Cents = " and No Cents"
        Case "One"
            Cents = " and One Cent"
        Case Else
            Cents = " and " & Cents & " Cents"
    End Select
    SpellNumber = Dollars & Cents
    End Function
' Converts a number from 100-999 into text *
Function GetHundreds(ByVal MyNumber)
    Dim Result As String
    If Val(MyNumber) = 0 Then Exit Function
    MyNumber = Right("000" & MyNumber, 3)     'Convert the hundreds place
    If Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1) <> "0" Then
        Result = GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1)) & " Hundred "
        End If
    'Convert the tens and ones place
    If Mid(MyNumber, 2, 1) <> "0" Then
        Result = Result & GetTens(Mid(MyNumber, 2))
        Result = Result & GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 3))
        End If
    GetHundreds = Result
    End Function
' Converts a number from 10 to 99 into text. *
Function GetTens(TensText)
    Dim Result As String
    Result = ""           'null out the temporary function value
    If Val(Left(TensText, 1)) = 1 Then   ' If value between 10-19
        Select Case Val(TensText)
        Case 10: Result = "Ten"
            Case 11: Result = "Eleven"
            Case 12: Result = "Twelve"
            Case 13: Result = "Thirteen"
            Case 14: Result = "Fourteen"
            Case 15: Result = "Fifteen"
            Case 16: Result = "Sixteen"
            Case 17: Result = "Seventeen"
            Case 18: Result = "Eighteen"
            Case 19: Result = "Nineteen"
            Case Else
            End Select
      Else                                 ' If value between 20-99
        Select Case Val(Left(TensText, 1))
            Case 2: Result = "Twenty "
            Case 3: Result = "Thirty "
            Case 4: Result = "Forty "
            Case 5: Result = "Fifty "
            Case 6: Result = "Sixty "
            Case 7: Result = "Seventy "
            Case 8: Result = "Eighty "
            Case 9: Result = "Ninety "
            Case Else
        End Select
         Result = Result & GetDigit _
            (Right(TensText, 1))  'Retrieve ones place
            End If
      GetTens = Result
      End Function
' Converts a number from 1 to 9 into text. *
Function GetDigit(Digit)
    Select Case Val(Digit)
        Case 1: GetDigit = "One"
        Case 2: GetDigit = "Two"
        Case 3: GetDigit = "Three"
        Case 4: GetDigit = "Four"
        Case 5: GetDigit = "Five"
        Case 6: GetDigit = "Six"
        Case 7: GetDigit = "Seven"
        Case 8: GetDigit = "Eight"
        Case 9: GetDigit = "Nine"
        Case Else: GetDigit = ""
    End Select
End Function

Public Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState _
    Lib "wininet.dll" (lpdwFlags As Long, _
    ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Boolean

Function IsConnected() As Boolean
    Dim Stat As Long
    IsConnected = (InternetGetConnectedState(Stat, 0&) <> 0)
End Function

Sub Test()
' Randy Birch
    If IsConnected = True Then
        MsgBox "Copy your mail code here"
        MsgBox "You can't use this subroutine because you are not online"
    End If
End Sub


目录 '1.函数作用:返回 Column 英文字........................9 '2.函数作用:查询某一值第num次出现的值................9 '3.函数作用:返回当个人工资薪金所得为2000元(起征点为850元)时的应纳个人所得税税额.............................10 '4.函数作用:从形如"123545ABCDE"的字符串中取出数字....11 '5.函数作用:从形如"ABCD12455EDF"的字符串中取出数字...11 '6.函数作用:按SplitType取得RangeName串值中的起始位置12 '7.函数作用:将金额数字转成中文大写....................13 '8.函数作用:计算某种税金..............................18 '9.函数作用:人民币大、小写转换........................19 '10.函数作用:查汉字区位码.............................20 '11.函数作用:把公元年转为农历.........................21 '12.函数作用:返回指定列数的列标.......................42 '13.函数作用:用指定字符替换某字符.....................43 '14.函数作用:从右边开始查找指定字符在字符串中的位置...43 '15.函数作用:从右边开始查找指定字符在字符串中的位置...44 '16.函数作用:计算工龄.................................44 '17.函数作用:计算日期差,除去星期六、星期日...........45 '18.函数作用:将英文字反转的自定函数...................46 '19.函数作用:计算个人所得税...........................46 '20.函数作用:一个能计算是否有重复单元的函数...........47 '21.数字金额转中文大写................................48 '22.函数作用:将数字转成英文...........................49 '23.函数作用:人民币大小写转换.........................52 '24.函数作用:获取区域颜色值...........................53 '25.函数作用:获取活动工作表名.........................53 '26.函数作用:获取最后一行行数.........................54 '27.函数作用:判断是否连接在线.........................54 '28.函数作用:币种转换.................................54 '29.函数作用:检验工作表是否有可打印内容...............55 '30.函数作用:查找一字符串(withinstr)在另一字符串中(findstr1)中某一次(startnum)出现时的位置,返回零表示没找到。..................................................57 '31.函数作用:增加文件路径最后的“\”符号..............58 '32.函数作用:计算所得税...............................58 '33.函数作用:从工作表第一行的标题文字以数字形式返回所在列号..................................................58 '34.函数作用:在多个工作表中查找一个范围内符合某个指定条件的项目对应指定范围加总求和..........................59 '35.函数作用:返回 Column 英文字.......................60 '36.函数作用:查找指定列名的列数.......................60 '37.函数作用:文字格式的时间(分:秒)转化为数字格式(秒)..61 '38.函数作用:将"hh:mm:ss"格式的时分秒数转换成秒数.....62 '39.函数作用:金额中文大写转数字.......................62 '40.函数作用:把角度转为度秒分、弧度等显示.............63 '41.函数作用:身份证号码侦测...........................64 '42.函数作用:显示公式.................................65 '43.函数作用:方便财务人员理帐查找.....................66 '44.函数作用:数值转换为字符地址.......................68 '45.函数作用:字符地址转换为数值.......................69 '46.函数作用:等待时间(以秒计算).....................69 '47.函数作用:得到字符串实际的长度(以单字节记).......70 '48.函数作用:18位身份证最后一位有效性验证............70 '49.函数作用:计算符合maturity condition的拆解金额....72 '50.函数作用:对多个用同一分隔符分隔的待查找元素,逐一在表区域首列内搜索,将返回选定单元格的值相加,............72 '51.函数作用:根据个人所得税(工资)反算工资数.........73 '52.函数作用:判断表是否存在...........................74 '53.函数作用:角度转弧.................................74 '54.函数作用:比较相同的字符串.........................75 '55.函数作用:对选定的数组进行排序.....................76 '56.函数作用:取得指定月份天数.........................77 '57.函数作用:排序工作表活页薄.........................77 '58.函数作用:统计数组中非重复数据个数.................78 '59.函数作用:摘取子字符串.............................79 '60.函数作用:计算20000余个汉字的笔画.................79 '61.函数作用:删除当前工作表中的全部超连接.............80 '62.函数作用:取得相近数据.............................81 '63.函数作用:提取定串中汉字...........................81 '64.函数作用:搜索重复数据(选定范围)...................81 '65.函数作用:字符型转数字型...........................82 '66.函数作用:小写人民币转大写人民币...................83 '67.函数作用:取得指定月份人星期天个数.................84 '68.函数作用:侦测档案是否包含宏.......................84 '69.函数作用:获取循环参照单元格.......................85 '70.函数作用:创建桌面快捷方式.........................86 '71.函数作用:自动建立多级目录.........................86 '72.函数作用:统计经筛选后符合条件的记录条数...........87 '73.函数作用:复制单元格列高与栏宽.....................87 '74.函数作用:取消隐藏工作表(包括vba Project工程保护的)88 '75.函数作用:删除单元格自定义名称.....................88 '76.函数作用:从文件路径中取得文件名...................89 '77.函数作用:取得一个文件的扩展名.....................89 '78.函数作用:取得一个文件的路径.......................90 '79.函数作用:十进制转二进制...........................90 '80.函数作用:检查一个数组是否为空.....................90 '81.函数作用:字母栏名转数字栏名.......................91 '82.函数作用:数字栏名转文字栏名.......................91 '83.函数作用:判断一件活页夹中是否还有子目录...........92 '84.函数作用:判断一个文件是否在使用中.................92 '85.函数作用:列出档案详细摘要信息.....................93 '86.函数作用:获取菜单ID编号及名称列表................93 '87.函数作用:状态列动态显示文字.......................94 '88.函数作用:取得一个文件的路径2.....................94 '89.函数作用:取得一个文件的路径3.....................95 '90.函数作用:取得Activecell的栏名....................95 '91.函数作用:取得单元格中指定字符前的字符.............95 '92.函数作用:前单元格指定字符前的字符颜色改成红色.....95 '93.函数作用:根据数字返回对应的字母列号...............96 '94.函数作用:取工作表名字.............................96 '95.函数作用:取消所有隐藏的宏表.......................97 '96.函数作用:导出VBA Project代码.....................97 '97.函数作用:导入VBA Project代码.....................97 '98.函数作用:取得汉字拼音的第一个字母.................98 '99.函数作用:获取两栏中相同的数据....................100 '100.函数作用:选取当前工作表中公式出错的单元格﹐关返回出错个数...............................................101 '101.函数作用:将工作表中最后一列作为页脚打印在每一面页尾101 '102.函数作用:获取vbproject引用项目.................102 '103.函数作用:移除Excel工作表中的外部数据连接.......103 '104.函数作用:将选择定单元格作成镜像图片.............103 '105.函数作用:反选择单元格中的数.....................105 '106.函数作用:在Excel中加入一个量度尺(以厘米为单位).106 '107.函数作用:在Excel中加入一个量度尺(以寸为单位)...109 '108.函数作用:取得一个短文件名的长文件名.............111 '109.函数作用:取得临时文件名.........................112 '110.函数作用:等用Shell调用的程序执行完成后再执行其它程序...................................................112 '111.函数作用:将Mouse显示成动画.....................113 '112.函数作用:限制Mouse移动范围.....................114 '113.函数作用:取得当前激活窗品句柄及标题.............114 '114.函数作用:取得屏幕分辨率.........................115 '115.函数作用:自动建立多级目录.......................115 '116.函数作用:将文件长度置零.........................116 '117.函数作用:读取WIN9X / Me共享文件夹密码..........116 '118.函数作用:取得预设的打印机及设置预设的打印机.....119 '119.函数作用:获得当前操作系统的打印机个数及检测打印是否存在.................................................120 '120.函数作用:枚举打印机名称清单.....................120 '121.函数作用:读取网络服务器当前时间.................122 '122.函数作用:下载文件到指定目录.....................123 '123.函数作用:自动映射网络驱动器.....................124 '124.函数作用:自动断开网络驱动器.....................125 '125.函数作用:连接选定单元格中的内容.................125 '126.函数作用:获取一个单元格中有指定字体颜色部份数据.126 '127.函数作用:对指定文件加XLS加密...................126 '128.函数作用:选择指定范围内使用了填充颜色的单元格...127 '129.函数作用:在特定的区域内查找文本,返回值是包含查找文本的单元格...........................................127 '130.函数作用:返回特定区域中最大值的地址.............128 '131.函数作用:删除表格中使用范围内的所有空白单元格...129 '132.函数作用:返回数组中有多少个指定的字符串.........129 '133.函数作用:返回当前工作表中引用了指定的单元的地址.130 '134.函数作用:获取Excel中字型列表...................131 '135.函数作用:获取一个字符串中有多少个数字字符.......131 '136.函数作用:在Excel中对多列进行填充...............131 '137.函数作用:对选定的范围进行数据填充(忽略单元格格式)132 '138.函数作用:VBA Project加密及解密.................132 '139.函数作用:列出收藏夹中的网址.....................133 '140.函数作用:计算两个日期之间相隔的年份,比如年龄,工龄等.可计算从1000年01月01日起的日期....................134 '141.函数作用:从字符串提取纯数字.....................135 '142.函数作用:将一个数组按升序排列...................136 '143.函数作用:将一个数组按降序排列...................137 '144.函数作用:删除空白列.............................137 '145.函数作用:判断工作表是否为空白...................138 '146.函数作用:将数据按类分到不同工作薄...............138 '147.函数作用:单元格内数据排序.......................139 '148.函数作用:对多栏排序.............................140 '149.函数作用:返回计算公式的值 [,值的计算公式].......140 '150.函数作用:把第一列=某个值对应的第二列的内容连在一起,并用、隔开...........................................141 '151.函数作用:取得系统使用模式.......................142 '152.函数作用:计算机注销/关机/重启...................142 '153.函数作用:更改计算机名称.........................143 '154.函数作用:从n位开始取出字符串中的汉字、英文字母、数字...................................................143 '155.函数作用:在指定列中寻找含有指定字符串的单元格,并将符合条件的单元格标为红色,并将对应的下一列单元格赋值为1。.....................................................144 '156.函数作用:清除字符串中的空格.....................145 '157.函数作用:查找合并单元格位置.....................145 '158.函数作用:阴阳历转换和阴阳历生日.................145 '159.函数作用:利用数组和Substitute来替换某字符......149 '160.函数作用:一键创建斜线表头.......................150 '161.函数作用:自动获取指定月的工作日.................151




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


