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转载 3.3. Process Switch

To control the execution of processes, the kernel must be able to suspend the execution of the process running on the CPU and resume the execution of some other process previously suspended. This acti

2007-07-12 20:43:00 1379

转载 3.2. Process Descriptor

To manage processes, the kernel must have a clear picture of what each process is doing. It must know, for instance, the processs priority, whether it is running on a CPU or blocked on an event, what

2007-07-03 21:45:00 1287

转载 3.1. Processes, Lightweight Processes, and Threads

The term "process" is often used with several different meanings. In this book, we stick to the usual OS textbook definition: a process is an instance of a program in execution. You might think of it

2007-07-02 22:34:00 574

转载 Chapter 3. Processes

The concept of a process is fundamental to any multiprogramming operating system. A process is usually defined as an instance of a program in execution; thus, if 16 users are running vi at once, there

2007-07-02 22:27:00 600

转载 2.5. Paging in Linux

Linux adopts a common paging model that fits both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. As explained in the earlier section "Paging for 64-bit Architectures," two paging levels are sufficient for 32-bit ar

2007-07-02 22:23:00 1701

转载 2.4. Paging in Hardware

The paging unit translates linear addresses into physical ones. One key task in the unit is to check the requested access type against the access rights of the linear address. If the memory access is

2007-07-02 22:21:00 1001

转载 2.3. Segmentation in Linux

Segmentation has been included in 80 x 86 microprocessors to encourage programmers to split their applications into logically related entities, such as subroutines or global and local data areas. Howe

2007-07-02 22:20:00 902

转载 2.2. Segmentation in Hardware

Starting with the 80286 model, Intel microprocessors perform address translation in two different ways called real mode and protected mode . Well focus in the next sections on address translation whe

2007-07-02 22:19:00 594

转载 Chapter 2. Memory Addressing

This chapter deals with addressing techniques. Luckily, an operating system is not forced to keep track of physical memory all by itself; todays microprocessors include several hardware circuits to m

2007-07-02 22:17:00 576

转载 2.1. Memory Addresses

Programmers casually refer to a memory address as the way to access the contents of a memory cell. But when dealing with 80 x 86 microprocessors, we have to distinguish three kinds of addresses:Lo

2007-07-02 22:17:00 603

转载 1.6. An Overview of Unix Kernels

Unix kernels provide an execution environment in which applications may run. Therefore, the kernel must implement a set of services and corresponding interfaces. Applications use those interfaces and

2007-07-02 22:15:00 796

转载 1.5. An Overview of the Unix Filesystem

The Unix operating system design is centered on its filesystem, which has several interesting characteristics. Well review the most significant ones, since they will be mentioned quite often in forth

2007-07-02 22:13:00 603

转载 1.4. Basic Operating System Concepts

Each computer system includes a basic set of programs called the operating system. The most important program in the set is called the kernel. It is loaded into RAM when the system boots and contains

2007-07-02 22:12:00 1006

转载 1.3. Linux Versions

1.3. Linux Versions Up to kernel version 2.5, Linux identified kernels through a simple numbering scheme. Each version was characterized by thr

2007-07-02 22:11:00 538

转载 1.2. Hardware Dependency

Linux tries to maintain a neat distinction between hardware-dependent and hardware-independent source code. To that end, both the arch and the include directories include 23 subdirectories that corres

2007-07-02 22:10:00 520

原创 1.1. Linux Versus Other Unix-Like Kernels

The various Unix-like systems on the market, some of which have a long history and show signs of archaic practices, differ in many important respects. All commercial variants were derived from either

2007-07-02 22:09:00 584

转载 Overview of the Book

To make life easier, Chapter 1, Introduction, presents a general picture of what is inside a Unix kernel and how Linux competes against other well-known Unix systems.The heart of any Unix kernel is

2007-07-02 22:07:00 469


Bash Reference Manual


ARM Architecture Reference Manual[2005]

ARM Architecture Reference Manual[2005]



evil code for linux kernel hack



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