DynamoRIO 系列一: Windows Deployment

Windows Deployment



There are two methods for running a process under DynamoRIO: the one-time configure-and-run, and the two-step separate configuration and execution. The drrun.exe tool supports the first, simpler model, while the drconfig.exe and drinject.exe tools support the second, more powerful model. The drconfig.exe tool, or the corresponding the drconfiglib.dll library, can also be used to nudge running processes.

有两种方式在DynamoRIO上跑程序:one-time configure-and-run和two-step分离的配置和执行。drrun.exe工具支持第一种方式,仅限简单模型;drconfig.exe和drinject.exe支持第二种方式,能运行一些更复杂的模型。对应于drconfiglib.dll动态链接库的drconfig.exe工具,也可以用来nudge(微调?)运行中的程序。

Configuration information is stored in files in the current user’s profile directory, which is obtained from the environment variable USERPROFILE. Thus, configurations are persistent across reboots and are private to each user. If the DYNAMORIO_CONFIGDIR environment variable is set, its value is used instead of USERPROFILE. If neither is set, a temp directory will be used when creating new configuration files for configure-and-run execution.


DynamoRIO also supports global configurations, which are stored in the “config” subdirectory of the directory specified by the DYNAMORIO_HOME registry value in the registry key \HKLM\SOFTWARE\DynamoRIO\DynamoRIO (or for 32-bit on 64-bit Windows (WOW64)\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DynamoRIO\DynamoRIO). Setting that DYNAMORIO_HOME value and creating the directory it points to must be done manually. The provided tools support reading and writing both local and global configuration files, and automatically creating the local directory.

DynamoRIO支持全局配置,存放由DYNAMORIP_HOME注册表的关键值为\HKLM\SOFTWARE\DynamoRIO\DynamoRIO 指定的目录下的“config”子目录。设置DYNAMORIO_HOME值,创建指定目录必须人工完成。提供的工具只支持读写本地或全局的配置文件,自动创建本地目录。

DynamoRIO gives local files precedence when both exist. Note that applications that do not have a USEPROFILE environment variable can be controlled using DYNAMORIO_CONFIGDIR or global configurations. Also note that by default USERPROFILE is not set over cygwin ssh and must be explicitly set in the shell startup files.

若两者同时存在,DynamoRIO给本地文件更高的优先级。没有USEPROFILE环境变量的应用程序可以通过DYNAMORIO_CONFIGDIR或全局配置控制。默认情况下,USEPROFILE在cygwin ssh下没有被设置,必须在shell启动文件下被显式设置。

Configurations are per-process, with the basename of the process used for identification (e.g., notepad.exe). One-time configuration also uses the process id to specify that the configuration is for that process instance only.


As an example, assume you have unpacked the DynamoRIO distribution and your current directory is its base directory. Run notepad.exe with the bbsize sample client using the following configure-and-run command:

假定你打开了DynamoRIO且当前目录为其基本目录。用下面的configure-and-run命令运行notepad.exe with bbsize样本客户端。

bin32/drrun.exe -c samples/bin32/bbsize.dll -- notepad

To use system-wide injection, allowing for an application to be run under DynamoRIO regardless of how it is invoked, configure the application first (-syswide_on requires administrative privileges):


bin32/drconfig.exe -reg notepad.exe -syswide_on -c samples/bin32/bbsize.dll

The next time notepad.exe is started by the current user, it will run under DynamoRIO with the bbsize client.

下次notepad.exe被当前用户启动,它将会在DynamoRIO的bbsize client下运行。

To unregister notepad.exe, issue the following command:


bin32/drconfig.exe -unreg notepad.exe

Invoke any of the drconfig.exe, drrun.exe, or drinject.exe tools with no arguments to see the full list of options available.


By default, DynamoRIO follows into all child processes, with the parent’s settings inherited by the child if there is no configuration set up ahead of time for the child application. To instead only follow children that are configured (via drconfig.exe), use the -no_follow_children runtime option.

默认情况,DynamoRIO对所有子进程遵循,如果没有任何配置被设置在子应用程序创建之前,子进程继承父进程的设置。(相反,仅有直系子进程继承,用 -no_follow_children运行时选项。?)

To nudge all instances of notepad.exe running under DynamoRIO with argument “5”, use:


bin32/drconfig.exe -nudge notepad.exe 0 5

This will result in a nudge event with argument=5 delivered to the client callback registered with dr_register_nudge_event() in all notepad.exe processes running under DynamoRIO. The third argument, 0, is an ID supplied at registration which uniquely identifies the target client (see dr_deploy.h for details).


To view 32-bit or WOW64 processes running under DynamoRIO the drview.exe tool can be used. The bin64 version will display both 32-bit and 64-bit processes and will indicate which are 32-bit. The bin32 version will display 64-bit processes but is unable to determine whether DynamoRIO is present.

查看32位或WOW64进程在DynamoRIO中运行用drview.exe工具。bin64版本可以显示32位和64位进程,还可以标识出32位进程。bin32版本可以显示64位进程但是不能确定DynamoRIO是否is present。

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Just like the other books I wrote, this one does not have a fixed scope. I did not start with an index. I didn't write a summary of each chapter in an attempt to define the scope. I do not do such things. There is only a high-level goal to explore continuous delivery and deployment inside Kubernetes clusters. What I did do, though, was to set a few guidelines. The first guideline is that all the examples will be tested on all major Kubernetes platforms. Well, that might be a bit far-fetched. I'm aware that any sentence that mentions "all" together with "Kubernetes" is bound to be incorrect. New platforms are popping out like mushrooms after rain. Still, what I can certainly do is to choose a few of the most commonly used ones. Minikube and Docker for Mac or Windows should undoubtedly be there for those who prefer to "play" with Docker locally. AWS is the biggest hosting provider so Kubernetes Operations (kops) must be included as well. Since it would be silly to cover only un-managed cloud, I had to include managed Kubernetes clusters as well. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is the obvious choice. It is the most stable and features rich managed Kubernetes solution. Adding GKE to the mix means that Azure Container Service (AKS) and Amazon's Elastic Container Service (EKS) should be included as well so that we can have the "big trio" of the hosting vendors that offer managed Kubernetes. Unfortunately, even though AKS is available, it is, at this moment (June 2018), still too unstable and it's missing a lot of features. So, I'm forced to scale down from the trio to the GKE and EKS duo as representatives of managed Kubernetes we'll explore. Finally, a possible on-prem solution should be included as well. Since OpenShift shines in that area, the choice was relatively easy. All in all, I decided to test everything in minikube and Docker for Mac locally, AWS with kops as the representative of a cluster in the cloud, GKE for managed Kubernetes clusters, and OpenShift (


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