SAP & oracle backup_dev_type


backup_dev_type Locate this document in the navigation structure

This parameter specifies the backup medium that you want to use.

Syntax Syntax

  1. backup_dev_type = disk|tape|pipe|tape_auto|
  2. pipe_auto|tape_box|pipe_box|disk_copy|disk_standby|
  3. util_file|util_file_online|util_vol|util_vol_online|stage|
  4. stage_copy|stage_standby|rman_prep|rman_util|rman_disk|rman_stage
End of the code.

Default value: tape

Possible values:

  • disk: database backups to disk

    The directory that should be used for the backups is defined in parameter backup_root_dir or archive_copy_dir.

  • tape: uses one or more local tape devices.

  • pipe: backs up to a remote system using the commands entered in the profile parameters remote_host, remote_user, copy_in_cmd, and copy_out_cmd. All the functions that are available for a local backup on tape are also available here, but only on UNIX.

  • tape_auto: uses a local tape device with a tape changer. The prompts for changing the volumes are suppressed.

  • pipe_auto: uses a tape device with a tape changer on a remote system. The prompts for changing the volumes are suppressed. When you use this parameter specification, do not forget to set the parameters copy_in_cmd, copy_out_cmd, remote_host and remote_user appropriately.

    The parameters tape_auto and pipe_auto generally have no effect on BRARCHIVE, since that program does not support continuation tapes.

  • tape_box: uses jukeboxes and autoloader. The accompanying tape devices must be locally accessible.

  • pipe_box: uses jukeboxes and autoloader. The accompanying tape devices must be remotely accessible (remote_host, remote_user).

    For all tape device types, the drivers defined in the parameter tape_address or tape_address_arch are used for the data transfer (cpio, dd). For the rewind those defined in the parameter tape_address_rew or tape_address_arch_rew are used.

  • disk_copy: copies database files to a disk with an identical directory structure. The name of the new Oracle_Home directory is defined in the parameter new_db_home. See Structure-Retaining Database Copy.

  • disk_standby: copies database files to a disk with an identical directory structure (compare disk_copy). To let you construct a standby database, a standby control file is generated and copied. See Standby Database Configuration.

  • util_file: backs up or restores file-by-file using the backup program specified by the BACKINT interface program

    Note Note

    Since backups at disk-volume level are not valid for backups of archive log files, BRARCHIVE ignores util_vol and util_vol_online (see below) and instead always uses util_file.

    End of the note.
  • util_file_online: (if supported by the manufacturer of the external backup program) backs up file-by-file using an external backup program addressed by the BACKINT interface. The backup status is also set and ended dynamically for the tablespaces to be saved in an online backup. This value can also be set for an offline backup, in which case the database is not stopped before calling BACKINT. Instead, it is stopped when the first file is about to be backed up by BACKINT and started again after the last file has been saved.

  • util_vol: backs up or restores volume-by-volume using the backup program specified by the BACKINT interface program. The resulting BACKINT call is —t volume.

  • util_vol_online: (if supported by the manufacturer of the external backup program) backs up volume-by-volume using an external backup program addressed by the BACKINT interface. The backup status is also set and ended dynamically for the tablespaces to be saved in an online backup. This value can also be set for an offline backup, in which case the database is not stopped before calling BACKINT. Instead, it is stopped when the first volume is about to be backed up by BACKINT and started again after the last volume has been saved. The BACKINT call is —t volume online.

    Only BRBACKUP accepts util_vol_online. BRRESTORE ignores it and uses util_vol instead.

    Note Note

    The parameters util_file or util_vol let you use other storage media (for example, optical media), provided the supplier provides corresponding backup programs and a BACKINT interface. In such cases, the SAP utilities can call the external backup program for the physical backup or restore of the corresponding files. If you use parameter util_file_online or util_vol_online, the volume of offline redo log files is also significantly reduced during an online backup. See External Backup Programs.

    Ask the supplier of the non-SAP backup programs and the interface BACKINT for any additionally required parameters for the backup program call. If necessary, store this information in an appropriately maintained parameter file, which you should also enter in the parameter util_par_file or the command option -r|-parfile of the SAP tools.

    End of the note.
  • stage: backs up to a remote disk. This can be used for standard backups with BRBACKUP, for incremental backups while using the RMAN functions. See Backup to a Remote Disk.

  • stage_copy: copies database files to a remote disk with an identical directory structure. The name of the new Oracle_Home directory is defined in the parameter stage_db_home.

  • stage_standby: copies database files to a remote disk with an identical directory structure (compare disk_copy). To let you construct a standby database, this also generates and copies a standby control file.

  • rman_prep: determines the best distribution of the files to save sets before a RMAN backup to tape with file multiplexing. See RMAN Save-Set Grouping.

  • rman_util: performs an RMAN backup in combination with a backup library and the backup tool of another manufacturer. BACKINT provides an interface to the external backup tool and is also used to back up profiles, log files and the control file. See RMAN Backup with an External Backup Library.

  • rman_disk: backs up with an external backup library and RMAN, but without BACKINT. Copies profiles and log files to local disk.

  • rman_stage: backs up with an external backup library and RMAN, but without BACKINT. Copies profiles and log files to remote disk.





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