理解write buffer与cache的好文章--摘自Arm system developer's guide chapter 12

A cache is a small, fast array of memory placed between the processor core and main memory that stores portions of recently referenced main memory. The processor uses cache memory instead of main memory whenever possible to increase system performance.The goal of a cache is to reduce the memory access bottleneck imposed on the processorcore by slow memory.
Often used with a cache is a write buffer—a very small first-in-first-out (FIFO) memory placed between the processor core and main memory. The purpose of a write buffer is to free the processor core and cache memory from the slow write time associated with writing to main memory.
The word cache is a French word meaning “a concealed place for storage.” When applied to ARM embedded systems, this definition is very accurate. The cache memory and write buffer hardware when added to a processor core are designed to be transparent to software code execution, and thus previously written software does not need to be rewritten for use on a cached core. Both the cache and write buffer have additional control hardware that automatically handles the movement of code and data between the processor and main memory. However, knowing the details of a processor’s cache design can help you create
programs that run faster on a specific ARM core.
Since the majority of this chapter is about the wonderful things a cache can do to make programs run faster, the question arises, “Are there any drawbacks created by having a cache in your system?” The answer is yes. The main drawback is the difficulty of determining the execution time of a program. Why this is a problem will become evident shortly.
Since cache memory only represents a very small portion of main memory, the cache fills quickly during program execution. Once full, the cache controller frequently evicts existing code or data from cache memory to make more room for the new code or data. This eviction process tends to occur randomly, leaving some data in cache and removing others. Thus, at any given instant in time, a value may or may not be stored in cache memory.

Because data may or may not be present in cache at any given point in time, the execution time of a routine may vary slightly from run to run due to the difference between the time it takes to use data immediately out of cache memory and the time it takes to load a cache line from main memory.
So, with that caveat, we begin by showing where caches fit in a standard memory hierarchy and introduce the principle of locality of reference to explain why a cache improves system performance. We then describe cache architectures in general and define a set of terms used by the ARM community. We end the chapter with example code showing how to clean and flush caches and to lock code and data segments in cache.



The Memory Hierarchy and Cache Memory
In Chapter 1 we introduced the memory hierarchy in a computer system. Figure 12.1 reviews some of this information to show where a cache and write buffer fit in the hierarchy.
Memory Hierarchy


 The innermost level of the hierarchy is at the processor core. This memory is so tightly coupled to the processor that in many ways it is difficult to think of it as separate from the processor. This memory is known as a register file. These registers are integral to the processor core and provide the fastest possible memory access in the system.
At the primary level, memory components are connected to the processor core through dedicated on-chip interfaces. It is at this level we find tightly coupled memory (TCM) and level 1 cache. We talk more about caches in a moment.
Also at the primary level is main memory. It includes volatile components like SRAM and DRAM, and nonvolatile components like flash memory. The purpose of main memory is to hold programs while they are running on a system.
The next level is secondary storage—large, slow, relatively inexpensive mass storage devices such as disk drives or removable memory. Also included in this level is data derived from peripheral devices, which are characterized by their extremely long access times.Secondary memory is used to store unused portions of very large programs that do not fit in main memory and programs that are not currently executing.
It is useful to note that a memory hierarchy depends as much on architectural design as on the technology surrounding it. For example, TCMand SRAM are of the same technology yet differ in architectural placement: TCM is located on the chip, while SRAM is located on a board.
A cache may be incorporated between any level in the hierarchy where there is a
significant access time difference between memory components. A cache can improve system performance whenever such a difference exists. A cache memory system takes information stored in a lower level of the hierarchy and temporarily moves it to a higher level.
Figure 12.1 includes a level 1 (L1) cache and write buffer. The L1 cache is an array of high-speed, on-chip memory that temporarily holds code and data from a slower level.
A cache holds this information to decrease the time required to access both instructions and data. The write buffer is a very small FIFO buffer that supports writes to main memory from the cache.
Not shown in the figure is a level 2 (L2) cache. An L2 cache is located between the
L1 cache and slower memory. The L1 and L2 caches are also known as the primary and secondary caches.
Figure 12.2 shows the relationship that a cache has with main memory system and the processor core. The upper half of the figure shows a block diagram of a system without a cache. Main memory is accessed directly by the processor core using the datatypes supported by the processor core. The lower half of the diagram shows a system with a cache. The cache memory is much faster than main memory and thus responds quickly to data requests by the core. The cache’s relationship with main memory involves the transfer of small blocks
of data between the slower main memory to the faster cache memory. These blocks of data are known as cache lines.
The write buffer acts as a temporary buffer that frees available space in the cache memory. The cache transfers a cache line to the write buffer at high speed and then the write buffer drains it to main memory at slow speed.








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