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原创 Change disk type from Microsoft Basic to Linux filesystem

【代码】Change disk type from Microsoft Basic to Linux filesystem。

2024-07-26 09:52:13 251

原创 How to export high-resolution (high-dpi) slides from PowerPoint

How to export high-resolution (high-dpi) slides from PowerPoint - Microsoft 365 Apps | Microsoft Learn

2024-04-18 10:38:02 271

原创 bash find: get directory of found file

【代码】bash find: get directory of found file。

2024-04-07 13:48:28 341

原创 我们打印图片的时候,图片却不清晰,如何用Word将模糊图片变清晰


2024-03-14 13:47:45 2792

原创 Multiple corrections: FDR vs. Bonferroni

Bonferroni: Testing the same hypothesis many times, or many different ways. (Some tests may be much less powerful than others). If even one test really shows that the null hypothesis is wrong, then it is dead.FDR: We are testing many hypotheses (in a simil

2023-07-10 13:57:16 435

转载 正态检验方法

前 言在科学研究中,往往需要对数据进行差异性检验,而常用的参数检验需要数据服从正态分布,因此在决定是否采用参数检验之前需要先对数据进行正态性检验。这一步在任何统计学软件中(如SPSS、SAS、Origion、GraghPad等)都能够轻易实现,但每个软件都会同时包括多种正态检验方法,此时该选哪个方法来对自己的数据进行正态性检验呢?这就是本文要解决的主要问题。在查阅相关资料后,本文将对多种常见的正态检验方法进行简单地归纳总结,尽可能写清楚每个检验方法的适用范围,但对于每个检验方法的数学统计学原理不作深入解析

2023-04-10 16:44:55 2265

原创 中科院深圳先进技术研究院医学影像方向客座学生

具体工作地点: 深圳 薪金: 面议 学历和研究方向: 医学影像 职位名称: 客座学生岗位要求:1、 本科高年级/研究生在读学生,研究生已完成一年级课程,征得在校导师允许可稳定实习时间9个月以上。2、工程类学科背景,包括但不限于生物医学工程、光学工程、电子信息、精密仪器、自动控制、计算机工程。物理类学科背景,包括但不限于医学物理、核物理、应用物理等。 生物医学学科背景,包括但不限于医学影像、生物医学工程。 以上有项目研究经验者优先。3、 具有较好的编程能力和较强的...

2022-01-16 15:20:16 1193 2

转载 How do I change the default background color of all FIGURE objects created in MATLAB

A list of factory-defined graphics settings that can be manipulated can be obtained by executing this command at the MATLAB prompt:get(0,'Factory')To set the default color for all graphics objects, the 'defaultfigurecolor' property of the ROOT graph.

2020-08-05 11:51:06 346

原创 vscode一次打开所有相同文件名的文件

only want to open files with certain name:find . -iname CMakeLists.txt | xargs codewith containing lines:grep -l "<Icon" * | xargs code

2020-04-27 21:41:53 1289

原创 install all files with given extension to output directory using CMake

this also works for me.This is only generated at install time. So in order to make this command work, you have to build the "install" cmake target.install(DIRECTORY "myDir/" DESTINATION ...

2020-04-16 03:11:38 359

原创 设定vituralbox ubuntu的swap memory

The memory setting you see is only used to configure the VM's RAM. However, the swap space definition is part of the disk image. This image is provided to you as part of theconfig.vm.boxdefinition i...

2020-04-12 23:50:18 305

原创 Unix 移动所有子目录下文件到文件夹

you can use find withxargsfor thisfind /thisdir -type f -name "*.ogg" -print0 | xargs -0 -Imysongs mv -i mysongs /somedirThe -I in the above command tells xargs what replacement string you want...

2020-04-12 23:49:39 533

原创 How do I make Git ignore file mode (chmod) changes?

git config core.fileMode false

2020-04-04 09:05:05 376

原创 怎样给Ubuntu增加swap虚拟内存空间

From Ubuntu 18.04 onwards, a swapfile rather than a dedicated swap partition is used (except when LVM is used). The swap file is named "swapfile". To change the size of this swap file: Disable the ...

2020-03-20 07:48:17 386

原创 IDL format string with zeropadding

i = 1print,nistring(i,format='(I04)')IDL>0001

2020-03-03 01:14:27 202

转载 Differences between Shared and Static Libraries?

Differences between Shared and Static Libraries?Static LibrariesAdvantages:Speed All the code to execute the file is in one executable file, with little to virtually zero compatibility issuesD...

2019-10-31 05:15:51 187

原创 How do I move files based on size Unix?

Move all files smaller than 500kilobytes to destinationfind . -type f -size -100k -exec mv '{}' ../ \;Move all files larger than 500kilobytes to destinationfind . -type f -size +500k -exec mv ...

2019-09-27 02:03:07 159

转载 How to solve Permission denied (publickey) error when using Git?

the user have not generated a ssh public/private key pair set before ?This info is working on theChaw but can be applied to all other git repositories which support SSH pubkey authentications. (See...

2019-07-28 09:36:31 170

转载 C Programming/stdio.h/fopen mode

mode description starts.. r rb open for reading (The file must exist) beginning w wb open for writing (creates file if it doesn't exist). Deletes content and overwri...

2019-05-23 04:29:08 148

转载 quite mode in IDL

idl -quiet

2019-05-23 04:28:31 314

转载 Inertia tensor

Inertia Tensor in 2DWe can't have rotations in one dimension so two is the lowest number of dimensions to which we can apply this. In two dimensions the inertia tensor is a scalar quantity known as ...

2019-02-16 02:47:50 1280

转载 matrix norm

Matrix NormGiven a square complex or real matrix , a matrix norm  is a nonnegative number associated with  having the properties1.  when  and  iff ,2.  for any scalar ,3. ,4. .Let , ...,  ...

2019-02-16 02:45:58 737

转载 vector norm

Vector NormGiven an -dimensional vector (1) a general vector norm , sometimes written with a double bar as , is a nonnegative norm defined such that1.  when  and  iff .2.  for any...

2019-02-16 02:45:24 1827

转载 What does the determinant of a matrix mean physically

Each  n×nn×n  matrix describes a linear transformation  T:Rn→Rn.T:Rn→Rn.  If you take a figure S⊆Rn,S⊆Rn,  then that transformation maps it to its image, another figure T(S)⊆Rn.T(S)⊆Rn.   In the case...

2019-02-16 02:44:21 460

转载 Easiest way to test for existence of cuda-capable GPU from cmake?

#include&lt;cuda.h&gt;int main (){ int deviceCount; cudaError_t e = cudaGetDeviceCount(&amp;deviceCount); return e == cudaSuccess ? deviceCount : -1;}

2019-01-31 03:30:44 173

转载 CMake Set temporarily the policy CMP0074 to OLD

I'm not sure thatif(POLICY CMP0074) # TODO: # 1. Find*.cmake modules need to be individually verified. # 2. PCLConfig.cmake needs to be changed. cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 OLD)endif()in th...

2019-01-31 03:29:57 1671

转载 Outlier removal using Hampel identifier

https://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/hampel.htmlhampelOutlier removal using Hampel identifiercollapse all in pageSyntaxy = hampel(x)y = hampel(x,k)y = hampel(x,k,nsigma)[y,j] = ha...

2018-12-01 03:45:40 1435 1

转载 Peak signal detection in realtime timeseries data

 Smoothed z-score algo (peak detection with robust threshold)I have constructed an algorithm that works very well for these types of datasets. It is based on the principle of dispersion: if a new ...

2018-12-01 03:43:54 499

转载 Linux and Unix ps command tutorial with examples

Tutorial on using ps, a UNIX and Linux command for reporting information on running processes. Examples of searching by user, group, executable name and killing processes.Estimated reading time: 5 m...

2018-12-01 02:26:16 274

原创 IDL borrow license from server

IDL borrow license errorHarris License AdministratorIDL 8.6.0, Nov 21 2016 (325531) (linux x86_64)Wed Nov 14 11:46:28 2018*** Unable to retrieve computer information.*** Is your license activate...

2018-11-15 11:38:39 711

转载 Calculate Rotation Matrix to align Vector A to Vector B in 3d?

Octave/Matlab ImplementationThe basic implementation is very simple. You could improve it by factoring out the common expressions of dot(A,B) and cross(B,A). Also note that ||A×B||=||B×A||||A×B||=...

2018-10-05 01:48:27 586

转载 如何理解Gabor滤波器

 介绍我们已经知道,傅里叶变换是一种信号处理中的有力工具,可以帮助我们将图像从空域转换到频域,并提取到空域上不易提取的特征。但是经过傅里叶变换后,图像在不同位置的频度特征往往混合在一起,但是Gabor滤波器却可以抽取空间局部频度特征,是一种有效的纹理检测工具。Figure 1: A sinusoid and it's Fourier spectrum如何生成一个Gabor滤波器在二...

2018-08-28 05:50:24 1355

转载 Determinant of Jacobian of a displacement field

% J = jacobian(S)% Determinant of Jacobian of a displacement field%% Herve Lombaert, Jan. 8th, 2013%function det_J = jacobian(sx,sy,sz) % Gradients [gx_y,gx_x,gx_z] = gradient(sx); ...

2018-08-22 03:43:59 499 2

转载 Filtering Images in the Frequency Domain

Can be also implemented directly with Butterworth.proQUESTION: I've heard about frequency domain filtering of images. How can I build image filters and do this in IDL?ANSWER: Filtering in the fr...

2018-08-14 02:26:19 1034

转载 Calculating center of mass of a array IDL

2D FUNCTION Centroid, array s = Size(array, /Dimensions) totalMass = Total(array) xcm = Total( Total(array, 2) * Indgen(s[0]) ) / totalMass ycm = Total( Total(array, 1) * Indgen(s[1])...

2018-07-28 05:24:36 347

原创 work gitlab with git

最近准备迁移projects从github到gitlab, 因为有一些代码要放在private repository下。首先在gitlab网页上设置密码,ssh key可以忽略。打开git bash, 输入$ git remote add gitlab https://github.com/colddie/colddie.github.io.git$ git remote set-url...

2018-07-23 01:06:09 230

转载 crop image in given size imagej

you can use physical units in the Edit&gt;Selection&gt;Specify… dialog.Here is how you would do this in a macro:run("Specify...", "width=500 height=500 centered scaled");run("Crop");

2018-07-20 06:49:38 484

转载 Selected multiple values from a matrix

q = [a c];p = [b d];idx=sub2ind(size(M),q,p);out=M(idx)

2018-07-04 03:03:00 163

原创 Call matlab script in IDL

pro test   oMatlab = obj_new('IDLcomIDispatch$ProgID$Matlab_application_7.13')    ; or 9.5   ;use '..._6' instead if you use Matlab 6.x   ;oMatlab -&gt; setProperty, visible=0   a = 4.8   oMatlab -&gt...

2018-06-28 03:58:18 415

转载 How do I initialize a complex array to zeros in MATLAB

A complex number can be created in MATLAB using the COMPLEX function. To initialize a complex number with zero as the real part and non-zero imaginary part, enter the following at the MATLAB command p...

2018-06-28 02:42:26 172





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