

package TwoThreeTree;

	class Node
	    private Node
	    private Node
	    private Node
	    private Node
          middleChild; // When node is 2-node, leftVal is the values, and rightVal is null. private T leftVal; private T rightVal; private boolean twoNode; protected Node() { } public static 
            newTwoNode(T value) { Node 
             node = new Node 
              (); node.leftVal = value; node.twoNode = true; return node; } public static 
                newThreeNode(T leftVal, T rightVal) { Node 
                 node = new Node 
                  (); if (leftVal.compareTo(rightVal) > 0) { node.rightVal = leftVal; node.leftVal = rightVal; } else { node.leftVal = leftVal; node.rightVal = rightVal; } node.twoNode = false; return node; } public static HoleNode newHole() { return new HoleNode(); } public void setLeftChild(Node 
                   leftChild) { this.leftChild = leftChild; if (leftChild != null) leftChild.setParent(this); } public void removeChildren() { this.leftChild = null; this.rightChild = null; } public void setRightChild(Node 
                    rightChild) { this.rightChild = rightChild; if (rightChild != null) rightChild.setParent(this); } public void setMiddleChild(Node 
                     middleChild) { assert isThreeNode(); this.middleChild = middleChild; if (middleChild != null) { middleChild.setParent(this); } } public final Node 
                      parent() { return parent; } public final void setParent(Node 
                       parent) { this.parent = parent; } public boolean isTerminal() { return leftChild == null && rightChild == null; } public T val() { assert isTwoNode(); return leftVal; } public T leftVal() { assert isThreeNode(); return leftVal; } public void setVal(T val) { assert isTwoNode(); leftVal = val; } public T rightVal() { assert isThreeNode(); return rightVal; } public void setLeftVal(T leftVal) { assert isThreeNode(); this.leftVal = leftVal; } public void setRightVal(T rightVal) { assert isThreeNode(); this.rightVal = rightVal; } public boolean isTwoNode() { // return rightVal == null; return twoNode; } public boolean isThreeNode() { return !isTwoNode(); } public Node 
                        leftChild() { return leftChild; } public Node 
                         rightChild() { return rightChild; } public Node 
                          middleChild() { assert isThreeNode(); return middleChild; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void replaceChild(Node currentChild, Node newChild) { if (currentChild == leftChild) { leftChild = newChild; } else if (currentChild == rightChild) { rightChild = newChild; } else { assert middleChild == currentChild; middleChild = newChild; } newChild.setParent(this); currentChild.setParent(null); } } 


package TwoThreeTree;

 * A hole node does not have any values, and have only one child.
final class HoleNode
      extends Node {
    private Node

    HoleNode() {

    public boolean isTwoNode() {
        return false;

    public Node sibling() {
        if (parent() != null) {
            return parent().leftChild() == this ? parent().rightChild(): parent().leftChild();
        return null;

    public void setLeftChild(Node leftChild) {

    public void removeChildren() {
        child = null;

    public void setRightChild(Node rightChild) {

    public Node
        child() {
        return child;

    public void setChild(Node
         child) {
        this.child = child;



 *  A 2-3 tree is a balanced search tree where each node can have either two children and one value (2-node),
 * or three children and two values (3-node).
 * References:
 * http://scienceblogs.com/goodmath/2009/03/two-three_trees_a_different_ap.php
 * http://cs.wellesley.edu/~cs230/spring07/2-3-trees.pdf
 * Author: Sergejs Melderis (sergey.melderis@gmail.com)

package TwoThreeTree;

import java.util.*;

public class TwoTreeTree
      extends AbstractSet
       implements SortedSet

    int size = 0;

    public boolean add(T value) {
        if (root == null)
            root = Node.newTwoNode(value);
        else {
            try {
          result = insert(value, root); if (result != null) { root = result; } } catch (DuplicateException e) { return false; } } size ++; return true; } public boolean contains(T value) { return findNode(root, value) != null; } private Node 
            node, T value) { if (node == null) return null; if (node.isThreeNode()) { int leftComp = value.compareTo(node.leftVal()); int rightComp = value.compareTo(node.rightVal()); if (leftComp == 0 || rightComp == 0) { return node; } if (leftComp < 0) { return findNode(node.leftChild(), value); } else if (rightComp < 0) { return findNode(node.middleChild(), value); } else { return findNode(node.rightChild(), value); } } else { int comp = value.compareTo(node.val()); if (comp == 0) return node; if (comp < 0) return findNode(node.leftChild(), value); else return findNode(node.rightChild(), value); } } private static final class DuplicateException extends RuntimeException {}; private static final DuplicateException DUPLICATE = new DuplicateException(); private Node 
             insert(T value, Node 
              node) throws DuplicateException { Node 
               returnValue = null; if (node.isTwoNode()) { int comp = value.compareTo(node.val()); if (node.isTerminal()) { if (comp == 0) throw DUPLICATE; Node 
                thnode = Node.newThreeNode(value, node.val()); Node 
                 parent = node.parent(); if (parent != null) parent.replaceChild(node, thnode); else root = thnode; } else { if (comp < 0) { Node 
                  result = insert(value, node.leftChild()); if (result != null) { Node 
                   threeNode = Node.newThreeNode(result.val(), node.val()); threeNode.setRightChild(node.rightChild()); threeNode.setMiddleChild(result.rightChild()); threeNode.setLeftChild(result.leftChild()); if (node.parent() != null) { node.parent().replaceChild(node, threeNode); } else { root = threeNode; } unlinkNode(node); } } else if (comp > 0) { Node 
                    result = insert(value, node.rightChild()); if (result != null) { Node 
                     threeNode = Node.newThreeNode(result.val(), node.val()); threeNode.setLeftChild(node.leftChild()); threeNode.setMiddleChild(result.leftChild()); threeNode.setRightChild(result.rightChild()); if (node.parent() != null) { node.parent().replaceChild(node, threeNode); } else { root = threeNode; } unlinkNode(node); } } else { throw DUPLICATE; } } } else { // three node Node 
                      threeNode = node; int leftComp = value.compareTo(threeNode.leftVal()); int rightComp = value.compareTo(threeNode.rightVal()); if (leftComp == 0 || rightComp == 0) { throw DUPLICATE; } if (threeNode.isTerminal()) { returnValue = splitNode(threeNode, value); } else { if (leftComp < 0) { Node 
                       result = insert(value, threeNode.leftChild()); if (result != null) { returnValue = splitNode(threeNode, result.val()); returnValue.leftChild().setLeftChild(result.leftChild()); returnValue.leftChild().setRightChild(result.rightChild()); returnValue.rightChild().setLeftChild(threeNode.middleChild()); returnValue.rightChild().setRightChild((threeNode.rightChild())); unlinkNode(threeNode); } } else if (rightComp < 0) { Node 
                        result = insert(value, threeNode.middleChild()); if (result != null) { returnValue = splitNode(threeNode, result.val()); returnValue.leftChild().setLeftChild(threeNode.leftChild()); returnValue.leftChild().setRightChild(result.leftChild()); returnValue.rightChild().setLeftChild(result.rightChild()); returnValue.rightChild().setRightChild(threeNode.rightChild()); unlinkNode(threeNode); } } else { Node 
                         result = insert(value, threeNode.rightChild()); if (result != null) { returnValue = splitNode(threeNode, result.val()); returnValue.leftChild().setLeftChild(threeNode.leftChild()); returnValue.leftChild().setRightChild(threeNode.middleChild()); returnValue.rightChild().setLeftChild(result.leftChild()); returnValue.rightChild().setRightChild(result.rightChild()); unlinkNode(threeNode); } } } } return returnValue; } public boolean remove(T value) { if (value == null) return false; // System.out.println("removing " + value); Node 
                          node = findNode(root, value); if (node == null) return false; HoleNode hole = null; Node 
                           terminalNode; T holeValue; if (node.isTerminal()) { terminalNode = node; holeValue = value; } else { // Replace by successor. if (node.isThreeNode()) { if (node.leftVal().equals(value)) { Node 
                            pred = predecessor(node, value); holeValue = pred.isThreeNode() ? pred.rightVal() : pred.val(); node.setLeftVal(holeValue); terminalNode = pred; } else { Node 
                             succ = successor(node, value); holeValue = succ.isThreeNode() ? succ.leftVal() : succ.val(); node.setRightVal(holeValue); terminalNode = succ; } } else { Node 
                              succ = successor(node, value); holeValue = succ.isThreeNode() ? succ.leftVal() : succ.val(); node.setVal(holeValue); terminalNode = succ; } } assert terminalNode.isTerminal(); if (terminalNode.isThreeNode()) { // Easy case. Replace 3-node by 2-node T val = terminalNode.leftVal().equals(holeValue) ? terminalNode.rightVal() : terminalNode.leftVal(); Node 
                               twoNode = Node.newTwoNode(val); if (terminalNode.parent() != null) { terminalNode.parent().replaceChild(terminalNode, twoNode); } else { root = twoNode; } } else { if (terminalNode.parent() != null) { hole = Node.newHole(); terminalNode.parent().replaceChild(terminalNode, hole); } else { root = null; } } // For description of each case see // "2-3 Tree Deletion: Upward Phase" in http://cs.wellesley.edu/~cs230/spring07/2-3-trees.pdf while (hole != null) { // Case 1. The hole has a 2-node as parent and 2-node as sibling. if (hole.parent().isTwoNode() && hole.sibling().isTwoNode()) { //System.out.println("Case 1"); Node 
                                parent = hole.parent(); Node 
                                 sibling = hole.sibling(); Node 
                                  threeNode = Node.newThreeNode(parent.val(), sibling.val()); if (parent.leftChild() == hole) { threeNode.setLeftChild(hole.child()); threeNode.setMiddleChild(sibling.leftChild()); threeNode.setRightChild(sibling.rightChild()); } else { threeNode.setLeftChild(sibling.leftChild()); threeNode.setMiddleChild(sibling.rightChild()); threeNode.setRightChild(hole.child()); } if (parent.parent() == null) { unlinkNode(hole); root = threeNode; hole = null; } else { hole.setChild(threeNode); parent.parent().replaceChild(parent, hole); } unlinkNode(parent); unlinkNode(sibling); } // Case 2. The hole has a 2-node as parent and 3-node as sibling. else if (hole.parent().isTwoNode() && hole.sibling().isThreeNode()) { //System.out.println("Case 2 "); Node 
                                   parent = hole.parent(); Node 
                                    sibling = hole.sibling(); if (parent.leftChild() == hole) { Node 
                                     leftChild = Node.newTwoNode(parent.val()); Node 
                                      rightChild = Node.newTwoNode(sibling.rightVal()); parent.setVal(sibling.leftVal()); parent.replaceChild(hole, leftChild); parent.replaceChild(sibling, rightChild); leftChild.setLeftChild(hole.child()); leftChild.setRightChild(sibling.leftChild()); rightChild.setLeftChild(sibling.middleChild()); rightChild.setRightChild(sibling.rightChild()); } else { Node 
                                       leftChild = Node.newTwoNode(sibling.leftVal()); Node 
                                        rightChild = Node.newTwoNode(parent.val()); parent.setVal(sibling.rightVal()); parent.replaceChild(sibling, leftChild); parent.replaceChild(hole, rightChild); leftChild.setLeftChild(sibling.leftChild()); leftChild.setRightChild(sibling.middleChild()); rightChild.setLeftChild(sibling.rightChild()); rightChild.setRightChild(hole.child()); } unlinkNode(hole); unlinkNode(sibling); hole = null; } // Case 3. The hole has a 3-node as parent and 2-node as sibling. else if (hole.parent().isThreeNode()) { Node 
                                         parent = hole.parent(); // subcase (a), hole is in the middle if (parent.middleChild() == hole && parent.leftChild().isTwoNode()) { //System.out.println("Case 3 (a) hole in the middle"); Node 
                                          leftChild = parent.leftChild(); Node 
                                           newParent = Node.newTwoNode(parent.rightVal()); Node 
                                            newLeftChild = Node.newThreeNode(leftChild.val(), parent.leftVal()); newParent.setLeftChild(newLeftChild); newParent.setRightChild(parent.rightChild()); if (parent != root) { parent.parent().replaceChild(parent, newParent); } else { root = newParent; } newLeftChild.setLeftChild(leftChild.leftChild()); newLeftChild.setMiddleChild(leftChild.rightChild()); newLeftChild.setRightChild(hole.child()); unlinkNode(parent); unlinkNode(leftChild); unlinkNode(hole); hole = null; } // subcase (b), hole is in the middle else if (parent.middleChild() == hole && parent.rightChild().isTwoNode()) { //System.out.println("Case 3(b) hole in the middle"); Node 
                                             rightChild = parent.rightChild(); Node 
                                              newParent = Node.newTwoNode(parent.leftVal()); Node 
                                               newRightChild = Node.newThreeNode(parent.rightVal(), rightChild.val()); newParent.setLeftChild(parent.leftChild()); newParent.setRightChild(newRightChild); if (parent != root) { parent.parent().replaceChild(parent, newParent); } else { root = newParent; } newRightChild.setLeftChild(hole.child()); newRightChild.setMiddleChild(rightChild.leftChild()); newRightChild.setRightChild(rightChild.rightChild()); unlinkNode(parent); unlinkNode(rightChild); unlinkNode(hole); hole = null; } else if (parent.middleChild().isTwoNode()) { Node 
                                                middleChild = parent.middleChild(); // subcase (a). hole is the left child. if (parent.leftChild() == hole) { //System.out.println("Case 3 (a) hole is left child"); Node 
                                                 newParent = Node.newTwoNode(parent.rightVal()); Node 
                                                  leftChild = Node.newThreeNode(parent.leftVal(), middleChild.val()); newParent.setLeftChild(leftChild); newParent.setRightChild(parent.rightChild()); if (parent != root) { parent.parent().replaceChild(parent, newParent); } else { root = newParent; } leftChild.setLeftChild(hole.child()); leftChild.setMiddleChild(middleChild.leftChild()); leftChild.setRightChild(middleChild.rightChild()); unlinkNode(parent); unlinkNode(hole); unlinkNode(middleChild); hole = null; } // subcase (a). hole is the right child. else if (parent.rightChild() == hole) { //System.out.println("Case 3 (a) hole is right child"); Node 
                                                   newParent = Node.newTwoNode(parent.leftVal()); Node 
                                                    rightChild = Node.newThreeNode(middleChild.val(), parent.rightVal()); newParent.setRightChild(rightChild); newParent.setLeftChild(parent.leftChild()); if (parent != root) { parent.parent().replaceChild(parent, newParent); } else { root = newParent; } rightChild.setLeftChild(middleChild.leftChild()); rightChild.setMiddleChild(middleChild.rightChild()); rightChild.setRightChild(hole.child()); unlinkNode(parent); unlinkNode(hole); unlinkNode(middleChild); hole = null; } } // Case 4. The hole has a 3-node as parent and 3-node as sibling. else if (parent.middleChild().isThreeNode()) { Node 
                                                     middleChild = parent.middleChild(); // subcase (a) hole is the left child if (hole == parent.leftChild()) { //System.out.println("Case 4 (a) hole is left child"); Node 
                                                      newLeftChild = Node.newTwoNode(parent.leftVal()); Node 
                                                       newMiddleChild = Node.newTwoNode(middleChild.rightVal()); parent.setLeftVal(middleChild.leftVal()); parent.setLeftChild(newLeftChild); parent.setMiddleChild(newMiddleChild); newLeftChild.setLeftChild(hole.child()); newLeftChild.setRightChild(middleChild.leftChild()); newMiddleChild.setLeftChild(middleChild.middleChild()); newMiddleChild.setRightChild(middleChild.rightChild()); unlinkNode(hole); unlinkNode(middleChild); hole = null; } // subcase (b) hole is the right child else if (hole == parent.rightChild()) { // System.out.println("Case 4 (b) hole is right child"); Node 
                                                        newMiddleChild = Node.newTwoNode(middleChild.leftVal()); Node 
                                                         newRightChild = Node.newTwoNode(parent.rightVal()); parent.setRightVal(middleChild.rightVal()); parent.setMiddleChild(newMiddleChild); parent.setRightChild(newRightChild); newMiddleChild.setLeftChild(middleChild.leftChild()); newMiddleChild.setRightChild(middleChild.middleChild()); // newMiddleChild.setParent(middleChild.middleChild()); newRightChild.setLeftChild(middleChild.rightChild()); newRightChild.setRightChild(hole.child()); unlinkNode(hole); unlinkNode(middleChild); hole = null; } else if (hole == parent.middleChild() && parent.leftChild().isThreeNode()) { // System.out.println("Case 4 (a) hole is middle child, left is 3-node"); Node 
                                                          leftChild = parent.leftChild(); Node 
                                                           newLeftChild = Node.newTwoNode(leftChild.leftVal()); Node 
                                                            newMiddleChild = Node.newTwoNode(parent.leftVal()); parent.setLeftVal(leftChild.rightVal()); parent.setLeftChild(newLeftChild); parent.setMiddleChild(newMiddleChild); newLeftChild.setLeftChild(leftChild.leftChild()); newLeftChild.setRightChild(leftChild.middleChild()); newMiddleChild.setLeftChild(leftChild.rightChild()); newMiddleChild.setRightChild(hole.child()); unlinkNode(hole); unlinkNode(leftChild); hole = null; } else { assert (hole == parent.middleChild() && parent.rightChild().isThreeNode()); // System.out.println("Case 4 (b) hole is middle child, right is 3-node"); Node 
                                                             rightChild = parent.rightChild(); Node 
                                                              newRightChild = Node.newTwoNode(rightChild.rightVal()); Node 
                                                               newMiddleChild = Node.newTwoNode(parent.rightVal()); parent.setRightVal(rightChild.leftVal()); parent.setMiddleChild(newMiddleChild); parent.setRightChild(newRightChild); newRightChild.setRightChild(rightChild.rightChild()); newRightChild.setLeftChild(rightChild.middleChild()); newMiddleChild.setRightChild(rightChild.leftChild()); newMiddleChild.setLeftChild(hole.child()); unlinkNode(hole); unlinkNode(rightChild); hole = null; } } } } size--; return true; } private void unlinkNode(Node node) { node.removeChildren(); node.setParent(null); } private Node 
                                                                 node, T value) { if (node == null) return null; if (!node.isTerminal()) { Node 
                                                                  p; if (node.isThreeNode() && node.leftVal().equals(value)) { p = node.middleChild(); } else { p = node.rightChild(); } while (p.leftChild() != null) { p = p.leftChild(); } return p; } else { Node 
                                                                   p = node.parent(); if (p == null) return null; Node 
                                                                    ch = node; while (p != null && ch == p.rightChild()) { ch = p; p = p.parent(); } return p != null ? p : null; } } private Node 
                                                                      node, T value) { if (node == null) return null; Node 
                                                                       p; if (!node.isTerminal()) { if (node.isThreeNode() && node.rightVal().equals(value)) { p = node.middleChild(); } else { p = node.leftChild(); } while (p.rightChild() != null) { p = p.rightChild(); } return p; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Implement predecessor parent is not terminal node"); } } private Node 
                                                                         threeNode, T value) { T min; T max; T middle; if (value.compareTo(threeNode.leftVal()) < 0) { min = value; middle = threeNode.leftVal(); max = threeNode.rightVal(); } else if (value.compareTo(threeNode.rightVal()) < 0) { min = threeNode.leftVal(); middle = value; max = threeNode.rightVal(); } else { min = threeNode.leftVal(); max = value; middle = threeNode.rightVal(); } Node 
                                                                          parent = Node.newTwoNode(middle); parent.setLeftChild(Node.newTwoNode(min)); parent.setRightChild(Node.newTwoNode(max)); return parent; } public interface Function 
                                                                           { public void apply(T t); } /** * Preorder search. * Visit the node. * Visit the left subtree * Visit the middle subtree */ public void preOrder(Node 
                                                                            node, Function 
                                                                             f) { if (node.isThreeNode()) { f.apply(node.leftVal()); f.apply(node.rightVal()); } if (node.isTerminal()) return; preOrder(node.leftChild(), f); if (node.isThreeNode()) { assert node.middleChild() != null; preOrder(node.middleChild(), f); } preOrder(node.rightChild(), f); } public void inorderSearch(Node 
                                                                              node, Function 
                                                                               func) { if (node == null) return; inorderSearch(node.leftChild(), func); if (node.isThreeNode()) { Node 
                                                                                threeNode = node; func.apply(threeNode.leftVal()); inorderSearch(threeNode.middleChild(), func); func.apply(threeNode.rightVal()); } else { func.apply(node.val()); } inorderSearch(node.rightChild(), func); } // Set operations. /** * The returning iterator does not support remove. */ public Iterator 
                                                                                 iterator() { return new Iterator 
                                                                                  () { Node 
                                                                                   nextNode; // Stack to keep three nodes Deque 
                                                                                     > threeNodes = new ArrayDeque 
                                                                                       >(); T next; { Node 
                                                                                        node = root; while(node != null && node.leftChild() != null) { node = node.leftChild(); } nextNode = node; } public boolean hasNext() { return next != null || nextNode != null; } public T next() { T prev; if (next != null) { prev = next; next = null; nextNode = successor(nextNode, prev); return prev; } if (nextNode.isThreeNode()) { if (nextNode.isTerminal()) { next = nextNode.rightVal(); prev = nextNode.leftVal(); } else { if (threeNodes.peekFirst() == nextNode) { threeNodes.pollFirst(); prev = nextNode.rightVal(); nextNode = successor(nextNode, prev); } else { prev = nextNode.leftVal(); threeNodes.addFirst(nextNode); nextNode = successor(nextNode, prev); } } } else { prev = nextNode.val(); nextNode = successor(nextNode, prev); } return prev; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } public Comparator 
                                                                                        comparator() { return null; } public SortedSet 
                                                                                         subSet(T fromElement, T toElement) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public SortedSet 
                                                                                          headSet(T toElement) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public SortedSet 
                                                                                           tailSet(T fromElement) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public T first() { Node 
                                                                                            node = root; while (node.leftChild() != null) { node = node.leftChild(); } return node.isThreeNode() ? node.leftVal() : node.val(); } public T last() { Node 
                                                                                             node = root; while (node.rightChild() != null) { node = node.rightChild(); } return node.isThreeNode() ? node.rightVal() : node.val(); } public int size() { return size; } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { try { return contains ((T) o); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return false; } } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { try { return remove((T) o); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return false; } } @Override public void clear() { root = null; } @Override public Object[] toArray() { final Object arr[] = new Object[size]; inorderSearch(root, new Function() { int index = 0; public void apply(Object t) { arr[index++] = (T) t; } }); return arr; } @Override public 
                                                                                              T[] toArray(T[] a) { T[] r = a.length >= size ? a : (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array .newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), size); return _toArray(r); } public 
                                                                                               T[] _toArray(final T[] a) { inorderSearch(root, new Function() { int index = 0; public void apply(Object t) { a[index++] = (T) t; } }); return a; } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection 
                                                                                               c) { boolean removed = false; for (Object o : c) { removed |= remove(o); } return removed; } @Override public String toString() { if (size == 0) return "[]"; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); inorderSearch(root, new Function 
                                                                                                () { public void apply(T t) { sb.append(t); sb.append(", "); } }); sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } } 

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根据提供的代码,这是一个查询形结构的Java代码示例。代码中使用了递归的方式来查询形结构中包含指定关键字的节点。首先,通过调用`init()`方法初始化了一个形结构的列表`treeList`。然后,通过使用Java 8的流式操作,筛选出根节点(`pid`为0的节点),并使用`map`操作将每个根节点的子节点列表设置为通过`getChildren`方法递归获取的子节点列表。最后,使用`collect`操作将结果收集到一个列表中,并使用Gson库将结果转换为JSON格式输出。 在代码中,`TreeEntity`是形结构的实体类,包含了节点的id、名称、父级id和子级集合。`getChildren`方法用于递归获取指定节点的子节点列表。 请注意,这只是一个示例代码,具体的形结构查询实现可能会根据实际需求有所不同。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* [Java形结构查询(Steam)](https://blog.csdn.net/xiaoxiaohan130/article/details/120910211)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *3* [java形结构---通过关键词查询返回路径](https://blog.csdn.net/bianfu2008zhi/article/details/114880044)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]


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