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原创 【算法】【动态规划】Coin Exchange

算法描述:Korean coins consist of 6 levels of 1 won, 5 won, 10 won, 50 won, 100 won, and 500 won. If you make 256 won change, you need 5 coins: two coins of 100 won, one coin of 50 won, one coin of 5 w

2015-08-28 10:42:09 1313

原创 【算法】【动态规划】Subset Sum

问题描述: When you divide numbers from 1 to N into two subsets, you can make each subset sum equal. For example, if N is 3, elements of the entire set are {1, 2, & 3}. In case each set sum is equal,

2015-08-27 15:58:00 2982 1

原创 【算法】【动态规划】Bus Fare

问题描述:In a city, a bus stops every kilometer. Also the bus fare is different from 1km to 10km, so you can use each section well to decrease the total fare to get to the destination.For example, l

2015-08-25 15:49:41 1411

原创 【算法】【动态规划】Domino Tiling

问题描述:A domino means a shape in which sides of two unit rectangles are put together to each other.Domino tilting means to make a mosaic by filling a certain area of a flat plate with dominoes,

2015-08-25 13:49:26 1699

原创 【算法】Maximum Continuous Partial Sum

问题描述:Given any sequence, the sequence of a contiguous area as the sum of the sum is part of a continuousFor example, let’s the following sequence was given In the above sequence, the sum

2015-08-25 11:09:17 745

原创 【算法】Symmetric Matrix

算法描述:In contemporary business administration, mathematical tools are frequently applied in order to develop the business theory.Numerical approaches are widely applied in the most of business ch

2015-08-25 10:49:49 985

原创 【算法】Processing Management

问题描述:Assistant Manager Lee is on a visit to a factory run by a partner company. A machine is cutting steel plates that are different in length and width. However, a closer look found that the

2015-08-24 15:58:49 898

原创 【算法】Sky Map

问题描述:You are making “sky map” to represent constellation (group of starts) in the sky.In each element, 1 means star, 0 means empty.And in a constellation, each start should have at least on

2015-08-21 09:47:31 831

转载 【WebRTC】音频处理流程概述

WebRTC强大的技术和易用性在此不再累述。研究了RTC那么久的时间,在国内的社区和论坛鲜见详细介绍其中具体技术的文章和讨论。因此准备花点时间总结一下自己对WebRTC 的Audio Processing Module 的理解。希望国内能有更多做音频算法的同行集思广益,推进音频技术的发展。现在主要介绍一下audio_processing.h。首先插入了几个类,这些都是audio_proce

2015-08-21 09:45:27 2223

转载 【算法】【动态规划】装配线调度

1 问题描述某个汽车工厂共有两条装配线,每条有 n 个装配站。装配线 i 的第 j个装配站表示为 Si,j ,在该站的装配时间为 ai,j 。一个汽车底盘进入工厂,然后进入装配线 i(i 为 1 或 2),花费时间为 ei 。在通过一条线的第 j 个装配站后,这个底盘来到任一条装配线的第(j+1)个装配站。如果它留在相同的装配线,则没有移动开销。但是,如果它移动到另一条线上,则花费时间为 ti

2015-08-18 14:02:00 2903

原创 【算法】【动态规划】 邮票问题

题目描述: 已知一个 N 枚邮票的面值集合(如,{1 分,3 分})和一个上限 K —— 表示信封上能够贴 K 张邮票。计算从 1 到 M 的最大连续可贴出的邮资。 例如,假设有 1 分和 3 分的邮票;你最多可以贴 5 张邮票。很容易贴出 1 到 5 分的邮资(用 1 分邮票贴就行了),接下来的邮资也不难: 6 = 3 + 3 7 = 3 + 3 + 1 8 =

2015-08-13 14:04:24 3525

转载 【算法】传教士和野人问题

有N个传教士和N个野人来到河边准备渡河,河岸有一条船,每次至多可供k人乘渡。问传教士为了安全起见,应如何规划摆渡方案,使得任何时刻,在河的两岸以及船上的野人数目总是不超过传教士的数目。即求解传教士和野人从左岸全部摆渡到右岸的过程中,任何时刻满足M(传教士数)≥C(野人数)和M+C≤ k 的摆渡方案。#include #include #define SIZE 256//

2015-08-04 13:52:28 5486


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linux Android基础知识总结.pdf

linux Android基础知识总结 1.Android编译系统分析 2.文件系统分析 3.制作交叉工具链 4.软件编译常识 5.设置模块流程分析 6.linux系统启动流程分析 7.linux下svn使用指南 8.LFS相关 9.linux内核的初步理解



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