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翻译 CFrameWnd - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!CFrameWndThe CFrameWnd class provides the functionality of a Windows single document interface (SDI) overlapped or pop-up frame window, along with members for managing the window.

2006-04-01 20:33:00 1819

翻译 Frame Window Classes (Architecture) - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!Frame Window Classes (Architecture)框架窗口类(体系)In document/view architecture, frame windows are windows that contain a view window. They also support having control bars attached to

2006-04-01 19:30:00 1796

翻译 CView - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢! CViewThe CView class provides the basic functionality for user-defined view classes. A view is attached to a document and acts as an intermediary between the document and the user:

2006-04-01 17:16:00 1869

翻译 View Classes (Architecture) - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!View Classes (Architecture)视图类(体系)CView and its derived classes are child windows that represent the client area of a frame window. Views show data and accept input for a document.

2006-04-01 04:16:00 1745

翻译 Application and Thread Support Classes - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!Application and Thread Support Classes应用和线程支持类Each application has one and only one application object; this object coordinates other objects in the running program and is derived f

2006-04-01 03:23:00 1781

翻译 CWinApp - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!CWinAppThe CWinApp class is the base class from which you derive a Windows application object. An application object provides member functions for initializing your application (and

2006-04-01 03:18:00 1420

翻译 CWinThread - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!CWinThreadA CWinThread object represents a thread of execution within an application. The main thread of execution is usually provided by an object derived from CWinApp; CWinApp is

2006-04-01 03:16:00 4202 4

翻译 Command Routing Classes - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!Command Routing Classes命令路由类As the user interacts with the application by choosing menus or control-bar buttons with the mouse, the application sends messages from the affected user

2006-04-01 03:14:00 1417

翻译 CCmdTarget - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!CCmdTargetCCmdTarget is the base class for the Microsoft Foundation Class Library message-map architecture. A message map routes commands or messages to the member functions you wri

2006-04-01 03:12:00 1645

翻译 CCmdUI - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!CCmdUICCmdUI does not have a base class.CCmdUI没有基类。The CCmdUI class is used only within an ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler in a CCmdTarget-derived class.CCmdUI类只是被用在一个CCmdTarget派生类

2006-04-01 03:06:00 1834 2

翻译 Document Classes - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!Document Classes文档类Document class objects, created by document-template objects, manage the application’s data. You will derive a class for your documents from one of these classes.

2006-04-01 03:00:00 1368

翻译 CDocument - MSDN6翻译交流

BUG和建议请提出,谢谢!CDocumentThe CDocument class provides the basic functionality for user-defined document classes. A document represents the unit of data that the user typically opens with the File O

2006-04-01 02:52:00 1473



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