iOS Swift RSA




copy 下面三个文件代码到项目中,然后在桥文件 ...-Bridging-Header.h 中加上 

#import "NSData+SHA.h"  最后在需要的地方用就好了。


try SwiftyRSA.encryptString(param as String, publicKeyPEM: MyClass.Constants.RSA_Public_Key as String)


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSData (NSData_SwiftyRSASHA)

- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA1;
- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA224;
- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA256;
- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA384;
- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA512;



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h>

@implementation NSData (NSData_SwiftyRSASHA)

- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA1 {
    unsigned int outputLength = CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH;
    unsigned char output[outputLength];
    CC_SHA1(self.bytes, (unsigned int) self.length, output);
    return [NSData dataWithBytes:output length:outputLength];

- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA224 {
    unsigned int outputLength = CC_SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH;
    unsigned char output[outputLength];
    CC_SHA224(self.bytes, (unsigned int) self.length, output);
    return [NSData dataWithBytes:output length:outputLength];

- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA256 {
    unsigned int outputLength = CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
    unsigned char output[outputLength];
    CC_SHA256(self.bytes, (unsigned int) self.length, output);
    return [NSData dataWithBytes:output length:outputLength];

- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA384 {
    unsigned int outputLength = CC_SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH;
    unsigned char output[outputLength];
    CC_SHA384(self.bytes, (unsigned int) self.length, output);
    return [NSData dataWithBytes:output length:outputLength];

- (nonnull NSData*) SwiftyRSASHA512 {
    unsigned int outputLength = CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH;
    unsigned char output[outputLength];
    CC_SHA512(self.bytes, (unsigned int) self.length, output);
    return [NSData dataWithBytes:output length:outputLength];


3.SwiftyRSA.swift :

import Foundation
import Security

public class SwiftyRSAError: NSError {
    init(message: String) {
        super.init(domain: "com.takescoop.SwiftyRSA", code: 500, userInfo: [
            NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: message
    @available(*, unavailable)
    required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

Represents the result of a signature verification

public class VerificationResult: NSObject, BooleanType {
    /// `true` if the signature was verified
    public let boolValue: Bool
    init(_ boolValue: Bool) {
        self.boolValue = boolValue

public class SwiftyRSA: NSObject {
    @objc public enum DigestType: Int {
        case SHA1
        case SHA224
        case SHA256
        case SHA384
        case SHA512
    private var keyTags: [NSData] = []
    private static let defaultPadding: SecPadding = .PKCS1
    private static var defaultDigest: DigestType = .SHA1
    // MARK: - Public Shorthands
    public class func encryptString(str: String, publicKeyPEM: String, padding: SecPadding = defaultPadding) throws -> String {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.publicKeyFromPEMString(publicKeyPEM)
        return try rsa.encryptString(str, publicKey: key, padding: padding)
    public class func encryptString(str: String, publicKeyDER: NSData, padding: SecPadding = defaultPadding) throws -> String {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.publicKeyFromDERData(publicKeyDER)
        return try rsa.encryptString(str, publicKey: key, padding: padding)
    public class func decryptString(str: String, privateKeyPEM: String, padding: SecPadding = defaultPadding) throws -> String {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.privateKeyFromPEMString(privateKeyPEM)
        return try rsa.decryptString(str, privateKey: key, padding: padding)
    public class func encryptData(data: NSData, publicKeyPEM: String, padding: SecPadding = defaultPadding) throws -> NSData {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.publicKeyFromPEMString(publicKeyPEM)
        return try rsa.encryptData(data, publicKey: key, padding: padding)
    public class func encryptData(data: NSData, publicKeyDER: NSData, padding: SecPadding = defaultPadding) throws -> NSData {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.publicKeyFromDERData(publicKeyDER)
        return try rsa.encryptData(data, publicKey: key, padding: padding)
    public class func decryptData(data: NSData, privateKeyPEM: String, padding: SecPadding = defaultPadding) throws -> NSData {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.privateKeyFromPEMString(privateKeyPEM)
        return try rsa.decryptData(data, privateKey: key, padding: padding)
    Sign a `String` using a private key.  The supplied string will be hashed using the specified
    hashing function and the resulting digest will be signed.
    - parameter str: The `String` to be signed.
    - parameter privateKeyPEM: A `String` containing the private key for the signing operation in PEM format
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: Base64 encoded signature for the hash of the string.
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the signing process
    public class func signString(str: String, privateKeyPEM: String, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> String {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.privateKeyFromPEMString(privateKeyPEM)
        return try rsa.signString(str, privateKey: key, digestMethod: digestMethod)
    Sign an `NSData` block using a private key.  The supplied data will be hashed using the specified
    hashing function and the resulting digest will be signed.
    - parameter data: The `NSData` to be signed.
    - parameter privateKeyPEM: A `String` containing the private key for the signing operation in PEM format
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: The signature for the hash of the string.
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the signing process
    public class func signData(data: NSData, privateKeyPEM: String, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> NSData {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.privateKeyFromPEMString(privateKeyPEM)
        return try rsa.signData(data, privateKey: key, digestMethod: digestMethod)
    Verify a signature using a public key.  The supplied `String` will be hashed and the
    resulting digest will be verified against the supplied signature.
    - parameter str: The `String` to be verified.  This string will be hashed.
    - parameter signature: The BASE64 string representation of the signature to be verified.
    - parameter publicKeyPEM: A `String` containing the public key for the signing operation in PEM format
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: A `VerificationResult` that indicates whether the signature was valid or not
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the verification process
    public class func verifySignatureString(str: String, signature: String, publicKeyPEM: String, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> VerificationResult {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.publicKeyFromPEMString(publicKeyPEM)
        return try rsa.verifySignatureString(str, signature: signature, publicKey: key, digestMethod: digestMethod)
    Verify a signature using a public key.  The supplied `NSData` will be hashed  and the
    resulting digest will be verified against the supplied signature.
    - parameter data: The `NSData` to be verified.  This data will be hashed
    - parameter signature: The signature to be verified.
    - parameter publicKeyPEM: A `String` containing the public key for the signing operation in PEM format
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: A `VerificationResult` that indicates whether the signature was valid or not
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the verification process
    public class func verifySignatureData(data: NSData, signature: NSData, publicKeyPEM: String, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> VerificationResult {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.publicKeyFromPEMString(publicKeyPEM)
        return try rsa.verifySignatureData(data, signatureData: signature, publicKey: key, digestMethod: digestMethod)
    Verify a signature using a public key.  The supplied `String` will be hashed and the
    resulting digest will be verified against the supplied signature.
    - parameter str: The `String` to be verified.  This string will be hashed
    - parameter signature: The BASE64 string representation of the signature to be verified.
    - parameter publicKeyDER: The public key for the signing operation in DER format
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: A `VerificationResult` that indicates whether the signature was valid or not
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the verification process
    public class func verifySignatureString(str: String, signature: String, publicKeyDER: NSData, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> VerificationResult {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.publicKeyFromDERData(publicKeyDER)
        return try rsa.verifySignatureString(str, signature: signature, publicKey: key, digestMethod: digestMethod)
    Verify a signature using a public key.  The supplied `NSData` will be hashed and the
    resulting digest will be verified against the supplied signature.
    - parameter data: The `NSData` to be verified.  This data will be hashed
    - parameter signature: The signature to be verified.
    - parameter publicKeyDER: The public key for the signing operation in DER format
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: A `VerificationResult` that indicates whether the signature was valid or not
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the verification process
    public class func verifySignatureData(data: NSData, signature: NSData, publicKeyDER: NSData, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> VerificationResult {
        let rsa = SwiftyRSA()
        let key = try rsa.publicKeyFromDERData(publicKeyDER)
        return try rsa.verifySignatureData(data, signatureData: signature, publicKey: key, digestMethod: digestMethod)
    // MARK: - Public Advanced Methods
    public override init() {
    public func publicKeyFromDERData(keyData: NSData) throws -> SecKeyRef {
        return try addKey(keyData, isPublic: true)
    public func publicKeyFromPEMString(key: String) throws -> SecKeyRef {
        let data = try dataFromPEMKey(key)
        return try addKey(data, isPublic: true)
    public func privateKeyFromPEMString(key: String) throws -> SecKeyRef {
        let data = try dataFromPEMKey(key)
        return try addKey(data, isPublic: false)
    // Encrypts data with a RSA key
    public func encryptData(data: NSData, publicKey: SecKeyRef, padding: SecPadding) throws -> NSData {
        let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(publicKey)
        let maxChunkSize = blockSize - 11
        var decryptedDataAsArray = [UInt8](count: data.length / sizeof(UInt8), repeatedValue: 0)
        data.getBytes(&decryptedDataAsArray, length: data.length)
        var encryptedData = [UInt8](count: 0, repeatedValue: 0)
        var idx = 0
        while (idx < decryptedDataAsArray.count) {
            let idxEnd = min(idx + maxChunkSize, decryptedDataAsArray.count)
            let chunkData = [UInt8](decryptedDataAsArray[idx..<idxEnd])
            var encryptedDataBuffer = [UInt8](count: blockSize, repeatedValue: 0)
            var encryptedDataLength = blockSize
            let status = SecKeyEncrypt(publicKey, padding, chunkData, chunkData.count, &encryptedDataBuffer, &encryptedDataLength)
            guard status == noErr else {
                throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't encrypt chunk at index \(idx)")
            encryptedData += encryptedDataBuffer
            idx += maxChunkSize
        return NSData(bytes: encryptedData, length: encryptedData.count)
    // Decrypt an encrypted data with a RSA key
    public func decryptData(encryptedData: NSData, privateKey: SecKeyRef, padding: SecPadding) throws -> NSData {
        let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(privateKey)
        var encryptedDataAsArray = [UInt8](count: encryptedData.length / sizeof(UInt8), repeatedValue: 0)
        encryptedData.getBytes(&encryptedDataAsArray, length: encryptedData.length)
        var decryptedData = [UInt8](count: 0, repeatedValue: 0)
        var idx = 0
        while (idx < encryptedDataAsArray.count) {
            let idxEnd = min(idx + blockSize, encryptedDataAsArray.count)
            let chunkData = [UInt8](encryptedDataAsArray[idx..<idxEnd])
            var decryptedDataBuffer = [UInt8](count: blockSize, repeatedValue: 0)
            var decryptedDataLength = blockSize
            let status = SecKeyDecrypt(privateKey, padding, chunkData, idxEnd-idx, &decryptedDataBuffer, &decryptedDataLength)
            guard status == noErr else {
                throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't decrypt chunk at index \(idx)")
            decryptedData += [UInt8](decryptedDataBuffer[0..<decryptedDataLength])
            idx += blockSize
        return NSData(bytes: decryptedData, length: decryptedData.count)
    public func encryptString(str: String, publicKey: SecKeyRef, padding: SecPadding = defaultPadding) throws -> String {
        guard let data = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't get UT8 data from provided string")
        let encryptedData = try encryptData(data, publicKey: publicKey, padding: padding)
        return encryptedData.base64EncodedStringWithOptions([])
    public func decryptString(str: String, privateKey: SecKeyRef, padding: SecPadding = defaultPadding) throws -> String {
        guard let data =  NSData(base64EncodedString: str, options: []) else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't decode base 64 encoded string")
        let decryptedData = try decryptData(data, privateKey: privateKey, padding: padding)
        guard let decryptedString = NSString(data: decryptedData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't convert decrypted data to UTF8 string")
        return decryptedString as String
    // Mark: - Digital signatures
    // Sign data with an RSA key
    Sign a `String` using a private key.  The supplied string will be hashed using the specified
    hashing method and the resulting hash will be signed.
    - parameter str: The `String` to be signed.
    - parameter privateKey: A `SecKeyRef` for the private key
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: Base64 encoded signature for the hash of the string.
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the signing process
    public func signString(str: String, privateKey: SecKeyRef, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> String {
        guard let data = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't get UTF8 data from provided string")
        let signature = try signData(data, privateKey: privateKey, digestMethod:digestMethod)
        return signature.base64EncodedStringWithOptions([])
    Sign an `NSData` block using a private key.  The supplied data will be hashed using the specified
    hashing method and the resulting digest will be signed.
    - parameter data: The `NSData` to be signed.
    - parameter privateKey: A `SecKeyRef` for the private key
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: The signature for the  hash of the string.
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the signing process
    public func signData(data: NSData, privateKey: SecKeyRef, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> NSData {
        let (digest, padding) = self.digestForData(data, digestMethod: digestMethod)
        return try signDigest(digest, privateKey: privateKey,  padding: padding)
    Sign an `NSData` block using a private key.  The supplied data must represent an SHA1 digest.
    - parameter digest: The `NSData` containing the SHA1 digest to be signed.
    - parameter privateKey: A `SecKeyRef` for the private key
    - returns: The signature for the SHA1 digest.
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the signing process
    @available(*, deprecated = 0.31, message = "Use signDigest() with digestMethod = .SHA1")
    public func signSHA1Digest(digest: NSData, privateKey: SecKeyRef) throws -> NSData {
        return try self.signDigest(digest, privateKey: privateKey, padding: .PKCS1SHA1)
    Sign an `NSData` block using a private key.  The supplied data must represent a digest of the indicated type.
    - parameter digest: The `NSData` containing the SHA1 digest to be signed.
    - parameter privateKey: A `SecKeyRef` for the private key
    - parameter digestMethod: The digest type contained in `digest`
    - returns: The signature for the SHA1 digest.
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the signing process
    public func signDigest(digest: NSData, privateKey: SecKeyRef, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> NSData {
        let (_,padding) = self.digestForData(digest, digestMethod: digestMethod)
        return try self.signDigest(digest, privateKey: privateKey, padding: padding)
    // Verify data with an RSA key
    Verify a signature using a public key.  The supplied `String` will be hashed using the specified
    hasing function and resulting digest will be verified against the supplied signature.
    - parameter str: The `String` to be verified.  This string will be hashed
    - parameter signature: The BASE64 string representation of the signature to be verified.
    - parameter publicKey: A `SecKeyRef` for the public key
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: A `VerificationResult` that indicates whether the signature was valid or not
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the verification process
    public func verifySignatureString(str: String, signature: String, publicKey: SecKeyRef, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> VerificationResult {
        guard let data = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't get UTF8 data from provided string")
        guard let signatureData = NSData(base64EncodedString: signature, options: []) else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't get signature data from provided base64 string")
        return try verifySignatureData(data, signatureData: signatureData, publicKey: publicKey, digestMethod: digestMethod)
    Verify a signature using a public key.  The supplied `NSData` will be hashed and the
    resulting digest will be verified against the supplied signature.
    - parameter data: The `NSData` to be verified.  This string will be hashed
    - parameter signatureData: The of the signature data to be verified.
    - parameter publicKey: A `SecKeyRef` for the public key
    - parameter digestMethod: The `DigestType` that indicates the hashing function
    - returns: A `VerificationResult` that indicates whether the signature was valid or not
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the verification process
    public func verifySignatureData(data: NSData, signatureData: NSData, publicKey: SecKeyRef, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> VerificationResult {
        let (digest, padding) = self.digestForData(data, digestMethod: digestMethod)
        return try verifySignatureData(digest, signature: signatureData, publicKey: publicKey, padding: padding)
    Verify a signature using a public key.  The supplied `NSData` represents an SHA1 digest to be verified against the supplied signature.
    - parameter SHA1Data: The `NSData` containing the SHA1 digest to be verified.
    - parameter signature: The `NSData` containing the signature to be verified.
    - parameter publicKey: A `SecKeyRef` for the public key
    - returns: A `VerificationResult` that indicates whether the signature was valid or not
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the verification process
    @available(*, deprecated = 0.31, message = "Use verifySignature() with digestMethod = .SHA1")
    public func verifySHA1SignatureData(SHA1Data: NSData, signature: NSData, publicKey: SecKeyRef) throws -> VerificationResult {
        return try self.verifySignatureData(SHA1Data, signature: signature, publicKey: publicKey, padding: .PKCS1SHA1)
    Verify a signature using a public key.  The supplied `NSData` represents a digest to be verified against the supplied signature.
    - parameter digestData: The `NSData` containing the  digest to be verified.
    - parameter signature: The `NSData` containing the signature to be verified.
    - parameter publicKey: A `SecKeyRef` for the public key
    - parameter digestMethod: The method used to create the digest in the `digest` parameter
    - returns: A `VerificationResult` that indicates whether the signature was valid or not
    - throws: `SwiftyRSAError` if there is an error in the verification process
    public func verifySignatureData(digestData: NSData, signature: NSData, publicKey: SecKeyRef, digestMethod: DigestType = defaultDigest) throws -> VerificationResult {
        let (_,padding) = self.digestForData(digestData, digestMethod: digestMethod)
        return try self.verifySignatureData(digestData, signature: signature, publicKey: publicKey, padding: padding)
    // MARK: - Private
    private func addKey(keyData: NSData, isPublic: Bool) throws -> SecKeyRef {
        var keyData = keyData
        // Strip key header if necessary
        if isPublic {
            try keyData = stripPublicKeyHeader(keyData)
        let tag = NSUUID().UUIDString
        let tagData = NSData(bytes: tag, length: tag.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding))
        // Add persistent version of the key to system keychain
        let persistKey = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>(nil)
        let keyClass   = isPublic ? kSecAttrKeyClassPublic : kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate
        // Add persistent version of the key to system keychain
        let keyDict = NSMutableDictionary()
        keyDict.setObject(kSecClassKey,         forKey: kSecClass as! NSCopying)
        keyDict.setObject(tagData,              forKey: kSecAttrApplicationTag as! NSCopying)
        keyDict.setObject(kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,   forKey: kSecAttrKeyType as! NSCopying)
        keyDict.setObject(keyData,              forKey: kSecValueData as! NSCopying)
        keyDict.setObject(keyClass,             forKey: kSecAttrKeyClass as! NSCopying)
        keyDict.setObject(NSNumber(bool: true), forKey: kSecReturnPersistentRef as! NSCopying)
        keyDict.setObject(kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked, forKey: kSecAttrAccessible as! NSCopying)
        var secStatus = SecItemAdd(keyDict as CFDictionary, persistKey)
        if secStatus != noErr && secStatus != errSecDuplicateItem {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Provided key couldn't be added to the keychain")
        // Now fetch the SecKeyRef version of the key
        var keyRef: AnyObject? = nil
        keyDict.setObject(NSNumber(bool: true), forKey: kSecReturnRef as! NSCopying)
        keyDict.setObject(kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,   forKey: kSecAttrKeyType as! NSCopying)
        secStatus = SecItemCopyMatching(keyDict as CFDictionaryRef, &keyRef)
        guard let unwrappedKeyRef = keyRef else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't get key reference from the keychain")
        return unwrappedKeyRef as! SecKeyRef
    private func dataFromPEMKey(key: String) throws -> NSData {
        let lines = key.componentsSeparatedByString("\n").filter { line in
            return !line.hasPrefix("-----BEGIN") && !line.hasPrefix("-----END")
        guard lines.count != 0 else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't get data from PEM key: no data available after stripping headers")
        // Decode base64 key
        let base64EncodedKey = lines.joinWithSeparator("")
        let keyData = NSData(base64EncodedString: base64EncodedKey, options: .IgnoreUnknownCharacters)
        guard let unwrappedKeyData = keyData where unwrappedKeyData.length != 0 else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't decode PEM key data (base64)")
        return unwrappedKeyData
    This method strips the x509 from a provided ASN.1 DER public key.
    If the key doesn't contain a header, the DER data is returned as is.
    Supported formats are:
    INTEGER (1024 or 2048 bit) -- modulo
    INTEGER -- public exponent
    With x509 header:
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
    INTEGER (1024 or 2048 bit) -- modulo
    INTEGER -- public exponent
    Example of headerless key:
    Example of key with X509 header (notice the additional ASN.1 sequence):
    private func stripPublicKeyHeader(keyData: NSData) throws -> NSData {
        let count = keyData.length / sizeof(CUnsignedChar)
        guard count > 0 else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Provided public key is empty")
        var byteArray = [UInt8](count: count, repeatedValue: 0)
        keyData.getBytes(&byteArray, length: keyData.length)
        var index = 0
        guard byteArray[index] == 0x30 else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Provided key doesn't have a valid ASN.1 structure (first byte should be 0x30 == SEQUENCE)")
        index += 1
        if byteArray[index] > 0x80 {
            index += Int(byteArray[index]) - 0x80 + 1
        else {
            index += 1
        // If current byte marks an integer (0x02), it means the key doesn't have a X509 header and just
        // contains its modulo & public exponent. In this case, we can just return the provided DER data as is.
        if Int(byteArray[index]) == 0x02 {
            return keyData
        // Now that we've excluded the possibility of headerless key, we're looking for a valid X509 header sequence.
        // It should look like this:
        // 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00
        guard Int(byteArray[index]) == 0x30 else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Provided key doesn't have a valid X509 header")
        index += 15
        if byteArray[index] != 0x03 {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Invalid byte at index \(index - 1) (\(byteArray[index - 1])) for public key header")
        index += 1
        if byteArray[index] > 0x80 {
            index += Int(byteArray[index]) - 0x80 + 1
        else {
            index += 1
        guard byteArray[index] == 0 else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Invalid byte at index \(index - 1) (\(byteArray[index - 1])) for public key header")
        index += 1
        let strippedKeyBytes = [UInt8](byteArray[index...keyData.length - 1])
        let data = NSData(bytes: strippedKeyBytes, length: keyData.length - index)
        return data
    private func removeKeyWithTagData(tagData: NSData) {
        let publicKey = NSMutableDictionary()
        publicKey.setObject(kSecClassKey,       forKey: kSecClass as! NSCopying)
        publicKey.setObject(kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA, forKey: kSecAttrKeyType as! NSCopying)
        publicKey.setObject(tagData,            forKey: kSecAttrApplicationTag as! NSCopying)
        SecItemDelete(publicKey as CFDictionaryRef)
    private func signDigest(digest: NSData, privateKey: SecKeyRef, padding: SecPadding) throws -> NSData {
        let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(privateKey)
        let maxChunkSize = blockSize - 11
        guard (digest.length / sizeof(UInt8) <= maxChunkSize) else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "data length exceeds \(maxChunkSize)")
        var signDataAsArray = [UInt8](count: digest.length / sizeof(UInt8), repeatedValue: 0)
        digest.getBytes(&signDataAsArray, length: digest.length)
        var signatureData = [UInt8](count: blockSize, repeatedValue: 0)
        var signatureDataLength = blockSize
        let status = SecKeyRawSign(privateKey, padding, signDataAsArray, signDataAsArray.count, &signatureData, &signatureDataLength)
        guard status == noErr else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't sign data \(status)")
        return NSData(bytes: signatureData, length: signatureData.count)
    private func verifySignatureData(SHAData: NSData, signature: NSData, publicKey: SecKeyRef, padding: SecPadding) throws -> VerificationResult {
        var verifyDataAsArray = [UInt8](count: SHAData.length / sizeof(UInt8), repeatedValue: 0)
        SHAData.getBytes(&verifyDataAsArray, length: SHAData.length)
        var signatureDataAsArray = [UInt8](count: signature.length / sizeof(UInt8), repeatedValue: 0)
        signature.getBytes(&signatureDataAsArray, length: signature.length)
        let status = SecKeyRawVerify(publicKey, padding, verifyDataAsArray, verifyDataAsArray.count, signatureDataAsArray, signatureDataAsArray.count)
        if (status == errSecSuccess) {
            return VerificationResult(true)
        } else if (status == -9809) {
            return VerificationResult(false)
        } else {
            throw SwiftyRSAError(message: "Couldn't verify signature - \(status)")
    private func digestForData(data: NSData, digestMethod: DigestType) -> (digest:NSData, padding:SecPadding) {
        var digest: NSData
        var padding: SecPadding
        switch digestMethod {
        case .SHA1:
            digest = data.SwiftyRSASHA1()
            padding = .PKCS1SHA1
        case .SHA224:
            digest = data.SwiftyRSASHA224()
            padding = .PKCS1SHA224
        case .SHA256:
            digest = data.SwiftyRSASHA256()
            padding = .PKCS1SHA256
        case .SHA384:
            digest = data.SwiftyRSASHA384()
            padding = .PKCS1SHA384
        case .SHA512:
            digest = data.SwiftyRSASHA512()
            padding = .PKCS1SHA512
        return (digest,padding)
    deinit {
        for tagData in keyTags {

iOS和Java都支持RSA加密,但是具体实现可能会有所不同。下面是一个简单的示例: 在iOS中使用RSA加密: ```objective-c // 加载公钥文件 NSString *publicKeyPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"public_key" ofType:@"der"]; NSData *publicKeyData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:publicKeyPath]; SecCertificateRef certificate = SecCertificateCreateWithData(NULL, (__bridge CFDataRef)publicKeyData); // 获取公钥 SecKeyRef publicKey = NULL; SecTrustRef trust; SecPolicyRef policy; policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509(); OSStatus status = SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificate, policy, &trust); if (status == errSecSuccess) { SecTrustResultType resultType; status = SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &resultType); publicKey = SecTrustCopyPublicKey(trust); } // 使用公钥进行加密 NSString *plainText = @"Hello, world!"; NSData *plainData = [plainText dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; size_t cipherBufferSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(publicKey); uint8_t *cipherBuffer = malloc(cipherBufferSize); memset(cipherBuffer, 0, cipherBufferSize); OSStatus status = SecKeyEncrypt(publicKey, kSecPaddingPKCS1, [plainData bytes], [plainData length], cipherBuffer, &cipherBufferSize); NSData *cipherData = [NSData dataWithBytes:cipherBuffer length:cipherBufferSize]; NSLog(@"Cipher text: %@", [cipherData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSDataBase64Encoding64CharacterLineLength]); ``` 在Java中使用RSA加密: ```java // 加载公钥文件 String publicKeyPath = "/path/to/public_key.der"; byte[] publicKeyBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(publicKeyPath)); X509EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(publicKeyBytes); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); PublicKey publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec); // 使用公钥进行加密 String plainText = "Hello, world!"; byte[] plainBytes = plainText.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey); byte[] cipherBytes = cipher.doFinal(plainBytes); System.out.println(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipherBytes)); ``` 需要注意的是,在iOS中使用SecKeyEncrypt函数进行加密时,需要指定填充方式为kSecPaddingPKCS1;在Java中使用Cipher类进行加密时,需要指定填充方式为PKCS1Padding。




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