Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports is a business intelligence application used to design and generate reports from a wide range of data sources. Several other applications, including Microsoft Visual Studio, at one time bundled an OEM version of Crystal Reports as a general purpose reporting tool.[1] Crystal Reports is a popular report writer, especially when Microsoft bundled it with Visual Studio versions 2003 through 2008. Microsoft discontinued this practice and later released their own competitive reporting tool, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).[2][verification needed] Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 is still available as add-on software.



[edit] History

The product was originally created by Crystal Services Inc. as Quick Reports[3] when they couldn't find a suitable commercial report writer for their accounting software. After producing versions 1.0 through 3.0, the company was acquired in 1994 by Seagate Technology.[4] Crystal Services was combined with Holistic Systems to form the Information Management Group of Seagate Software, which later rebranded as Crystal Decisions and produced versions 4.0 through 9.0. Crystal Decisions was acquired in December 2003 by Business Objects, which produced versions 10, 11 (XI) and version 12 (2008). Business Objects was acquired by SAP on October 8, 2007. Crystal Reports 2011 (version 14) was released on May 3, 2011.[citation needed]

[edit] Features

[edit] Report designer

Crystal Reports allows users to graphically design data connection(s) and report layout. In the Database Expert, users can select and link tables from a wide variety of data sources, including Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Oracle databases, Business Objects Enterprise business views, and local file system information. Fields from these tables can be placed on the report design surface, and can also be used in custom formulas, using either BASIC or Crystal's own syntax, which are then placed on the design surface. Formulas can be evaluated at several phases during report generation as specified by the developer.

Both fields and formulas have a wide array of formatting options available, which can be applied absolutely or conditionally. The data can be grouped into bands, each of which can be split further and conditionally suppressed as needed. Crystal Reports also supports subreports, graphing, and a limited amount of GIS functionality.

[edit] Supported data sources

Accessible data sources include the following:

[edit] Target audience

Crystal Reports came integrated with Visual Studio versions prior to 2010. Crystal Reports competes with several solutions in the Microsoft market, such as SQL Server Reporting Services, XtraReports, ActiveReports, Telerik Reporting, and List & Label. Crystal Reports also provides solutions outside of the Microsoft market, for instance allowing Java developers to build applications with Crystal Reports components.

Crystal Reports 9.2 中文版(水晶报表) 下载,,软件版本:不过现已出了Crystal Reports Professional v9.2.2.634 (c) Crystal Decisions,有足够的空间就提供.这是一个很不错的报表控件,我相信很多朋友都听说过吧!Crystal Reports 用于处理数据库,帮助用户分析和解释重要信息。使用 Crystal Reports 可以方便地创建简单报表,同时它也提供了创建复杂或专用的报表所需的整套工具。 创建所能想象的任何报表 Crystal Reports几乎可以从任何数据源生成您需要的报表。内置报表专家在您生成报表和完成一般的报表任务过程中,会一步一步地指导您进行操作。报表专家通过公式、交叉表、子报表和设置条件格式帮助表现数据的实际意义,揭示可能被隐藏掉的重要关系。如果文字和数字确实不够充分,则用地理地图和图形进行形象的信息交流。 将报表扩展到 Web Crystal Reports 的灵活性并未停留在创建报表这一功能上 ?您可以用各种各样的格式发布报表,包括用 Microsoft 的 Word 和 Excel 发布、通过电子邮件甚至 Web 发布。高级的 Web 报表功能允许工作组中的其他成员在他们自己的 Web 浏览器中查看或更新共享报表。 将报表并入应用程序通过将 Crystal Reports 的报表处理功能整合到自己的数据库应用程序中,应用程序和 Web 开发人员可以节省开发时间并满足用户的需求。Crystal Reports 支持大多数流行的开发语言,可以方便地在任何应用程序中添加报表。 不论您是 IT 行业的站点管理员,还是营销推广经理,也无论您是金融业的数据库管理员还是 CEO,Crystal Reports 都堪称是一个功能强大的工具,它可以帮助每一个人分析、解释重要信息。感谢 revenant 上传!




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