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原创 Logical Architecture

What is the Logical Architecture? And Layers?       The logical architecture is the large-scale organization of the software classes into packages (or namespaces), subsystems, and layers. It's c

2013-03-27 14:26:19 2217

原创 OperationContracts

OperationContractsObjectives·       Define system operations.·       Create contracts for system operations.What are the Sections of a Contract?       A descrip

2013-03-26 16:44:44 1958

原创 System Sequence Diagram --- SSD

SSD       A system sequence diagram (SSD) is a fast and easily created artifact that illustrates input and output events related tothe systems under discussion. They are input to operation contracts

2013-03-26 12:44:16 2973

原创 Domain Model Analysis and Design

What is a Domain Model?       A domain model is a visual representation of conceptual classes or real-situation objects in adomain [MO95, Fowler96]. Domain models have also been calledconceptual m

2013-03-22 17:19:20 1645

原创 UP Artifacts and Timing

Sample Unified Process Artifacts and Timing (s-start; r-refine)DisciplineArtifactIncep.Elab.Const.Trans. IterationI1E1..EnC1..Cn

2013-03-21 17:22:02 1078

原创 Five Basic Principle 五项基本原则


2013-03-20 20:29:50 1738

原创 General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns or Principles (GRASP)

Understandingresponsibilities is key to good object-oriented design.                                                                                                  ---MartinFowler Gene

2013-03-20 13:48:15 1476

原创 OOA -- OOD Conception

What is Analysis and Design? Ø  Analysis        Analysis emphasizes an investigation of the problem and requirements, rather than a solution. Ø  Design        Design emphasizes a conceptua

2013-03-20 13:34:49 845

翻译 Replace Assignment with Initialization -- 以初始化值取代赋值

Replace Assignment with InitializationRefactoring contributed by Mats HenricsonYou have code that first declares a variable and then assigns a value to it你有段代码首先声明了一个变量,然后才去进行赋值。Make it

2013-03-19 12:01:28 1295

翻译 Reduce Scope of Variable -- 缩小变量作用域

Reduce Scope of VariableRefactoring contributed by Mats HenricsonYou have a local variable declared in a scope that is larger than where it is used你有一个局部变量,其声明和使用离得太远。Reduce the scope of

2013-03-19 10:57:29 3698

翻译 Replace Static Variable with Parameter -- 以参数变量取代静态变量

Replace Static Variable with ParameterRefactoring contributed by Marian VittekA function depending on a static variable needs to be reused in more general context.依赖一个静态变量的方法需要更多的通用性进行重用。

2013-03-18 21:35:25 1017

翻译 Remove Double Negative -- 移除双重否定

Remove Double NegativeRefactoring contributed by Ashley Frieze and Martin FowlerYou have a double negative conditional.你有一个双重否定条件语句Make it a single positive conditional使其变为一个肯定条件语句。

2013-03-18 21:00:41 1115

翻译 Reverse Conditional -- 反转条件

Reverse ConditionalRefactoring contributed by Bill Murphy and Martin FowlerYou have a conditional that would be easier to understand if you reversed its sense.通过反转条件语句能使得条件语句更容易理解。Revers

2013-03-18 20:47:45 1044

翻译 Split Loop -- 分离循环

Split LoopRefactoring contributed by Martin FowlerYou have a loop that is doing two things一个循环做了两件事情。Duplicate the loop复制循环。void printValues() { double averageAge = 0; double tot

2013-03-18 20:35:28 1570

翻译 Move Class -- 移动类

Move ClassRefactoring contributed by Gerard M. DavisonYou have a class that is in a package that contains other classes that it is not related to in function.在包里有一个类和其他的类在功能上没啥关系。Move th

2013-03-18 19:51:23 1591

翻译 Extract Package -- 抽取包

Refactoring contributed by Gerard M. DavisonA package either has too many classes to be easily understandable or it suffers from the 'Promiscuous packages' smell.一个包有太多类以至于不易理解或者有种“混杂包”的坏味道。

2013-03-18 12:25:51 1430

翻译 Convert Dynamic to Static Construction -- 动态到静态构造转换

Refactoring contributed by Gerard M. Davison   You have code that loads other classes dynamically. This can introduce a un-warranted overhead and can produce code that is more fragile.你有一段代码利用

2013-03-17 23:17:32 1662

原创 设计模式--行为模式--策略模式--Java

IntentDefine a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make the minter changeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.定义一套算法进行封装,使得可以改变。策略使得算法在调用段可以独立变

2013-03-17 22:27:37 1293

原创 设计模式--行为模式--迭代模式--Java

Intent 目的Providea way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially withoutexposing its underlying representation.提供一种方法顺序访问一个聚合对象中各个元素, 而又不需暴露该对象的内部表示。applicability 适应性to a

2013-03-17 22:11:25 917

原创 设计模式--行为模式--Collecting Parameter--Java

Collecting Parameter场景You have a single bulky method that accumulates information to a local variable.你有一个较长方法,其主要为了积累局部信息。定义A Collecting Parameter is an object that you pass to method

2013-03-11 11:23:16 2791 1

原创 设计模式--行为模式--NULL Object--Java

NULL OBJECT Patterns                   第一次发现此模式时,是由于Bob大叔的经典著作《Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices In C#》!       下面是出自书中的例子作为引例: Employee e = DB.GetEmployee("Bob"); if (e != nul

2013-03-09 14:12:25 1348

原创 设计模式--行为模式--状态模式--Java

StateIntent•Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.applicabilityAn object's behavior depends on its state, an

2013-03-09 12:56:01 1374

原创 设计模式--结构模式--装饰模式--Java

decoratorintentAttachadditional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide aflexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality为一个类动态地增加一些功能,比通过继承更灵活

2013-03-09 00:44:41 1229

原创 设计模式--结构模式--组合模式--Java

CompositeintentComposeobjects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Compositelets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly将对象组合成树形结构以表示“部分

2013-03-09 00:00:05 1394

原创 设计模式--结构模式--享元模式--Java

FlyweightIntent 目的Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently利用共享,使大量细粒度的对象得到有效的利用Applicability 适用性Anapplication uses a large number of objects应用程序大量

2013-03-08 22:49:03 1253

原创 设计模式--结构模式--门面模式--Java

Facade PatternsIntent 目的•Providea unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines ahigher-level interface that makes the   subsystem easier to use.•为子系统提供一个统一的接口。•Façad

2013-03-08 21:41:24 1200

原创 设计模式--结构模式--适配器模式--Java

适配器intent--目的•Convertthe interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter letsclasses   work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatibleinterfaces.•将一个类的接口转换为

2013-03-05 14:57:06 1370

Hibernate Validation

Hibernate对Bean Validation规范的实现文档


Bean Validation 规范文档

Bean Validation 规范文档


OpenJPA API 文档 chm格式

OpenJPA API 文档 chm格式


JPA API 文档 chm 格式

JPA API 文档 chm 格式


Open JPA2 employee 简单例子

Open JPA2 employee 简单例子


Apress - Pro JPA 2 Mastering the Java Persistence API (November 2009) (ATTiCA)

Apress - Pro JPA 2 Mastering the Java Persistence API (November 2009) (ATTiCA)


Pro JPA2 书籍 代码

Pro JPA2 书籍 代码


Data Structures problem solving using java 4edtion

Data Structures problem solving using java 4edtion 相当经典



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