Mount your widows Partitions and make it read/writable in ubuntu

This tutorial will show you how to mount NTFS and FAT partitions in ubuntu

For mounting TFS we are going to use one small tool called NTFS-3G this is very powerfull and simple tool.

The NTFS-3G driver is an open source, freely available NTFS driver for Linux with read and write support. It provides safe and fast handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 file systems. Most POSIX file system operations are supported, with the notable exception of file ownership and access right changes.

You need to edit the sources.list file using the following command

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and add the following repositories which is suitable for you

If you are running Ubuntu Dapper enter the following lines save and exit the file

deb dapper main main-all
deb dapper main main-all
deb dapper main main-all

If you are running Ubuntu Edgy enter the following lines save and exit the file

deb edgy main
deb edgy main
deb edgy main

Now you need to import th GPG key for these repositories using the any one of the following command

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Now you need to update the source list using the following command

sudo apt-get update

Install ntfs-3g in Ubuntu

If you want to install ntfs-3g run the following command from your terminal

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

Configuring ntfs-3g

Now you need to use the following command to determine all the available partitions

sudo fdisk -l

Now you need to configure your NTFS partitions in /etc/fstab file before doing any changes in /etc/fstab file we will take a backup of this file using the following command (Highly Recommended)

sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak

Now you need to create a directory where do you mount your windows partitions in this example i ma creating windows directory

sudo mkdir /media/windows

If you want to mount /dev/hda1 is your windows partition you need to enter the following line in /etc/fstab file

/dev/ /media/ ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0

You need to replace your partition and mount point with your details


/dev/hda3 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0

save and exit the file

If you want to mount as read only you need to enter the following line in /etc/fstabfile

/dev/hda3 /media/windows ntfs-3g ro,locale=en_US.utf8,uid=1000 0 0

If You want to change your locale option you need to run the following command in a terminal to know which one is supported by your system.

locale -a

Now if you want these new chnages to take effect there are two options one is you can simply reboot your machine and the second one is without rebooting you need to run the following commands

To unmount

sudo umount -a

To Mount

sudo mount -a

If you want to know more available options for ntfs-3g check man page

If you want to mount and unmount Windows partitions (FAT) manually, and allow all users to read and write

Follow the same procedure to get the list of your windows partitions,create a directory where do you want to mount and you do the following command from your teminal replace /dev/hda3,/media/windows/ to your environment

sudo mount /dev/hda3 /media/windows/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000

If you want to mount FAT partitions on boot-up to allow users to read and write use the following command in your /etc/fstab file you can see the above procedure how to take backup of fstab file before you do any changes

/dev/hda3 /media/windows vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0

### 回答1: JDK8是Oracle公司推出的Java开发工具包,它提供了Java开发所需的一系列工具和类库。"widows"是一个笔误,我猜测你想问的可能是"Windows"操作系统下的JDK8。 在Windows操作系统下使用JDK8进行Java开发,首先需要安装JDK8的软件包。你可以从Oracle官方网站上下载安装程序,然后按照安装向导一步一步进行安装。 安装完成后,你需要配置JDK8的环境变量。通过设置JAVA_HOME环境变量来指定JDK8的安装目录,将JDK的bin目录添加到系统的PATH环境变量中,这样系统就能找到JDK的执行文件。 使用JDK8进行Java编程时,你可以使用任何Java开发工具,比如Eclipse、IntelliJ IDEA等。只需要在开发工具中配置JDK8的路径,然后就可以使用JDK8提供的各种功能进行开发。 JDK8相比于之前的版本,引入了许多新的特性和改进。其中最具代表性的是Lambda表达式和函数式接口的支持,使得Java语言更加灵活和函数式编程更容易实现。此外,JDK8还增强了集合类库、增加了新的时间日期API、改进了并发编程等方面。 总的来说,JDK8是Java开发的重要工具,为开发者提供了丰富的功能和便利。如果你想在Windows操作系统下进行Java开发,安装和配置JDK8是必要的第一步。 ### 回答2: JDK 8是Java Development Kit的缩写,是Java编程语言的一个开发环境。而“widows”的正确拼写应为“Windows”。 JDK 8是Java SE 8版本的开发工具包,它是Java编程语言的基础,用于开发和编译Java程序。它包括了编译器、虚拟机、调试工具和其他一些必要的组件。JDK 8还包括了许多新的特性和改进,使得Java编程更加便捷和高效。 对于Windows操作系统的用户来说,widows jdk8非常重要。它允许开发人员在Windows平台上编写和运行Java应用程序。通过使用JDK 8,开发者可以利用其中的工具和库来创建各种类型的Java应用程序,如桌面应用程序、移动应用和Web应用等。 此外,JDK 8还引入了一些新的语言特性和API,如Lambda表达式、Stream API等,这些特性极大地提高了Java编程的灵活性和效率。它们使得开发者能够更加简洁地编写代码,并能更好地处理集合和并行计算等任务。 总之,widows jdk8对于Windows系统下的Java开发者来说非常重要。它提供了完整的工具和环境,使得开发者能够轻松地编写、编译和运行Java应用程序。同时,JDK 8还引入了许多新的特性和改进,提升了Java编程的效率和灵活性。由于字数限制,以上只是对widows jdk8的简要说明。 ### 回答3: JDK(Java Development Kit)是Java开发工具包,而JDK 8是Java开发工具包的第8个主要版本。 widows JDK 8是指在Windows操作系统上安装和使用JDK 8进行Java开发。JDK 8包含了一系列的工具和库,供开发人员使用和编写Java程序。 使用JDK 8进行Java开发有许多优势。首先,JDK 8引入了许多新的特性和改进,例如lambda表达式、函数式接口、Stream API等,这些新特性使得Java开发更加简洁、灵活,并且增强了代码的可读性和可维护性。 其次,JDK 8对性能进行了优化和改进,使得Java应用程序在执行速度和内存消耗方面有明显的提升。特别是在多核处理器系统上,JDK 8的并行处理能力更强,可以更好地利用硬件资源。 此外,JDK 8还提供了丰富的开发工具和库,包括编译器、调试器、性能分析器等,这些工具可以帮助开发人员更加高效地编写、调试和优化Java代码。 总而言之,widows JDK 8是一套用于Windows操作系统上的Java开发工具,它提供了丰富的特性、优化的性能和强大的开发工具,使得Java开发变得更加轻松、高效和可靠。它是Java开发人员的不可或缺的选择之一。
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