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2008-12-27 18:28:00 55266 125

转载 获取IP地址

记得在一次开发局域网程序时,遇到一个问题,要判断这个此时运行的程序是不是在服务器端.所以要判断登录的客户端IP以及服务器端的IP.利用c#获取客户端的IP和服务器的IP是很简单的,代码如下://获取客户端的IP地址         TextBox1.Text = Request.UserHostAddress;        //获取服务器的主机名         stri

2008-12-24 23:16:00 1731

dockpanelsuite - The docking library for .Net Windows Forms development

The docking library for .Net Windows Forms development which mimics Visual Studio .Net.



Preface In an age in which “the network is the computer,” the .NET Framework has become a leading environment for which code is created. The premier language for .NET development is C#. Therefore, if .NET programming is in your future, you have chosen the right language to learn. Beyond its use for .NET programming, C# is important for another reason. Its innovative features are reshaping the programming world, changing the way code is written, and enabling solutions to be framed in new ways. Thus, C# is helping to define the future direction of programming. As a result, fluency in C# is no longer an option for the professional programmer. It has become a necessity. The purpose of this book is to teach you the fundamentals of C# programming. It uses a step-by-step approach complete with numerous examples and self tests. It assumes no previous programming experience. The book starts with the basics, such as how to compile and run a C# program. It then discusses the keywords, features, and constructs that comprise the C# language. By the time you finish, you will have a firm grasp of the essentials of C# programming. As all programmers know, nothing stands still very long in the world of programming. C# is no exception. Since its creation in 2000, C# has undergone two major revisions, with each revision adding significant new features. At the time of this writing, the current version of C# is 3.0, and this is the version of C# described by this book. Therefore, this book includes coverage of C#’s newest features, including Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and lambda expressions. Of course, this beginner’s guide is just a starting point. C# is a very large language and involves more than just the keywords and syntax that define it. It also involves the use of a sophisticated set of libraries called the .NET Framework Class Library. This library is very large, and a complete discussion would require a book of its own. Although several of the


ASP.NET 程序设计习题答案 尚俊杰 编著

ASP.NET 程序设计 (尚俊杰 编著)每章书后面的习题答案



Networking Second Edition Jeffrey S. Beasley New Mexico State University This book provides a comprehensive look at computer networking from the point of view of the network administrator. It guides readers from an entry-level knowledge in computer networks to advanced concepts in Ethernet networks, router configuration, TCP/IP networks, routing protocols, local, campus, and wide area network configuration, network security, wireless networking, optical networks, Voice over IP, the network server, Linux networking, and industrial networks. After covering the entire text, readers will have gained a solid knowledge base in computer networks. In my years of teaching, I have observed that technology students prefer to learn “how to swim” after they have gotten wet and taken in a little water. Then they are ready for more challenges. Show the students the technology, how it is used, and why, and they will take the applications of the technology to the next level. Allowing them to experiment with the technology helps them to develop a greater understanding. This book does just that. ORGANIZATION OF THE TEXT



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