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About the only thing you can't do is ignore him.

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原创 BACI Install & Usage Guide

This is a guideline for a course this semester, for which I serve as a teaching assistant. I publish it here in hope that it can also help someone else who want to use BACI.Install BACIG

2014-01-23 05:03:13 1655

原创 Notes of Dense Trajectory

Dense Trajectoriesdensely sample feature points in each frametrack points in the video based on optical flow.compute multiple descriptors along the trajectories of feature poin

2014-01-11 05:51:50 2592 3

原创 Parallel mex file in Matlab

By default mex file cannot be parallel executed in Matlab, which will be a major bottleneck for Matlab program. Fortunately, there is a way to execute loop operations in parallel -- parfor. Matlab p

2013-10-20 23:16:37 987

原创 Build Dense Trajectory Codes in Ubuntu

Even when the OpenCV and ffmpeg have been successfully installed, you still may meet the error of "undefined reference to main" when building the Dense Trajectory code. Since the author didn't provide

2013-10-11 06:50:34 1415 1

原创 "undefined reference" error during installing OpenCV

Many people(including me) met the infamous "undefined reference" error during installing OpenCV, such as../../lib/libopencv_highgui.so.2.4.1: undefined reference to `avpriv_vorbis_parse_extradata’

2013-10-11 05:13:17 1525

原创 Matlab Startup Script

You can create a script named startup.m under userpath(in Windows and Mac OSX, default path isDocuments/MATLAB). You can add whatever Matlab commands you want intostartup.m. For example, to add /u

2013-06-12 23:48:28 1230

原创 Counting Unique k-mers -- My First Go Program

Previously, I wrote a Perl program to count the number of unique k-mers. It is very convenient to implement it in Perl, because Perl supports hash-of-hashes(which could dynamically count distinct k-me

2013-05-17 04:33:08 1316

原创 Linear Space Sequence Alignment

For explanation to linear space sequence alignment, please refer to http://ai.stanford.edu/~serafim/CS262_2007/notes/lecture3.pdf. The algorithm and equation I used was from the textbook Algorithm D

2013-04-06 05:53:24 1184

原创 Implementation of Strassen’s Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication

Strassen’s algorithm is not the most efficient algorithm for matrix multiplication, but it was the first algorithm that was theoretically faster than the naive algorithm. There is very good explanatio

2013-03-21 06:25:05 1250

原创 Basic Linux Multi-Process & Multi-Thread Programming

Today I have to make my algorithm running in parallel in order to make it faster. At first I used following way to implement multi-process: unsigned int proc_num = 5; pid_t* pids=new pid_t[proc_num

2013-01-30 11:31:52 1103

原创 Simple Matlab/Octave Commands to Process Data

To load data in following format stored in a text file "read_pos' into Matlab/Octave, use commandsf=fopen('read_pos','r'); % open filea=textscan(f,'%s%d'); % read filey=a{2}; % a is a cell: a{1

2012-12-07 03:32:37 789

原创 Tips about Regular Expression

In Vim, greedy matching is used by default. In order to use non-greedy matching, you can use \{-}, or \{-n,m}, such as: :/Q.\{-0,200}[IL].\{-0,2000}FF.In Perl, default matching is also greedy. To us

2012-11-17 12:39:21 654

原创 Calculate the CDF of Poisson Distribution with Boost C++ Library

The Cumulative Distribution Function(CDF) of Poisson distribution can be easily calculated by R function ppois() or octave/Matlab function poisspdf(). However, it is not a easy thing to deal with stat

2012-11-06 07:11:33 1796

原创 An Implementation of Merge Sort in C

Following C code is the implementation of merge sort, with the time complexity of O(nlogn). It was used in my current project to sort 148 million integers. At first I used bubbled sort, which took me

2012-11-04 21:09:26 797

原创 One-line Tips Recently Summarized

To build C/C++ codes including zlib.h, gcc flag "-lz" must be added, such as gcc -o kseq -lz kseq.h kseq_test.cTo check if some file/dir is affected by SELinux, use command "ls -Z xxx".To change the s

2012-09-15 03:20:09 3887

原创 Connect Mac OS X with Linux Server

There are many ways to connect Mac OS X with Linux by command line. However, connecting them with GUI is not so easy. I tried two ways, but none of them work perfectly and each of them has both advant

2012-08-25 08:38:41 1038

原创 How to make NIC BCM57780 work in Scientific Linux?

I decided to install Scientific Linux on the computer in my lab. Partly because this distribution is called "Scientific", partly because it is compiled from Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the most prestigi

2012-08-09 09:08:33 1284

原创 SOCK_RAW Issue with setuid&chroot-ed login on Linux Servers(Still Unresolved)

Problem: when using function socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_TCP...) with setuid&chroot-ed fake root on Linux servers, it would always fail. However, the real root can work well. Usually the fake

2012-06-15 11:39:48 887

原创 Error "ldd: execution failed due to signal 9"

Today, some guy met a very weird problem and finally he asked me for help. The issue was, when running command "ldd CDNap" on a Solaris 9 server(AP11), following error would show up:http://blog.csdn

2012-06-01 22:03:29 919

原创 Google告诉你1英亩=?平方米

今天晚上好奇英亩和平方米之间的换算关系,于是Google之,没想到啊没想到……m4,太TM神奇了!Google竟然犯这种错误…… 以为只有Google中国才这样,于是搜索英文,还是如此。最终我切换到Google.com,继续搜索英文,结果还是神奇的m4!!!这三张截图,值得珍藏。

2012-05-08 22:28:46 1748

原创 Ubuntu 12.04 WIFI Issue

Many times the WIFI in my Thinkpad R61 could not work after start up, however, it would work well after rebooting. I googled this issue, but just got following report in "askubuntu". Unfortunately, th

2012-05-06 08:45:41 1492

原创 String Evolver, My First Genetic Algorithm

When reading Evolutionary Computation for Modeling and Optimization[1], I found following problem in section 1.2.3:A string evolver is an evolutionary algorithm that tries to match a reference strin

2012-05-04 15:29:32 11213

原创 升级Ubuntu 12.04所遇到的一些问题

升级Ubuntu 11.10到12.04后,开机报错“no partition found”,进入Grub后,输入"ls"命令,也报错“no partition found”。可见Grub已经崩溃了。于是我下载了UNetbootin,然后利用它在Win 7下制作Ubuntu自启动U盘。制作好之后,结果发现不会自动引导启动,需要在开机之后出现Thinkpad欢迎界面时按F12,然后选择U盘启动。

2012-05-02 15:17:55 1464

原创 Briss -- Crop the Margins of Your PDF Files

今天用iPad阅读一个PDF文档时,发现每页留白太多,字体特别小,在iBooks中每翻一页都要手动去缩放,实在是麻烦。于是搜索去掉PDF留白的方法。先是寄希望于Linux系统自带的pdfcrop,结果尝试了各种选项后,发现PDF的size没有变,还是原来的8.5x8.9 inch。后来搜索Ghostscript的用法,把papersize或者resolution强制改成希望的数值,仍然没有

2012-04-21 23:35:37 1364

原创 Shell中使用Expect Here Document

在使用Shell写程序时,有时不得不面对交互的问题——可惜shell往往无法自动完成交互。如果交互的内容很多,自然是直接应用Expect脚本比较方便;如果交互的内容很少,而且考虑到Shell的易用性,在Shell脚本中创建一个Expect 的Here Document更加方便灵活。如下例所示,Expect Here Document可以直接运行并将运行结果赋给KSH变量rcs_stat。#

2012-03-06 09:05:25 1045

原创 转载本博客文章时请注明出处

近来发现很多网站或者博客在转载本人的文章,遗憾的是大多没有注明出处。鉴于韩寒被人质疑构陷的惨痛教训,而我又悲催地没有手稿,一朝被人质疑,必将无法自证,因此肯定各位转载者,转载本人博文时请注明出处(哪怕只给出一个“转”字也可)。其实本人博文大多只是对本人工作中解决问题的总结,或者一些既不普通也不文艺的随笔,实在无太大转载的价值…… 但敝帚自珍……还是多谢大家配合!

2012-02-03 10:38:16 1829

原创 File Descriptors per Process

A file descriptor is a handle created by a process when a file is opened. There is a limit to the amount of file descriptors per process. In order to check the default limit of the system, you can use

2012-02-02 14:36:11 1033

原创 OnLive——在iPad上使用MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint

昨晚睡前看到Walter Mossburg的最新文章Working in Word, Excel, PowerPoint on an iPad:尽管iPad上已经有office软件,可以在上面编辑或创建文档,但这些软件对MS Office的兼容性并不好,而且还是收费的。OnLive Desktop即将推出一个免费的应用,该应用可以利用云端的MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint创

2012-01-13 10:23:53 2184

原创 2012,要读书

今天老婆在新浪微博转一条微博给我:【亭林先生论学】顾炎武《与友人书》:“人之为学,不日进则日退。独学无友,则孤陋而难成;久处一方,则习染而不自觉。…… 若既不出户,又不读书,则是面墙之士,虽子羔、原宪之贤,终无济于天下。子曰:‘十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。’ 夫以孔子之圣,犹须好学,今人可不勉乎?”“独学无友”、“久处一方“和”既不出户,又不读书"可算本人2011年

2011-12-31 22:14:09 666

原创 升级Fedora 16 与安装Ubuntu 11.04

两年半前安装了Fedora11,之后升级到Fedora 12, Fedora 14,期间安装了大量的软件,系统越来越慢……固然有我个人懒惰不愿优化的原因,系统性能下降也与两年多来Fedora的复杂程度的增长有关。前天晚上禁不住诱惑升级到了Fedora 16,过程中没遇到问题,只是升级后发现:(1)Gnome 3的界面进不去,因为笔记本配置太低,没有独立显卡;(2)Classic Gnome wit

2011-12-31 11:28:47 1308

原创 Backquotes in Ksh here document

When the shell encounters a string between backquotes `cmd`it executes cmd and replaces the backquoted string with the standard output of cmd, with any trailing newlines deleted. Quoting insi

2011-12-19 16:34:17 600

转载 Merge/Split PDF files in Linux

First install pdftk (pdf toolkit). Pdftk runs from the command line which means you should unpack the software into a directory that you can access easily. I put the file into c: for testing purposes

2011-12-18 13:05:12 1233

原创 How to change the character case in ksh?

1. To change lower case characters to upper case, you canecho abc | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"or echo abc | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'2. To change upper case characters to lower case, you can

2011-12-16 17:23:00 652

原创 Tk send

send is a Tk command used to execute a command in a different application. This send communication mechanism is limited to applications running on one display. Multiple screens on one workstation stil

2011-12-16 08:49:27 1868

原创 如何在Gmail中搜索特定时间段的邮件

由于众所周知的原因,在天朝登录Gmail时越来越困难了,但是很多以前的邮件都还在,时不时还需要翻一翻,如何搜索特定时间段的邮件呢?答案就是在Gmail的搜索框中输入after:或者/和before:, 如 “after:2007/07/31 before:2007/12/31”就是搜索2007年7月31日之后12月31日之前的邮件。

2011-11-22 09:51:11 3656

转载 Perl/Tk Menus: Past, Present and Future

原文:http://www.foo.be/docs/tpj/issues/vol4_2/tpj0402-0016.html原文中图片全部挂掉,估计时间太久没人维护了……因此出于抢救知识的目的转载此文。PREVIOUS TABLE OF CONTENTS NEXT Perl/Tk Menus: Past, Present and Futur

2011-11-18 11:09:20 1110

原创 Steve Jobs的家庭教育

从CBS对Walter Isaacson的采访来看,Steve Jobs小时候的家庭教育还是很成功的,虽然他的养父母都没有受过高等教育,但他们懂得如何教育一个(被收养的)小孩子,如何培养他正确的人生观和价值观。反观我们的童年,这些大多是缺失的。1. 追求完美ISAACSON BELIEVES THAT MUCH OF IT CAN BE TRACED TO THE EARLIE

2011-10-24 09:51:51 1158

原创 What's+the+difference+between+virtualization+and+cloud+computing?

在很多资料或文献中很难找到虚拟化和云计算的区别,甚至连云计算是什么都颇有争议。在网上找到几片论述这一问题的文章,摘录于下。1. Cloud is an operations model, not technology: http://news.cnet.com/830

2011-10-13 15:59:49 1473

原创 帮主远行,智慧永生

1. 硅谷海盗2006年年底我开始关注科技尤其是IT新闻,间或看到一些关于Apple的新闻,当时并没有太深的印象,甚至连iPod是神马都没搞特别清楚。2007年1月初看到一些新闻风传Apple即将推出智能手机,当时仍然感到莫名其妙——手机都已经人手一部了,有什么特别的。那

2011-10-09 16:55:59 1334

转载 Advanced File Permissions in Linux

原文:http://www.techcuriosity.com/resources/linux/advanced_file_permissions_in_linux.phpHere we will discuss about the 3 special attribute

2011-09-28 14:53:41 562


压缩文件中包括一个包含宏代码的Excel文件Sheet Macros.xls以及其他四个测试文件工作表 1~4。 宏的功能为(1)选中Excel表格中的某些行或列,运行某个Macro,自动根据选中的cells创建新的worksheets,worksheets的名字就是选中的cells的名字。(2)创建新的worksheet的同时,要把某指定目录下与新的worksheet同名的Excel文件的内容copy到新的worksheet中去。


Network Programming with Perl



Exploring Expect(英文完全版)

Exploring Expect by Don Libes Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Pub Date: December 1, 1994 Print ISBN-10: 1-565-92090-2 Print ISBN-13: 978-1-565-92090-3 Pages: 608


Sun云计算平台-Sun Cloud Computing

本文(Sun Cloud Computing)详细介绍了Sun的云计算平台,对于云计算平台的学习非常有帮助。






利用VC调用Matlab C语言接口,实现VC和Matlab的混合编程。



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