Setup Integration Broker for Web Services

By david.bain

If you venture to the PeopleSoft/Fusion Middleware best practice site, you'l also see that several of the Oracle-By Example or viewlets showcasing PeopleSoft interoperability with Fusion Middleware use web services provided by a PeopleSoft system through Integration Broker. Some of the examples go through some minor integration setup but don't explain what is going on and don't go through the entire setup. Many of you have taken the 8.48 integration broker class or have implemented web services in your production system so finding or setting up a test PSFT environment is not an issue. But not all of you . . .

More than once I've heard "I tried setting up integration broker but I couldn't get it to work so I gave up". Usually the problem is something simple like typing the wrong tools release when configuring the gateway connector for a target node (<ctl> j from a pia page gives you that info!). Making it through all the steps can be difficult, even for someone that is familiar with integration broker.

To help you out, weve created a viewlet that identifies all the steps you need to go through to set up a PeopleSoft environment that provides web services. Theres no sound, so you dont have to worry about bothering your neighbor, and its interactive, so you can select only the steps you need more information on.

Here's a link to the viewlet: IBSetup

What are the steps it goes through? Here they are:

1) Enable the pub/sub processes in the app server so there is support for asynchronous services.
The web services used by examples on the best practice site are all synchronous so this is not mandatory. But Im sure some of you will take what you see to the next level and before long start trying out asynchronous service requests. As soon as you try that, youll need these services enabled to provide queues for the gateway to store the service request.

2) Change the Default Local Node
Again, this is not required to run the samples provided. Youll only have to do this when you want to start testing more complex integration scenarios. But it is easy to do and a good idea. Youre much safer using a creative name for your PSFT system than sticking with the generic PSFT_HR thats delivered.
It is easy but theres a catch. You have to run a data mover script (appmsgpurgeall.dms) to clear out the message queue (the datas in database tables). If you dont do that, youll get a cryptic error message

3) Configure the PeopleSoft Listening Connector
Our first required step. This is necessary for a PSFT AppServer to communicate with an Integration Gateway. You get to test it right from the page you enter the URL so its pretty foolproof. Dont forget to load the rest of the connectors as part of this step.

4) Configure the PeopleSoft Target Connector
Step 3 told the AppServer where the Integration Gateway was located. This tells the Integration Gateway where the AppServer is located. Youll set up a default location and add a node specific for the default local node you changed (or left unchanged) in step 2.

5) Service Configuration
The final and very important step is to complete the service configuration. This is required for running web services. Youll enter some default naming information for services and schemas. Youll also identify where the PeopleSoft Service Listening Connector is. Its not required but a very good idea to change your Service System to Development. That way you wont have to worry about service versions each time you make a change.
Youre all set to go now. Try the examples provided on the best practice site and experiment with some of your own.

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