Eggs and Egg Info

Eggs and their Formats

A "Python egg" is a logical structure embodying the release of a
specific version of a Python project, comprising its code, resources,
and metadata. There are multiple formats that can be used to physically
encode a Python egg, and others can be developed. However, a key
principle of Python eggs is that they should be discoverable and
importable. That is, it should be possible for a Python application to
easily and efficiently find out what eggs are present on a system, and
to ensure that the desired eggs' contents are importable.

There are two basic formats currently implemented for Python eggs:

1. ``.egg`` format: a directory or zipfile *containing* the project's
   code and resources, along with an ``EGG-INFO`` subdirectory that
   contains the project's metadata

2. ``.egg-info`` format: a file or directory placed *adjacent* to the
   project's code and resources, that directly contains the project's

Both formats can include arbitrary Python code and resources, including
static data files, package and non-package directories, Python
modules, C extension modules, and so on.  But each format is optimized
for different purposes.

The ``.egg`` format is well-suited to distribution and the easy
uninstallation or upgrades of code, since the project is essentially
self-contained within a single directory or file, unmingled with any
other projects' code or resources.  It also makes it possible to have
multiple versions of a project simultaneously installed, such that
individual programs can select the versions they wish to use.

The ``.egg-info`` format, on the other hand, was created to support
backward-compatibility, performance, and ease of installation for system
packaging tools that expect to install all projects' code and resources
to a single directory (e.g. ``site-packages``).  Placing the metadata
in that same directory simplifies the installation process, since it
isn't necessary to create ``.pth`` files or otherwise modify
``sys.path`` to include each installed egg.

Its disadvantage, however, is that it provides no support for clean
uninstallation or upgrades, and of course only a single version of a
project can be installed to a given directory. Thus, support from a
package management tool is required. (This is why setuptools' "install"
command refers to this type of egg installation as "single-version,
externally managed".)  Also, they lack sufficient data to allow them to
be copied from their installation source.  easy_install can "ship" an
application by copying ``.egg`` files or directories to a target
location, but it cannot do this for ``.egg-info`` installs, because
there is no way to tell what code and resources belong to a particular
egg -- there may be several eggs "scrambled" together in a single
installation location, and the ``.egg-info`` format does not currently
include a way to list the files that were installed.  (This may change
in a future version.)




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