The Seven Characteristics of a Tight Organization

April 26, 2016


Only highly performing teams can winconsistently. They work tightly together and there is little slack and littlewaste which is why they can be called “tight organizations”. Work is focusedand extremely productive.


Here are seven characteristics of tightwinning teams:


  1. Action in a tightorganization is fast, specific and results-oriented. This means thatcommunication is fast, specific, and action-oriented. People respond tomessages quickly. Most emails are brief, and some few are extremely long. CC isused sparingly. BCC is not used at all within the team. Every message tries topredict the next step or question and immediately presumptively tackle it. Inthat way, the communication cycles are not just faster but also fewer. What issaid here about email applies to slack and other forms of communication too.

  2. Communication is realand solid. There is much more signal than noise. What people say, they do. Andwhat they do, they say. They say the same things to all people, and the samethings in the face to someone as behind the person’s back. What they saymatters.

  3. Decision-making isindividual and fast. In a tight organization, decisions are often debatedbroadly and deeply. But the actual decision has an owner – an individual or perhaps a smallcoordination team. As those in charge of making decisions have the trust of theothers and possess deep knowledge, they can make up their minds quickly.

  4. Collaborative thingsare reasonably predictable. People don’t cancel meetings. They don’t changeagendas just before meetings. Things don’t oscillate. Everyone knows what needsto be done and who is in charge, so there is less variability in thecollaboration. There can be huge changes and surprises within single projectsor initiatives. But the overall framework for collaboration is stable anddependable.

  5. Collaboration istight and free from big egos. People co-edit the same document. They help eachother improve both the big and the small things. They back each other up,stepping in when someone needs support. They also hold each other to a veryhigh standard, not tolerating mediocrity.

  6. Institutionalknowledge is abundant. People instinctively know who is in charge of something,who knows the answer, who will be keen to be consulted on something. They knowwhat works and what doesn’t. People remember specific customers and theirpreferences.

  7. Frugality goeswithout saying. In a tight organization, everyone is working towards anambitious goal and they do so spending the smallest possible amount of cash.Everyone knows that money may be needed for bigger projects and events furtherdown the line. Costly activities with uncertain outcomes are not practiced.Nothing is done for prestige. On the contrary, every expense will bequestioned. But once they decide to focus on something, they do the opposite:they pool resources and invest boldly.


The difficulty is getting there

This is a description of a pretty impressiveorganization. It is easy to see and agree on the end-state. The difficulty isgetting there.


An essential element is a meaningful mandatefor the organization – somethingthat allows everyone to become determined and committed to results.


You must also have a leadership team thatbelieves in the concept of the tight organization and who will alwaysprioritize and reward such behavior over other forms.


Success is not possible without openness,honesty and directness –in the way we think, the way we communicate, the way we collaborate, and theway we act.


Tight organizations are wonderful becausethey are high on results and low on egos, politicking, gossiping, andsuperficial fanciness.


Interestingly, when an organization getsreally tight as I here describe, the culture of the organization does NOT becometight. On the contrary, it becomes looser. Everyone in the organization knowsthat they are doing important work. They acknowledge that it takes blood, sweatand tears. Team members trust one another. And so they also know they can beplayful and make work fun. Pranks can be personal and even rough, but they comepackaged in limitless kindness. It’s tight, but it is not uptight. It’s relaxedand accommodating.


Tight organizations need cultural breathingholes and conceptual sanctuaries where team members can get out of their dailygrind and have fun like sisters and brothers. Those moments becomeunforgettable, as do the results the team produces together!


Marten Mickos

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