
4 篇文章 0 订阅
git submodule init
git submodule update

sudo make install


; How many persistent connections pr. host:port so if you are connecting to 5 differenct servers there will be 20 persistent connections to each.  
; If you do not want to reuse connections between request set this value to 0  
; If a connection has not been active within this time frame, automatically reconnect before using it again
; (in seconds)
; Keep sockets alive (recommended)
; Socket receive timeout [ms]
; Socket send timeout [ms]
; Number of retries if riak returns an error  


$connection = new \Riak\Connection('localhost', 8087);

// Create a new bucket
$bucket = new \Riak\Bucket($connection, 'bucket_name');

// Create a new object
$obj = new \Riak\Object('object_name');
// Set the object data that will be saved to Riak
$obj->setContent("some content to save");
// Store the object in the bucket

// Read back the object from Riak
$response = $bucket->get('object_name');
// Make sure we got an object back
if ($response->hasObject()) {
  // Get the first returned object
  $readdenObject = $response->getFirstObject();
  echo "Object content: ".$readdenObject->getContent();

Bucket 属性
use \Riak\Property\ReplicationMode as RM;

$bucket = new \Riak\Bucket($connection, 'bucket_props_ext');

// Create new bucket properties
$newProps = new \Riak\BucketPropertyList();
$newProps->setSearchEnabled(true) // Enable riak search on bucket
  ->setR(1) // Set R value
  ->setNValue(1) // Set N value
  ->setW(1) // Set W value
  ->setRW(1) // Set RW value
  ->setDW(1) // Set DW value
  ->setBigVClock(5000) // Set big vclock
  ->setReplicationMode(new RM\FullSyncOnly()); // Set replication mode to fullsync only

// Create some post commit hooks we can set on the bucket
$postCommitHooks = new \Riak\Property\CommitHookList();
$postCommitHooks[] = new \Riak\Property\CommitHook('module', 'function');
$postCommitHooks[] = new \Riak\Property\CommitHook('js_function_name');

// Apply the properties

// Properties are now applied on the bucket

Siblings 和 合并Siblings
// Make sure allowMult = true on your bucket
// Create a conflict resolver
class SimpleMergeResolver implements \Riak\Output\ConflictResolver {
     * Resolve or merge the conflicting objects and return one that should be store back into riak.
     * @param \Riak\ObjectList $objects
     * @return Object|null
    public function resolve(\Riak\ObjectList $objects)
        $result = null;
        $mergedContent = "";
        foreach ($objects as $object) {
            if (!$object->isDeleted()) {
                if (is_null($result)) {
                    // We just take the first object that is not deleted and use as base for our result
                    // that way we don't need to create a new object and copy the vclock, metadata and indexes etc.
                    $result = $object;
                $mergedContent .= $object->getContent();
        // If we actually found a result, set the content to the merged value.
        if (isset($result)) {
        return $result;

$bucket = new \Riak\Bucket($connection, 'siblings');
// Set our resolver on the bucket, to have it invoked automatically on conflicts
$bucket->setConflictResolver(new SimpleMergeResolver());

// Create an object with some data
$obj = new \Riak\Object('conflicting');
$obj->setContent('some data');
// Now create a new object on same key, without reading the value first
$obj = new \Riak\Object('conflicting');
$obj->setContent('some other data');

$getOutput = $bucket->get('conflicting');
// To make sure the resolver is called you should use the getObject on the output
$resolvedObject = $getOutput->getObject();
// Save back the object

// Read back and ensure the sibling is now gone.
$getOutput = $bucket->get('conflicting');
echo var_export($getOutput->hasSiblings(), true).PHP_EOL;
echo var_export($getOutput->getObject()->getContent(), true).PHP_EOL;

第二索引(secondary indexes)
// Create 10 objects with indexes
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
   $obj = new \Riak\Object("obj$i");
   $obj->setContent('dummy data');
   // Set a integer index num_int and a binary index text_bin
   // remember secondary index should always end on _int or _bin
   $obj->addIndex('num_int', $i);
   $obj->addIndex('text_bin', "text$i");
   // Store object

// Query for all objects where num_int = 1
$result = $bucket->index("num_int", 1);
// Result is an array of keys, in this case obj1 should be the only entry
echo "First query returned key: ".$result[0].PHP_EOL;

// Now make a ranged query on the text_bin index
$result = $bucket->index("text_bin", "text4", "text6");
// This query will match objects which index is text4, text5 and text6
echo "Second query returned: ";

// Make sure search is enabled in both riak app.config and on the bucket

// Create some test data
$testDataArr[] = '{"name": "apple","price": 2.50, "tags": ["fruit"]}';
$testDataArr[] = '{"name": "potato","price": 1.50, "tags": ["veg", "something"]}';
$testDataArr[] = '{"name": "pineapple","price": 15, "tags": ["fruit"]}';
$testDataArr[] = '{"name": "cheese", "price": 45, "tags": ["cow", "dairy"]}';
$i = 0;
foreach ($testDataArr as $testData) {
   $obj = new \Riak\Object("id$i");

// Perform the search
$search = new \Riak\Search\Search($connection);
$searchInput = new \Riak\Search\Input\ParameterBag();
// Search on the name field
// Now search in our search_ex_bucket after documents with the name apple
$searchResult = $search->search('search_ex_bucket', 'apple', $searchInput);
// Did we find something?

// Number of found documents:
echo 'Search found '.$searchResult->getNumFound().' with the name apple'.PHP_EOL;
$foundDocuments = $searchResult->getDocuments();
foreach ($foundDocuments as $document) {

// Make sure allowMult is set to true on the bucket, as this is required for CRDT's to work.

// Counter can be constructed in two ways
// With new:
$counter1 = new \Riak\CRDT\Counter($bucket, "counter1");
// Or with Riak\Bucket's counter function
$counter2 = $bucket->counter("counter2");

// All counters start at 0
// All changes to the counter value is done using increment like this
// Use negative values to decrement

// Increment can also return the updated value
echo "Counter1 value: ".$counter1->incrementAndGet(10).PHP_EOL;

// The Riak\Bucket->counter function can save some typing
// the counter function will always return a counter object or throw exception
$c2val = $bucket->counter("counter2")->get();
echo "Counter2 value: ".$c2val.PHP_EOL;

use \Riak\MapReduce\MapReduce;
use \Riak\MapReduce\Input\KeyListInput;
use \Riak\MapReduce\Phase\MapPhase;
use \Riak\MapReduce\Phase\ReducePhase;
use \Riak\MapReduce\Functions\JavascriptFunction;
use \Riak\Object;
include_once "connect.inc";

$alice1 = "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the ".
    "bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the ".
    "book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in ".
    "it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or ".

$alice2 = "So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the ".
    "hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure ".
    "of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and ".
    "picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran ".
    "close by her.";

$alice3 = "The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then ".
    "dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think ".
    "about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep ".

try {
    $client = new \Riak\Connection($host, $port);
    $alicebucket = new \Riak\Bucket($client, "test_alice");

    $obj1 = new Object("alice1");

    $obj2 = new Object("alice2");

    $obj3 = new Object("alice3");

    $mrinput = new KeyListInput(array("test_alice" => array("alice1", $obj2, $obj3)));

    $jsmapfunc = JavascriptFunction::anon("function(v) {".
        "var m = v.values[0].data.toLowerCase().match(/\w*/g);".
        "var r = [];".
        "for(var i in m) {".
        "    if(m[i] != '') {".
        "        var o = {};".
        "        o[m[i]] = 1;".
        "        r.push(o);".
        "    }".
        "return r;".

    $jsredfunc = JavascriptFunction::anon("function(v) {".
        "var r = {};".
        "for(var i in v) {".
        "   for(var w in v[i]) {".
        "       if(w in r) r[w] += v[i][w];".
        "       else r[w] = v[i][w];".
        "   }".
        "return [r];".

    $mr = new MapReduce($client);
    $mr ->addPhase(new MapPhase($jsmapfunc))
        ->addPhase(new ReducePhase($jsredfunc))
    $json = $mr->toJson();
    $result = $mr->run();
    $res0val = $result[0]->getValue();
    if ($res0val[0]["the"] !== 8) {

    global $streamedsomething;
    $streamedsomething = false;
    // Now do the same but stream it
    class MrStream implements \Riak\MapReduce\Output\StreamOutput {
        public function receive($response) {
            global $streamedsomething;
            $streamedsomething = true;
    $mr->run(new MrStream());
    if ($streamedsomething) {
        echo "success!".PHP_EOL;
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage();


详细文档: http://phpriak.bachpedersen.dk/docs





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


