
JAVA 代码:
public class testdll{
 static {
public native static int get();
public native static void set(int i);
public static void main(String[] args) {
 testdll test = new testdll();
编译,然后使用javah -jni testdll生成testdll.h文件
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW

int i = 0;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_testdll_get (JNIEnv *, jclass)
 return i;

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_testdll_set (JNIEnv *, jclass, jint j)
 i = j;
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'jni.h': No such file or directory




复制到Visual Studio.net的安装目录下的/Vc7/include目录中




14:04 2007-8-15

Implementation JNI by prompt:
1. Code java source file, note:
   static {
2. javac ....java

3. javah -jni ... (generate TestDLL.h)

4. Create TestDLL.c (the implementation of native method) [note: add argument name]
    #ifdef __LCC__
     * Valentin Valchev (Bulgaria, www.prosyst.com)
     * This is the standart implementation of Java 2 OnLoad and OnUnload native
     * library calls. This template defines them empty functions
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)  
        return JNI_VERSION_1_2;
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)
5. lcc -IC:/jdk1.5/include -IC:/jdk1.5/include/win32 -c TestDLL.c

6. lcclnk -dll TestDLL.obj -o TestDLL.dll


Java Native Interface on Windows

General Steps:
1) Create .java source file, with the following three things:
  - a main method
  - a native method (i.e. declaration only)
  - a static block with call to System.loadLibrary("nameofdllfilewithoutextension")

2) Compile this into a .class file

3) Use javah with -jni flag to create a .h header file.

4) Create a .c source file, with the native method implementation in it. The function
   declaration must EXACTLY MATCH the declaration in the .h header file (copy/paste it!).
   Also, one must #include <jni.h> and #include "theheaderfile.h".
   (NOTE: see example below for a slight HACK)

5) Compile the .c source file into "nameofdllfilewithoutextension".dll

6) Run the Java application. It will load the .dll file at runtime.

Example, using lcc-win32 compiler:
We will create a JNITest application, where a .java file calls a native method which
simply performs some variation of Hello World! In this example we assume that the
current directory contains all the project files described in what follows. We also
assume that the compiler binaries are located at C:/lcc/bin and that the JNI files
are located at C:/jdk1.3.0_02/include -- but it's easy to change these paths below.
Note: if you don't have lcc-win32, do a Google search on it, download it and install
it. It takes about 5 minutes. The installer works well. I installed it into C:/lcc

1) Create JNITest.java with elements described above.

2) javac -classpath . JNITest.java

3) javah -jni JNITest

4) We now have the following files: JNITest.java JNITest.class JNITest.h

5) Create JNITestImpl.c (with implementation of method(s) declared in JNITest.h).
   On my system (win2k), the .h file created by javah does not have the the complete
   function declaration: only argument types, but no argument names are given. This
   works okay in the .h file, but when you copy and paste it into the implemention .c
   file, you'll need to add argument names. See the source code below for details:

   We also need the following, more significant HACK. Because of some issues with lcc,
   it is necessary to include some extra C code in the implementation .c file. You
   can search Google Groups for 'dll lcc-win32 jni export'. If you look carefully
   (you need to explicitly select "Complete Thread") there's an explanation by the
   author of lcc-win32, and the following workaround: you can add this code at the
   bottom of your JNITestImpl.c file.

#ifdef __LCC__

 * Valentin Valchev (Bulgaria, www.prosyst.com)
 * This is the standart implementation of Java 2 OnLoad and OnUnload native
 * library calls. This template defines them empty functions
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)  
    return JNI_VERSION_1_2;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)

6) Compile JNITestImpl.c into a .obj file. This can be tricky. Here's how in this case:

  C:/lcc/bin/lcc -IC:/jdk1.3.0_02/include -IC:/jkd1.3.0_02/include/win32 JNITestImpl.c

7) You now have the following files: JNITest.java JNITest.class JNITest.h JNITestImpl.c JNITestImpl.obj

8) Now we must use the 'Linker' to create a .dll file:

  C:/lcc/bin/lcclnk -dll JNITestImpl.obj -o jnitest.dll

  This assumes the .java file has the following line:
     static { System.loadLibrary("jnitest"); }

9) This not only creates the file jnitest.dll, but also a bunch of others. They don't matter much.

10) Run the program:  java -classpath . JNITest

Source Code for this Example:

File: JNITest.java
public class JNITest
    public static void main(String args[])
        System.out.println("Beginning main() in JNITest.");

        JNITest test = new JNITest();

        System.out.println("Completed main() in JNITest.");

    public native void displayHelloWorld();

    static {

File: JNITestImpl.c
#include <jni.h>
#include "JNITest.h"
#include <stdio.h>

 * This is virtually the same function definition as defined in JNITest.h
 * but we've added argument names: 'env' and 'obj'
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_JNITest_displayHelloWorld(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
    printf("Howdy folks! ( This is a C printf statement! )/n");

#ifdef __LCC__
 * Valentin Valchev (Bulgaria, www.prosyst.com)
 * This is the standart implementation of Java 2 OnLoad and OnUnload native
 * library calls. This template defines them empty functions
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)  
    return JNI_VERSION_1_2;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved)
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