Drupal 6.X: Adding Modules and Themes and Slideshow Creator

Adding Modules and Themes

  1. Unzip the downloaded file (I use WinZip). It may tell you that there is only one file in the zipped file; click "yes" or "OK."
  2. Extract the code to to your /sites/sitename/modules or themes folder. If you are not running multiple sites, this would be /sites/all/modules or themes.  (You need to create modules or themes fodler in /sites/all manually.)

Slideshow Creator (Refer to http://drupal.org/node/237049)

  1. Installation
    a.  Just copy the folder to your sites/all/modules/ folder (Slideshow Creator also required jQuery plugins module, so you also need to isntall JQuery plugins if you have not installed yet.)
    b.  Activate the module in your Drupal installation. Go to administer > modules (on Drupal 4.7) or administer > site building > modules (on Drupal 5.0/6.x)
    c. Go to administer > input formats (on Drupal 4.7) or administer > site configuration > input formats (on Drupal 5.0/6.x) and add slideshow filter in any filter type your site have. (This means you just click "Configure" link to edit any of input format, and then select "Slideshow Crator" filter , and then Save configuration. There are two input formats (Filtered HTML, Full HTML)listed when you install Drupal 6.x, so you can choose a default input format to add "Slideshow Crator" filter )
  2. Usage

    But you can insert it in any node (For example, a page, you can create a new page to add the following strign into body of page), adding the string:

    VERSION: REQUIRED the slideshow filter version: currently 2

    than, for each image you want to insert, use:
    IMAGE_URL: REQUIRED the image itself
    LINK: if you want to provide a link to some page, put the URL here
    TITLE: often the bold text over the image
    DESCRIPTION: often the text under the image
    TARGET: where the linked page will show: _blank (default) will show on another window, _parent and _top is only used when pages have frames, _self shows on the very window or you can use a window name.

    Or automatically extract images from a given directory. You can create a normal slideshow, but you can scan for more images using dir=|DIR_IMAGE|DIR_RECURSIVE|DIR_LINK|TITLE|DESCRIPTION|TARGET|

    DIR_IMAGE: REQUIRED the slideshow filter version: currently 2
    DIR_RECURSIVE: "yes" if you want to scan recursively or leave it blank
    DIR_LINK: "yes" if you want link all images to their own path or leave it blank
    TITLE, DESCRIPTION and TARGET are applied to all images

    example: (you can copy and paste for a test)
    [slideshow: 2, img=|http://drupal.org/themes/bluebeach/logos/drupal.org.png|drupal.org|Drupal|The ultimate CMS. Download it now!|Drupal|, img=|http://www.mysql.com/common/logos/mysql_100x52-64.gif|http://www.mysql.com|MySQL|Free and reliable SQL server and client.|_self|, dir=|files/|yes||Generic Photos|Arent they great?||]
    In My example: You can create a folder (frontpage_slideshow) in d:/xampp/htdocs/drupal/sites/default/files/
    And then put the images into D:/xampp/htdocs/drupal/sites/default/files/frontpage_slideshow . The default root folder is /sites/default/
    Creat a page, adn then copy and Past to Body of page to test
    hello lala... [slideshow: 2, rotate=6, blend=3, dir=|/frontpage_slideshow/|yes||Generic Photos|Aren't they great?||]







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