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原创 用ACCESS查看DB2的表

到IBM主页下载DB2客户端(DB2 Client),如果链接失效,则访问该地址:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/db2/v9/index_download.html,下载需要登录IBM。文件比较大,近300M,用Flashget等下载工具下比较快。下载完成后开始安装,运行CLIENT/image目录下的setup.exe文件,打开DB2安装启动板,左边的

2007-08-24 13:56:00 1425

原创 怎么看一个文本文件的编码

打开记事本,菜单“文件”-“打开”,找到目标文件,选中,这时下面的编码中显示的就是这个文件的编码,ANSI, Unicode, Unicode big endian, UTF-8。Quixote对unicode的处理,目前不知道有没有完全搞定,之前PTL文件里title如果是中文会报错:UnicodeDecodeError: ascii codec cant decode byte 0xc3

2007-08-23 00:13:00 27041

转载 豆瓣(douban.com)和Python、Quixote的文章合集

向阿北哥请教?    2005-12-31 21:54:09   来自: zh00yi (南京)  douban是用quixote和twisted做的,但好象都是python的web framework,为什么要用两个呢?能告诉我这两个分别用来做什么吗??我很想知道这方面的事,当然如果这属于商业秘密的话,可以不说的。。    2005-12-31 22:58:48 阿北 (北京)  quixote

2007-08-22 11:35:00 7444

原创 TypeError: expected a character buffer object

这个错误弄了一个下午才搞定!        for row in rows:            print row                        %s % row[2]            %s % row[1]            %s % row[3].replace("/r/n", "")            改为    

2007-08-21 17:10:00 20346 1

原创 Quixote学习笔记(5)

The _q_resolve() methodNote that the ExtraDirectory class inherits from Resolving (in addition to Directory). The Resolving mixin modifies the _q_traverse() so that, when a component has an attri

2007-08-16 13:27:00 1092

原创 Quixote学习笔记(4)

The _q_lookup() methodNow take a look at the ExtraDirectory class in extras.ptl. This class exhibits some more advanced publishing features. If you look back at the default _q_traverse() impleme

2007-08-15 14:18:00 981

原创 Quixote学习笔记(3)

Understanding the root demoStart the root demo by running the command:simple_server.py --factory quixote.demo.create_publisherIn a browser, open http://localhost:8080 as before. Click around at

2007-08-14 16:24:00 1161

原创 Quixote学习笔记(2)

Understanding the mini_demoStart the mini demo by running the command:simple_server.py --factory quixote.demo.mini_demo.create_publisherIn a browser, load http://localhost:8080. In your browser

2007-08-13 17:24:00 1248

原创 Quixote学习笔记(1)

Running the Quixote DemosQuixote comes with some demonstration applications in the demo directory. After quixote is installed (see INSTALL.txt for instructions), you can run the demos using the scri

2007-08-10 17:04:00 1511

FSDM金融服务数据模型(IFW Overview.ppt)



IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V8.0 for AIX Compiler Reference

First Edition (August 2005 ) This edition applies to IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V8.0 for AIX (Program number 5724-M12) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.


C for AIX Compiler Reference

May 2002 Edition<br>This edition applies to Version 6 Release 0 of C for AIX (product number 5765–F57) and to all subsequent releases<br>and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.


CICS Application Programming Reference

About this book This book describes the TXSeries® for Multiplatforms application programming interface (API). It contains reference information that you need when you use CICS® API commands to prepare application programs on the following platforms: AIX®, HP-UX, Solaris, and Windows®. Supported programming languages include COBOL, PL/I, C, and C++. (HP-UX does not support C++; HP-UX and Solaris do not support PL/I.) Guidance information is in the TXSeries for Multiplatforms Application Programming Guide and the TXSeries for Multiplatforms Problem Determination Guide. For information about debugging CICS applications, see the TXSeries for Multiplatforms Problem Determination Guide.


CICS Problem Determination Guide(PDF格式)

About this book<br><br>This book is intended to help you determine the causes of problems in a CICS(R) system. The book provides information to help you solve CICS application and system problems, and tells you how to use your support organization.


配置TXSeries CICS与IBM主机CICS的连接

系统架构<br>系统规划<br>网关主机软件安装<br>网关主机配置<br>.NODE<br>.CONNECTIVITY<br>.LU 6.2<br>.权限设置<br>.SNA管理与维护<br>前置机软件安装和配置<br>备机软件安装与配置(接管网关)<br>备机软件安装与配置(接管前置机)<br>工作日志<br>建议


IBM eServer pSeries HACMP V5.x Certification Study Guide Update

Abstract<br><br>IBM HACMP 5.x for AIX 5L (V5.1, V5.2, and the new HACMP 5.3) has introduced major changes to the well-proven IBM high availability solution for IBM eServer pSeries clusters. The changes include product usability enhancements, performance, and integration with the IBM strategic On Demand initiative.<br><br>This IBM Redbook provides information for system administrators who want to implement high availability clusters with HACMP V5.x, upgrade an existing cluster to the latest version, or prepare for the HACMP V5.x certification exam to achieve IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert - pSeries HACMP 5.x for AIX 5L.<br><br>The pSeries HACMP 5.x for AIX 5L certification validates the skills required to successfully plan, install, configure, and support an HACMP 5.x for AIX 5L cluster installation. The requirements for this include a working knowledge of:<br>- Hardware options<br>- AIX 5L parameters<br>- The cluster and resource configuration process<br>- Customization of the standard HACMP 5.x facilities<br>- Diagnosis and troubleshooting<br><br>This redbook helps AIX 5L professionals seeking a comprehensive and task-oriented guide for developing the knowledge and skills required for the certification. It is designed to provide a combination of theory and practical experience. Due to the practical nature of the certification content, this publication can also be used as a deskside reference.<br><br>Table of Contents<br><br>Chapter 1. Introduction<br>Chapter 2. Planning and design<br>Chapter 3. Installation and configuration<br>Chapter 4. Cluster verification and testing<br>Chapter 5. Post implementation and administration<br>Chapter 6. HACMP V5.2 and V5.3<br>Appendix A. ITSO sample cluster


Configuring Highly Available Clusters Using HACMP 4.5

Abstract<br><br>The objective of this IBM Redbook is to provide how-to technical information about configuring highly available clusters using HACMP Version 4.5, with a special focus on IBM eServer pSeries 690 model 681 servers. It describes, in detail, the installation, customization, and configuration procedures of the new LPAR supported servers with HACMP for high availability. As an case study application for HACMP 4.5, this redbook investigates and explains the procedures for configuring an Highly Available Control Workstation (HACWS) in an Cluster 1600 configuration. HAGEO has been integrated to exploit the HACMP 4.5 features, and a special focus on HAGEO 2.4 is described in Chapter 4 of this redbook. Prior knowledge of HACMP will be useful for easy understanding of this document. This document provides various example scenarios and configurations and demonstrates high availability clustering using HACMP 4.5.<br><br>Table of Contents<br><br>Chapter 1. HACMP 4.5 overview<br>Chapter 2. Configuring highly available p690 clusters<br>Chapter 3. HACWS: An HACMP Application for Cluster 1600<br>Chapter 4. HAGEO integration with HACMP cluster


(AIX 5L Version 5.2)Technical Reference: Communications, Volume 2

About This Book <br><br>This book provides information on application programming interfaces to the operating system. <br><br>This book is part of the six-volume technical reference set, AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference, that provides information on system calls, kernel extension calls, and subroutines in the following volumes: <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 2 provide information on system calls, subroutines, functions, macros, and statements associated with base operating system runtime services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 2 provide information on entry points, functions, system calls, subroutines, and operations related to communications services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 2 provide information about kernel services, device driver operations, file system operations, subroutines, the configuration subsystem, the communications subsystem, the low function terminal (LFT) subsystem, the logical volume subsystem, the M-audio capture and playback adapter subsystem, the printer subsystem, the SCSI subsystem, and the serial DASD subsystem. This edition supports the release of AIX 5L Version 5.2 with the 5200-04 Recommended Maintenance package. Any specific references to this maintenance package are indicated as AIX 5.2 with 5200-04.


(AIX 5L Version 5.2)Technical Reference: Communications, Volume 1

About This Book <br><br>This book provides information on application programming interfaces to the operating system. <br><br>This book is part of the six-volume technical reference set, AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference, that provides information on system calls, kernel extension calls, and subroutines in the following volumes: <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 2 provide information on system calls, subroutines, functions, macros, and statements associated with base operating system runtime services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 2 provide information on entry points, functions, system calls, subroutines, and operations related to communications services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 2 provide information about kernel services, device driver operations, file system operations, subroutines, the configuration subsystem, the communications subsystem, the low function terminal (LFT) subsystem, the logical volume subsystem, the M-audio capture and playback adapter subsystem, the printer subsystem, the SCSI subsystem, and the serial DASD subsystem. This edition supports the release of AIX 5L Version 5.2 with the 5200-04 Recommended Maintenance package. Any specific references to this maintenance package are indicated as AIX 5.2 with 5200-04.


(AIX 5L Version 5.2)Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems, Volume 2

About This Book <br><br>This book provides information on application programming interfaces to the operating system. <br><br>This book is part of the six-volume technical reference set, AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference, that provides information on system calls, kernel extension calls, and subroutines in the following volumes: <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 2 provide information on system calls, subroutines, functions, macros, and statements associated with base operating system runtime services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 2 provide information on entry points, functions, system calls, subroutines, and operations related to communications services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 2 provide information about kernel services, device driver operations, file system operations, subroutines, the configuration subsystem, the communications subsystem, the low function terminal (LFT) subsystem, the logical volume subsystem, the M-audio capture and playback adapter subsystem, the printer subsystem, the SCSI subsystem, and the serial DASD subsystem. This edition supports the release of AIX 5L Version 5.2 with the 5200-04 Recommended Maintenance package. Any specific references to this maintenance package are indicated as AIX 5.2 with 5200-04.


(AIX 5L Version 5.2)Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems, Volume 1

About This Book <br><br>This book provides information on application programming interfaces to the operating system. <br><br>This book is part of the six-volume technical reference set, AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference, that provides information on system calls, kernel extension calls, and subroutines in the following volumes: <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 2 provide information on system calls, subroutines, functions, macros, and statements associated with base operating system runtime services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 2 provide information on entry points, functions, system calls, subroutines, and operations related to communications services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 2 provide information about kernel services, device driver operations, file system operations, subroutines, the configuration subsystem, the communications subsystem, the low function terminal (LFT) subsystem, the logical volume subsystem, the M-audio capture and playback adapter subsystem, the printer subsystem, the SCSI subsystem, and the serial DASD subsystem. This edition supports the release of AIX 5L Version 5.2 with the 5200-04 Recommended Maintenance package. Any specific references to this maintenance package are indicated as AIX 5.2 with 5200-04.


(AIX 5L Version 5.2)Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 2

可以查到opendir之类的函数。<br><br>About This Book <br><br>This book provides information on application programming interfaces to the operating system. <br><br>This book is part of the six-volume technical reference set, AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference, that provides information on system calls, kernel extension calls, and subroutines in the following volumes: <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 2 provide information on system calls, subroutines, functions, macros, and statements associated with base operating system runtime services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 2 provide information on entry points, functions, system calls, subroutines, and operations related to communications services. <br><br>· AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 2 provide information about kernel services, device driver operations, file system operations, subroutines, the configuration subsystem, the communications subsystem, the low function terminal (LFT) subsystem, the logical volume subsystem, the M-audio capture and playback adapter subsystem, the printer subsystem, the SCSI subsystem, and the serial DASD subsystem. This edition supports the release of AIX 5L Version 5.2 with the 5200-04 Recommended Maintenance package. Any specific references to this maintenance package are indicated as AIX 5.2 with 5200-04.


(AIX 5L Version 5.2)Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1

可以查到opendir之类的函数。 About This Book This book provides information on application programming interfaces to the operating system. This book is part of the six-volume technical reference set, AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference, that provides information on system calls, kernel extension calls, and subroutines in the following volumes: · AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions Volume 2 provide information on system calls, subroutines, functions, macros, and statements associated with base operating system runtime services. · AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Communications Volume 2 provide information on entry points, functions, system calls, subroutines, and operations related to communications services. · AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1 and AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 2 provide information about kernel services, device driver operations, file system operations, subroutines, the configuration subsystem, the communications subsystem, the low function terminal (LFT) subsystem, the logical volume subsystem, the M-audio capture and playback adapter subsystem, the printer subsystem, the SCSI subsystem, and the serial DASD subsystem. This edition supports the release of AIX 5L Version 5.2 with the 5200-04 Recommended Maintenance package. Any specific references to this maintenance package are indicated as AIX 5.2 with 5200-04.


AIX 5L V5.3 本地语言支持指南和参考大全(中文)

关于本书<br><br>本书为应用程序员提供有关启用 AIX® 操作系统本地语言支持的应用程序的完整信息。它还为系统管理员提供有关启用 AIX 操作系统本地语言支持的网络环境的完整信息。程序员和系统管理员可以使用本书获得本地语言支持指南和准则的知识。本书的主题包括:语言环境、代码集、输入方法、子例程、转换器、字符映射、特定文化信息以及消息工具。


AIX 5L V5.3 通用编程概念:编写并调试程序(中文)

关于本书 本书为应用程序开发者提供关于编写 AIX® 操作系统应用程序的完整信息。程序员可以使用本书获取编程指南和资源的知识。其中的主题包括输入和输出处理、curse、文件系统和目录、lex 和 yacc、逻辑卷编程、共享库、大型程序支持、打包、跟踪工具以及系统管理接口工具(SMIT)。


AIX 5L V5.3 性能管理指南(中文)

性能管理<br><br>本主题为应用程序员、客户工程师、系统工程师、系统管理员、资深最终用户和系统程序员提供有关如何执行任务(例如评估和调整处理器、文件系统、内存、磁盘 I/O、NFS、JAVA 和通信 I/O 的性能)的完整信息。本主题还阐述了高效率系统和应用程序设计(包括它们的实现)。


AIX 5L V5.3 操作系统与设备管理(中文)

操作系统与设备管理本主题为系统管理员提供相关概念信息,这些信息可能影响到在您执行某些任务时所选的选项,这些任务包括备份和恢复系统、管理物理和逻辑存储器、调整适当的调页空间大小等等。本文提供了有关如何执行管理逻辑卷、存储和资源之类的任务的全面信息。系统用户可了解如何执行运行命令、处理进程、处理文件和目录以及基本打印之类的任务。其他对于用户和系统管理员有用的主题包括创建调页空间及调整其大小、管理虚拟内存、备份和恢复系统、管理硬件和伪设备、使用系统资源控制器(SRC)、保护文件安全、使用存储介质、定制环境文件以及编写 shell 脚本。



刘 睿<br><br>2006/7/1<br><br>此文档适用于所有使用EasyCICS开发IBM CICS/TXSeries应用的开发和规划人员。主要针对以下版本的EasyCICS(并尽量兼容老的版本):<br><br>EasyCICS Server v2.27<br><br>EasyCICS C/C++ Client v2.27<br><br>EasyCICS COM/OLE Client v2.27<br><br>EasyCICS DLL Client v2.27<br><br>EasyCICS JAVA Client v2.25<br><br>EasyCICS C Client for DOS v2.27<br><br>如果您希望了解更多的关于EasyCICS的信息,请访问http://www.lrsolution.com/easycics.html以及http://www.lrsolution.com/download.html,您将得到EasyCICS和这本手册的最新版本,并且有许多关于EasyCICS的问答。如果还有问题,欢迎给我发邮件。



三层C/S结构编程指南<br> -- 使用IBM中间件实例<br><br>概 述<br><br> 计算机体系结构经历了从主机集中的终端方式、C/S结构,以及现在越来越普遍的三层客户机服务器结构。在当今中国,从银行、电信,到保险、证券的各个行业,还有不容忽视的电子商务、普遍运算,都越来越多地使用三层结构作为核心系统的标准体系结构。但是,由于三层结构提高了开发的起点,加上具体介绍三层次应用开发的书籍并不象介绍C/S的书脊那样普遍,对于大多数开发人员来说,三层结构依然是一种理想,而不是一个能够立即在现实中使用的方法。甚至,由于缺乏对于工具的了解,有不少开发人员自行开发了简易的中间件来满足其对三层结构的需求。正因为此,给三层结构开发的普及带来了很大的障碍。<br> 本书详细介绍了三层客户机服务器结构的系统结构,从计算机体系结构的变迁,三层结构的优点,一些常见概念,如数据的一致性、两阶段提交、分布式事务处理、事务处理器以及XA规范的系统说明,到CICS是如何构造以成为一个优秀的三层结构中间件,在第一章中都有详细阐述。<br> 如果您对于三层结构的理论已经有所了解,可以在第二章中学习如何使用CICS编制应用,并且使用VB、Delphi、C++ Builder、PowerBuilder、Java和C进行前台界面的开发。如果要进一步使用CICS的底层功能,第四章的内容是非常有用的。<br> 在CICS应用服务器端,采用嵌入式SQL(E-SQL)编程和各种数据库进行连接。第六章同时详细介绍了DB2、SYBASE、ORACLE、INFORMIX等数据库的嵌入式SQL编程,即使您不使用CICS,这也是一个很好的参考。<br> 第五章中,介绍了对CICS进行性能调优的方法以及一些参考数据,您可以根据您的系统需求来选择合适的硬件环境,满足对性能的需求。<br> 特别的,本书所附光盘包含使用CICS在Windows NT平台上搭建三层结构的所有软件,以及本书提及的所有示例程序。根据第四章的步骤,您可以自己建立一个实验环境,亲自体验开发三层结构应用的感觉。


EasyCICS Manual

Liu Rui<br>2006/7/9<br>This document is for all developers and designers who develop their applications with IBM CICS/TXSeries using EasyCICS. It is targeted to the following versions of EasyCICS (and I always make different versions of EasyCICS compatible):<br>EasyCICS Server v2.27<br>EasyCICS C/C++ Client v2.27<br>EasyCICS COM/OLE Client v2.27<br>EasyCICS DLL Client v2.27<br>EasyCICS JAVA Client v2.25<br>EasyCICS C Client for DOS v2.27<br>If you want to know more information about EasyCICS, please visit my website http: //www.lrsolution.com/easycics.html and http: //www.lrsolution.com/download.html, then you can get the newest version of EasyCICS and associated documents. You can also find the history about EasyCICS, and a lot of Q&A’s. I plan to translate more documents to English in the future. If you still have questions, please feel free to send emails to me.



IBM软件部培训文档,PPT格式。目录:CICS Debug 的方式用 CEBR 浏览 TSQ用 CEDF 调试 (单终端/双终端)在 UNIX 中用 dbx 调试在 AIX 中用 xldb 调试在 NT/2000 中用 VC 调试


CICS Application Programming Guide

TXSeries for Multiplatforms<br>CICS Application Programming Guide <br>Version 6.1


AIX 5.2 命令参考大全(HTML格式)PART2/TOTAL2

在线版本:http://www.ifpubs.com/books/aix52/mastertoc1.htm#mtoc<br>用Offline Explorer打包,WinRAR压缩。<br><br>关于本书<br><br>本书是六卷的《AIX 5L V5.2 命令参考大全》的“第 5 卷”,它包含有关操作系统命令的参考信息。它描述了每个命令执行的任务、如何修改命令、命令如何处理输入和输出、谁可以运行这些命令,并提供了全部六卷的主索引。<br><br>要获取按功能组排列的命令的快速参考列表,请参见“卷 6”。<br><br>本版本支持带有 5200-01 推荐的维护软件包的 AIX 5L V5.2 的发行版。对于本维护软件包的任何特定引用都将表示为带有 5200-01 的 AIX 5.2。<br><br>本书为谁而写<br><br>本书面向操作系统命令的用户。


AIX 5.2 命令参考大全(HTML格式)PART1/TOTAL2

在线版本:http://www.ifpubs.com/books/aix52/mastertoc1.htm#mtoc<br>用Offline Explorer打包,WinRAR压缩。<br><br>关于本书<br><br>本书是六卷的《AIX 5L V5.2 命令参考大全》的“第 5 卷”,它包含有关操作系统命令的参考信息。它描述了每个命令执行的任务、如何修改命令、命令如何处理输入和输出、谁可以运行这些命令,并提供了全部六卷的主索引。<br><br>要获取按功能组排列的命令的快速参考列表,请参见“卷 6”。<br><br>本版本支持带有 5200-01 推荐的维护软件包的 AIX 5L V5.2 的发行版。对于本维护软件包的任何特定引用都将表示为带有 5200-01 的 AIX 5.2。<br>本书为谁而写<br><br>本书面向操作系统命令的用户。


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