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转载 游戏机器人的开发工具及开发步骤


2008-08-29 17:09:00 1008

转载 网络游戏中的数据包设计和定义(初论)

 接触了一段时间的网游封包设计,有了一些初步的思路,想借这篇文章总结一下,同时也作个记录,以利于以后更新自己的思路。  网络游戏的技术研发,分为三个主要的方面:服务器设计,客户端设计,数据库设计。而在服务器和客户端之间实现游戏逻辑的中介则是游戏数据包,服务器和客户端通过交换游戏数据包并根据分析得到的数据包来驱动游戏逻辑。网络游戏的实质是互动,而互动的控制则由服务器和客户端协同完成,协同就必

2008-08-29 16:43:00 725

转载 oracle to_char用法

 The following are number examples for the to_char function.to_char(1210.73, 9999.9)would return 1210.7to_char(1210.73, 9,999.99)would return 1,210.73to_char(1210.73, $9

2008-08-29 10:52:00 830

转载 netsh批处理实现TCP/IP自动配置

 使用netsh.exe命令配置TCP/IP你知道netsh.exe能为你做些什么吗?如果不知道的话就请跟我一起往下看吧。   首先,它可以显示你TCP/IP协议的相关设置。在命令提示窗口(CMD.EXE)里输入下列命令:   netsh interface ip show config   你还可以用它来更改计算机的IP地址或者配置TCP/IP的其它相关属性。例如,你想为计算

2008-08-28 20:35:00 6920

转载 firebug console API

 Firebug adds a global variable named "console" to all web pagesloaded in Firefox. This object contains many methods that allow you towrite to the Firebug console to expose information that is flo

2008-08-28 16:19:00 718

转载 SQL Server数据库锁机制及类型

Microsoft SQL Server(以下简称SQL Server)作为一种中小型数据库管理系统,已经得到了广泛的应用,该系统更强调由系统来管理锁。在用户有SQL请求时,系统分析请求,自动在满足锁定条件和系统性能之间为数据库加上适当的锁,同时系统在运行期间常常自动进行优化处理,实行动态加锁。  对于一般的用户而言,通过系统的自动锁定管理机制基本可以满足使用要求,但如果对数据安全、数据库完整性和

2008-08-28 10:18:00 961

转载 数据库范式

 注:表在定义中被称为关系,记作R字段在定义中被称作属性模式:数据库中有三种模式,外模式,内模式,模式粗体是关键字的意思斜体为外键 第一范式定义:如果关系R 中所有属性的值域都是单纯域,那么关系模式R是第一范式的那么符合第一模式的特点就有1)有主关键字2)主键不能为空,3)主键不能重复,4)字段不可以再分例如: StudyNo   |  

2008-08-28 10:17:00 537

转载 Oracle数据库中的锁机制研究


2008-08-28 10:13:00 568


 在ORACLE数据库中,需要对SQL语句进行优化的话需要知道其执行计划,从而针对性的进行调整.ORACLE的执行计划的获得有几种方法,下面就来总结下1、EXPLAIN的使用   OracleRDBMS执行每一条SQL语句,都必须经过Oracle优化器的评估。所以,了解优化器是如何选择(搜索)路径以及索引是如何被使用的,对优化SQL语句有很大的帮助。Explain可以用来迅速方便地查出

2008-08-28 09:52:00 1547

转载 Javascript解析引擎&内存泄漏

 Javascript解析引擎&内存泄漏 关键字: js, 解析引擎 本篇博客主要是整理js解析引擎相关知识点。----------------------------------------------------------http://blog.csdn.net/aimingoo/archive/2008/07/23/27002

2008-08-28 08:36:00 815

转载 使用Oracle 的 imp ,exp 命令实现数据的导入导出

  使用Oracle 的 imp ,exp 命令实现数据的导入导出 本文对Oracle数据的导入导出 imp ,exp 两个命令进行了介绍, 并对其相应的参数进行了说明,然后通过一些示例进行演练,加深理解.文章最后对运用这两个命令可能出现的问题(如权限不够,不同oracle版本)进行了探讨,并提出了相应的解决方案;本文部分内容摘录自网络,感谢网友的

2008-08-27 20:12:00 702

转载 Windows xp 定时关机命令

 Windows xp 定时关机命令Windows XP的关机是由Shutdown.exe程序来控制的,位于Windows/System32文件夹中。如 果想让Windows 2000也实现同样的效果,可以把Shutdown.exe复制到系统目录下。 比如你的电脑要在22:00关机,可以选择“开始→运行”,输入“a

2008-08-25 22:42:00 1036

转载 Oracle 分区索引详解

  Oracle 分区索引详解 语法:Table Index CREATE [UNIQUE|BITMAP] INDEX [schema.]index_nameON [schema.]table_name [tbl_alias](col [ASC | DESC]) index_clause index_attribsindex_clauses:分以下两种情况1. Lo

2008-08-25 15:30:00 986

转载 Improving Database Performance with Partitioning

 Improving Database Performance with PartitioningA few years ago, I wrote an article entitled "The Foundation ofExcellent Performance" (still available athttp://www.tdan.com/i016fe03.htm) wh

2008-08-25 15:27:00 938

转载 Embarcadero Plans New Delphi, C++Builder Releases

EmbarcaderoTechnologies, which acquired CodeGear from Borland, plans to delivernew releases of Delphi and C++Builder. Delphi 2009 and C++Builder 2009for Windows development will ship Aug. 25. Em

2008-08-23 10:18:00 846

转载 oracle临时表相关知识

 回复: 临时表存放在哪儿?DML statements on temporary tables do not generate redo logs for the data changes. However, undo logs for the data and redo logs for the undo logs are generated. Data from the temporary

2008-08-22 16:44:00 622


 1. 获取帮助     exp help=y    2. 导出一个完整数据库    exp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y    3. 导出数据库定义而不导出数据    exp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y rows=n    4. 导出一个或一组指定用户所属的全

2008-08-22 11:43:00 1967

转载 把数据导入不同的表空间(exp,imp)

 很多人在进行数据迁移时,希望把数据导入不同于原系统的表空间,在导入之后却往往发现,数据被导入了原表空间。本例举例说明解决这个问题:1.如果缺省的用户具有DBA权限那么导入时会按照原来的位置导入数据,即导入到原表空间$ imp bjbbs/passwd file=bj_bbs.dmp fromuser=jive touser=bjbbs grants=nImport: Release 8.1.7.

2008-08-22 11:42:00 972

转载 红客必学:Windows下的权限设置详解

 随着动网论坛的广泛应用和动网上传漏洞的被发现以及SQL注入式攻击越来越多的被使用,WEBSHELL让防火墙形同虚设,一台即使打了所有微软补丁、只让80端口对外开放的WEB服务器也逃不过被黑的命运。难道我们真的无能为力了吗?其实,只要你弄明白了NTFS系统下的权限设置问题,我们可以对crackers们说:NO!    要打造一台安全的WEB服务器,那么这台服务器就一定要使用NTFS和Win

2008-08-22 09:56:00 937

原创 UML小记

 继承是is-a,关联是has-a,依赖是use-aUML中4中事务:结构事务Structural thing:class,interface,collaboration,use case,acitve class,component,node行为事务Behavioral thing:interaction,state machine分组事物Grouping thing:package,subsy

2008-08-22 09:55:00 657

转载 sql*plus 中输出格式控制技巧

 sql*plus是我们常用的工具,大家也许对此工具感到一个困惑的地方就是对其输出的格式化了。我总结整理了一下常用的格式化输出操作及一些简单用例,发给大家,以备使用时参考: 1. COL命令: 主要格式化列的显示形式。 该命令有许多选项,具体如下: COL[UMN] [{ column|expr} [ option ...]] Option选项可以是如下的子句: ALI[AS]

2008-08-05 14:20:00 916

转载 mount 和 umount

 mount 和 umount 命令的使用mount 和 umount 是linux系统中分别用来挂载和卸载文件系统分区的mount:如果此时文件系统已经创建成功,您应该挂载分区了。挂载文件系统的命令是 mount,其语法是:mount [选项] [-o 挂载选项]  在本例中,我们首先会将分区临时挂载在 /mnt (或您选择的任何其它挂载点:请记住,挂载点必须已经存在)。挂载我们新创建的分区

2008-08-05 10:46:00 1320

转载 IIS5、IIS6、IIS7的ASP.net 请求处理过程比较

ASP.NET是一个非常强大的构建Web应用的平台,它提供了极大的灵活性和能力以致于可以用它来构建所有类型的Web应用。 绝大多数的人只熟悉高层的框架如: WebForms 和 WebServices --这些都在ASP.NET层次结构在最高层。 这篇文章的资料收集整理自各种微软公开的文档,通过比较 IIS5、IIS6、IIS7 这三代 IIS 对请求的处理过程, 让我们熟悉ASP

2008-08-05 08:55:00 621

转载 How to make a resizable dialog bar in Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)

 How to make a resizable dialog bar in Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)View products that this article applies to.function loadTOCNode(){}Article ID:143255Last Review:November 21, 2006Revision:5.1Th

2008-08-04 13:51:00 1126

转载 几个SQL语法例子

 SELECT DISTINCT store_name FROM Store_Information;SELECT * FROM Store_Information WHERE store_name IN (Los Angeles, San Diego);几个函数:    * AVG (平均)    * COUNT (计数)    * MAX (最大值)    * MIN (最小值)   

2008-08-01 15:25:00 803


Apress.The.Definitive.Guide.to.GCC.2nd.Edition.2006 gcc权威指南,英文原版


project management

Project management has evolved from a management philosophy restricted to a few functional areas and regarded as something nice to have to an enterprise project management system affecting every functional unit of the company. Simply stated, project management has evolved into a business process rather than merely a project management process. More and more companies are now regarding project management as being mandatory for the survival of the firm. Organizations that were opponents of project management are now advocates. Management educators of the past, who preached that project management could not work and would be just another fad, are now staunch supporters. Project management is here to stay. Colleges and universities are now offering graduate degrees in project management. The text discusses the principles of project management. Students who are interested in advanced topics, such as some of the material in Chapters 21 to 24 of this text, may wish to read one of my other texts, Advanced Project Management: Best Practices in Implementation (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004), and Project Management Best Practices: Achieving Global Excellence (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006). John Wiley & Sons will also be introducing a five-book series on project management best practices, co-authored by Frank Saladis and Harold Kerzner, to accompany the above two books. This book is addressed not only to those undergraduate and graduate students who wish to improve upon their project management skills but also to those functional managers and upper-level executives who serve as project sponsors and must provide continuous support for projects. During the past several years, management's knowledge and understanding of project management has matured to the point where almost every company is using project management in one form or another. These companies have come to the realization that project management and productivity are related and that we are now managing our business as though i



“ The long-awaited second edition of Wesley Chun’s Core Python Programming proves to be well worth the wait—its deep and broad coverage and useful exercises will help readers learn and practice good Python.” —Alex Martelli, author of Python in a Nutshell and editor of Python Cookbook “对陈仲才《Python核心编程》第二版的漫长等待是值得的——它的深邃、 它的全面以及书中实用的练习将会帮助读者学会并掌握杰出的Python技能” ——亚历克斯·马特利(Alex Martelli)《Python in a Nutshell》一书作 者,以及《Python Cookbook》的编辑



Introduction No Unix"class system administrator or user will get far without learning the basics of vi#1$, the widespread visual text"mode editor. Contrary to some misinformed opinions spread among users who are new to Unix"class systems, vi#1$ is not di*cult to learn. Granted, it is over thirty years old and not very friendly to beginners, but once you grasp the basic concepts, you will never have to learn another text editor again, because vi#1$ is available for all standard operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, and many others. My own experience teaching vi#1$ and Unix"class system and network administration suggests that most of the problems reported by new users stem from the fact that vi#1$ is completely di%erent from any other text editor. Vi#1$ is a modal editor, which means that you need to tell it to switch between di%erent modes and commands, even when all you want to do is change a few characters. This minor inconvenience is o%set by the enormous flexibility of the editor and its seamless integration with the rest of the Unix environment. Another problem is the obscure terminology used to describe its functionality. It makes learning vi#1$ unnecessarily di*cult for no good reason. Bearing those two issues in mind, I have written a book which does not bombard you with the old terminology, but rather uses concepts that are familiar to users who are used to working with Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X and who do not know much about the ‘joys’ of working on dial"up text mode terminals. I hope this fresh new look at vi#1$ will help you learn it and become more productive. Jacek Artymiak


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