
因为要用到一个 算干支的函数


/xml/AnimalSign.xml    十二生肖及地支文件
|        Date.xml                  1900-2100春节时间
|          SkyTree.xml          天干列表
/web.config 网站配置文件


Imports  Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public   Class  Datecl
Public   Enum  SkyTreeText
=   0
=   1
End Enum
Shared   Function  ftime( ByRef  d  As  DateTime)  As   String
If   DateDiff (DateInterval.Day, d, Now())  >=   1   Then
Return   Format (d,  " MM-dd " )
Return   Format (d,  " HH:mm " )
End   If
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  SkyTree( ByRef  dat  As  DateTime,  ByRef  i  As  SkyTreeText)  As   Byte
' 得到干支序号
         Dim  Dom  As   New  System.Xml.XmlDocument
" / " &  ConfigurationManager.AppSettings( " AnimalSignDate " ))
Dim  Node  As  System.Xml.XmlNode
Dim  y  As  Int16  =  Int16.Parse( Year (dat))
Dim  m  As   Byte   =   Byte .Parse( Month (dat))
Dim  d  As   Byte   =   Byte .Parse( Day (dat))
=  Dom.SelectSingleNode( " //item[@year= "   &  y  &   " ] " )
Dim  start  As  Int16
Dim  n  As   Byte
Dim  result  As   Byte
If  i  =   1   Then
=   1901
=   12
=   1905
=   10
End   If
=  ((y  -  start)  Mod  n)  +   2
=   IIf (result  <=   0 , result  +  n, result)
If   Byte .Parse(Node.Attributes( " month " ).InnerXml)  >  m  Then  result  =  result  -   1
If   Byte .Parse(Node.Attributes( " month " ).InnerXml)  =  m  And   Byte .Parse(Node.Attributes( " day " ).InnerXml)  >  d  Then  result  =  result  -   1
=   IIf (result  =   0 , n, result)
=   IIf (result  =  n  +   1 1 , result)
Return  result
' 本最多用时16MS一般1MS内可以完成
     End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  SkyTree( ByRef  dats  As   String ByRef  i  As  SkyTreeText)  As   Byte   ' 得到干支序号
         If   Not   IsDate (dats)  Then   Return   0
Return  SkyTree(DateTime.Parse(dats), i)
End Function
Shared   Function  XmlItemName( ByRef  Xpath  As   String ByRef  name  As   String ByRef  xmlfilename  As   String As   String   ' 通用读取XML
         Dim  Dom  As   New  System.Xml.XmlDocument
" / " &  ConfigurationManager.AppSettings(xmlfilename))
Dim  Node  As  System.Xml.XmlNode
=  Dom.SelectSingleNode(Xpath)
Return  Node.Attributes(name).InnerXml
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  AnimalSignName( ByRef  Num  As   Byte As   String   ' 返回生肖名
         Return  XmlItemName( " //item[@id= "   &  Num.ToString  &   " ] " " name " " AnimalSign " )
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  AnimalSignName( ByRef  dat  As  DateTime)  As   String   ' 返回生肖名
         Return  AnimalSignName(SkyTree(dat, SkyTreeText.地支))
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  AnimalSignName( ByRef  dats  As   String As   String   ' 返回生肖名
         If   Not   IsDate (dats)  Then   Return   ""
Return  AnimalSignName(SkyTree(DateTime.Parse(dats), SkyTreeText.地支))
End Function

Overloads   Shared   Function  TreeName( ByRef  dat  As  DateTime)  As   String   ' 返回为地支名
         Return  XmlItemName( " //item[@id= "   &  SkyTree(dat, SkyTreeText.地支)  &   " ] " " tree " " AnimalSign " )
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  TreeName( ByRef  dats  As   String As   String   ' 返回为地支名
         If   Not   IsDate (dats)  Then   Return   ""
Return  TreeName(DateTime.Parse(dats))
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  SkyName( ByRef  dat  As  DateTime)  As   String   ' 返回天干名
         Return  XmlItemName( " //item[@id= "   &  SkyTree(dat, SkyTreeText.天干).ToString  &   " ] " " tree " " SkyTree " )
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  SkyName( ByRef  dats  As   String As   String   ' 返回天干名
         If   Not   IsDate (dats)  Then   Return   ""
Return  SkyName(DateTime.Parse(dats))
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  SkyTreeName( ByRef  dat  As  DateTime)  As   String   ' 返回天干地支
         Return  SkyName(dat)  &  TreeName(dat)
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  SkyTreeName( ByRef  dats  As   String As   String   ' 返回天干地支
         Return  SkyName(dats)  &  TreeName(dats)
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  StarSignName( ByRef  dats  As   String As   String
Return  StarSignName(StarSign(dats))
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  StarSignName( ByRef  dat  As  DateTime)  As   String
Return  StarSignName(StarSign(dat))
End Function
Overloads   Shared   Function  StarSignName( ByRef  Num  As   Byte As   String
Return  XmlItemName( " /root/item[@id= "   &  Num.ToString  &   " ] " " name " " StarSign " )
End Function
Shared   Function  StarSign( ByRef  dats  As   String As   Byte
If   Not   IsDate (dats)  Then   Return   0
Return  StarSign(DateTime.Parse(dats))
End Function
Shared   Function  StarSign( ByRef  dat  As  DateTime)  As   Byte
If   Not   IsDate (dat)  Then   Return   0
Dim  m  As   Byte   =   Byte .Parse( Month (dat))
Dim  d  As   Byte   =   Byte .Parse( Day (dat))
Dim  y  As  Int16  =   2007
Dim  temp  As  DateTime  =  DateTime.Parse(m  &   " / "   &  d  &   " /2007 " )
Select   Case  temp
Case  # 3 / 21 / 2007 To  # 4 / 19 / 2007 #
=   1
Case  # 4 / 20 / 2007 To  # 5 / 20 / 2007 #
=   2
Case  # 5 / 21 / 2007 To  # 6 / 21 / 2007 #
=   3
Case  # 6 / 22 / 2007 To  # 7 / 22 / 2007 #
=   4
Case  # 7 / 23 / 2007 To  # 8 / 22 / 2007 #
=   5
Case  # 8 / 23 / 2007 To  # 9 / 22 / 2007 #
=   6
Case  # 9 / 23 / 2007 To  # 10 / 23 / 2007 #
=   7
Case  # 10 / 24 / 2007 To  # 11 / 21 / 2007 #
=   8
Case  # 11 / 22 / 2007 To  # 12 / 21 / 2007 #
=   9
Case  # 12 / 22 / 2007 To  # 12 / 31 / 2007 #
=   10
Case  # 1 / 1 / 2007 To  # 1 / 19 / 2007 #
=   10
Case  # 1 / 20 / 2007 To  # 2 / 18 / 2007 #
=   11
Case  # 2 / 19 / 2007 To  # 3 / 20 / 2007 #
=   12
Case   Else
=   0
End   Select
Return  StarSign
End Function
End Class

< appSettings >
< add  key ="AnimalSignDate"  value ="/Xml/Date.xml" />
< add  key ="AnimalSign"  value ="/Xml/AnimalSign.xml" />
< add  key ="StarSign"  value ="/Xml/StarSign.xml" />
< add  key ="SkyTree"  value ="/Xml/SkyTree.xml" />
</ appSettings >


<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< root >
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< item  month ="2"  day ="7"  year ="2092"   />
< item  month ="1"  day ="27"  year ="2093"   />
< item  month ="2"  day ="15"  year ="2094"   />
< item  month ="2"  day ="5"  year ="2095"   />
< item  month ="1"  day ="25"  year ="2096"   />
< item  month ="2"  day ="12"  year ="2097"   />
< item  month ="2"  day ="1"  year ="2098"   />
< item  month ="1"  day ="21"  year ="2099"   />
< item  month ="2"  day ="9"  year ="2100"   />
</ root >

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< root >
< item  id ="1"  tree ="甲"   />
< item  id ="2"  tree ="乙"   />
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< item  id ="4"  tree ="丁"   />
< item  id ="5"  tree ="戊"   />
< item  id ="6"  tree ="己"   />
< item  id ="7"  tree ="庚"   />
< item  id ="8"  tree ="辛"   />
< item  id ="9"  tree ="壬"   />
< item  id ="10"  tree ="癸"   />
</ root >

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< root >
< item  id ="1"  name ="鼠"  tree ="子"   />
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< item  id ="10"  name ="鸡"  tree ="酉"   />
< item  id ="11"  name ="狗"  tree ="戌"   />
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<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< root >
< item  id ="0"  name =""   />
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</ root >

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