C/C++ source code websites

It’s well known that C/C++ languages are the most dominant programming languages around. As I mentioned in the previous post "Top 10 best applications written in C/C++" that
most of the big softwares, operating systems, games and other scientific tools and utilities are developed in C/C++. In this post, I have found 50 outstanding websites and web pages providing source codes for and programs written in C/C++. This list provides direct links to programming source codes along with their small description.

I have tried to include the best C/C++ source code websites. This is not a complete list so you can suggest me any links which you think is missing and I will welcome your suggestions to further enhance this list.

[KK翻译(白话,好多翻译不好,谅):众所周知,C/C++在众多编程语言中有很多优势。就像我在早先的帖子Top 10 best applications written in C/C++提到的,相当多的大型软件、操作系统、游戏和其他的科学工具都是使用C/C++编写的。在此,我找到50个优秀的网页,他们提供了众多的C/C++程序的源代码。表中列出了这些网站的连接以及他们的简单介绍。


http://snippets.dzone.com/tag/c/       – Thousands of users tagging and storing useful C language source code snippets [成千上万标记和储存那些有用的C语言源码片段。] 
http://www.hotscripts.com/category/c-cpp/scripts-programs/           Hotscripts provides hundreds of C and C++ scripts and programs. All the programs are organised into different categories.  [Hotscripts提供了许多C/C++脚本和程序。所有这些程序都有组织的分了不同类别。] 
http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/default.asp?lngWId=3             Over a million lines of C and C++ free source code超过1百万行的免费C/C++源码 
http://freshmeat.net/browse/164/           Over 9000 project written in C programming language[超过9000个C语言程序工程。] 
http://www.daniweb.com/code/c.html             – Useful code snippets provided by DANIWEB.[DANIWEB提供有用的代码片段。] 
http://www.programmersheaven.com/tags/C/            C programming resources at programmersheaven.com[在这个网站有C程序资源。] 
http://www.ddj.com/code/ddj.html          This page gives you access to the source code from Dr. Dobb’s Journal archived by issue.[此页面会给你提供Dobb博士发行的日志存档] 
http://www.cprogramming.com/cgi-bin/source/source.cgi           C and C++ programming resources.[C/C++程序资源] 
http://private.codecogs.com/             CodeCogs is a collaborative open-source library, with numerical components written in C/C++.[CodeCogs是一个合作的开源库,并在C/C++中编写数字组建。] 
http://www.google.com/codesearch?q=programming++lang:c&cs_r=lang:c          Google code – C programming language[谷歌代码-C程序语言] 
http://www.codepedia.com/1/C           The CodePedia is an open system of content on programming and other computer related topics. [该CodePedia是一个节目及其他计算机上的内容开放的系统相关的问题。(来自谷歌翻译)] 
http://www.cis.temple.edu/~ingargio/cis71/code/          This is a list of simple C language programs for students.[这是一个简单的C语言程序的学生名单。] 
http://www.codeproject.com/?cat=2         C/C++ resources provided by The Code Project    [Code Project提供的C/C++资源。] 
http://www.thefreecountry.com/sourcecode/cpp.shtml         Here are some C and C++ libraries, DLLs, VCLs, source code, components, modules, application frameworks, class libraries, source code snippets, and the like, that you can use with your programs without payment of fees and royalties.[此站点有一些C/C++库。DLLs,VCLs,源码,组件,模块,应用程序框架,类库,源码片段等等。你可以在你的程序中免费使用这些。] 
http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/cpp_src/cpp_src.html           This is a comprehensive list of 345 C++ source codes.[此站点详细列出了345个C++源码] 
http://www.cplusplus.com/src/          A list of generic consol programs and windows programs written in C++. [列了C++写的通用consol程序和和窗口程序] 
http://users.cs.fiu.edu/~weiss/dsaa_c++/code/           Here is the source code for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (Second Edition), by Mark Allen Weiss. The materials here are copyrighted.[C++的数据结构与算法分析源码(第二版),作者Mark Allen Weiss,这些材料都是有版权的。] 
http://c.snippets.org/           The SNIPPETS C Source Code Archives.[C源码片段档案] 
http://www.bbdsoft.com/downloads.html           C++ source code and utilities[C++源码和工具] 
http://www.moshier.net/          Astronomy and numerical software source codes[天文学和数值软件源代码] 
http://cplus.about.com/od/cgames/C_Games_with_Source_Code.htm          C++ Games with Source Code – This has links to downloads of games with source code in C++.[C++游戏源码-可以下载这些游戏的C++源代码] 
http://cliodhna.cop.uop.edu/~hetrick/c-sources.html              Free C/C++ Sources for Numerical Computation,[数值计算类的免费C/C++资源] 
http://www.mathtools.net/C_C__/Utilities/index.html           C/C++ utilities[C/C++工具] 
http://www.programmerworld.net/resources/c_library.htm           Free Libraries and Source Code for C++ and others useful tools related to C++.[C++免费库和源码,还有些其他C++相关有用的工具 
http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/links/cplusplus-links.html           Brad Appleton’s C++ Links – Resources, projects, libraries, tutorials and coding.[Brad Appleton拥有的C + +友情链接-资源,项目,图书馆,教程和编码。(谷歌翻译)] 
http://www.robertnz.net/cpp_site.html          A list of websites and files of interest to C++ users. This is a collection of hundreds of sites for C/C++ Programmers.[C++用户感兴趣的网站和文件的列表。为C/C++程序员收集了数百站点。] 
http://www.josuttis.com/libbook/examples.html           Here, you can see and download all examples of the book The C++ Standard Library – A Tutorial and Reference by Nicolai M. Josuttis.[你可以在这个网站查阅或者下载《标准C++库》中的所有例子  - Nicolai M. Josuttis ]         C/C++ Users journal[C/C++用户刊物] Windows           Developer Network[开发者网络] 
http://www.einet.net/directory/65892/Developers.htm           Written in C for C Programmers[C写的C程序] 
http://www.daniweb.com/code/cplusplus.html          – Useful code snippets provided by DANIWEB.[DANIWEB提供的有用的C程序片段] 
http://snippets.dzone.com/tag/c%2B%2B         – C++ source code[C++源代码] 
http://www.programmersheaven.com/tags/C%2b%2b/            C++ programming resources provided by programmersheaven.com[programmersheaven.com提供的C++程序资源] 
http://www.google.com/codesearch?hl=en&lr=&q=programming+lang%3Ac%2B%2B          – Google code – C++ programming language[谷歌代码] 
http://www.codepedia.com/1/Cpp           The CodePedia is an open system of content on programming and other computer related topics.[该CodePedia是一个节目及其他计算机上的内容开放的系统相关的问题。(来自谷歌翻译)] 
http://www.codebeach.com/index.asp?TabID=1&CategoryID=3          C++ source code provided by Codebeach[Codebeach提供的C++资源] 
http://freshmeat.net/browse/165/          Over 5000 projects written in C++ programming language[超过5000个C++程序工程] 
http://cplus.about.com/od/codelibrary/Code_Library_for_C_C_and_C.htm            Code Library for C, C++ and C# – The Code Library with source code for all examples and free downloads for this topic.[C,C++,C#代码库 - 所有例子包含资源代码并且免费下载] 
http://www.c.happycodings.com/          Happy Codings – Programming Resources & Code Examples for Visual Basic, Java, PHP, asp, C, C++, Assembly.[快乐代码 - VB,JAVA,PHP,ASP,C,C++,Assembly程序资源和代码例子] 
http://www.blueparrots.com/        Borland C source code examples for games, graphics and sound.[Borland C游戏,图像,声音源码例子] 
http://www.java2s.com/Code/Cpp/CatalogCpp.htm            C++ source code organised by topics.[乱……翻译不好什么C++源码,组织,主题,乱阿] 
http://www.yeohhs.com/modules/mydownloads/           C & C++ eBooks and example source codes that show how to develop various Windows programs easily.[C/C++电子书和源码例子] 
http://www.brpreiss.com/books/opus4/programs/index.html            Over 300 C++ source code for mathematical equations and formulas.[超过300个C++数学方程和公式源码] 
http://users.cs.fiu.edu/~weiss/phc++/code/           Sample Source Code for C++ for Java Programmers.[简单的C++,JAVA源码] 
http://www.josuttis.com/libbook/examples.html           The C++ Standard Library – A Tutorial and Reference.[C++标准库 - 一个指南和参考] 
http://emr.cs.uiuc.edu/~reingold/calendars.shtml           Edward M. Reingold’s Calendar Book, Papers, and Code.[Edward M. Reingold的日历书(疑问),文件和代码] 
http://cpp.snippets.org/              The SNIPPETS C++ Source Code Archives. 
http://ubiety.uwaterloo.ca/~tveldhui/papers/techniques/          Techniques for solving scientific problems in C and C++.[C/C++解决科学问题的方法] 
http://c.ittoolbox.com/topics/core-c/            C/C++ IT tool box.[C/C++工具包] 
http://www.le.ac.uk/cc/tutorials/c/ccccdbas.html         This document contains numerous example programs to provide a practical aid for learning C programming language.[包含了大量的示例程序,以提供一个学习C语言的实际援助]

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