java之Database Performance Best Practices

java之Database Performance Best Practices

  • Spend time evaluating the best JDBC driver for the application.
  •   The best driver will often vary depending on the specific deployment. The same application may be better with one JDBC driver in one deployment and a different JDBC driver in a different deployment.
  •  If there is a choice, avoid ODBC and type 1 JDBC drivers.
  • Java applications will typically execute the same SQL statement repeatedly. In those cases, reusing prepared statements will offer a significant performance boost.
  •  Prepared statements must be pooled on a per-connection basis.
         Most JDBC drivers and Java EE frameworks can do this auto matically.
  • Prepared statements can consume a significant amount of heap.
        The size of the statement pool must be carefully tuned to pre vent GC issues from pooling too many very large objects.

  • Transactions affect the speed of applications in two ways: transactions are expensive to commit, and the locking associated with transactions can prevent database scaling.
  •   Those two effects are antagonistic: waiting too long to commit a transaction increases the amount of time that locks associated with the transaction are held. Especially for transactions using stricter semantics, the balance should be toward committing more frequently rather than holding the locks longer.
  •   For fine-grained control of transactions in JDBC, use a default TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED level and explicitly lock data as needed.

  • Applications that process large amounts of data from a query should consider changing the fetch size of the data.
  •  There is a trade-off between loading too much data in the application (putting pressure on the garbage collector) and making frequent database calls to retrieve a set of data.

I’ve recommended using the setFetchSize() method here on the (prepared) statement
object, but that method also exists on the ResultSet interface. In either case, the size is
just a hint. The JDBC driver is free to ignore that value, or round it to some other value,
or anything else it wants to do. There are no assurances either way, but setting the value
before the query is executed is more likely to result in the hint being honored.
Some JDBC drivers also allow you to set a default fetch size when the connection is
created by passing a property to the getConnection() method of the DriverManager.
Consult your vendor’s documentation if that path seems easier to manage.


Java Performance: The Definitive Guide
by Scott Oaks
Copyright © 2014 Scott Oaks. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.

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To optimize queries in Hive, you can follow these best practices: 1. Use partitioning: Partitioning is a technique of dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable parts based on specific criteria such as date, region, or category. It can significantly improve query performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned. 2. Use bucketing: Bucketing is another technique of dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable parts based on the hash value of a column. It can improve query performance by reducing the number of files that need to be read. 3. Use appropriate file formats: Choose the appropriate file format based on the type of data and the query patterns. For example, ORC and Parquet formats are optimized for analytical queries, while Text and SequenceFile formats are suitable for batch processing. 4. Optimize data storage: Optimize the way data is stored on HDFS to improve query performance. For example, use compression to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred across the network. To create a partition table with Hive, you can follow these steps: 1. Create a database (if it doesn't exist) using the CREATE DATABASE statement. 2. Create a table using the CREATE TABLE statement, specifying the partition columns using the PARTITIONED BY clause. 3. Load data into the table using the LOAD DATA statement, specifying the partition values using the PARTITION clause. Here's an example: ``` CREATE DATABASE my_db; USE my_db; CREATE TABLE my_table ( id INT, name STRING ) PARTITIONED BY (date STRING); LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/path/to/data' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE my_table PARTITION (date='2022-01-01'); ``` This creates a table called `my_table` with two columns `id` and `name`, and one partition column `date`. The data is loaded into the table with the partition value `2022-01-01`.


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