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转载 List of HTTP headers

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_headers

2009-05-31 14:37:00 452

List of HTTP headers

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_headers

2009-05-31 14:37:00 67

原创 Force "Save file" dialog on the JSP page

If you want to force pop up "Save File" dialog to ask user save file from server.We need to set the several parameter to response.the first is content type.  response.setContentType("applicati

2009-05-31 14:14:00 782

Force "Save file" dialog on the JSP page

If you want to force pop up "Save File" dialog to ask user save file from server.We need to set the several parameter toresponse.the first is content type. response.setContentType("application...

2009-05-31 14:14:00 72

原创 Content Type type

 内容类型内容类型(Content-Type),这个头部领域用于指定消息的类型。一般以下面的形式出现。Content-Type: [type]/[subtype]; parametertype有下面的形式。Text:用于标准化地表示的文本信息,文本消息可以是多种字符集和或者多种格式的; Multipart:用于连接消息体的多个部分构成一个消息,这些部分可以是不同类型

2009-05-31 14:11:00 1604

Content Type type

内容类型内容类型(Content-Type),这个头部领域用于指定消息的类型。一般以下面的形式出现。Content-Type: [type]/[subtype]; parametertype有下面的形式。Text:用于标准化地表示的文本信息,文本消息可以是多种字符集和或者多种格式的; Multipart:用于连接消息体的多个部分构成一个消息,这些部分可以是不同类型的数据;...

2009-05-31 14:11:00 145

转载 The significance of the class search path

The significance of the class search pathAn understanding of the class search path is important for all Java developers. However, the widespread use of integrated development tools has concealed the

2009-05-19 15:03:00 738

原创 Create Swing Image Button

WE can put a image to the swing JButton  to create a icon button.ImageIcon iconDel = new ImageIcon(path);btnDel = new JButton(iconDel);   To make the button have better appearance. we can se

2009-05-19 14:38:00 626

转载 进一步提升 Struts 2 对 Velocity 的支持力度

 原帖地址: 进一步提升 Struts 2 对 Velocity 的支持力度

2009-05-14 09:33:00 476

转载 Advanced Event Registration Model

On this page I explain the two advanced event registration models: W3C’s and Microsoft’s. Since neither is cross–browser supported, their use is, for the moment, deprecated.W3C and Microsoft have bo

2009-05-13 23:00:00 546

原创 DOJO + Eclipse

Dojo + Eclipsehttp://www.dojotoolkit.com/forum/dojo-foundation/general-discussion/eclipse-3-4-and-jsdt-pluginMeet the JavaScript Development Toolkithttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-eclip

2009-05-11 15:14:00 844

原创 Add dojo widget programmatically

 We can add the dojo widget programmtically in the Javascript section. Like this: <!--var datepicker = dojo.widget.createWidget( "struts:StrutsDatePicker", {

2009-05-11 14:11:00 596

原创 Select 操作

1判断select选项中 是否存在Value="paraValue"的Item 2向select选项中 加入一个Item 3从select选项中 删除一个Item 4删除select中选中的项 5修改select选项中 value="paraValue"的text为"paraText" 6设置select中text="paraText"的第一个Item为选中 7设置select中value="pa

2009-05-07 09:43:00 560

原创 使用Struts2 AJAX TAG的 formFilter标签

网上找了半天没有找到好的例子,居然在Review Struts2文档的时候找到一个使用formFilter的例子。其实很简单,就是原来不知道怎么写。现在摘录下来。 "text/javascript"> function filter(field) { return field.name == "firstName"; }"userData">

2009-05-04 23:23:00 1005

Struts2 Design And Programming

Overview Offering both theoretical explanations and real-world applications, this in-depth guide covers the 2.0 version of Struts, revealing how to design, build, and improve Java-based Web applications within the Struts development framework. Feature functionality is explained in detail to help programmers choose the most appropriate feature to accomplish their objectives, while other chapters are devoted to file uploading, paging, and object caching.


XML Generation By Java

Different way to generate xml. DOM, SAX, JAXP


JUnit Recipes

As Test-Driven Development practitioners, we have a tendency to write about JUnit exclusively as a tool for writing Object Tests. Because much of the JUnit community intersects with the TDD community, this seems like a reasonable thing to do; however, you may not be a TDD practitioner. Your current project may use JUnit, but only to write tests for existing code or to write tests at a higher-level view of the system than its objects. We would hate to leave you out of the conversation, as JUnit is certainly suitable for writing other kinds of tests.


远程镜像与备份SVN 服务器

远程镜像与备份SVN 服务器 此文讲述SVN 如何镜像服务器,注意是单向镜像。众所周知,SVN 有自已的镜像命令



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