
AgreeAgainst saveAgreeAgainst(AgreeAgainst agreeAgainst) throws BbscsException;
AgreeAgainst findAgreeAgainstByUidPidBid(String userID,String postID,long bid);
void removeOutTime(long time)throws BbscsException;
public AgreeAgainst saveAgreeAgainst(AgreeAgainst agreeAgainst) throws BbscsException{
return this.getAgreeAgainstDAO().saveAgreeAgainst(agreeAgainst);
return agreeAgainst;我这里啰嗦了一下,以后源代码中会用到,别问我为什么~~~)
}catch(Exception ex) {
throw new BbscsException(ex);
public AgreeAgainst saveAgreeAgainst(AgreeAgainst agreeAgainst);
public AgreeAgainst findAgreeAgainstByUidPidBid(String userID,String postID,long bid);
public void removeOutTime(long time);
<property name="sessionFactory">
   <ref local="sessionFactory" />
它将两个HQL语句都重构成private static final String  了.一个是LOAD_BY_UID_PID_BID,一个是ROMOVE_OUTTIME,注意其extends HibernateDAOSupport抽象类(得到了org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.HibernateDAOSupport的支持哦~)这样我们就可以不用get和set这个sessionFacotry了,另外可能使用this.getHibernateTemplate()来进行实际操作了.
先构造一个Object[] o={postID,userID,new Long(bid)};
List list=this.getHibernateTemplate().find(LOAD_BY_UID_PID_BID,o);
 return null;
return (AgreeAgaist) l.get(0);
最后removeOutTime(final long time) {
 getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback(){
 public Object doInHibernate(Session session)   throws HibernateException, SQLException{
 Query query=s.createQuery(REMOVE_OUTTIME);
 return null;
private String id;
private String userID;
private String postID;
private long boardID;
private int voteType;
private long createTime;
<hibernate-mapping package="com.laoer.bbscs.bean">
  <class name="AgreeAgainst" table="bbscs_agreeagainst">
    <id name="id" column="ID" type="string" unsaved-value="null">
      <generator class="uuid"/>
    <property column="UserID" length="40" name="userID" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="PostID" length="60" name="postID" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="BoardID" length="13" name="boardID" not-null="true" type="long"/>
    <property column="VoteType" length="1" name="voteType" type="int"/>
    <property column="CreateTime" name="createTime" not-null="true" type="long"/>
看下数据库表!!! Null Default
ID varchar(40) NO 
UserID varchar(40) No
PostID varchar(40)No
BoardID bigint(20)No  0
VoteType tinyint(1)Yes  0
CreateTime bigint(20)No  0
Hibernate: insert into bbscs_agreeagainst (UserID, PostID, BoardID, VoteType, CreateTime, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: select agreeagain0_.ID as ID24_, agreeagain0_.UserID as UserID24_, agreeagain0_.PostID as PostID24_, agreeagain0_.BoardID as BoardID24_, agreeagain0_.VoteType as VoteType24_, agreeagain0_.CreateTime as CreateTime24_ from bbscs_agreeagainst agreeagain0_ where agreeagain0_.PostID=? and agreeagain0_.UserID=? and agreeagain0_.BoardID=?
ID:402881 e513bd c85501 13be01 e70d00 1f(32位)


有public BoardAuthUser saveBoardAuthUser(BoardAuthUser boardAuthUser) throws BbscsException;
punlic BoardAuthUser findBoardAuthUserById(String id);
public BoardAuthUser findBoardAuthUserByBidUid(long bid,String uid);
public BoardAuthUser findBoardAuthUserByBidUserName(long bid,String userName);
public List findBoardAuthUserByBid(long bid);
public void removeBoardAuthUser(BoardAuthUser boardAuthUser);
public void removeBoardAuthuserByBidUid(long bid,String uid) throws BbscsException;
public void removeBoardAuthUserByBidUserName(long bid,String userName) throws BbscsExeption;
public void removeBoardAuthUserByBidUserName(long bid, String userName) throws BbscsException {
    try {
      this.getBoardAuthUserDAO().removeBoardAuthUserByBidUserName(bid, userName);
    catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new BbscsException(ex);
public BbscsException(String message) {

 public BbscsException(String message, Throwable cause) {
  super(message, cause);

 public BbscsException(Throwable cause) {

private static final String LOAD_BY_BID_UID = "from BoardAuthUser where boardID = ? and userID = ?";
private static final String LOADS_BY_BID = "from BoardAuthUser where boardID = ? order by createTime asc";
 public BoardAuthUser findBoardAuthUserById(String id) {
    return (BoardAuthUser)this.getHibernateTemplate().get(BoardAuthUser.class, id);
 public BoardAuthUser findBoardAuthUserByBidUserName(long bid, String userName) {
    Object[] o = {new Long(bid), userName};
    List l = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(LOAD_BY_BID_USERNAME, o);
    if (l == null || l.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    else {
      return (BoardAuthUser) l.get(0);
  public List findBoardAuthUsersByBid(long bid) {
    return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(LOADS_BY_BID, new Long(bid));
  public void removeBoardAuthUser(BoardAuthUser boardAuthUser) {
 public void removeBoardAuthUserByBidUid(final long bid, final String uid) {
    getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
      public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
        Query query = s.createQuery(REMOVE_BY_BID_UID);
        query.setLong(1, bid);
        query.setString(0, uid);
        return null;

BoardPermissionService是版区(版块)的权限对应服务;其BEAN BoardPermission如下:

private String id;
  private long boardID;
  private int groupID;
  private List permissions = new ArrayList(); //特殊的哦~~~
<hibernate-mapping package="com.laoer.bbscs.bean">
  <class name="BoardPermission" table="bbscs_boardpermission">
    <id name="id" column="ID" type="string" unsaved-value="null">
      <generator class="uuid"/>
    <property column="BoardID" length="20" name="boardID" not-null="true" type="long"/>
    <property column="GroupID" length="11" name="groupID" not-null="true" type="int"/>
    <property column="Permissions" name="permissions" type="com.laoer.bbscs.ext.hibernate.SplitList"/>

    Hibernate自定义UserType可以使设计更为优雅,逻辑更为清晰。第一次使用遇到了问题。Rule表中有一个字段methods,类型为VARCHAR(30),not null, 允许有多个method,中间用逗号分开,之所以这么设计是不想为此增加一个关联表。为methods实现了一个自定义UserType叫MethodsList,该类对用户隐藏了实现细节,使用户不用处理method的连接和拆分,而使用List来操作就行了,非常直观。在保存Rule实体的时候,Hibernate报methods字段不允许为空,说明methods在持久化的时候还是null,DEBUG发现在调用session.saveOrUpdate()方法的时候methods不为空,但在调用MethodsList的nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index)时显示value的值为null,Google了很久仍然没有找到原因 后来发现只要把methods字段的not null属性设为false(即允许为空)问题就不复存在了,很是奇怪...
其中有以下方法:assembledeepCopy(重要)disassmbleequals(重要)hashCodeisMutable ullSafeGet eplace eturnedClasssqlTypes等方法需要实现(不一定)!
public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet resultSet, String[] stringArray, Object object) throws HibernateException,
   SQLException {
  String value = (String) Hibernate.STRING.nullSafeGet(resultSet, stringArray[0]);
  if (value != null) {
   return parse(value);
  } else {
   return new ArrayList();
private List parse(String value) {
  String[] strs = StringUtils.split(value, SPLITTER);
  List set = new ArrayList();
  for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
   if (!StringUtils.isBlank(strs[i])) {
    // System.out.println(strs[i]);
    // set.add(new Long(Long.parseLong(strs[i])));
  return set;

public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Object object, int _int) throws HibernateException,
   SQLException {
  if (object != null) {
   String str = assemble((List) object);
   Hibernate.STRING.nullSafeSet(preparedStatement, str, _int);
  } else {
   Hibernate.STRING.nullSafeSet(preparedStatement, "", _int);
private String assemble(List set) {
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  Iterator it = set.iterator();
  while (it.hasNext()) {
  String fs = sb.toString();
  if (fs != null && fs.length() > 0 && fs.endsWith(SPLITTER)) {
   fs = fs.substring(0, fs.length() - 1);
  return fs;
 public BoardPermission saveBoardPermission(BoardPermission bp) throws BbscsException;
 public BoardPermission updateBoardPermission(BoardPermission bp) throws BbscsException;
  public BoardPermission findBoardPermissionByID(String id);
  public BoardPermission findBoardPermissionByBidGid(long bid, int gid);
  public List findBoardPermissionsByBid(long bid);
public List findBoardPermissionsByGid(int gid);
 public void removeBoardPermissionsByBid(long bid) throws BbscsException;
  public void removeBoardPermissionsByGid(int gid) throws BbscsException;
注意这里引入了  private Cache userPermissionCache;这个缓存类!
<bean id="userPermissionCache"
public void add(Object key,Object value);
public Object get(Object key);
public void remove(Object key);
public void removeAll();
public OsCacheImp(String profile) {
  Properties properties = new Properties();
  ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource(profile);
  try {
   logger.info("Init Cache...");
   properties.load(classPathResource.getInputStream());//使用Properties的load(InputStream   inStream)   来读取配置文件的时候 
   admin = new GeneralCacheAdministrator(properties);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   admin = new GeneralCacheAdministrator();
public void add(Object key, Object value) {
  logger.debug("Add into cache [Key:" + key + "]");
  this.admin.putInCache(String.valueOf(key), value);
  public Object get(Object key) {
  try {
   logger.debug("Get from cache [Key:" + key + "]");
   return this.admin.getFromCache(String.valueOf(key));
  } catch (NeedsRefreshException ex) {
   logger.debug("Object not in cache, return null");
   return null;
 public void remove(Object key) {
  logger.debug("Remove from cache [Key:" + key + "]");
 public void removeAll() {
  logger.debug("Remove all");
  private void clearPermissionCache() {
    if (Constant.USE_PERMISSION_CACHE) {
 //public static final boolean USE_PERMISSION_CACHE = true;
private static final String LOAD_BY_BID_GID ="from BoardPermission where boardID = ? and groupID = ?";
  private static final String LOADS_BY_BID = "from BoardPermission where boardID = ?";
  private static final String LOADS_BY_GID = "from BoardPermission where groupID = ?";
  private static final String REMOVE_BY_BID = "delete from BoardPermission where boardID = ?";
  private static final String REMOVE_BY_GID = "delete from BoardPermission where groupID = ?";
  public BoardPermission updateBoardPermission(BoardPermission bp) {
    //System.out.println("update bp");
    return bp;
   * 根据GroupID删除BoardPermission对象
   * @param gid int
   * @todo Implement this com.laoer.bbscs.dao.BoardPermissionDAO method
  public void removeBoardPermissionsByGid(final int gid) {
    getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
      public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
        Query query = s.createQuery(REMOVE_BY_GID);
        query.setLong(0, gid);
        return null;

先看bean吧,它实现了implements Serializable...,加入private static final long serialVersionUID = 5390014211916049604L;它有三个属性:
 private String id;
 private String userID;
 private long boardID;
Java的JavaBeans. Bean的状态信息通常是在设计时配置的。Bean的状态信息必须被存起来,以便当程序运行时能恢复这些状态信息。这也需要serializaiton机制。
总之如果在网络的环境下做类传输,应该还是implements Serializable。
<hibernate-mapping package="com.laoer.bbscs.bean">
  <class name="BoardSave" table="bbscs_boardsave">
    <id name="id" column="ID" type="string" unsaved-value="null">
      <generator class="uuid"/>
    <property column="UserID" length="40" name="userID" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="BoardID" length="13" name="boardID" not-null="true" type="long"/>
 public BoardSave saveBoardSave(BoardSave boardSave) throws BbscsException;
  public BoardSave findBoardSaveById(String id);
public BoardSave findBoardSaveByUidBid(String userId, long bid);
  public List findBoardSavesByUid(String userId);
  public List findBoardSaveBidsByUid(String userId);//找Bid的List
  public void removeBoardSave(BoardSave boardSave) throws BbscsException;
  public void removeBoardSaveByUidBid(String userId, long bid) throws BbscsException;
  public void removeBoardSaveByBid(long bid) throws BbscsException;
  public void removeBoardSaveByBidsUid(String userId, List ids) throws BbscsException;
  private static final String LOAD_BY_UID_BID = "from BoardSave where userID = ? and boardID = ?";
  private static final String LOADS_BY_USERID = "from BoardSave where userID = ?";
  private static final String LOADS_BOARDID_BY_USERID = "select boardID from BoardSave where userID = ?";//很特别哦!(其实也没什么,相对而已)
  private static final String REMOVE_BY_UID_BID = "delete from BoardSave where userID = ? and boardID = ?";
  private static final String REMOVE_BY_BID = "delete from BoardSave where boardID = ?";
  private static final String REMOVE_IN_IDS_BY_UID =
      "delete from BoardSave where userID = :userID and boardID in (:ids)";
 public BoardSave saveBoardSave(BoardSave boardSave) {
    return boardSave;
 public List findBoardSaveBidsByUid(String userId) {
    return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(LOADS_BOARDID_BY_USERID, userId);
 public void removeBoardSaveByBidsUid(final String userId, final List ids) {
    getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
      public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
        Query query = s.createQuery(REMOVE_IN_IDS_BY_UID);
        query.setString("userID", userId);
        query.setParameterList("ids", ids);
        return null;

private Long id;//主键
private long parentID;//父级版区ID
private List parentIDs;//所有父级版区ID列表
private List childIDs;
private String boardName;//版区名称
private String explains;(说明)
private String bulletin;(公告)
private String boardPic;//图片
private int useStat;(使用状态)
private int orders;//序
private int needPasswd;//是否需要密码访问
private String passwd;//访问密码
private int level;---->数据库中的BoardLevel//级别
private int boardType;(类型1,2,3)//版区类型
private int allowHTML;//HTML是否支持
private int allowUBB;//UBB...
private int auditPost; (帖子是否需要审核)
private int auditAttach;//附件是否需要审核
private int addUserPostNum;//是否增加用户发贴数
private int isHidden;
private int isAuth;//是否需要论证用户才能访问
private long mainPostNum;//主贴数
private long postNum;//帖子数量
private Map boardMaster=new HashMap();
private Set boardTag=new HashSet();
<hibernate-mapping package="com.laoer.bbscs.bean">
  <class name="Board" table="bbscs_board">
    <id name="id" column="ID" type="long" unsaved-value="null">
      <generator class="identity"/> //long类型的identity!
    <property column="ParentID" length="20" name="parentID" not-null="true" type="long"/>
    <property column="ParentIDs" name="parentIDs" type="com.laoer.bbscs.ext.hibernate.SplitList"/>//parentIDs有用了userType
    <property column="ChildIDs" name="childIDs" type="com.laoer.bbscs.ext.hibernate.SplitList"/>
    <property column="BoardName" length="60" name="boardName" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="Explains" name="explains" type="text"/>//text类型
    <property column="Bulletin" name="bulletin" type="text"/>
    <property column="BoardPic" length="200" name="boardPic" type="string"/>
    <property column="UseStat" length="1" name="useStat" type="int"/>//一个开关的功能
    <property column="Orders" length="11" name="orders" type="int"/>//论坛排序
    <property column="NeedPasswd" length="1" name="needPasswd" type="int"/>//开关
    <property column="Passwd" length="100" name="passwd" type="string"/>
    <property column="BoardLevel" length="11" name="level" type="int"/>
    <property column="BoardType" length="2" name="boardType" type="int"/>
    <property column="AllowHTML" length="1" name="allowHTML" type="int"/>
    <property column="AllowUBB" length="1" name="allowUBB" type="int"/>
    <property column="AuditPost" length="1" name="auditPost" type="int"/>
    <property column="AuditAttach" length="1" name="auditAttach" type="int"/>//不懂???
    <property column="AddUserPostNum" length="1" name="addUserPostNum" type="int"/>//应该是一个开关吧
    <property column="IsHidden" length="1" name="isHidden" type="int"/>
    <property column="IsAuth" length="1" name="isAuth" type="int"/>
    <property column="MainPostNum" length="11" name="mainPostNum" type="long"/>
    <property column="PostNum" length="11" name="postNum" type="long"/>
    <map name="boardMaster" inverse="true" cascade="all-delete-orphan" lazy="false">
      <key column="boardID"/>
      <map-key column="UserName" type="string"/>
      <one-to-many class="BoardMaster"/>
    <set name="boardTag" inverse="true" cascade="all-delete-orphan" lazy="false" order-by="orders asc">
      <key column="boardID"/>
      <one-to-many class="BoardTag"/>
public Board saveBoard(Board board) throws BbscsException;//保存或更新Board对象
public Board createBoard(Board board) throws BbscsException;
public Board updateBoard(Board board, long oldParentID) throws BbscsException;
public Board getBoardByID(long id);
public List findBoardsByParentID(long pid, int useStat, int hidden, int orderType);
public List findBoardsAllTree(long pid, List topList, int useStat, int hidden, int orderType);
public int getNextOrder(long pid);
public int getPostSumNum(int mainorall, int useStat, int hidden);
public void removeBoard(Board board) throws BbscsException;
public Map[] getBoardPermission(long bid, int groupID);
public Map[] getBoardMasterPermission(int roleID);
public boolean isBoardMaster(Board board, String userName);
public List findBoardsInIDs(List ids);
public void removeBoardTag(Board board, String tagID) throws BbscsException;
public List getBoardIDs(List boards);
public void saveBoardsPostNumCount() throws BbscsException;
 public void saveOrUpdate(final Object entity)
        throws DataAccessException
        execute(new HibernateCallback() {

            public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
                throws HibernateException
                return null;

, true);
我们分析下sysStatService:(applicationContext.xml) 系统统计服务
<bean id="sysStatService"
  scope="prototype"> //每次请求都产生一个对象
  <property name="userConfig">
   <ref bean="userConfig" />
<bean id="userConfig"
  <property name="safePath">
   <value>${bbscs.safePath}</value> //安全目录我的指的是D:/safe/

UserConfig是一个config配置服务,在服务类中首先注入了safePath 这个String对象,它向外提供了String getUserFilePath(String userID)[简单,最终得到一个用户文件Path,见实际目录就可知道其原理]和String getIndexPath()和File getIndexFilePath()以及boolean indexExist()四个对外公共方法.详细看方法实现:
public String getIndexPath() {     //好象没用到过
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  return sb.toString();
 public File getIndexFilePath() {
  File indexFilePath = new File(this.getIndexPath());//构造一个File对象
  if (!indexFilePath.exists()) {
  return indexFilePath;
public boolean indexExist() {
  File file = new File(this.getIndexPath() + "segments");
  return file.exists();//使用文件是否存在的方法作判断!
 private long onlineNum = 0;
  private long appearTime = 0; 发表时间long类型
  private String appearTimeStr = "";
  private long allUserNum = 0;
  private String lastRegUser = "";
  private long postMainNum = 0;
  private long postNum = 0;

#Mon Jul 16 11:35:16 CST 2007   //appearTimeStr ??

 public abstract void load();
  public abstract void saveOnline(long nowonlinenum);//在线数
  public abstract void saveAllUserNum(long allusernum, String lastreguser);//所有用户数和最后注册用户名
  public abstract void savePostNum(long main, long all); //存入主题贴和总数

 public void load() {
  Properties prop = new Properties();
  File f = new File(this.getUserConfig().getSafePath() + "sysstat.properties");  //getSafePath()当然会暴露出来!
  if (f.exists()) {
   try {
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
/**只需传递这个文件的 InputStream 给 load() 方法,就会将每一个键-值对添加到 Properties 实例中。然后用 list() 列出所有属性或者用 getProperty() 获取单独的属性。
 list() 方法的输出中键-值对的顺序与它们在输入文件中的顺序不一样。 Properties 类在一个散列表(hashtable,事实上是一个 Hashtable 子类)中储存一组键-值对,所以不能保证顺序。
    this.setOnlineNum(Long.parseLong(prop.getProperty("onlineNum", "0").trim()));//继承过来的!!!
    this.setAppearTime(Long.parseLong(prop.getProperty("appearTime", "0").trim()));
    this.setAllUserNum(Long.parseLong(prop.getProperty("allUserNum", "0").trim()));
    this.setLastRegUser(prop.getProperty("lastRegUser", ""));
    this.setPostMainNum(Long.parseLong(prop.getProperty("postMainNum", "0").trim()));
    this.setPostNum(Long.parseLong(prop.getProperty("postNum", "0").trim()));
    this.setAppearTimeStr(Util.formatDateTime(new Date(this.getAppearTime())));//写时间用
   } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
   } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
   } catch (IOException ex) {
  } else {
   save(); //文件不存在时!内部private方法哦

 private void save() {
  String path = this.getUserConfig().getSafePath() + "sysstat.properties";
  Properties prop = new Properties();
  prop.setProperty("onlineNum", String.valueOf(this.getOnlineNum()));
  prop.setProperty("appearTime", String.valueOf(this.getAppearTime()));
  prop.setProperty("allUserNum", String.valueOf(this.getAllUserNum()));
  prop.setProperty("lastRegUser", this.getLastRegUser());
  prop.setProperty("postNum", String.valueOf(this.getPostNum()));
  prop.setProperty("postMainNum", String.valueOf(this.getPostMainNum()));
  try {
   FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path);//写入新文件中
   prop.store(fos, "sysstat.properties");
  } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
  } catch (IOException ex) {

 public void saveAllUserNum(long allusernum, String lastreguser) {
 public void saveOnline(long nowonlinenum) {
  if (nowonlinenum > this.getOnlineNum()) {  //好象不太对,不然只有多没有少!
   long atime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   this.setAppearTimeStr(Util.formatDateTime(new Date(atime)));
 public void savePostNum(long main, long all) {
OK!终于可以回到BoardServiceCachImp实现类中了,绕了好大一个弯!由于还有许多东西没用过,只能推测一下其用法了哦~~~还是先看几个,createBoard(Board board)先:
 public Board createBoard(Board board) throws BbscsException {
  try {
   Board pboard = this.getBoardDAO().getBoardByID(board.getParentID()); // 取得父级版区
   if (pboard != null) { // 父级版区存在
    List pboards = new ArrayList();
/** addAll(Collection c)
add(int index,Elelemt e)
public Class returnedClass() {
  return List.class;
    board.setParentIDs(pboards); // 设置父级版区列表字段
    board.setLevel(pboard.getLevel() + 1); // 设置级别,在父级别上+1
   board = this.getBoardDAO().saveBoard(board);//这里的其它参数由添加时决定,不需要改变,或由其它因素相关!由DAO完成实质的工作

   if (pboard != null) {
    List pcboards = this.getBoardDAO().findBoardsByParentID(board.getParentID(), 1, -1,
/** 取得父级半区的所有子版区列表pcboard,1是useStat,-1是hidden,FIND_BOARD_BY_ORDER=0另外有,
 public static final int FIND_BOARDS_BY_MAINPOSTNUM = 1;
 public static final int FIND_BOARDS_BY_POSTNUM = 2;

    List cids = this.getBoardIDs(pcboards);//得到子版ID的List
 public List getBoardIDs(List boards) {
  List<Long> l = new ArrayList<Long>();
  for (int i = 0; i < boards.size(); i++) {
   Board b = (Board) boards.get(i);
  return l;

    pboard.setChildIDs(cids); // 设置父级版区的所有子版区列表字段
/**从Board Cache中清除, 我们看下BoardCache的bean定义:
<bean id="boardCache"
  class="com.laoer.bbscs.service.imp.OsCacheImp"> 仍然是这个,以前讲过!
   <value>${cache.config}</value> cache.config=oscache.properties
 public void remove(Object key) {
  logger.debug("Remove from cache [Key:" + key + "]");

 private void clearBoradListSysListCache(long pid) {
  String[] useStats = { "-1", "0", "1" };
  String[] hiddens = { "-1", "0", "1" };
  String[] orderTypes = { "0", "1", "2" };
  for (int i = 0; i < useStats.length; i++) {
   for (int j = 0; j < hiddens.length; j++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < orderTypes.length; x++) {
       "[B][" + pid + "][" + useStats[i] + "][" + hiddens[j] + "][" + orderTypes[x] + "]");

   // 为版区增加用户组版区权限
   List gl = this.getUserGroupDAO().findUserGroupsAll();
public List findUserGroupsAll() {
  return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(LOADS_ALL);
private static final String LOADS_ALL = "from UserGroup order by id";
   BoardPermission bp;

   for (int i = 0; i < gl.size(); i++) {
    UserGroup ug = (UserGroup) gl.get(i);
    bp = new BoardPermission();

    switch (ug.getId().intValue()) {
    case 1:
/**<property column="Permissions" name="permissions" type="com.laoer.bbscs.ext.hibernate.SplitList"/>
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
 for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_PERMISSION_GROUP_1.length; i++) {

  for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_PERMISSION_GROUP_2.length; i++) {

  for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_PERMISSION_GROUP_3.length; i++) {

  for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_PERMISSION_GROUP_4.length; i++) {

  for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_PERMISSION_GROUP_5.length; i++) {

   return board;

  } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new BbscsException(e);


 public List findBoardsAllTree(long pid, List topList, int useStat, int hidden, int orderType) {
  List l = this.getBoardDAO().findBoardsByParentID(pid, useStat, hidden, orderType);//这个pid指的是当前论坛,与前面的pid不一样哦

  for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
   Board b = (Board) l.get(i);
   this.findBoardsAllTree(b.getId().longValue(), topList, useStat, hidden, orderType);//由于topList是一个引用类型,可递归得到All子论坛及子论坛的子论坛...
  return topList;

 public List findBoardsByParentID(long pid, int useStat, int hidden, int orderType) {
  List l = (List) this.getSysListObjCache().get(
    "[B][" + pid + "][" + useStat + "][" + hidden + "][" + orderType + "]");
  if (l == null) {
   // l = this.getBoardDAO().findBoardsByParentID(pid, useStat, hidden,
   // orderType);
   l = this.getBoardDAO().findBoardIdsByParentID(pid, useStat, hidden, orderType);
   this.getSysListObjCache().add("[B][" + pid + "][" + useStat + "][" + hidden + "][" + orderType + "]", l);
  List<Board> bl = new ArrayList<Board>();
  if (l != null && !l.isEmpty()) {
   for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
    // Board b = this.getBoardByID(((Long)l.get(i)).longValue());
    Board b = this.getBoardByID((Long) l.get(i));
    if (b != null) {
 public List findBoardsInIDs(List ids) {
  List<Board> l = new ArrayList<Board>();
  if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) {
   for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
    // Board b = this.getBoardByID(((Long) ids.get(i)).longValue());
    Board b = this.getBoardByID((Long) ids.get(i));
    if (b != null) {
  return l;
  return bl;
public List getBoardIDs(List boards) {
  List<Long> l = new ArrayList<Long>();
  for (int i = 0; i < boards.size(); i++) {
   Board b = (Board) boards.get(i);
  return l;
 public Board getBoardByID(long id) {
  Board board = (Board) this.getBoardCache().get(new Long(id));
  if (board == null) {
   board = this.getBoardDAO().getBoardByID(id);
   if (board != null) {
    this.getBoardCache().add(board.getId(), board);
  return board;
public Map[] getBoardMasterPermission(int roleID)
public Map[] getBoardPermission(long bid, int groupID)
private Map[] getPermissionMaps(long bid, int groupID)
private Map[] getPermissionMaps(int roleID)
 public Map[] getBoardMasterPermission(int roleID) {
  if (Constant.USE_PERMISSION_CACHE) {
   Map[] mapPermission = (Map[]) this.getUserPermissionCache().get("R_" + String.valueOf(roleID));
   if (mapPermission == null) {
    mapPermission = this.getPermissionMaps(roleID);
    this.getUserPermissionCache().add("R_" + String.valueOf(roleID), mapPermission);
   return mapPermission;
  } else {
   return this.getPermissionMaps(roleID);
private Map[] getPermissionMaps(int roleID) {
  Map[] mapPermission = { new HashMap(), new HashMap() }; //MAP数组,555

  Role role = this.getRoleDAO().findRoleByID(roleID);//得到id为roleID的角色对象
  List permissions = role.getPermissions(); // 取得角色的权限ID列表(ID的List)
  if (permissions != null && !permissions.isEmpty()) {
   List permissionList = this.getPermissionDAO().findPermissionnIDs(permissions); // 取得权限列表Permission对象的List
   for (int i = 0; i < permissionList.size(); i++) {
    Permission permission = (Permission) permissionList.get(i);
    if (permission.getTypeID() == 2) {
     mapPermission[0].put(permission.getResource() + "," + permission.getAction(), permission);
    if (permission.getTypeID() == 3) {
     mapPermission[1].put(permission.getId(), permission);
    }  //这段需理解!!!
  return mapPermission;
public Map[] getBoardPermission(long bid, int groupID) {
  if (Constant.USE_PERMISSION_CACHE) {
   Map[] mapPermission = (Map[]) this.getUserPermissionCache().get(
     "BG_" + String.valueOf(bid) + "_" + String.valueOf(groupID));
   if (mapPermission == null) {
    mapPermission = this.getPermissionMaps(bid, groupID);
    this.getUserPermissionCache().add("BG_" + String.valueOf(bid) + "_" + String.valueOf(groupID),
   return mapPermission;
  } else {
   return this.getPermissionMaps(bid, groupID);
 private Map[] getPermissionMaps(long bid, int groupID) {
  Map[] boardPermission = { new HashMap(), new HashMap() };
  BoardPermission bp = this.getBoardPermissionDAO().findBoardPermissionByBidGid(bid, groupID);//用的是BoardPermissionDAO
  List permissions = bp.getPermissions(); // 取得权限ID列表
  if (permissions != null && !permissions.isEmpty()) {
   List permissionList = this.getPermissionDAO().findPermissionnIDs(permissions); // 取得权限列表Permission对象的List
   for (int i = 0; i < permissionList.size(); i++) {
    Permission permission = (Permission) permissionList.get(i);
    if (permission.getTypeID() == 2) {
     boardPermission[0].put(permission.getResource() + "," + permission.getAction(), permission);
    if (permission.getTypeID() == 3) {
     boardPermission[1].put(permission.getId(), permission);
  return boardPermission;
接下来,看看getNextOrder(long pid),getPostSumNum(int mainorall,int usStat,int hidden),它们完全由DAO去查询数据库!我们看下remove系列:
public void removeBoard(Board board) throws BbscsException {
  try {
   Long lbid = board.getId();
   long pbid = board.getParentID();
   Board pboard = this.getBoardDAO().getBoardByID(board.getParentID()); // 取得父版区

   this.getBoardDAO().removeBoard(board); // 删除版区

   if (pboard != null) { // 父版区存在,对ChildIDs字段做矫正
    List pcboards = this.getBoardDAO().findBoardsByParentID(pboard.getId().longValue(), 1, 0,
    List cids = this.getBoardIDs(pcboards);//cids是子IDs

//清理本id的BoardCache,清理父id的SysListObjectCache,而userPermission中出现过去2类:R_ BG_的..都不好清理!
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   throw new BbscsException(ex);
public void removeBoardTag(Board board, String tagID) throws BbscsException {
  BoardTag bt = null;
  Iterator it = board.getBoardTag().iterator(); //由Iterator遍历查找,找到后remove掉
  while (it.hasNext()) {
   bt = (BoardTag) it.next();
   if (bt.getId().equals(tagID)) {
  try {
   board = this.getBoardDAO().saveBoard(board); //保存修改结果
   this.getForumDAO().updateForumsTag(tagID, "0", "");//帖子TAG
   this.getForumHistoryDAO().updateForumsTag(tagID, "0", "");//历史贴TAG
  } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new BbscsException(e);

public Board updateBoard(Board board, long oldParentID) throws BbscsException {
  try {
   Board pboard = this.getBoardDAO().getBoardByID(board.getParentID());

   if (pboard != null) {
    List pboards = new ArrayList();
    board.setLevel(pboard.getLevel() + 1);
   } else {
    board.setParentIDs(new ArrayList());//hbm.xml决定需List对象
 数据库中的数据id /parentID/ParentIDs/ChildIDs
1/  0/     /2,3
2/  1/    1/
3/  1/    1/
   board = this.getBoardDAO().saveBoard(board);

   if (pboard != null) {
    List pcboards = this.getBoardDAO().findBoardsByParentID(board.getParentID(), 1, -1,
    List cids = this.getBoardIDs(pcboards);

   if (oldParentID != -1) { // 父级版区改变。修正父级版区数据 关键点,由传入的oldParentID决定是否改变ParentID
    Board pboardOld = this.getBoardDAO().getBoardByID(oldParentID);
    if (pboardOld != null) {
     List pcboards = this.getBoardDAO().findBoardsByParentID(pboardOld.getId().longValue(), 1, -1,
     List cids = this.getBoardIDs(pcboards);
   this.getBoardCache().remove(board.getId()); // 从Cache中清除

   return board;
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   throw new BbscsException(ex);
 public void saveBoardsPostNumCount() throws BbscsException {
  long totalNum = 0;
  long totalMainNum = 0;
  List bl = findBoardsByParentID(0, 1, -1, Constant.FIND_BOARDS_BY_ORDER);//从0继承的版区有显示主题数和贴子数的需求
  for (int i = 0; i < bl.size(); i++) {
   Board b = (Board) bl.get(i);
   if (b.getBoardType() == 3) { //可发贴的版区吧!
    b.setMainPostNum(this.getForumDAO().getForumNum(b.getId(), 1, 0, 0, -1)
      + this.getForumHistoryDAO().getForumNum(b.getId(), 1, 0, 0, -1));
    b.setPostNum(this.getForumDAO().getForumNum(b.getId(), -1, 0, 0, -1)
      + this.getForumHistoryDAO().getForumNum(b.getId(), -1, 0, 0, -1));
    try {
     b = this.getBoardDAO().saveBoard(b);
     totalNum = totalNum + b.getPostNum();
     totalMainNum = totalMainNum + b.getMainPostNum();
     // if (Constant.USE_CLUSTER) {
     this.getBoardCache().remove(b.getId()); // 从Cache中清除
     // } else {
     // this.getBoardCache().add(b.getId(), b);
     // }
    } catch (Exception ex1) {
     throw new BbscsException(ex1);
   List bl2 = findBoardsByParentID(b.getId(), 1, -1, Constant.FIND_BOARDS_BY_ORDER); //子论坛的更新
   if (!bl2.isEmpty()) {
    for (int j = 0; j < bl2.size(); j++) {
     Board b2 = (Board) bl2.get(j);
     if (b2.getBoardType() == 3) {
      b2.setMainPostNum(this.getForumDAO().getForumNum(b2.getId(), 1, 0, 0, -1)
        + this.getForumHistoryDAO().getForumNum(b2.getId(), 1, 0, 0, -1));
      b2.setPostNum(this.getForumDAO().getForumNum(b2.getId(), -1, 0, 0, -1)
        + this.getForumHistoryDAO().getForumNum(b2.getId(), -1, 0, 0, -1));
      try {
       b2 = this.getBoardDAO().saveBoard(b2);
       totalNum = totalNum + b2.getPostNum();
       totalMainNum = totalMainNum + b2.getMainPostNum();
       // if (Constant.USE_CLUSTER) {
       this.getBoardCache().remove(b2.getId()); // 从Cache中清除
       // } else {
       // this.getBoardCache().add(b2.getId(), b2);
       // }
      } catch (Exception ex1) {
       throw new BbscsException(ex1);
  logger.info("postMainNum:" + totalMainNum + " postNum:" + totalNum);//打印
  this.getSysStatService().savePostNum(totalMainNum, totalNum);//SysStatService服务终于用上了!
 private static final String LOADS_BY_PARENTID_BY_ORDER = "from Board where parentID = ? order by orders";
 private static final String LOADS_ALL = "from Board";
 public static final String[] FIND_BOARDS = new String[3];
 public static final String LOAD_NEXT_ORDER = "select max(orders) from Board where parentID = ?";
 private static final String LOAD_IDS_IN_USE = "select id from Board where parentID = ? and useStat = 1";
 public List findBoardsByParentID(long pid) {
  return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(LOADS_BY_PARENTID_BY_ORDER, new Long(pid));
public List findBoardsByParentID(final long pid, final int useStat, final int hidden, final int orderType) {
  return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
   public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException {
    Criteria c = s.createCriteria(Board.class);
    c.add(Restrictions.eq("parentID", new Long(pid)));
    if (useStat != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("useStat", new Integer(useStat)));
    if (hidden != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("isHidden", new Integer(hidden)));
    if (orderType != -1) {
     if (orderType == Constant.FIND_BOARDS_BY_ORDER) {
     if (orderType == Constant.FIND_BOARDS_BY_MAINPOSTNUM) {
     if (orderType == Constant.FIND_BOARDS_BY_POSTNUM) {

    return c.list();
其中用到了条件查询(Criteria Query),参考http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/4a5e7dc401000878  和http://hi.baidu.com/yaolihui/blog/item/7c77b58286a56792f703a663.html,而public List findBoardIdsByParentID(final long pid, final int useStat, final int hidden, final int orderType)采用了构造HQL语句的方式来完成查询!根据parentID预取得Board序列:
 public int getNextOrder(long pid) {
  List l = getHibernateTemplate().find(LOAD_NEXT_ORDER, new Long(pid));
  if (l != null && !l.isEmpty()) {
   if (l.get(0) == null) {
    return 5;
   } else {
    return ((Integer) l.get(0)).intValue() + 5;
  } else {
   return 5;
public int getPostSumNum(final int mainorall, final int useStat, final int hidden) {
  int sum = 0;

  List list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
   public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException {
    Criteria c = s.createCriteria(Board.class);
    if (mainorall == 0) {
     c.setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add(Projections.sum("mainPostNum")));  //求mainPostNum的和为结果
    if (mainorall == 1) {
    if (useStat != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("useStat", new Integer(useStat)));
    if (hidden != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("isHidden", new Integer(hidden)));
    return c.list();
  if (!list.isEmpty()) {
   Object obj = (Object) list.get(0);//注:结果集只有一个字段
   if (obj != null) {
    sum = ((Integer) obj).intValue();
  return sum;

 public List findBoardsInIDs(final List ids, final int useStat, final int hidden) {
  return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
   public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException {
    Criteria c = s.createCriteria(Board.class);
    if (ids == null) {  //ids为空
     List idss = new ArrayList();
     idss.add(new Long(0));
     c.add(Restrictions.in("id", idss));
    } else if (ids.isEmpty()) {//ids为empty
     ids.add(new Long(0));
     c.add(Restrictions.in("id", ids));
    } else {
     c.add(Restrictions.in("id", ids));//Restrictions.in
    if (useStat != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("useStat", new Integer(useStat)));
    if (hidden != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("isHidden", new Integer(hidden)));
    return c.list();

 public List findBoardsNeedCount(final int useStat, final int hidden) {
  return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
   public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException {
    Criteria c = s.createCriteria(Board.class);

    c.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.eq("boardType", new Integer(3)), Restrictions.eq("boardType",
      new Integer(4))));//Restrictions.or 3,4的都需要count

    if (useStat != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("useStat", new Integer(useStat)));
    if (hidden != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("isHidden", new Integer(hidden)));
    return c.list();

public List findBoardsByParentID(final long pid, final int useStat, final int hidden) {
  return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
   public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException {
    Criteria c = s.createCriteria(Board.class);
    c.add(Restrictions.eq("parentID", new Long(pid)));//条件!
    if (useStat != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("useStat", new Integer(useStat)));//附加条件!
    if (hidden != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("isHidden", new Integer(hidden)));
    return c.list();

 public List findBoardsIdByParentIDInUse(long pid) {
  return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(LOAD_IDS_IN_USE, new Long(pid));
接下来,看下BookMarkFactory接口,是个工厂接口.它只有一个一个公有方法, public BookMark getInstance(String userId);其实现为BookMarkFactoryImp,它产生一个BookMark bean,不过是同步的! public synchronized BookMark getInstance(String userId) {
    return new BookMark();//返回的是com.laoer.bbscs.bean.BookMark
另有一个实现:BookMarksFactoryImp:(有个私有属性:int modNum及其get/set方法)
public synchronized BookMark getInstance(String userId) {
    try {
      return (BookMark) Class.forName(BBSCSUtil.getClassName("BookMark", userId, this.getModNum())).
    catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
      return null;
    catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
      return null;
    catch (InstantiationException ex) {
      return null;

 public static String getClassName(String className, String userID) {
  int num = Math.abs(userID.hashCode());
  className = Constant.BEANPERFIX + className + (num % 10);//public static String BEANPERFIX = "com.laoer.bbscs.bean.";
  return className;

 public static String getClassName(String className, String userID, int modnum) {
  int num = Math.abs(userID.hashCode());
  className = Constant.BEANPERFIX + className + (num % modnum);
  return className; //应该返回是就是com.laoer.bbscs.bean.BookMark0~~~9之间的class了

 public static String getClassName(String className, long bid, int modnum) {
  className = Constant.BEANPERFIX + className + (bid % modnum);
  return className;

private String id;
 private String userID;
 private String bookMarkName;
 private String url;
 private String alt;
 private int isShare;
 private Date createTime;
<hibernate-mapping package="com.laoer.bbscs.bean">
  <class name="BookMark" table="bbscs_bookmark">
    <id name="id" column="ID" type="string" unsaved-value="null">
      <generator class="uuid"/>
    <property column="UserID" length="40" name="userID" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="BookMarkName" length="255" name="bookMarkName" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="Url" length="255" name="url" type="string"/>
    <property column="Alt" length="255" name="alt" type="string"/>
    <property column="IsShare" length="1" name="isShare" type="int"/>
    <property column="CreateTime" name="createTime" not-null="true" type="timestamp"/>//timestamp类型!
public BookMark findBookMarkByIDUserID(String id, String userID);
public BookMark saveBookMark(BookMark bm) throws BbscsException;
  public long getBookMarkNumByUserID(String userID);
 public PageList findBookMarks(String userID, Pages pages);
public PageList findBookMarksByUserIDShare(String userID, int isShare, Pages pages);
public void removeBookMark(BookMark bm) throws BbscsException;
 public void removeBookMarkByIDUserID(String id, String userID) throws BbscsException;
public PageList findBookMarks(String userID, Pages pages) {
    PageList pl = new PageList();
    if (pages.getTotalNum() == -1) {

    List l = this.getBookMarkDAO().findBookMarks(userID, pages.getSpage(), pages.getPerPageNum()); //DAO层方法,Service层没有
    return pl;

  public PageList findBookMarksByUserIDShare(String userID, int isShare, Pages pages) {
    PageList pl = new PageList();
    if (pages.getTotalNum() == -1) {
      pages.setTotalNum(this.getBookMarkDAO().getBookMarkNumByUserIDShare(userID, isShare));

    List l = this.getBookMarkDAO().findBookMarksByUserIDShare(userID, isShare, pages.getSpage(),
    return pl;
int page=1;//页号
long totalNum=-1;//记录总数
int perPageNum=1;//每页显示记录数
int allPage=1;//总页数
int cpage=1;//当前页
int spage=1;//开始记录数
String fileName="";
boolean useUrlRewirte=false;
public Pages(int page, long totalNum, int perPageNum) {
  this.page = page;
  this.totalNum = totalNum;
  this.perPageNum = perPageNum;

public void executeCount() {
  this.allPage = (int) Math.ceil((this.totalNum + this.perPageNum - 1) / this.perPageNum);
  int intPage = this.page;
  if (intPage > this.allPage) { // pages == 0
   this.cpage = 1;
  } else {
   this.cpage = intPage;
  this.spage = (this.cpage - 1) * this.perPageNum;
而PageList包括一个pages和List类型的objectList 及其set/get方法

  public PageList() {
public BookMark saveBookMark(BookMark bm);
public BookMark findBookMarkByIDUserID(String id,String userID);
public long getBookMarkNumByUserID(String userID);
public List findBookMark(final String userID,final int firstResult,final int maxResults);
public long getBookMarkNumByUserIDShare(String userID, int isShare);
public List findBookMarksByUserIDShare(final String userID, final int isShare, final int firstResult,final int maxResults);//final int类型,方法体里不可改变
public void removeBookMark(BookMark bm);
public void removeBookMarkByIDUserID(String id, String userID);
看它的实现BookMarkHibernateDAO.java:(private static final String类型)
private static final String LOAD_BY_ID_USERID = "from BookMark where id = ? and userID = ?";
  private static final String GET_NUM_BY_USERID = "select count(*) from BookMark where userID = ?";
  private static final String LOADS_BY_USERID =
      "from BookMark where userID = ? order by createTime desc";
  private static final String REMOVE_BY_ID_USERID =
      "delete from BookMark where id = ? and userID = ?";
  private static final String GET_NUM_BY_USERID_ISSHARE =
      "select count(*) from BookMark where userID = ? and isShare = ?";
  private static final String LOADS_BY_USERID_ISSHARE =
      "from BookMark where userID = ? and isShare = ? order by createTime desc";
public long getBookMarkNumByUserID(String userID) {
    List l = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(GET_NUM_BY_USERID, userID);
    if (l == null || l.isEmpty()) {
      return 0;
    else {
      return ( (Long) l.get(0)).longValue();
  public List findBookMarksByUserIDShare(final String userID, final int isShare,
                                         final int firstResult,
                                         final int maxResults) {
    return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
      public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
        Query query = s.createQuery(LOADS_BY_USERID_ISSHARE);
        query.setString(0, userID);
        query.setInteger(1, isShare);

        List list = query.list();
        return list;

 <bean id="commendServiceTarget"
  <property name="commendDAO">
   <ref local="commendDAO" />
  <property name="forumDAO">
   <ref local="forumMainDAO" />
  <property name="commendFileIO">
   <ref local="commendFileIO" />
  <property name="sysListObjCache">
   <ref local="sysListObjCache" />
private String id;
private long boardID;//版区ID
private String boardName;
private String postID;
private String postMainID;
private String userID;
private String userName;
private long commendBoardID;//推荐顶层版区ID
private int commendTop;//是否推荐到首页
private String title;//帖子标题
private long createTime;//创建时间
<hibernate-mapping package="com.laoer.bbscs.bean">
  <class name="Commend" table="bbscs_commend">
    <id name="id" column="ID" type="string" unsaved-value="null">
      <generator class="uuid"/>
    <property column="BoardID" length="13" name="boardID" not-null="true" type="long"/>
    <property column="BoardName" length="60" name="boardName" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="PostID" length="40" name="postID" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="PostMainID" length="40" name="postMainID" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="UserID" length="40" name="userID" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="UserName" length="20" name="userName" not-null="true" type="string"/>
    <property column="CommendBoardID" length="13" name="commendBoardID" not-null="true" type="long"/>
    <property column="CommendTop" length="1" name="commendTop" not-null="true" type="int"/>
    <property column="Title" length="150" name="title" type="string"/>
    <property column="BoardCategory" length="40" name="boardCategory" type="string"/>
    <property column="TopCategory" length="40" name="topCategory" type="string"/>
    <property column="CreateTime" name="createTime" not-null="true" type="long"/>
public Commend saveCommend(Commend commend) throws BbscsException;
public int getCommendNumByCommendBoardID(long commendBoardID);
public PageList findCommendsByCommendBoardID(long commendBoardID, Pages pages);
public int getCommendNumByCommendTop(int commendTop);
public void removeCommend(long commendBoardID, List ids) throws BbscsException;
public void createCommendTopFile(int num) throws BbscsException;
public List findCommendsByCommendTopCache(int commendTop, int num);
 public PageList findCommendsByCommendBoardID(long commendBoardID, Pages pages) {
  PageList pl = new PageList();
  if (pages.getTotalNum() == -1) {
  List l = this.getCommendDAO().findCommendsByCommendBoardID(commendBoardID, pages.getSpage(),
  return pl;
 public void removeCommend(long commendBoardID, List ids) throws BbscsException {
  List l = this.getCommendDAO().findCommendsInIds(ids);
  try {
   for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
    Commend c = (Commend) l.get(i);//取出
    Forum f = this.getForumDAO().findForumByID(c.getPostID(), c.getBoardID());
   List commendList = this.getCommendDAO().findCommendsByCommendBoardID(commendBoardID, 0, 10);
   this.getCommendFileIO().saveCommendInReadPageFile(commendBoardID, commendList);//写入推荐文件中!!!!
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   throw new BbscsException(ex);
public void createCommendTopFile(int num) throws BbscsException {
  List l = this.getCommendDAO().findCommendsByCommendTop(0, 0, num);
  try {
   this.getCommendFileIO().saveCommendInReadPageFile(0, l);
  } catch (IOException ex) {
   throw new BbscsException(ex);
 public List findCommendsByCommendTopCache(int commendTop, int num) {
  List l = (List) this.getSysListObjCache().get(Constant.COMMEND_CACHE_NAME);//public static final String COMMEND_CACHE_NAME = "CommendSceipt";
  if (l == null) {
   l = this.getCommendDAO().findCommendsByCommendTop(commendTop, 0, num);
   this.getSysListObjCache().add(Constant.COMMEND_CACHE_NAME, l);
  return l;
<bean id="commendFileIO"
  class="com.laoer.bbscs.fio.imp.CommendFileIOImp" />
public interface CommendFileIO {
  public void saveCommendInReadPageFile(long commendid, List commendList) throws IOException;//只有一个方法
 public void saveCommendInReadPageFile(long commendid, List commendList) throws IOException {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < commendList.size(); i++) {
      Commend commend = (Commend) commendList.get(i);
      sb.append("<a href="");
      if (Constant.USE_URL_REWRITE) {
        sb.append("read-topic-" + commend.getBoardID() + "-" + commend.getPostMainID() + "-0-1-index-1.html");
      else {
        sb.append(BBSCSUtil.getActionMappingURLWithoutPrefix("read?action=topic&id=" + commend.getPostMainID() +
            "&bid=" + commend.getBoardID()));
    File commendFile = new File(BBSCSUtil.getIncludePath() + "Commend_" + commendid + ".html");
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(commendFile, sb.toString(), Constant.CHARSET);

    commendFile = null;
    sb = null;
    sb = new StringBuffer();

    //int counter = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < commendList.size(); i++) {
      Commend c = (Commend) commendList.get(i);
      sb.append("<a href="");
      if (Constant.USE_URL_REWRITE) {
        sb.append("read-topic-" + c.getBoardID() + "-" + c.getPostMainID() + "-0-1-index-1.html");
      else {
        sb.append(BBSCSUtil.getActionMappingURLWithoutPrefix("read?action=topic&id=" + c.getPostMainID() +
            "&bid=" + c.getBoardID()));
      sb.append("" title="");
      sb.append("[<a href="");
      if (Constant.USE_URL_REWRITE) {
        sb.append("forum-index-" + c.getBoardID() + ".html");
      else {
        sb.append(BBSCSUtil.getActionMappingURLWithoutPrefix("forum?action=index&bid=" + c.getBoardID()));


    commendFile = new File(BBSCSUtil.getIncludePath() + "ForumCover_Commend_" + commendid + ".html");
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(commendFile, sb.toString(), Constant.CHARSET);

对于BBSCSUtil.getActionMappingURLWithoutPrefix("forum?action=index&bid=" + c.getBoardID()),用了工具类封装了真实的网页后缀!
public static String getActionMappingURLWithoutPrefix(String action) {
//action="forum?action=index&bid=" + c.getBoardID()
  StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer();
  // Use our servlet mapping, if one is specified
  String servletMapping = Constant.SERVLET_MAPPING;//*.bbscs
  if (servletMapping != null) {

   String queryString = null;
   int question = action.indexOf("?");//6
   if (question >= 0) {
    queryString = action.substring(question);//"action=index&bid="+c.getBoardID()
   String actionMapping = getActionMappingNameWithoutPrefix(action);//forum
   if (servletMapping.startsWith("*.")) {
   } else if (servletMapping.endsWith("/*")) {
    value.append(servletMapping.substring(0, servletMapping.length() - 2));
   } else if (servletMapping.equals("/")) {
   if (queryString != null) {

  return (value.toString());

 public static String getActionMappingNameWithoutPrefix(String action) {
  String value = action;action="forum?action=index&bid=" + c.getBoardID()
  int question = action.indexOf("?");//6
  if (question >= 0) {
   value = value.substring(0, question);//value="forum"
  int slash = value.lastIndexOf("/");//slash=0;如果是main/forum.bbscs的话slash=4
  int period = value.lastIndexOf(".");//period=0;.....................period=9
  if ((period >= 0) && (period > slash)) {
   value = value.substring(0, period);//value=0....perod main/forum
  return (value); //forum
public Commend saveCommend(Commend commend);
public Commend findCommendByID(String id);
public Commend findCommendByPostID(String postID);
public int getCommendNumByCommendBoardID(long commendBoardID);
public List findCommendsByCommendBoardID(long commendBoardID, final int firstResult, final int maxResults);
public int getCommendNumByCommendTop(int commendTop);
public List findCommendsByCommendTop(int commendTop, final int firstResult, final int maxResults);
 public List findCommendsInIds(List ids);
public void removeCommend(Commend commend);
 public void removeCommend(String postID);
 private static final String LOADS_IN_IDS = "from Commend where id in (:ids)";
  public List findCommendsInIds(final List ids) {
    return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
      public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
        Query query = s.createQuery(LOADS_IN_IDS);
        query.setParameterList("ids", ids);//List!!!final List ids
        List list = query.list();
        return list;

<hibernate-mapping package="com.laoer.bbscs.bean">
  <class name="Config" table="bbscs_config">
    <id name="id" column="ID" type="string" unsaved-value="undefined">
      <generator class="assigned"/>
    <property column="ConfContext" name="confContext" type="text"/>
有public Config updateConfig(Config config) throws BbscsException;
 public Config findConfigByID(String id);
 public List findConfigs();
 public void updateAllConfigs(HashMap configs) throws BbscsException;
  public void updateAllConfigs(HashMap configs) throws BbscsException {
    Iterator it = configs.values().iterator();
    try {
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        Config config = (Config) it.next();
    catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new BbscsException(ex);
  public List findConfigs() {
    return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(LOAD_ALL);

private Long id;
  private long boardID;//版区ID
  private long parentID; //父ID
  private List parentIDs;//你级ID列表,用","分开
  private String eliteName;//精华目录名称
  private String createUser;//创建者
  private long eliteTime;//创建时间
  private int orders;//序
<hibernate-mapping package="com.laoer.bbscs.bean">
  <class name="Elite" table="bbscs_elite">
    <id name="id" column="ID" type="long" unsaved-value="null">
      <generator class="identity"/>//自动增长
    <property column="BoardID" length="20" name="boardID" not-null="true" type="long"/>
    <property column="ParentID" length="20" name="parentID" not-null="true" type="long"/>
    <property column="ParentIDs" name="parentIDs" type="com.laoer.bbscs.ext.hibernate.SplitList"/>//自定义类型
    <property column="EliteName" length="90" name="eliteName" type="string"/>
    <property column="CreateUser" length="60" name="createUser" type="string"/>
    <property column="EliteTime" length="20" name="eliteTime" type="long"/>
    <property column="Orders" length="11" name="orders" type="int"/>
public Elite createElite(Elite elite) throws BbscsException;
public Elite saveElite(Elite elite) throws BbscsException;
public Elite findEliteByID(long id);
public List findElitesByPidBid(long pid, long bid);
public void removeElite(Elite elite) throws BbscsException;
public List findElitesInIds(List ids);
public Elite createElite(Elite elite) throws BbscsException {
    Elite pElite = this.getEliteDAO().findEliteByID(elite.getParentID());
    if (pElite != null) {
      List pElites = new ArrayList();
    try {
      return this.getEliteDAO().saveElite(elite);
    catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new BbscsException(ex);
  public void removeElite(Elite elite) throws BbscsException {
    try {
      List l = this.getForumDAO().findForumsElite(elite.getBoardID(), elite.getBoardID(),
      for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
        Forum forum = (Forum) l.get(i);
    catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new BbscsException(ex);
  public Elite saveElite(Elite elite);
  public Elite findEliteByID(long id);
  public List findElitesByPidBid(long pid, long bid);
public void removeElite(Elite elite);
  public List findElitesInIds(List ids);

        private String id;       //主键   402881e513bdc8550113bdefb43c0014
 private String parentID; //父级ID  NULL值
 private String mainID;   //MainID  402881e513bdc8550113bdefb43c0014
 private long boardID;    //版区ID  2
 private String boardName;           java
 private int reNum;  //回复数       0
 private int face;   //表情        0
 private String userID; //用户ID    4028818208ed006b0108ed020bd50001
 private String userName;       webmaster
 private String nickName;       webmaster
 private String title; //标题   dffdsfds
 private String detail;//文件名称  P_2_402881e513bdc8550113bdefb43c0014.txt
 private String sign;//签名     NULL
 private int artSize;//字数     58
 private int click;//点击数     5
 private long postTime;//发贴时间  1184302609453
 private long lastTime;//最后回复时间  1184302609453
 private String ipAddress;//IP地址
 private int isNew;//是否是主贴(这个取名有点问题)  1
 private long elite;//是否精华   0
 private long eliteID;//精华目录ID  0
 private int agree;//赞成    0
 private int beAgainst;//反对  1
 private int canNotDel;不是水贴标志  0
 private int delSign;//删除标志   0
        private String delUserID;//删除者   NULL
 private String delUserName;   NULL
 private long delTime;     0
 private String delIP;    NULL
 private String amend;//删除附加信息   NULL
        private String doEliteName;//加入精华者用户名   NULL
 private long doEliteTime;//加入精华时间    0
 private int haveAttachFile;//是否有附件   0
 private List attachFileName = new ArrayList();//附件文件名列表  NULL
 private String lastPostUserName;//最后回复用户名 ---
 private String lastPostTitle;//最后回复帖子标题  NULL
 private String lastPostNickName;    ---
 private long isTop;//置顶标志   0
 private int isLock;//锁定标志   0
 private int auditing;//审核标志   0
        private int auditingAttachFile;//附件审核标志  0
 private int isVote;//是否投票贴标志  0
 private int isHidden;//是否隐藏贴标志  0
 private int editType;//编辑器类型   0
 private String quoteText;//引用文字   NULL
 private int postType;//发贴类型    0
 private int titleColor;//标题color   5
 private int canNotRe;//已经是否回复标志         0
 private long commend;//推荐标志            0
 private int isHiddenValue;//隐藏贴参数    0
 private int userBlog;//加入个人文集标志   0
 private int indexStatus;//索引标志       0
 private int quoteEditType;//引用文字编辑器类型  0
 private int emailInform;//通知发信到哪里(不用)  0
 private int msgInform;//消息到谁(不用)    0
 private String voteID;//投票ID   NULL
 private String tagID;//版区Tag   0
 private String tagName;//版区Tag名称   NULL
        private int isGuest;//是否游客发贴     0
 private int previewAttach;//附件预览标志     1
    <property column="AttachFileName" name="attachFileName" type="com.laoer.bbscs.ext.hibernate.SplitStringList"/>
  KEY `MainID` (`MainID`),
  KEY `BoardID` (`BoardID`), 
  KEY `LastTime` (`LastTime`),
  KEY `PostTime` (`PostTime`),
  KEY `UserID` (`UserID`)
public Forum saveOrUpdateForum(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;
public Forum saveForum(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;
public Forum updateForum(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;
public Forum findForumByID(String id);
public Forum findForumByID(String id, long bid);//根据ID,Bid取得Forum对象
public long getForumNum(long bid, int isNew, int delSign, int auditing, int auditingAttachFile);//取得帖子数量
public long getForumNum(long bid);//取得正常帖子数量
public long getForumMainNum(long bid);//取得主帖数量
public long getForumDelNum(long bid);//取得已删除帖子数量
public long getForumAuditingNum(long bid);//取得未审核帖子数量
public long getForumTopicNum(long bid, String mainID, int delSign, int auditing);//取得同一主题帖子数量
public long getForumTopicNum(long bid, String mainID);//取得一个主题的帖子数量(正常的)
public long getForumTopicDelNum(long bid, String mainID);//取得一个主题已删除帖子数量
public long getForumTopicAuditingNum(long bid, String mainID);//取得一个主题未审核帖子数量
public List findForums(long bid, int isNew, int delSign, int auditing, OrderObj[] oo);//取得帖子列表
public PageList findForums(long bid, int isNew, int delSign, int auditing, int auditingAttachFile, OrderObj[] oo,
   Pages pages);
public PageList findForumsMainWWW(long bid, Pages pages);//取得主帖分页列表(WWW方式,发帖时间排序)
public PageList findForumsMainLastRe(long bid, Pages pages);//取得主帖分页列表(顶帖方式,回复时间排序)
public PageList findForumsAll(long bid, Pages pages);//取得正常帖子分页列表,不分主从
public PageList findForumsDel(long bid, Pages pages);// 取得已删除帖子分页列表
public PageList findForumsAuditing(long bid, Pages pages);// 取得未审核帖子分页列表
public PageList findForumsTopic(long bid, String mainID, int delSign, int auditing, OrderObj[] oo, Pages pages);//取得同一主题帖子分页列表
public PageList findForumsTopic(long bid, String mainID, Pages pages);
public List findForumsTopicAll(long bid, String mainID, int delSign, int auditing, OrderObj[] oo);
public List findForumsTopicDel(long bid, String mainID);//取得已删除同一主题帖子列表
public List findForumsTopicAuditing(long bid, String mainID);取得未审核同一主题帖子列表
public List findForumsElite(long bid, long elite, long eliteId);取得精华帖列表
public long getSearchNum(long bid, String con, String text, int delSign, int auditing);取得搜索帖子数量
public PageList getSearchList(long bid, String con, String text, int delSign, int auditing, String orderby,
   int ascOrDesc, Pages pages);取得搜索结果分页列表
public long getSearchNum(long bid, String con, String text);取得搜索帖子数量(不带条件)
public PageList getSearchList(long bid, String con, String text, Pages pages);
public long getForumOwnerNum(String userID);取得自己的帖子数量
public PageList findForumsOwner(String userID, int isNew, Pages pages);取得自己的帖子分页列表
public void removeForum(String id, long bid) throws BbscsException;删除Forum对象
public void removeForum(String id) throws BbscsException;
public void removeForum(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;
public Forum createForum(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;发帖
public Forum createForum(Forum forum, Board board, UserInfo ui, UploadFile uploadFile) throws BbscsException;
public Forum createReForum(Forum forum, Forum mainForum, Board board, UserInfo ui, UploadFile uploadFile,
   boolean isQuote) throws BbscsException;回帖
public Forum createForumUpFile(Forum forum, UploadFile uploadFile) throws BbscsException;
public Forum editForum(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;帖子修改
public long getForumNumCommend(long bid, long commen);
public long getForumNumCommend(long commend);
public PageList findForumsCommend(long bid, long commen, Pages pages);
public PageList findForumsCommend(long commend, Pages pages);
public boolean isReedUser(long bid, String mainID, String userID);
public void delaPost(Forum forum, Board board, UserInfo ui) throws BbscsException;删除一个帖子
public void savePostElite(Forum forum, UserInfo ui) throws BbscsException;
public void saveForums(List forums) throws BbscsException;
public void saveForumsEliteDel(List forums) throws BbscsException;
public Forum createVoteForum(Forum forum, Board board, Vote vote, UserInfo ui,String voteItem) throws BbscsException;
public long getForumOwnerNum(long bid, String userID, String mainID);搂主帖子数
public PageList findForumsOwner(long bid, String userID, String mainID, Pages pages);只看楼主
public void removeAttachFile(Forum forum, List fileNames) throws BbscsException;删除附件
public void removeAllAttachFile(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;删除某个帖子所有附件
public void delForumsNotAuditingAttachFile(List ids) throws BbscsException;删除未通过审核的帖子附件
public long getForumNumHotTopic(long bid, int reNum, int click);
public PageList findForumsHotTopic(long bid, int reNum, int click, Pages pages);
public void removeToHistory(long atime) throws BbscsException;
public void delPosts(List forums, Board board) throws BbscsException;
public List findForumsInIds(long bid, List ids);
public List findForumsInIds(List ids);
public void delPostReal(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;
public void delPostsReal(List ids) throws BbscsException;
public void delWastePost(long bid) throws BbscsException;
public PageList findForumsAllManage(long bid, Pages pages);
public void saveForumsResume(List ids, Board board) throws BbscsException;
public void saveForumsAuditingAttachFile(List ids) throws BbscsException;
public long getForumsAuditingAttachFileNum(long bid);
public PageList findForumsAuditingAttachFile(long bid, Pages pages);
public List findForumsTopicAuditingAttachFile(long bid, String mainID);
public void saveForumChangeUser(Forum forum, int[] titleType, int[] values) throws BbscsException;
public void saveForumChangeUser(Forum forum, int titleType, int values) throws BbscsException;
public void createCommendPage(long commend) throws BbscsException;
public void saveForumCommend(int createOrDel, Board board, Forum forum) throws BbscsException;
public List findForumsByIndexStatus(int indexStatus);
public List findForumsAllNew(int num);
public List findForumsAllNewCache(int num);
public PageList findForumsAll(long bid, String tagID, Pages pages);
public PageList findForumsMainWWW(long bid, String tagID, Pages pages);
public PageList findForumsMainLastRe(long bid, String tagID, Pages pages);
public void saveForumBuy(long bid, String postId, Forum f, UserInfo buyFromUi) throws BbscsException;
public long getForumBuyNumByPostId(String postId);
public ForumBuy findForumBuyByPostIdFromId(String postId, String fromId);
public Forum saveEditForum(Forum forum) throws BbscsException;
public void saveMoveForum(Forum forum, Board toboard) throws BbscsException;
public void saveMoveForum(long frombid, String mainid, Board toboard) throws BbscsException;
public String getForumDetail(Forum forum, boolean forcefromfile);
public Forum createForum(Forum forum) throws BbscsException {
  Board board = this.getBoardDAO().getBoardByID(forum.getBoardID());//得到版区
  UserInfo ui = this.getUserInfoDAO().findUserInfoById(forum.getUserID());//得到用户信息
  return createForum(forum, board, ui, null);//让别人去完成!
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //因为有些非JDK5.0的开源库如hibernate, 函数返回的一定是List,而不会是List<User>,这时候IDE就会爆出很多warning。用SuppressWarning("unchecked")可以让IDE安静一些。
 public Forum createForum(Forum forum, Board board, UserInfo ui, UploadFile uploadFile) throws BbscsException {
  try {
   if (Constant.POST_STORAGE_MODE == 0) {//贴子存储方式,其实在web.xml中有设定
    forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum);
   } else {
    String detail = forum.getDetail();//现在用这种方式
    forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum);

    String postFileName = "P_" + forum.getBoardID() + "_" + forum.getId() + ".txt";//可见safe文件夹下的post下的....
    File postFile = new File(this.getForumConfig().getForumPath(forum.getBoardID(), forum.getPostTime())
      + postFileName);
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(postFile, detail, Constant.CHARSET);//写入文件

   if (uploadFile != null) {
    String fileName = "File_" + forum.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis()//当前时间 + "."
      + FilenameUtils.getExtension(uploadFile.getFileName());//文件后缀
    String toFilePath = BBSCSUtil.getUpFilePath(forum.getBoardID(), forum.getPostTime());//以前讲过的,应该生成safe/upload/...
public static String getUpFilePath(long bid, long adate) {
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  sb.append(getUpFileWebPath(bid, adate));
  File ft = new File(sb.toString());
  if (!ft.exists()) {
  return sb.toString();

 public static String getUpFileWebPath(long bid, long adate) {
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  sb.append((bid % 20));
  sb.append(Util.formatDate4(new Date(adate)));
  return sb.toString();
    this.getForumUploadFile().saveUploadFile(toFilePath + fileName, uploadFile, this.getSysConfig());//帖子上传文件
    if (board.getAuditAttach() == 1) {
   forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum);//刷新一下
   if (board.getAuditPost() == 0 && board.getAddUserPostNum() == 1) { // 不需要审核,并且版区为增加用户发帖数量
    ui.setArticleNum(ui.getArticleNum() + 1);
    ui.setExperience(ui.getExperience() + 2); // 发帖增加经验值2点。
    ui = this.getUserInfoDAO().saveUserInfo(ui);//用户信息更新
   if (forum.getEmailInform() != 0 || forum.getMsgInform() != 0) {
    if (this.getSubscibeDAO().findSubscibeByPostID(forum.getId(), ui.getId(), forum.getBoardID()) == null) {
     Subscibe subs = this.getSubscibeFactory().getInstance(forum.getBoardID());
     subs.setCreateTime(new Date());

   return forum;
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   throw new BbscsException(ex);
这个服务类注入的是private String safePath;
 public String getSafePath() {
  return safePath;
 public void setSafePath(String safePath) {
  this.safePath = safePath;
public String getForumPath(long bid, long adate) {
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  if (!this.getSafePath().endsWith("/")) {
  sb.append(bid % 20); //bid%20的余数 2
  sb.append(bid);   //2
  sb.append(Util.formatDate4(new Date(adate)));//20070713
  sb.append(adate % 100);//余数 53
  File ft = new File(sb.toString());
  if (!ft.exists()) {
  return sb.toString();
 public static String formatDateTime(Date date) {
  SimpleDateFormat outFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
  return outFormat.format(date);
 public static String formatDate2(Date myDate) {
  SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");
  String strDate = formatter.format(myDate);
  return strDate;
        public static String formatDate3(Date myDate) {
  SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd HH:mm");
  String strDate = formatter.format(myDate);
  return strDate;
 public static String formatDate4(Date myDate) {
  SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
  String strDate = formatter.format(myDate);
  return strDate;
 public static String formatDate5(Date myDate) {
  String strDate = getYear(myDate) + "-" + getMonth(myDate) + "-" + getDay(myDate);
  return strDate;
 public static String formatDate6(Date myDate) {
  SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
  String strDate = formatter.format(myDate);
  return strDate;
 public void saveUploadFile(String toFileName, UploadFile uploadFile, SysConfig sysConfig) throws IOException; //sysConfig用于获得系统的配置参数!,这里也用到了UploadFile这个javabean!
 public void delUploadFile(Forum f) throws IOException;
 public List delUploadFile(Forum f, List fileNames) throws IOException;
 public void moveUploadFile(Forum forum, long tobid) throws IOException;
 public void delDetailFile(Forum forum) throws IOException;
<bean id="userInfoFileIO"
  <property name="userConfig">
   <ref bean="userConfig" />
  <property name="sysConfig">
   <ref bean="sysConfig" />
 <bean id="forumUploadFile"
  class="com.laoer.bbscs.fio.imp.ForumUploadFileImp" />
 <bean id="commendFileIO"
  class="com.laoer.bbscs.fio.imp.CommendFileIOImp" />
 public void saveUploadFile(String toFileName, UploadFile uploadFile, SysConfig sysConfig) throws IOException {
  OutputStream bos = new FileOutputStream(toFileName);
  IOUtils.copy(uploadFile.getInputStream(), bos);
  if (sysConfig.isAttachImg(uploadFile.getFileName()) && sysConfig.getReduceAttachImg() == 1) {
   ImgUtil.reduceImg(toFileName, toFileName + Constant.IMG_SMALL_FILEPREFIX, sysConfig
     .getReduceAttachImgSize(), sysConfig.getReduceAttachImgSize(),1);//缩微图的生成,同目录内!public static String IMG_SMALL_FILEPREFIX = "_Small";
public boolean isAttachImg(String fileName) {
  return FilenameUtils.isExtension(fileName, getAttachImgTypes());
public String[] getAttachImgTypes() {
  String[] types = getAttachImgType().split(","); 
  if (types == null || types.length == 0) { //提供默认值!
   types = new String[3];
   types[0] = "gif";
   types[1] = "jpg";
   types[2] = "jpeg";
  return types;
public String getAttachImgType() {
  return this.getStringValue("AttachImgType");
public int getReduceAttachImg() {
  return this.getIntValue("ReduceAttachImg", 1);
 public int getReduceAttachImgSize() {
  return this.getIntValue("ReduceAttachImgSize", 200);
 public static void reduceImg(String imgsrc, String imgdist, int widthdist, int heightdist, int benchmark) {

  // int benchmark说明:0,长宽哪个长,以哪个为标准;1,以宽为基准;2,以高为基准
  try {
   File srcfile = new File(imgsrc);
   if (!srcfile.exists()) {
   Image src = javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(srcfile);
   int width = src.getWidth(null);
   int height = src.getHeight(null);

   if (width <= widthdist && height <= heightdist) {
    // SysUtil.cpoyFile(imgsrc, imgdist);
    FileUtils.copyFile(new File(imgsrc), new File(imgdist));
// 宽度除以高度的比例
   float wh = (float) width / (float) height;
if(benchmark==0) {
if (benchmark == 1) {
    float tmp_heigth = (float) widthdist / wh;
    BufferedImage tag = new BufferedImage(widthdist, (int) tmp_heigth, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    tag.getGraphics().drawImage(src, 0, 0, widthdist, (int) tmp_heigth, null);
    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(imgdist);
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
用户ID|注册时间|登录时间|文章数|精华文章数|用户头衔|用户生命值(不一定)|积分|......|社区币|是否有相片|(有的话,图片名,无 为"-")|(有的话,用户来自)|
if (StringUtils.isBlank(userInfo.getUserFrom())) {
  } else {
  File usrfile = new File(this.getUserConfig().getUserFilePath(userInfo.getId()) + Constant.USER_PROFILE);//public static final String USER_PROFILE = "UserProFile.txt";
  FileUtils.writeStringToFile(usrfile, sb.toString(), Constant.CHARSET);
 public String getUserFilePath(String userID) {
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  int num = Math.abs(userID.hashCode());
  if (!this.getSafePath().endsWith("/")) {
  sb.append(num % 100);
  File ft = new File(sb.toString());
  if (!ft.exists()) {
  return sb.toString();
public Forum createReForum(Forum forum, Forum mainForum, Board board, UserInfo ui, UploadFile uploadFile,
   boolean isQuote) throws BbscsException {
  try {
   String detail = forum.getDetail();
   if (board.getAuditPost() == 0) { // 不需要审核
    mainForum.setReNum(mainForum.getReNum() + 1);//加入回复数
    if (forum.getParentID().equals(forum.getMainID())) { // 回复的是主帖
     if (mainForum.getCanNotRe() == 0) {
     if (isQuote) {
      if (this.getSysConfig().getQuoteMaxSize() > 0) {// public int getQuoteMaxSize() {
  return this.getIntValue("QuoteMaxSize", 300);
       forum.setQuoteText(BBSCSUtil.getSpeShortString(this.getForumDetail(mainForum, false), this
         .getSysConfig().getQuoteMaxSize(), "..."));
 public String getForumDetail(Forum forum, boolean forcefromfile) {
  if (Constant.POST_STORAGE_MODE == 0) {
   return forum.getDetail();//直接从对象得到!
  } else {
   if (forcefromfile) {
    return this.getForumDetailFromFile(forum);//从文件来
   } else {//从Cache来
    String detail = (String) this.getPostCache().get(forum.getId());
    if (detail == null) {//没有的话,从文件来
     detail = this.getForumDetailFromFile(forum);
     if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(detail)) {
      postCache.add(forum.getId(), detail);
    return detail;
 private String getForumDetailFromFile(Forum forum) {
  File postFile = new File(forumConfig.getForumPath(forum.getBoardID(), forum.getPostTime()) + forum.getDetail());
  try {
   return FileUtils.readFileToString(postFile, Constant.CHARSET);//把文件写成字符串!
  } catch (IOException e) {
   return "";
public static String getSpeShortString(String s, int len, String fillstr) {
  int ilen = Math.max(0, len - fillstr.length());300-3=297!0与它比较之
  char ch = ' '
  int reallen = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
   ch = s.charAt(i);
   if (((int) ch > 32) && ((int) ch < 128)) { //Ascill
   } else {
    reallen += 2;
  if (reallen <= len) {
   return s;
  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
  reallen = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
   ch = s.charAt(i);
   if (((int) ch > 32) && ((int) ch < 128)) {
   } else {
    reallen += 2;
   if (reallen >= ilen) {
    return buf.append(fillstr).toString();
  return buf.toString();
      } else {       
       forum.setQuoteText(this.getForumDetail(mainForum, false));
   } else {  //需要审核帖子!!!!
    if (forum.getParentID().equals(forum.getMainID())) { // 回复的是主帖
     if (isQuote) {
      if (this.getSysConfig().getQuoteMaxSize() > 0) {
       forum.setQuoteText(BBSCSUtil.getSpeShortString(this.getForumDetail(mainForum, false), this
         .getSysConfig().getQuoteMaxSize(), "..."));
      } else {
       forum.setQuoteText(this.getForumDetail(mainForum, false));
   mainForum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(mainForum);//更新
   if (mainForum.getReNum() == this.getSysConfig().getForumHotRes()) { // 回复次数达到热贴标准,增加发帖人人缘系数
    UserInfo mui = this.getUserInfoDAO().findUserInfoById(mainForum.getUserID());
    if (mui != null) {
     mui.setUserKnow(mui.getUserKnow() + 1);
   Forum reForum = mainForum;//假的!
   if (!forum.getParentID().equals(forum.getMainID())) { // 回复的不是主帖
    reForum = this.getForumDAO().findForumByID(forum.getParentID(), forum.getBoardID());
    if (reForum != null) {
     if (reForum.getCanNotRe() == 0) {
      reForum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(reForum);//保存真正所回复的帖子信息!
     if (isQuote) {
      String reDetail = this.getForumDetail(reForum, false);
      if (this.getSysConfig().getQuoteMaxSize() > 0) {
       forum.setQuoteText(BBSCSUtil.getSpeShortString(reDetail, this.getSysConfig()
         .getQuoteMaxSize(), "..."));
      } else {

   // 处理文章标题
   if (forum.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase(Constant.RE)) {
    if (reForum != null) {
     if (reForum.getTitle().startsWith(Constant.RE)) {
     } else {
      if (BBSCSUtil.getSysCharsetStrLength(Constant.RE + reForum.getTitle()) > 90)
public static int getSysCharsetStrLength(String txt) {
  try {
   return txt.getBytes(Constant.CHARSET).length;
  } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
   return txt.length();
      } else {
       forum.setTitle(Constant.RE + reForum.getTitle());

   forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum);//更新下回贴!
   if (Constant.POST_STORAGE_MODE == 0) {
    if (uploadFile != null) {
     String fileName = "File_" + forum.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "."
       + FilenameUtils.getExtension(uploadFile.getFileName());
     String toFilePath = BBSCSUtil.getUpFilePath(forum.getBoardID(), forum.getPostTime());
     this.getForumUploadFile().saveUploadFile(toFilePath + fileName, uploadFile, this.getSysConfig());
     forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum);
   } else {
    if (uploadFile != null) {
     String fileName = "File_" + forum.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "."
       + FilenameUtils.getExtension(uploadFile.getFileName());
     String toFilePath = BBSCSUtil.getUpFilePath(forum.getBoardID(), forum.getPostTime());
     this.getForumUploadFile().saveUploadFile(toFilePath + fileName, uploadFile, this.getSysConfig());


    String postFileName = "P_" + forum.getBoardID() + "_" + forum.getId() + ".txt";
    File postFile = new File(this.getForumConfig().getForumPath(forum.getBoardID(), forum.getPostTime())
      + postFileName);
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(postFile, detail, Constant.CHARSET);

    forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum);

   if (board.getAuditPost() == 0 && board.getAddUserPostNum() == 1) { // 不需要审核,并且版区为增加用户发帖数量
    ui.setArticleNum(ui.getArticleNum() + 1);
    ui.setExperience(ui.getExperience() + 1); // 回帖增加经验值1点。
    ui = this.getUserInfoDAO().saveUserInfo(ui);

   if (forum.getEmailInform() != 0 || forum.getMsgInform() != 0) {
    Subscibe subs = this.getSubscibeFactory().getInstance(forum.getBoardID());
    subs.setCreateTime(new Date());
public synchronized void add(Object o) {
   return forum;
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   throw new BbscsException(ex);
          <bean id="forumServiceTarget"
  <property name="forumDAO">
   <ref local="forumMainDAO" />
  <property name="userInfoDAO">
   <ref local="userInfoDAO" />
  <property name="forumUploadFile">
   <ref local="forumUploadFile" />
  <property name="sysListObjCache">
   <ref local="sysListObjCache" />
  <property name="sysConfig">
   <ref local="sysConfig" />
  <property name="userInfoFileIO">
   <ref local="userInfoFileIO" />
  <property name="subscibeFactory">
   <ref local="subscibeFactory" />
  <property name="subscibeDAO">
   <ref local="subscibeDAO" />
  <property name="boardDAO">
   <ref local="boardDAO" />
  <property name="subscibeQueue">
   <ref local="subscibeQueue" />
  <property name="forumBuyDAO">
   <ref local="forumBuyDAO" />
  <property name="voteDAO">
   <ref local="voteDAO" />
  <property name="voteItemDAO">
   <ref local="voteItemDAO" />
  <property name="commendDAO">
   <ref local="commendDAO" />
  <property name="commendFileIO">
   <ref local="commendFileIO" />
  <property name="forumHistoryDAO">
   <ref local="forumHistoryDAO" />
  <property name="forumConfig">
   <ref local="forumConfig" />
  <property name="postCache">
   <ref local="postCache" />
OK!Go On!下面是创建投票帖子的,省略了后面的部分!
public Forum createVoteForum(Forum forum, Board board, Vote vote, UserInfo ui, String voteItem)
   throws BbscsException {
  try {
   String[] details = voteItem.split(" ");//投票项字符串数组!

   vote = this.getVoteDAO().saveVote(vote);//Vote保存!
   for (int i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
    VoteItem vi = new VoteItem();
   forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum);

   forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum);//帖子保存
 public void delPostReal(Forum forum) throws BbscsException {
  try {
   if (Constant.POST_STORAGE_MODE == 1) {
  } catch (Exception ex) {
   throw new BbscsException(ex);
 public void delDetailFile(Forum forum) throws IOException {

  File postFile = new File(this.getForumConfig().getForumPath(forum.getBoardID(), forum.getPostTime())
    + forum.getDetail());
  if (postFile.exists()) {
 public void delUploadFile(Forum f) throws IOException {
  if (f.getHaveAttachFile() == 1 && f.getAttachFileName() != null && f.getAttachFileName().size() > 0) {
   List fl = f.getAttachFileName();
   String filePath = BBSCSUtil.getUpFilePath(f.getBoardID(), f.getPostTime());
   for (int i = 0; i < fl.size(); i++) {
    File attachFile = new File(filePath + (String) fl.get(i));
    if (attachFile.exists()) {
    File attachFileSmall = new File(filePath + (String) fl.get(i) + Constant.IMG_SMALL_FILEPREFIX);
    if (attachFileSmall.exists()) {

接下来,看下复杂的方法:(delaPost(Forum forum,Board board,UserInfo ui)差不多!
public void delPosts(List forums, Board board) throws BbscsException {
  for (int i = 0; i < forums.size(); i++) {
   try {
    Forum forum = (Forum) forums.get(i);
    if (forum.getAuditing() == 0) { // 如果已近是通过审核的帖子
     forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum); // 保存标注删除,包括删除人、时间等信息  ????
     if (forum.getIsNew() != 1) { // 如果不是主帖
      Forum mainForum = this.getForumDAO().findForumByID(forum.getMainID(), forum.getBoardID()); // 取主帖
      if (mainForum != null) {
       mainForum.setReNum(mainForum.getReNum() - 1); // 减少主帖回复数
       if (mainForum.getLastTime() == forum.getPostTime()) { // 如果删除的是最后一个回复帖,要修正主帖表中最后回复人和时间
        OrderObj[] oo = { new OrderObj("postTime", Constant.ORDER_DESC) };//查询条件吧!OrderObj是com.laoer.bbscs.comm里面的一个javaBean类,它有两个属性orderBy和ascOrDesc=Constant.ORDER_DESC;
 public OrderObj(String orderBy, int ascOrDesc) {
    this.orderBy = orderBy;
    this.ascOrDesc = ascOrDesc;
        List l = this.getForumDAO().findForumsTopic(mainForum.getBoardID(), mainForum.getId(),
          0, 0, oo, 0, 1);//参见DAO!!!
        if (l != null && !l.isEmpty()) {
         Forum lastF = (Forum) l.get(0);
       this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(mainForum); // 保存主帖
     UserInfo ui = this.getUserInfoDAO().findUserInfoById(forum.getUserID());
     if (board.getAddUserPostNum() == 1 && ui != null) { // 版区为增加用户发帖数量
      if (ui.getArticleNum() > 0) {
       ui.setArticleNum(ui.getArticleNum() - 1); // 减少用户发帖数
       ui = this.getUserInfoDAO().saveUserInfo(ui);

      if (forum.getIsNew() == 1) {
       ui.setExperience(ui.getExperience() - 2); // 主帖,扣除发帖人2点经验值
      } else {
       ui.setExperience(ui.getExperience() - 1); // 回帖,扣除发帖人1点经验值
     if (forum.getElite() != 0 || forum.getCommend() != 0) { // 如果是精华或推荐
      if (forum.getElite() != 0) {
       if (ui.getArticleEliteNum() >= 1) {
        ui.setArticleEliteNum(ui.getArticleEliteNum() - 1);
       } else {
       ui.setLiterary(ui.getLiterary() - 3);
      if (forum.getCommend() != 0) {
       ui.setLiterary(ui.getLiterary() - 1);

      ui = this.getUserInfoDAO().saveUserInfo(ui);

     if (forum.getIsNew() == 1) { // 如果是主帖,尝试从新帖Cache中清除,只有主贴才从Cache去之
    } else { // 如果是尚未审核
     forum = this.getForumDAO().saveOrUpdateForum(forum); // 保存标注删除,包括删除人、时间等信息
   } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new BbscsException(ex);

public void delPostsReal(List ids) throws BbscsException {
  List forums = this.getForumDAO().findForumsInIds(ids);
  for (int i = 0; i < forums.size(); i++) {
   Forum forum = (Forum) forums.get(i);
   if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - forum.getDelTime()) > 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) {//大于7天就真正删除哦!
    try {
     if (Constant.POST_STORAGE_MODE == 1) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw new BbscsException(ex);
public PageList findForums(long bid, int isNew, int delSign, int auditing, int auditingAttachFile, OrderObj[] oo,
   Pages pages) {
  PageList pl = new PageList();
  if (pages.getTotalNum() == -1) {
   pages.setTotalNum(this.getForumDAO().getForumNum(bid, isNew, delSign, auditing, auditingAttachFile));

  List l = this.getForumDAO().findForums(bid, isNew, delSign, auditing, auditingAttachFile, oo, pages.getSpage(),
  return pl;

public PageList findForumsAll(long bid, Pages pages) {
  OrderObj oo0 = new OrderObj("isTop", Constant.ORDER_DESC);
  OrderObj oo1 = new OrderObj("lastTime", Constant.ORDER_DESC);
  OrderObj[] oo = { oo0, oo1 };
  return this.findForums(bid, -1, 0, 0, -1, oo, pages);
public List findForumsAllNew(int num) {
  OrderObj[] oo = { new OrderObj("postTime", Constant.ORDER_DESC) };
  return this.getForumDAO().findForums(-1, 1, 0, 0, -1, oo, 0, num);

 public List findForumsAllNewCache(int num) {
  List l = (List) this.getSysListObjCache().get(Constant.FORUM_NEW_CACHE_NAME);
  if (l == null) {
   OrderObj[] oo = { new OrderObj("postTime", Constant.ORDER_DESC) };
   l = this.getForumDAO().findForums(-1, 1, 0, 0, -1, oo, 0, num);
   this.getSysListObjCache().add(Constant.FORUM_NEW_CACHE_NAME, l);
  return l;

public void saveForumsResume(List ids, Board board) throws BbscsException {
  List forums = this.getForumDAO().findForumsInIds(ids);
  for (int i = 0; i < forums.size(); i++) {
   Forum forum = (Forum) forums.get(i);
   if (forum.getAuditing() == 0) { // 已通过审核的帖子恢复
    if (forum.getIndexStatus() == Constant.INDEX_STATUS_NO_INDEX_TO_DEL) {
    } else if (forum.getIndexStatus() == Constant.INDEX_STATUS_DELED) {
    try {
     if (!forum.getId().equals(forum.getMainID())) {
      Forum mainForum = this.getForumDAO().findForumByID(forum.getMainID(), forum.getBoardID());
      if (mainForum != null) {  //mainForum修改
       mainForum.setReNum(mainForum.getReNum() + 1);
     if (board.getAddUserPostNum() == 1) {
      UserInfo ui = this.getUserInfoDAO().findUserInfoById(forum.getUserID());
      if (ui != null) {//用户信息修改
       ui.setArticleNum(ui.getArticleNum() + 1);

       if (forum.getIsNew() == 1) {
        ui.setExperience(ui.getExperience() + 2); // 主帖增加2点经验值
       } else {
        ui.setExperience(ui.getExperience() + 1); // 回帖增加1点经验值

       ui = this.getUserInfoDAO().saveUserInfo(ui);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw new BbscsException(ex);
   } else { // 未通过审核的被删除的帖子恢复
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex1) {
     throw new BbscsException(ex1);
 public static final int INDEX_STATUS_NO_INDEX = 0;
 public static final int INDEX_STATUS_INDEXED = 1;
 public static final int INDEX_STATUS_NEED_UPDTAE = 2;
 public static final int INDEX_STATUS_NEED_DEL = 3;
 public static final int INDEX_STATUS_DELED = 4;
 public static final int INDEX_STATUS_NO_INDEX_TO_DEL = 5;
        public static final int INDEX_STATUS_UPDATE_TO_DEL = 6;
public List findForums(final long bid, final int isNew, final int delSign, final int auditing, final OrderObj[] oo) {//参数为-1,表示此项忽略,否则为增加相应的条件
  return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
   public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException {
    Criteria c = s.createCriteria(getForumClass());
    if (bid != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("boardID", new Long(bid)));
    if (isNew != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("isNew", new Integer(isNew)));
    if (delSign != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("delSign", new Integer(delSign)));
    if (auditing != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("auditing", new Integer(auditing)));
    if (oo != null && oo.length > 0) {
     for (int i = 0; i < oo.length; i++) {
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(oo[i].getOrderBy())) {
       if (oo[i].getAscOrDesc() == Constant.ORDER_ASC) {
       if (oo[i].getAscOrDesc() == Constant.ORDER_DESC) {
    return c.list();

 public List findForumsElite(long bid, long elite, long eliteId) {
  Object[] o = { new Long(bid), new Long(elite), new Long(eliteId), new Integer(0) };
  String sql = "from " + this.getObjName() + " where boardID = ? and elite = ? and eliteID = ? and delSign = ?";
  return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(sql, o);
 private String getObjName() {
  return "Forum" + this.flag;
 private String flag = "Main";

public List findForumsRealDelAll(long bid, long atime) {
  Object[] o = { new Long(bid), new Long(atime) };
  String sql = "from " + this.getObjName() + " where boardID = ? and delSign = 1 and delTime < ?";
  return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(sql, o);

 public List findForumsToHistory(long atime) {
  String sql = "from ForumMain where isNew = 1 and elite = 0 and lastTime <= ?";
  return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(sql, new Long(atime));

 public long getForumNumHotTopic(long bid, int reNum, int click) {
  Object[] o = { new Long(bid), new Integer(1), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), new Integer(reNum),
    new Integer(click) };
  String sql = "select count(id) from " + this.getObjName()
    + " where boardID = ? and isNew = ? and delSign = ? and auditing = ? and (reNum >= ? or click >= ?)";
  List l = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(sql, o);
  if (l == null || l.isEmpty()) {
   return 0;
  } else {
   return ((Long) l.get(0)).longValue();
 public List getSearchList(final long bid, final String con, final String text, final int delSign,
   final int auditing, final String orderby, final int ascOrDesc, final int firstResult, final int maxResults) {
  return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
   public Object doInHibernate(Session s) throws HibernateException {
    Criteria c = s.createCriteria(getForumClass());
    c.add(Restrictions.eq("boardID", new Long(bid)));
    c.add(Restrictions.like(con, "%" + text + "%"));
    if (delSign != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("delSign", new Integer(delSign)));
    if (auditing != -1) {
     c.add(Restrictions.eq("auditing", new Integer(auditing)));
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(orderby)) {
     if (ascOrDesc == Constant.ORDER_ASC) {
     if (ascOrDesc == Constant.ORDER_DESC) {
    return c.list();

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