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Java2核心技术卷I+卷2:基础知识(第8版) 代码

Java 核心技术 卷1 Index Chapter 1: An Introduction to Java 1 Java As a Programming Platform 2 The Java “White Paper” Buzzwords 2 Java Applets and the Internet 7 A Short History of Java 9 Common Misconceptions about Java 11 Chapter 2: The Java Programming Environment 15 Installing the Java Development Kit 16 Choosing a Development Environment 21 Using the Command-Line Tools 22 Using an Integrated Development Environment 25 Running a Graphical Application 28 Building and Running Applets 31 Chapter 3: Fundamental Programming Structures in Java 35 A Simple Java Program 36 Comments 39 Data Types 40 Variables 44 Operators 46 Strings 53 Input and Output 63 Control Flow 71 Big Numbers 88 Arrays 90 Chapter 4: Objects and Classes 105 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 106 Using Predefined Classes 111 Defining Your Own Classes 122 Static Fields and Methods 132 Method Parameters 138 Object Construction 144 Packages 15 The Class Path 160 Documentation Comments 162 Class Design Hints 167 Chapter 5: Inheritance 171 Classes, Superclasses, and Subclasses 172 Object: The Cosmic Superclass 192 Generic Array Lists 204 Object Wrappers and Autoboxing 211 Methods with a Variable Number of Parameters 214 Enumeration Classes 215 Reflection 217 Design Hints for Inheritance 238 Chapter 6: Interfaces and Inner Classes 241 Interfaces 242 Object Cloning 249 Interfaces and Callbacks 255 Inner Classes 258 Proxies 275 Chapter 7: Graphics Programming 281 Introducing Swing 282 Creating a Frame 285 Positioning a Frame 288 Displaying Information in a Component 294 Working with 2D Shapes 299 Using Color 307 Using Special Fonts for Text 310 Displaying Images 318 Chapter 8: Event Handling 323 Basics of Event Handling 324 Actions 342 Mouse Events 349 The AWT Event Hierarchy 357 Chapter 9: User Interface Components with Swing 361 Swing and the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern 362 Introduction to Layout Management 368 Text Input 377 Choice Components 385 Menus 406 Sophisticated Layout Management 424 Dialog Boxes 452 Chapter 10: Deploying Applications and Applets 493 JAR Files 494 Java Web Start 501 Applets 516 Storage of Application Preferences 539 Chapter 11: Exceptions, Logging, Assertions, and Debugging 551 Dealing with Errors 552 Catching Exceptions 559 Tips for Using Exceptions 568 Using Assertions 571 Logging 575 Debugging Tips 591 Using a Debugger 607 Chapter 12: Generic Programming 613 Why Generic Programming? 614 Definition of a Simple Generic Class 616 Generic Methods 618 Bounds for Type Variables 619 Generic Code and the Virtual Machine 621 Restrictions and Limitations 626 Inheritance Rules for Generic Types 630 Wildcard Types 632 Reflection and Generics 640 Chapter 13: Collections 649 Collection Interfaces 650 Concrete Collections 658 The Collections Framework 689 Algorithms 700 Legacy Collections 707 Chapter 14: Multithreading 715 What Are Threads? 716 Interrupting Threads 728 Thread States 730 Thread Properties 733 Synchronization 736 Blocking Queues 764 Thread-Safe Collections 771 Callables and Futures 774 Executors 778 Synchronizers 785 Threads and Swing 794 Appendix 809 Index 813 Java 核心技术 卷2 Index Chapter 1: Streams and Files 1 Streams 2 Text Input and Output 11 Reading and Writing Binary Data 23 ZIP Archives 32 Object Streams and Serialization 39 File Management 59 New I/O 65 Regular Expressions 75 Chapter 2: XML 87 Introducing XML 88 Parsing an XML Document 93 Validating XML Documents 105 Locating Information with XPath 129 Using Namespaces 136 Streaming Parsers 138 Generating XML Documents 146 XSL Transformations 157 Chapter 3: Networking 169 Connecting to a Server 170 Implementing Servers 177 Interruptible Sockets 184 Sending E-Mail 191 Making URL Connections 196 Chapter 4: Database Programming 217 The Design of JDBC 218 The Structured Query Language 222 JDBC Configuration 227 Executing SQL Statements 232 Query Execution 242 Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets 254 Row Sets 260 Metadata 263 Transactions 273 Connection Management in Web and Enterprise Applications 278 Introduction to LDAP 279 Chapter 5: Internationalization 297 Locales 298 Number Formats 303 Date and Time 310 Collation 318 Message Formatting 324 Text Files and Character Sets 328 Resource Bundles 329 A Complete Example 333 Chapter 6: Advanced Swing 351 Lists 352 Tables 370 Trees 405 Text Components 442 Progress Indicators 479 Component Organizers 492 Chapter 7: Advanced AWT 521 The Rendering Pipeline 522 Shapes 524 Areas 540 Strokes 542 Paint 550 Coordinate Transformations 552 Clipping 557 Transparency and Composition 559 Rendering Hints 568 Readers and Writers for Images 575 Image Manipulation 585 Printing 601 The Clipboard 635 Drag and Drop 652 Platform Integration 668 Chapter 8: Javabeans Components 685 Why Beans? 686 The Bean-Writing Process 688 Using Beans to Build an Application 690 Naming Patterns for Bean Properties and Events 698 Bean Property Types 701 BeanInfo Classes 710 Property Editors 713 Customizers 723 JavaBeans Persistence 732 Chapter 9: Security 755 Class Loaders 756 Bytecode Verification 767 Security Managers and Permissions 771 User Authentication 790 Digital Signatures 805 Code Signing 822 Encryption 828 Chapter 10: Distributed Objects 841 The Roles of Client and Server 842 Remote Method Calls 845 The RMI Programming Model 846 Parameters and Return Values in Remote Methods 856 Remote Object Activation 865 Web Services and JAX-WS 871 Chapter 11: Scripting, Compiling, and Annotation Processing 883 Scripting for the Java Platform 884 The Compiler API 895 Using Annotations 905 Annotation Syntax 911 Standard Annotations 915 Source-Level Annotation Processing 919 Bytecode Engineering 926 Chapter 12: Native Methods 935 Calling a C Function from a Java Program 936 Numeric Parameters and Return Values 942 String Parameters 944 Accessing Fields 950 Encoding Signatures 954 Calling Java Methods 956 Accessing Array Elements 962 Handling Errors 966 Using the Invocation API 970 A Complete Example: Accessing the Windows Registry 975 Index 991


中文版Dreamweaver CS4网页制作实用教程》

第1章 网页设计学前基础 1 1.1 网站和网页的基础知识 1 1.1.1 主流网站解析 1 1.1.2 网页的概念 3 1.1.3 网页的基本元素 3 1.1.4 网页类型 5 1.2 网页的设计构思 7 1.2.1 网页的布局构思 7 1.2.2 网页的设计原则 8 1.2.3 网页的配色技巧 9 1.2.4 网页大体构思 10 1.2.5 网页制作的一般流程 11 1.3 认识Dreamweaver CS4 12 1.3.1 Dreamweaver简介 12 1.3.2 Dreamweaver CS4工作界面 12 1.4 上机练习 17 1.5 习题 18 第2章 创建和管理站点 19 2.1 创建本地站点 19 2.1.1 站点的概念 19 2.1.2 规划站点 21 2.1.3 创建本地站点 22 2.1.4 管理本地站点 24 2.2 创建站点文件 26 2.2.1 创建文件夹和文件 26 2.2.2 管理文件夹和文件 26 2.3 网页文档的基本操作 27 2.3.1 创建空白网页文档 27 2.3.2 打开和保存文档 28 2.3.3 设置文档属性 29 2.4 显示和编辑页面头部信息 30 2.4.1 显示页面头部信息 30 2.4.2 插入头部信息 31 2.5 上机练习 32 2.5.1 构建本地站点 33 2.5.2 设置页面头部信息 34 2.6 习题 34 第3章 规划网页布局 35 3.1 可视化助理 35 3.1.1 使用【标尺】功能 35 3.1.2 使用【网格】功能 36 3.1.3 使用【跟踪图像】功能 37 3.2 使用表格 38 3.2.1 Dreamweaver中的表格 38 3.2.2 插入表格 38 3.2.3 插入嵌套表格 40 3.3 编辑表格 41 3.3.1 选择表格 41 3.3.2 表格的编辑操作 43 3.3.3 表格的其他操作 48 3.4 使用框架布局网页 50 3.4.1 框架的概念 50 3.4.2 使用框架布局网页 52 3.4.3 保存框架 53 3.4.4 创建嵌套框架 54 3.4.5 设置框架属性 54 3.5 上机练习 55 3.6 习题 56 第4章 插入文本和图像 57 4.1 在网页中插入文本 57 4.1.1 认识【文本】插入栏 57 4.1.2 插入文本 58 4.1.3 导入文本 58 4.1.4 插入特殊符号 59 4.1.5 插入水平线 59 4.1.6 插入日期 60 4.2 编辑文本 62 4.2.1 设置文本样式 62 4.2.2 设置文本段落格式 64 4.2.3 设置列表 64 4.3 在网页中插入图像 67 4.3.1 网页中的图像格式 67 4.3.2 插入图像 67 4.3.3 应用鼠标经过图像 70 4.4 编辑图像 72 4.4.1 设置图像属性 72 4.4.2 使用图像编辑器 76 4.5 上机练习 78 4.5.1 制作汽车网站主页 78 4.5.2 制作导航栏 81 4.6 习题 82 第5章 制作精美的网页 83 5.1 应用导航条 83 5.1.1 插入导航条 83 5.1.2 编辑导航条 84 5.2 在网页中插入Flash动画 86 5.2.1 插入Flash SWF文件 86 5.2.2 设置Flash动画属性 88 5.2.3 插入FlashPaper 89 5.2.4 插入Flv视频 89 5.3 插入其他媒体文件 93 5.3.1 插入Shockwave影片 93 5.3.2 插入Java Applet 94 5.4 在网页中插入声音 94 5.4.1 网页中的声音格式 95 5.4.2 直接插入声音 95 5.4.3 添加背景音乐 96 5.5 应用网页特效 98 5.5.1 添加鼠标特效 98 5.5.2 插入滚动条 100 5.5.3 应用网页特效 101 5.6 上机练习 106 5.6.1 制作主页 107 5.6.2 丰富页面内容 109 5.7 习题 110 第6章 使用CSS样式美化 111 6.1 CSS样式的基础知识 111 6.1.1 CSS样式的概念 111 6.1.2 CSS样式的功能 112 6.1.3 CSS样式规则 112 6.2 使用CSS样式 113 6.2.1 认识【CSS样式】面板 114 6.2.2 新建CSS样式规则 115 6.2.3 定义CSS样式规则 116 6.2.4 应用CSS样式规则 121 6.3



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