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原创 UVa 755 - 487--3279

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-28 result: 1AC description: UVa 755 - 487--3279*/#include #include #include using namespace std;const int MAXN = 100010;char one[] = "ABCDEFGHIJ

2010-02-28 19:07:00 1198 2

原创 UVa 10194 Football

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-27 result: AC description: UVa 10194 Football*/#include #include #include #include using namespace std;// 竞标赛的的次数const int tournamentNameMAXN = 1

2010-02-28 17:05:00 1268

原创 strncasecmp与strcasecmp用法

strcasecmp  strcasecmp(忽略大小写比较字符串)   相关函数 bcmp,memcmp,strcmp,strcoll,strncmp  表头文件 #include  定义函数 int strcasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2);  函数说明 strcasecmp()用来比较参数s1和s2字符串,比较时会自动忽略大小写的差异。  返

2010-02-28 10:45:00 23946

原创 UVa 400 - Unix ls

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-27 result: 1A description: UVa 400 - Unix ls*/#include #include #include using namespace std;vector ve(110);// 最长字符串的长度int maxLen = 0;// 列数

2010-02-27 21:02:00 1199

原创 UVa 156 - Ananagrams

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-27 result: AC description: UVa 156 - Ananagrams*/#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;// 每个单词结构体struct word{

2010-02-27 17:32:00 1025

原创 UVa 120 - Stacks of Flapjacks

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-27 result: AC description: UVa 120 - Stacks of Flapjacks*/#include #include #include #include using namespace std;// 用于保存输入的初始化数列int data[50];

2010-02-27 15:32:00 1026

原创 UVa 299 Train Swapping

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-27 result: AC description: UVa 299 Train Swapping*/#include using namespace std;// 用来保存输入的初始排列int data[100];// 用于标记数据是否被排序过int vis[100];int N,

2010-02-27 01:15:00 1083

原创 UVa 10474 Where is the Marble?

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-25 result: 1AC description: UVa 10474 Where is the Marble?*/#include #include #include using namespace std;int main(){ int i, j; int N, Q;

2010-02-26 00:19:00 961

原创 UVa 10420 List of Conquests

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-25 result: 1AC description: UVa 10420 List of Conquests*/#include #include #include #include using namespace std;struct Node{ string country;

2010-02-25 23:44:00 1292

原创 UVa 10010 - Where's Waldorf?

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-24 result: AC description: UVa 10010 - Wheres Waldorf? lesson: see the problem clear. 1 <= m, n <= 50; at first I consider the max of the m and n is 25.*/

2010-02-25 08:28:00 1454

原创 UVa 10137 The trip

 /* 本题难点: 如何对实数的小数位进行截取。方法如下: char temp[1000]; double m; sprintf(temp,"%.klf",m); sscanf(temp,"%lf",&m);

2010-02-25 08:21:00 914

原创 UVa 10115 Automatic Editing

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-16 result: AC description: UVa 10115 Automatic Editing*/#include #include #include #include using namespace std;vector findve;vector replaceve;

2010-02-24 20:28:00 1367

原创 UVa 465 Overflow

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-24 result: AC description: UVa 465 Overflow*/#include #include #include using namespace std;// 把INT_MAX转换成string并返回。string intMaxToStr(){ str

2010-02-24 20:12:00 2029

原创 UVa 748 Exponentiation

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-24 result: 1AC description: UVa 748 Exponentiation*/#include #include using namespace std;char result[200];// 寻找小数点.的位置并返回int findPointPos(ch

2010-02-24 18:05:00 1688

原创 UVa 340 Master-Mind Hints

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-24 result: 1AC description: UVa 340 Master-Mind Hints*/#include using namespace std;// 标记i位置的元素是否已被匹配。int vis[1010];// 用来保存每一个guess code。int temp

2010-02-24 14:25:00 1014

原创 UVa 10106 Product

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-22 result: AC description: UVa 10106 Product*/#include #include #include using namespace std;char a[260], b[260];int result[550];void reverse

2010-02-24 00:45:00 1364

原创 UVa 401 Palindromes

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-22 result: AC*/#include #include #include using namespace std;char one[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789";char two[] = "A 3 HIL JM O 2T

2010-02-22 21:01:00 1061 3

原创 UVa 10038 Jolly Jumpers

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-22 result: AC description:*/#include using namespace std;#define MAXN 3000 + 10int flag[MAXN];int data[MAXN];int main(){ int i, j; int n;

2010-02-22 13:03:00 1090

原创 C++ string类常用函数

string类的构造函数:string(const char *s);    //用c字符串s初始化string(int n,char c);     //用n个字符c初始化此外,string类还支持默认构造函数和复制构造函数,如string s1;string s2="hello";都是正确的写法。当构造的string太长而无法表达时会抛出length_error异常string类的字符

2010-02-20 17:23:00 959

原创 UVa-10196-Check the Check

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-20 result: AC description: 这题的关键是实现CheckTheNext函数。*/#include #include #include using namespace std;// 用来标记某个位置是否有棋子(1有0没有)int flagData[9][9];//

2010-02-20 17:04:00 934

原创 UVa 10137 The Trip

 /* 本题难点: 如何对实数的小数位进行截取。方法如下: char temp[1000]; double m; sprintf(temp,"%.klf",m); sscanf(temp,"%lf",&m);

2010-02-19 12:14:00 1201

原创 Uva 694 The 3n + 1 problem

/* coder: ACboy date: 2010-2-15*/#include using namespace std;int main(){ long a, b; long size; int n; n = 0; freopen("694.txt", "r", stdin); while (cin >> a >> b) {

2010-02-16 00:53:00 1072





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