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原创 联想thinkPad s1 yoga 如何用U盘安装win7

thinkpad s1 yoga 安装 win7一. 设置 bios,开机按 F1,进入 bios 界面 二. 1. 启动时不断点击键盘上的 F1 键,进入 BIOS 界面选择“Restart”→把 “OS Optimized Default”设置为 “disabled” ,(OS Optimized Default 开关可以理解为 UEFI 和传统 BIOS 的切换);提示警告选择“Ye

2014-05-20 17:42:38 10130 1

原创 mono-3.4.0安装时出现的问题 cannot stat `targets/Microsoft.Portable.Common.targets': No such file or direct

cannot stat `targets/Microsoft.Portable.Common.targets': No such file or directory  make[7]: *** [install-pcl-targets] Error 1

2014-04-29 17:50:46 1390

原创 如何利用System.Net.Mail类发送EMAIL

废话不多说,直接上代码using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Net.Mail;namespace MailSender{ class Program { static string strHost

2012-01-12 08:58:40 977

原创 关于JIRA4.3.3破解的问题,为什么我的就可以破解成功

看图,我就是用的那个注册机http://download.csdn.net/source/3315113jira 4.3.x 最新版本(jira 4.3.3,破解成功) 

2011-06-03 09:39:00 2578 11

spring demo(for mongdb redis rest neo4j...)

包含以下DEMO spring-data-book\gemfire spring-data-book\jdbc spring-data-book\jpa spring-data-book\mongodb spring-data-book\neo4j spring-data-book\querydsl spring-data-book\redis spring-data-book\rest


GeckoFX for dotnet

GeckoFX是一个运用C#写的windows 窗体控件(具体在WPF项目中怎么用winForm的控件可以参考博客园的许多博文或者说我将来有时间会写一个wpf的控件,不过现在时间来不及,好像对wpf控件的编写也不是很熟),同时也包含一个简单的类模型(就是string HTMLElement CSSElement各种类型)支持HTML和CSS DOM。 GeckoFX本来是为了Stylizer创建的(可能做网站开发的朋友用FireFox调试调CSS的时候用过这个插件),Stylizer跟GeckoFx都是遵守Mozilla Public License的。


IconWorkshop6 绿色版本 附注册码

IconWorkshop6 绿色版本 附注册码! IconWorkshop简体中文破解版可以免费使用完整功能,这是一款功能强大的Windows XP图标制作、提取、转换、管理和发布软件,帮您在几分钟之内制作出专业的漂亮图标。 IconWorkshop能满足制作图标的所有要求,可以将BMP、JPG、PNG、PSD等多种图像导入编辑并生成图标文件。此工具被设计用来制作、输出、转换、管理和重新分配你的icons。你可以制作、读取和储存所有WindowsR icons (ICO)和libraries (ICL)。它支援最新的Windows XP icons。也可以让你开启Mac icons,并且转换成Windows格式。它拥有缩图预览所嵌入的探索器,让你浏览磁碟、找寻影像档和所包含icons的档案。它也有嵌入的有效图库协助和编辑精灵来帮助你制作安装封包。


Simple Assembly Explorer-By WICKY hu

This FREE tool is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. Use it at your own risk. Credits: .Net Reflector Be.HexEditor de4dot ILMerge ILSpy Microsoft (gacutil, ilasm, ildasm, peverify, sn, CLR Profiler, ...) Mono Cecil ......


Exeinfo PE-ver0.0.1.7 非常好用的查壳工具

查壳工具 Exeinfo PE-ver0.0.1.7 带插件,可以upack upx包 懂的下


[ NoFuserEx - v1.1 ]

[ NoFuserEx - v1.1 ] - By CodeShark - For deobfuscate an assembly protected with any version of ConfuserEx (and some modded too) you just have to drag and drop the file in this .exe. Some options that you can use: * --force-deob for force the deobfuscation. * --dont-unpack for don't unpack the assembly. * --dont-tamper for don't remove anti-tamper. * --dont-constants for don't decrypt the constants. * --dont-cflow for don't deobfuscate the control flow. * --dont-proxy-calls for don't replace the proxy calls. * --dont-remove-junk-methods for don't remove the junk methods. * --dont-resources for don't decrypt the protected resources. * --dont-rename for don't rename the obfuscated names. * -v for verbose information. * -vv for very verbose information. If something doesn't work properly, you can notify me or fix it yourself. This is an open-source, if you paid for this, you got ripped off :P Press any key to exit...



Log4net使用源代码 详细介绍log4net配置以及调用



你懂的,商业版本! Text Exchange Pro is an advanced script for running your own text ads exchange system. Your users exchange ads with other users. You can set the exchange ratio. It can be different in each ad size, it's possible to exchange impressions as well as clicks. It's recommended to configure it to exchange only impressions or only clicks, not both at the same time. It supports an unlimited number of ad sizes under each users account with an unlimited number of ads in each of these sizes. Ad sizes available for each user as well as the maximum allowed number of ads in each of these sizes is editable by admin. To create new ad sizes or edit configuration of existing sizes go to Administration => Ad sizes. We recommend to allow no more than 10 ads for each user, 3 ad sizes with 3 ads in each of them may be the best number to keep reasonable system performance. Ads to display are selected randomly but you can prefer some ads if you allocate them a higher advantage (more info on advantages may be found in Administration => the form to edit an ad). Default ads are used only if there is no one normal ad which is enabled/approved in the required size, category, having credits.



你懂的!商业版本 Ad Manager Pro is an advanced script for running an ads management system. You can have an unlimited number of zones and/or keywords, unlimited number of ads and ad types. Each of ad may be used in 1-5 campaigns, each campaign has its own configuration and statistic. You can use the system for your own purposes only but you also can sell clicks and/or impressions and/or days to your advertisers. Additionally you can have publishers - partners who place ads of your advertisers on their pages and earn money. These unique features allow you to create a complex advertising network.



不知道,是不是和这个有关系,我手动改过好几遍这个文件了 你们覆盖试试吧·


单位电脑设备管理系统 V5.0.0+Keygen

随着现代化办公的需要,单位的电脑越来越多,如何对单位电脑的购置、维修、报废进行有效的管理,这是每个单位计算机中心和网络管理员迫在眉睫的问题,本系统全程记录了电脑设备的购入情况、维修情况、报废情况,方便跟踪电脑的使用情况和质量情况。本系统不同于一般的设备管理系统,是专门为电脑管理设计的,主机配置和显示配置分别记入不同的字段,方便电脑维修和调配,是单位计算机管理不可缺少的工具随着现代化办公的需要,单位的电脑越来越多,如何对单位电脑的购置、维修、报废进行有效的管理,这是每个单位计算机中心和网络管理员迫在眉睫的问题,本系统全程记录了电脑设备的购入情况、维修情况、报废情况,方便跟踪电脑的使用情况和质量情况。本系统不同于一般的设备管理系统,是专门为电脑管理设计的,主机配置和显示配置分别记入不同的字段,方便电脑维修和调配,是单位计算机管理不可缺少的工具 ------------------------- PS:个人认为是最好用的软件!


asp.net FCKeditor 语法高亮插件

使用方法: 1、在您的FCKeditor的配置文件中(一般为fckconfig.js或custom.config.js) 配置其中的FCKConfig.ToolbarSets,添加HighLighter。 如: FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["review"] = [ ['HighLighter','Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','Link','Unlink','Image','Rule','Smiley','TextColor','BGColor'] ]; 当然,你可以放到别的工具栏,不过记得注意大小写。 2、根据你指定的plugin目录,注册plugin 如: // 代码语法高亮插件 FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'highlighter', 'zh-cn,en' ) ; 3、OK,你会发现你的FCK工具栏的图片多了一个带有"ab"字母,黄底的图标。你就可以使用语法高亮显示功能了。



7-Zip+v4.57压缩算法LZMA源码包(cs+vs2005) 包括 C、C++、JAVA、C#,算法。


ASP.net 高亮显示代码

ASP.net 高亮显示代码,代码显示 <!-- class="CSharp" 中的CSharp与Scripts文件夹下的JS后缀相关, 比如说shBrushCSharp.js,则后缀为:CSharp,即把前面的shBrush 给去掉,详细参考如下代码: --> <textarea id="code" name="code" class="CSharp" style="height: 294px; width: 922px;" rows="15" cols="">



AJAXPAGE分页源码~ 部分代码: AJAX using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; using System.Web.UI; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; namespace Demo { public interface IPageIndexChangedEventHandler { void BindData(int pageIndex, int pageSize); } public class AjaxPager : Control, ICallbackEventHandler, INamingContainer { #region Member Variables private int lowerBound; private int upperBound; private HyperLink previousLink; private HyperLink nextLink; private HyperLink firstLink; private HyperLink lastLink; private Control targetControl; #endregion #region Public Properties public int PageIndex { get { int pageIndex = 1; if (Page != null && Page.IsPostBack && ViewState["PageIndex"] != null) { pageIndex = (int)ViewState["PageIndex"]; } if (pageIndex < 1) { return 1; } else { return pageIndex; } } set { ViewState["PageIndex"] = value; } } public int PageSize { get { int pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["PageSize"]); if (pageSize <= 0) { return 10; } return pageSize; } set { ViewState["PageSize"] = value; } }


htm页面自动生成器源程序C# CS(vs2005)

htm页面自动生成器源程序C# CS(vs2005) 自动输出html页面,c#源代码


TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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