




using namespace std;
struct PorkType{
	int type;
	int card[5];
	void setcard(int *p)
		for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
	int operator -(PorkType & pt)
			return type-pt.type;
		for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
				return card[i]-pt.card[i];
		return 0;
struct State{
	//high card 1, one pair 2, two pair 3,
	/*  1 High Card: Highest value card.
	2 One Pair: Two cards of the same value.
	3 Two Pairs: Two different pairs.
	4 Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same value.
	5 Straight: All cards are consecutive values.
	6 Flush: All cards of the same suit.
	7 Full House: Three of a kind and a pair.
	8 Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same value.
	9 Straight Flush: All cards
当查找德州扑克7张牌的最大牌型时,可以使用组合和判断的方法。以下是一个简单的Java代码示例,用于查找最大牌型: ```java import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class TexasHoldemPoker { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Card> hand = new ArrayList<>(); hand.add(new Card("Spades", "A")); hand.add(new Card("Hearts", "K")); hand.add(new Card("Diamonds", "Q")); hand.add(new Card("Spades", "J")); hand.add(new Card("Spades", "10")); hand.add(new Card("Clubs", "9")); hand.add(new Card("Spades", "2")); PokerHandType maxHandType = findMaxHandType(hand); System.out.println("Max Hand Type: " + maxHandType); } public static PokerHandType findMaxHandType(List<Card> hand) { List<List<Card>> combinations = generateCombinations(hand, 5); // 生成所有可能的5张牌的组合 PokerHandType maxHandType = PokerHandType.HIGH_CARD; for (List<Card> combination : combinations) { PokerHandType handType = evaluateHand(combination); if (handType.compareTo(maxHandType) > 0) { maxHandType = handType; } } return maxHandType; } public static PokerHandType evaluateHand(List<Card> hand) { Collections.sort(hand); if (isRoyalFlush(hand)) { return PokerHandType.ROYAL_FLUSH; } if (isStraightFlush(hand)) { return PokerHandType.STRAIGHT_FLUSH; } if (isFourOfAKind(hand)) { return PokerHandType.FOUR_OF_A_KIND; } // Check for other hand types... return PokerHandType.HIGH_CARD; } // Check if the hand is a Royal Flush (A, K, Q, J, 10 of the same suit) public static boolean isRoyalFlush(List<Card> hand) { return isStraightFlush(hand) && hand.get(0).getValue().equals("A"); } // Check if the hand is a Straight Flush (five consecutive cards of the same suit) public static boolean isStraightFlush(List<Card> hand) { return isStraight(hand) && isFlush(hand); } // Check if the hand is a Four of a Kind (four cards of the same rank) public static boolean isFourOfAKind(List<Card> hand) { for (int i = 0; i <= hand.size() - 4; i++) { if (hand.get(i).getValue().equals(hand.get(i + 3).getValue())) { return true; } } return false; } // Check if the hand is a Straight (five consecutive cards) public static boolean isStraight(List<Card> hand) { for (int i = 0; i < hand.size() - 1; i++) { if (hand.get(i).getRank() != hand.get(i + 1).getRank() - 1) { return false; } } return true; } // Check if the hand is a Flush (all cards of the same suit) public static boolean isFlush(List<Card> hand) { String suit = hand.get(0).getSuit(); for (int i = 1; i < hand.size(); i++) { if (!hand.get(i).getSuit().equals(suit)) { return false; } } return true; } // Generate all possible combinations of k elements from the given list public static List<List<Card>> generateCombinations(List<Card> cards, int k) { List<List<Card>> combinations = new ArrayList<>(); generateCombinationsHelper(cards, k, 0, new ArrayList<>(), combinations); return combinations; } private static void generateCombinationsHelper(List<Card> cards, int k, int start, List<Card> currentCombination, List<List<Card>> combinations) { if (k == 0) { combinations.add(new ArrayList<>(currentCombination)); return; } for (int i = start; i <= cards.size() - k; i++) { currentCombination.add(cards.get(i)); generateCombinationsHelper(cards, k - 1, i + 1, currentCombination, combinations); currentCombination.remove(currentCombination.size() - 1); } } } class Card implements Comparable<Card> { private String suit; private String value; public Card(String suit, String value) { this.suit = suit; this.value = value; } public String getSuit() { return suit; } public String getValue() { return value; } public int getRank() { if (value.equals("A")) { return 14; // Ace is the highest rank } else if (value.equals("K")) { return 13; } else if (value.equals("Q")) { return 12; } else if (value.equals("J")) { return 11; } else if (value.equals("10")) { return 10; } else { return Integer.parseInt(value); } } @Override public int compareTo(Card other) { return Integer.compare(this.getRank(), other.getRank()); } } enum PokerHandType { ROYAL_FLUSH, STRAIGHT_FLUSH, FOUR_OF_A_KIND, // Add other hand types as needed... HIGH_CARD } ``` 这段代码实现了查找德州扑克7张牌的最大牌型。它使用了组合算法来生成所有可能的5张牌的组合,并依次判断每个组合的牌型,找出最大的牌型。你可以根据需要在`evaluateHand`方法中添加其他牌型的判断逻辑,或者修改`Card`类中的面值和花色,以及`PokerHandType`枚举类中的牌型
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


