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原创 MATLAB结合C/C++建立独立的应用程序(2)

2.2 Tool Box函数的调用Tool Box函数定义在以.m为扩展名的文件中,如regress.m就是一个工具箱函数,用来计算多元线性回归,函数体如下:function [b,bint,r,rint,stats] = regress(y,X,alpha)if  nargin                   error(REGRESS requires at least

2004-02-01 23:23:00 2918

原创 MATLAB结合C/C++建立独立的应用程序

MATLAB结合C/C++建立独立的应用程序作者: CodeHunter MATLAB提供了丰富的数学函数库,再加上MATLAB本身的工具箱函数,以及丰富的第三方开发的工具箱函数,大大降低了我们处理复杂数学运算模型时的难度。 开发商业软件时,如果应用了MATLAB的函数库,必定使我们的开发效率大大提高,同时MATLAB函数库的高效率性、可维护性、可扩展性正好适应商业软件的开发需

2004-02-01 23:22:00 2895


================================================= Welcome to TeeChart Pro Full Source Code ! Steema Software www.steema.com ================================================== Copyright (c) 1995-2018 by Steema Software. All Rights Reserved. ================================================== INSTALL.TXT contains installation information. LICENSE.TXT contains License and Disclaimer issues. RELEASE.TXT contains technical information. Online Resources: ================= What's New? http://www.steema.com/linkIn/WhatsNewVCL Wishes and Bugs Database: http://bugs.teechart.net Online API Help / Reference: http://wiki.teechart.net/index.php?title=TeeChart_for_VCL Customer Support Forums: http://support.steema.com Peer Support at StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/teechart Demo Examples at GitHub: https://github.com/Steema Keep visiting our web site and the private sections for upgrades, new announcements, examples, technical information and Frequently Asked Questions. Thank You Very Much for TeeCharting ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Steema Software www.steema.com Copyright (c) 1995-2018 by Steema Software. All Rights Reserved. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ================= www.downloadly.ir



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trubopascal 7.0

经典怀旧的编译器 Welcome to Turbo Pascal 7.0 --------------------------- This README file contains important, last minute information about Turbo Pascal 7.0. In addition to this file, there are several files in the \TP\DOC directory that you should browse. See FILELIST.DOC in the \TP directory for a complete list of all files distributed with this package. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. How to get help 2. Minimum system requirements 3. Installation 4. New features 5. Release notes - Additional documentation - Demonstration and utility program notes - Compatibility and known problems 6. Important note for Borland C++ and Paradox 4.0 users 7. Turbo Pascal and the OS/2 Workplace Shell 1. HOW TO GET HELP ------------------ If you have any problems with this product, please read this file, the online documentation files in \TP\DOC, the online help files, and the Turbo Pascal manuals first. If you still have a question and need assistance, help is available from the following sources: 1. You can use your modem to easily obtain assistance online. Borland maintains support forums on CompuServe, BIX, and GEnie. These forums put you in contact with Borland technical support engineers and thousands of programmers using Borland products. You'll be able get your questions answered and share information and ideas with others. You can also download the latest technical information, sample code, utilities, patches, etc., from these online services as well as from Borland's Download Bulletin Board Service (DLBBS). Access Borland's online services in the following manner: CompuServe GO BORLAND BIX JOIN BORLAND GEnie BORLAND Borland DLBBS You can reach the Borland DLBBS by dialing (408) 439-9096 (up to 9600 Baud, 8 data bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit). No special setup is required. 2. TechFax is a toll-free, 24-hour automated service that sends free technical information to your fax machine. More than 1,000 documents discussing Borland software are available through TechFax. These documents provide valuable technical information that can be used as reference now and in the future. You can call TechFax at 1-800-822-4269 from any touch tone telephone and obtain any bulletins or documents that you need. 3. The Technical Support Hot Lines are there to help you with questions about installation, system configuration, compatibility, and usability. Lines are open from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Pacific Time at (408) 461-9177. 4. If you need an advanced level of support, Borland offers a new Advisor Lines service where you can get advice on program design, debugging, and performance tuning. Advisor Lines operate from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Pacific Time at 1-900-786-6080. Each call is $2.00/minute, with the first minute free (available in U.S. only). When calling Borland's Technical Support, please keep your manuals handy and have the program running. To simplify trouble- shooting, please be prepared with the following information: o Product name, serial number, and version number. o Computer name and model and the name and model of any additional hardware (video adapters, modems, etc.). o Operating system and version number (to find the version number, type VER at any DOS prompt). If you are using Microsoft Windows, you can find the version number by selecting Help|About from Program Manager. o The contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files (located in the root directory (\) of your computer's boot disk). o The contents of your WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files located in your Windows directory (if you are running Windows). o A daytime phone number where you can be reached. o The specific steps necessary to reproduce the problem. 2. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------ Turbo Pascal 7.0 requires MS-DOS 3.0 or later. TURBO.EXE, the real-mode integrated development environment (IDE), requires at least 512 Kb of memory. TPX.EXE, the new, high-capacity IDE can use up to 16 Mb of extended memory and requires the following minimum configuration: Processor type : 80286 or later DOS memory : 640k Extended memory : 1 Mb available On 80286 machines, it is recommended that you install a memory manager such as HIMEM.SYS before using TPX. Refer to your DOS manuals for more information on memory managers. (Please note that TPX requires the files RTM.EXE and DPMI16BI.OVL to be located on the path or in the same directory as TPX.EXE.) When running TPX.EXE under Windows, make sure to create a Windows .PIF file and specify a value of 0 in the XMS Memory KB Required setting and at least a value of 2048 in the XMS Memory KB Limit setting. 3. INSTALLATION --------------- IMPORTANT: Turbo Pascal 7.0 is not intended to be installed over any previous version of Turbo Pascal. Use the INSTALL program to install Turbo Pascal. All files on the distribution disks are archived and INSTALL will unarchive them for you. INSTALL places them into subdirectories and automatically creates configuration files for the command-line compiler and the two integrated development environments (IDEs). Installation of the full product requires approximately 6 Mb of available disk space. (The installed product occupies about 4.5 Mb. However, about 1.5 Mb of temporary workspace is required to unarchive very large ZIP files.) The actual disk space occupied by this product and the amount of temporary work space required will vary depending on your disk's cluster size. If you are using a disk compression utility (e.g., Stacker), you'll need substantially more temporary workspace to avoid a disk full error. (The amount you'll need will vary and some systems might require up to 8 Mb available disk space before running INSTALL.) All further references to directory paths in this README file assume you've used INSTALL's default directory structure. To start the installation, place the disk labeled INSTALL in Drive A:, and type A:INSTALL. Floppy Disk Installation Notes ------------------------------ INSTALL's floppy disk installation option will only install the command-line compiler, TPC.EXE, and the TURBO.TPL library on a floppy disk. If you want to run the TURBO.EXE integrated development environment on a floppy-based system, you'll need to unarchive TURBO.EXE of your choice by hand using the following instructions. Systems with greater than 360 Kb drives --------------------------------------- Place the INSTALLATION DISK in Drive B. Place a blank, formatted system disk in Drive A. Switch to Drive A and type: A> copy b:unzip.exe A> unzip b:tpl Remove the INSTALLATION DISK from Drive B and place the Turbo Pascal 7.0 distribution disk containing TURBO.ZIP in Drive B: A> unzip b:turbo Remove the disk from Drive B. Turbo Pascal 7.0 is now installed on your system. 360 Kb Systems -------------- The TFLOPPY.ZIP archive contains a special version of TURBO.EXE that can be run from a 360 Kb floppy disk. You'll need three disks in order to install Turbo Pascal 7.0 on your system. First, create a blank, formatted system disk and label it Drive A SYSTEM DISK (Source code, TURBO.TPL) Next, create a blank, formatted disk (NOT a system disk) and label it Drive B (TURBO.EXE) Finally, create a third blank, formatted disk (NOT a system disk) for use as a temporary. Now you're ready to begin the installation. Place the Turbo Pascal 7.0 INSTALLATION DISK in Drive B. Place the Drive A SYSTEM DISK in Drive A. Switch to Drive A and type: A> b:unzip b:tpl Remove the disk from Drive A and place the temporary disk in Drive A. This disk will temporarily contain UNZIP.EXE and the TFLOPPY.ZIP archive file. Now type: A> copy b:unzip.exe Remove the INSTALLATION DISK from Drive B and place the Turbo Pascal 7.0 distribution disk containing TFLOPPY.ZIP in Drive B: A> copy b:tfloppy.zip Remove the distribution disk from Drive B. Label a third blank, formatted disk in Drive B (NOT a system disk). Place the Drive B (TURBO.EXE) disk in Drive B and type: A> unzip tfloppy b: Remove the temporary disk from Drive A and replace it with the Drive A SYSTEM DISK. Turbo Pascal 7.0 is now installed on your system. Always switch to Drive A and type: A> b:turbo to run Turbo Pascal 7.0 on your system. There is room on the Drive A SYSTEM DISK to store your .PAS files. Note that this special version of TURBO.EXE does not support saving startup options (Options|Environment|Startup). 4. NEW FEATURES --------------- Turbo Pascal 7.0 offers many new features, including: o TPX.EXE, a new, high-capacity integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to edit, compile, browse symbols, and debug very large applications. TPX can use up to 16 Mb of extended memory. o ObjectBrowser - Browse units, objects, and symbols while you edit your source code. Includes full cross-reference information for every identifier in your program. o Syntax highlighting - Assign unique text colors for symbols, reserved words, identifiers, strings, etc. You can also print your syntax-highlighted source code (bold, italics, etc.) from inside the IDEs. o Tools menu in the IDEs that enable you to transfer control to external programs, such as GREP or Turbo Assembler. You can add your own tools to the Tools menu in the IDEs. o Persistent symbols - TPX saves your program's symbol information across sessions so you can instantly browse or debug your program after exiting and then reloading the IDE. o User-installable Help files in the IDEs. Indexes from multiple Help files are automatically merged so you can perform keyword or incremental searches. o Local Menus - A click of the right mouse button (or Alt+F10) brings up a context-sensitive menu in both IDEs. o Optimizations, run-time library, and debugging enhancements o Now automatically recognizes 386 (or later) processors and uses fast 32-bit instructions for longint arithmetic o Redundant pointer load suppression o Faster text file I/O o Faster string Pos routine o Optimized sets o PChar support - Allows null terminated strings o Integer overflow checking {$Q+/-} - Integer, Word, etc o OBJ file line number information pass-through - Allows stepping through C or ASM code using the integrated debugger o Language extensions o Open array parameters - Allows safer, more flexible variable-length array parameters. o New OpenString type - Allows a procedure or function to accept any type of string parameter, even in the {$V+} state. o Constant parameters - Efficient, read-only value parameters. o Public/private sections - Allows public and private sections of objects to be declared in any order. o Typed @ operator {$T+/-} - Enforces type-checking when using the address (@) operator. o Inherited reserved word - Allows references to an inherited method without knowing the ancestor's name. o New standard procedures/functions o Assigned - Returns True if a pointer is not equal to nil (especially useful for procedure and function pointers). o Include - Adds an item to a set. o Exclude - Removes an item from a set. o Break & Continue - FOR, WHILE, REPEAT loop control. o Low & High - Return the low or high bounds of open array parameters or of any scalar type. o Turbo Vision enhancements o Data-validation objects. o New outliner object. o New methods for inserting/executing windows and dialog boxes. o Multi-state check boxes. o Cluster items that can be disabled. o Completely reorganized printed documentation with new tutorial programs. o Expanded online Help system covering all the new features. See the "What's new" section of the User's Guide for more information regarding the new features of Turbo Pascal 7.0. 5. RELEASE NOTES ---------------- ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION Changes and corrections to the printed documentation for Turbo Vision are in MANUAL.TV in the \TP\DOC directory. Additional documentation on TEMC and other utilities can be found in .DOC files in the same directory. DEMONSTRATION AND UTILITY PROGRAM NOTES o DOC DEMOS - Source code to all of the examples in the documentation can be found in the \TP\EXAMPLES\DOCDEMOS subdirectory. o BGIDEMO SHOWS VESA SUPPORT - See BGIDEMO.PAS in the \TP\EXAMPLES\BGI directory for information on how to autodetect and use the new VESA16.BGI driver. It supports all standard 16-color VESA high resolution modes (800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024). o COMPILING DEMOS - There are new large demonstration programs that consist of multiple units each. Make sure you're in the directory that contains the demo source code before compiling. For example, to build TVFM.PAS, the Turbo Vision File Manager demo, change to the \TP\EXAMPLES\TVFM directory before doing a compile with either the integrated development environment or the command-line compiler. o SOURCE CODE TO UTILITY PROGRAMS - The integrated development environments' new syntax-highlighted printing relies on a print filter utility that you can modify. PRNFLTR.PAS can be found in the \TP\BIN directory. For an example of how to write a tool filter for the IDE, see GREP2MSG.PAS (the Tool menu's GREP message filter) in the same directory. COMPATIBILITY & KNOWN PROBLEMS DOS --- o TURBO VISION 1.0 SOURCE - The virtual method table (VMT) format was modified to support dynamic methods (DMTs). You must update any code that relies on fixed offsets into VMTs. If, for some reason, you want to use Turbo Pascal 7.0 to recompile the Turbo Vision source code provided in the Turbo Pascal 6.0 Run-time Library Source Code product, change the following constant declarations to the values specified below: OBJECTS.PAS: TStream_Error = $0C; TStream_Flush = $10; TStream_Read = $1C; TStream_Write = $28; ... TCollection_Error = $0C; TCollection_SetLimit = $24; VIEWS.PAS: TView_GetPalette = $30; TPX (DOS Protected Mode) ------------------------ o OLDER SYSTEM UTILITIES - Some older system utilities and application programs (memory managers, disk caches, RAM disks, etc.) do not observe current industry standards for DOS protected-mode operation. We recommend that you upgrade such utilities to more recent versions. o RUNNING WINDOWS FROM TPX DOS SHELL - Starting Windows in enhanced mode from a DOS shell created by TPX is unsafe. Normally Windows refuses to load in enhanced mode under such conditions, but in certain situations it can hang the system. If you do run Windows from a TPX DOS shell, always start Windows in Standard mode. o 386^MAX DPMI SERVER - There are known problems with pre-6.02 versions of the 386^Max DPMI server. We recommend that you obtain and use their latest version (or use the Borland DPMI server contained in this package instead). o COMPAQ VDISK - If you are running on a Compaq 386 with Compaq DOS v3.31, you should not use the Compaq VDISK. This version of VDISK is not compatible with DOS protected-mode applications like TPX. o OS/2 AND TPX DOS SHELL - If you run TPX under OS/2, push a DOS shell and then run another DOS protected-mode application, both applications MUST use Borland's protected-mode loader. There is a known problem in OS/2 that will cause the DOS session to crash after the second application terminates if it uses a different loader. This will be fixed in a future release of OS/2's DOS protected-mode support. Note that it is not safe to start Paradox 4.0 from a TPX DOS shell. 6. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR BORLAND C++ AND PARADOX 4.0 USERS ------------------------------------------------------- The DPMILOAD.EXE and DPMI16BI.OVL files provided with this release replace the older ones that came with Paradox 4.0 and BC++ 3.0 or later. Delete or rename the older versions and put \TP\BIN on your DOS path (so Paradox and BC can use the newer ones). If you want to be able to run BC++ or Paradox from within TPX.EXE, you will need to use the EXTLEAVE option for the RTM environment variable in order to leave enough memory available. For example, you can set aside 2 MB for other programs by using: SET RTM=EXTLEAVE 2048 See the printed documentation for more information regarding the RTM environment variable. If you plan to shell out from Paradox or BC++ to run TPX.EXE, limit the amount of extended memory used by those programs. For Paradox, use its /extk command-line parameter; for BC++, use its /x command-line parameter. Refer to their documentation for more information on the use of command-line options. Here's a summary for troubleshooting purposes: 1. Are there any copies of DPMILOAD.EXE or DPMI16BI.OVL on the path prior to those provided in \TP\BIN or in the same directories as BC.EXE or PARADOX.EXE? If so, replace them with Turbo Pascal 7.0's newer versions, or remove them and set your DOS path correctly. 2. Have you set the RTM environment variable? For example: SET RTM=EXTLEAVE 2048 3. If starting Paradox or BC first, have you used the required command-line options? 7. TURBO PASCAL 7.0 AND THE OS/2 WORKPLACE SHELL ------------------------------------------------ These are the steps for creating a program icon for TPX.EXE under the OS/2 2.0 Workplace Shell: 1. From the OS/2 desktop, double-click the Templates folder to open it, grab the Program icon and drop it onto the desktop or another folder. 2. When the Program Settings dialog box appears, enter the following: Path and file Name: * Parameters: /C C:\TP\BIN\TPX.EXE Working directory: C:\TP\BIN Substitute the appropriate drive/path as needed. 3. Click the Session thumb tab and select DOS full screen or DOS window as desired. 4. Click on the General thumb tab and enter Turbo Pascal 7.0 for the program title. 5. Double-click the Close button. * * * * *



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