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原创 桑心の复习一月

标签:随笔今天终于考完了机器学习… 先说说复(yu)习(xi)的这个月,鼓起勇气来补这个大坑,但不知道从哪里开始看,手头有的资料:PRML英文书和答案,PRML山寨翻译,Andrew NG视频讲义作业,后期收到的往年试题,上课ppt的照片版,一套风格及其相似的ppt。按照一贯的对于这类理论课的重视程度,又因为是每周跑去上海上的课,后期车费又不知道能不能报销,不能草草了事,所以下定决心要看懂。于是翻

2017-01-06 23:00:54 902 4

原创 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 第八章 贝叶斯网络

标签: 机器学习重点:条件独立和概率分解和积算法最大和算法图模型概率论可以使用两个简单的方程(加和规则和乘积规则)表示,可以完全通过代数计算来对更加复杂的模型进行建模和求解。概率图模型是可以用来帮助分析的工具,它提供了几个有用的性质:将概率模型的结构可视化,可以用于设计新的模型。通过观察图形,可以更深刻地认识模型的性质,如条件独立性质。用图计算表达复杂计算,隐式地承载了数学表达式。类

2017-01-04 23:56:46 815

原创 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 第四章 线性分类模型

标签: 机器学习线性分类模型分类的目标是将输入变量 x 分到 K 个离散的类别CkC_k中的某一类。线性分类模型中决策面是x的线性函数,为 D 维输入空间中的 (D − 1) 维超平面。采用决策论分类时,也是要先推断(即训练学习)再做决策。有三种方法得到决策:判别函数,不用概率,直接定义函数进行分类生成式法:∑p(x,Ck)→p(x)→p(x|Ck)→p(Ck|x)\sum p(x,C_k)→p

2017-01-04 02:30:20 1253

原创 一些数值计算的知识

标签:机器学习计算机进行计算时有几个问题:用理论上等价的算法,在实际计算中会产生误差。如何保证数值稳定性?数据量大难以计算?利用迭代算法了解并运用一些数学知识有助于更好地进行机器学习。正定矩阵 A是对称正定矩阵1,则AT=A,vTAv>0(v≠0)A^T = A,v^T Av > 0 (v \neq 0)性质:所有特征值大于0存在满秩矩阵X,A=XXTA=XX^T可作为高斯分布的

2017-01-03 12:05:37 940

原创 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 第三章 线性回归模型

标签: 机器学习线性回归模型线性,即关于参数的线性函数;回归,表示需要预测的量是连续的。建模后可以对任意未知的变量求出目标量,或者是目标的概率分布以表示结果的不确定性。线性基函数模型y(x⃗ ,w⃗ )=w0+∑wjϕj(x⃗ )y(\vec x, \vec w) = w_0 +\sum w_j \phi_j (\vec x)其中ϕj(x⃗ )\phi_j (\vec x)为基函数,参数w中有w0w

2017-01-02 17:54:48 1016

转载 交叉验证(Cross-validation)

标签: 机器学习概述交叉验证是一种用来评价一个统计分析的结果是否可以推广到一个独立的数据集上的技术。主要用于预测,即,想要估计一个预测模型的实际应用中的准确度。它是一种统计学上将数据样本切割成较小子集的实用方法。于是可以先在一个子集上做分析, 而其它子集则用来做后续对此分析的确认及验证。交叉验证的理论是由Seymour Geisser所开始的。 它对于防范testing hypotheses sug

2017-01-02 17:54:19 1284


华东师范大学 计算理论基础 教材 《自动机理论、语言和计算导论》原书第三版 华东师范大学 计算理论基础 教材 《自动机理论、语言和计算导论》原书第三版


Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning

The dramatic growth in practical applications for machine learning over the last ten years has been accompanied by many important developments in the underlying algorithms and techniques. For example, Bayesian methods have grown from a specialist niche to become mainstream, while graphical models have emerged as a general framework for describing and applying probabilistic techniques. The practical applicability of Bayesian methods has been greatly enhanced by the development of a range of approximate inference algorithms such as variational Bayes and expectation propagation, while new models based on kernels have had a significant impact on both algorithms and applications., This completely new textbook reflects these recent developments while providing a comprehensive introduction to the fields of pattern recognition and machine learning. It is aimed at advanced undergraduates or first-year PhD students, as well as researchers and practitioners. No previous knowledge of pattern recognition or machine learning concepts is assumed. Familiarity with multivariate calculus and basic linear algebra is required, and some experience in the use of probabilities would be helpful though not essential as the book includes a self-contained introduction to basic probability theory., The book is suitable for courses on machine learning, statistics, computer science, signal processing, computer vision, data mining, and bioinformatics. Extensive support is provided for course instructors, including more than 400 exercises, graded according to difficulty. Example solutions for a subset of the exercises are available from the book web site, while solutions for the remainder can be obtained by instructors from the publisher. The book is supported by a great deal of additional material, and the reader is encouraged to visit the book web site for the latest information.



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