Avoid duplicate form submissions

When a web form is submitted to a server through an HTTP POST request, a web user that attempts to refresh the server response in certain user agents can cause the contents of the original HTTP POSTrequest to be resubmitted, possibly causing undesired results, such as a duplicate web purchase.

To avoid this problem, many web developers use the PRG pattern — instead of returning a web page directly, the POST operation returns a redirection command. The HTTP 1.1 specification introduced the HTTP 303 ("See other") response code to ensure that in this situation, the web user's browser can safely refresh the server response without causing the initial HTTP POST request to be resubmitted. However most common commercial applications in use today (new and old alike) still continue to issue HTTP 302 ("Found") responses in these situations. The PRG pattern cannot address every scenario of duplicate form submission. Some known duplicate form submissions that PRG cannot solve are:

  • If a web user refreshes before the initial submission has completed because of server lag, resulting in a duplicate HTTP POST request in certain user agents.

A commonly used alternative to the PRG pattern is the use of a nonce to prevent duplicate form submissions.

What methods are available to stop multiple postbacks of a form?

Often people overlook the most conventional way to handle this which is to use nonce keys.

You can use PRG as others have mentioned but the downside with PRG is that it doesn't solve the double-click problem, it requires an extra trip to the server for the redirect, and since the last step is a GET request you don't have direct access to the data that was just posted (though it could be passed as a query param or maintained on the server side).

I like the Javascript solution because it works most of the time.

Nonce keys however, work all the time. The nonce key is a random unique GUID generated by the server (also saved in the database) and embedded in the form. When the user POSTs the form, the nonce key also gets posted. As soon as a POST comes in to the server, the server verifies the nonce key exists in its database. If it does, the server deletes the key from the database and processes the form. Consequently if the user POSTs twice, the second POST won't be processed because the nonce key was deleted after processing the first POST.

The nonce key has an added advantage in that it brings additional security by preventing replay attacks (a man in the middle sniffs your HTTP request and then replays it to the server which treats it as a legitimate).

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