
//===================================== ErrorCheck.java =====================================

package cn.rzdd.cbs.util;
* @author donkey.
* @version 1.2
* @expression javascript 代码来校验表单的.
* @Tel:020 33586834
* @Email: donkeyzheng@163.net

public class ErrorCheck    {

/* public: the javascript string */
String errorCheckStr;

/* public: the form name you used */
public String formName;

public void setFormName(String formName) {
   this.formName = formName;

  *        public: constructor functions
  *        构造函数
public ErrorCheck()    {
   this.errorCheckStr =
     "<script ID=clientEventHandlersJS language=javascript>/n" +
     "<!--" + "/n";
   this.neededFunction();    // load the needed functions
   this.errorCheckStr +=
     "function errorCheck() {" + "/n";

   *        public: export javascript script
   *        输出 javascript 脚本
  public String ErrorCheckScript()    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "}" + "/n" +
      "//-->" + "/n" +
      "</script>" + "/n";
    return this.errorCheckStr;

   *        public: check if null value
   *        检查录入框值是否为空
  public void inputnull(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(fucChecknull(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the numeric
   *        检查录入框值是否是数字
  public void numericCheck(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(fucCheckNUM(trim(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value)) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the length
   *        检查录入框值的长度
  public void lengthCheck(String inputName, String errorMsg, int MinLength, int MaxLength) {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if((fucCheckLength(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value)<"+MinLength+" || " + "/n" +
      "    fucCheckLength(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value)>"+MaxLength+") && fucCheckLength(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value)!=0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the email
   *        检查录入框值是否是正确的EMAIL格式
  public void emailCheck(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(chkemail(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the telephone number
   *        检查录入框值是否是电话分机号码
  public void telCheck(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(fucCheckTEL(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the telephone or fax number
   *        检查录入框值是否是普通电话、传真号码
  public void faxTelCheck(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(iscommontel(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check if the input value contian the prefered string
   *        检查录入框值是否是包含给定字串
  public void stringCheck(String inputName, String errorMsg, String string)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(document." + formName + "." + inputName +".value.length != 0 && "+
      "     document."+  formName + "." + inputName +".value.indexOf(/""+string+
      "/") == -1) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check if the input value contain the denyed string
   *        检查录入框值是否是包含给禁止的字串
  public void denyStrCheck(String inputName, String errorMsg, String string)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
        "  if (document." + formName + "." + inputName +
        ".value.length != 0 && " + "/n" +
        "    document." + formName + "." + inputName + ".value.indexOf(/"" +
        string + "/") != -1) {" + "/n" +
        "    alert(/"" + errorMsg + "./");" + "/n" +
        "    document." + formName + "." + inputName + ".focus();" + "/n" +
        "    return(false);" + "/n" +
        "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the YYYY format date
   *        检查录入框值是否是YYYY的日期格式
  public void dateCheckY(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(chkdateY(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the YYYY-MM format date
   *        检查录入框值是否是YYYY-MM的日期格式
  public void dateCheckYM(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(chkdateYM(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the YYYY-MM-DD format date
   *        检查录入框值是否是YYYY-MM-DD的日期格式
  public void dateCheckYMD(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(chkdateYMD(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check the YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM  YYYY  format date
   *        检查录入框值是否是YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM  YYYY 的日期格式
  public void dateCheckAny(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(chkdateY(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0" +
      "  && chkdateYM(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0" +
      "  && chkdateYMD(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0" +
      "  && document." + formName + "." + inputName +".value.length != 0 " +
      "  && document."+  formName + "." + inputName +".value.indexOf("+"/"任何时候!/""+
      ") == -1) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";


   *        public: check the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format date
   *        检查录入框值是否是YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm 的日期格式
  public void dateCheckYMDhm(String inputName, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(chkdateYMDhm(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check one date must before the other date
   *        检查前一个日期是否在另一个日期以前,格式为YYYY-MM-dd或者YYYY-MM-dd h:m。。
  public void dateCheckorder(String inputName1,String inputName2,String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(chkdateorder(document."+formName+"."+inputName1+".value,document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check one date must before the other date
   *        检查前一个日期是否在另一个日期以前,前一个日期直接传入日期字符串,格式为YYYY-MM-dd或者YYYY-MM-dd h:m。
  public void dateCheckorderS(String inputName1,String inputName2,String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(chkdateorder(/""+inputName1+"/",document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check if the post code.
   *        检查是否是邮政编码。
  public void postalCodeCheck(String inputName,String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(isPostalCode(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";
   *        public: check if the mobile phone.
   *        检查是否是手机号码。
  public void mobileCheck(String inputName,String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(isMobile(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check if the ID card.
   *        检查是否是身份证号码。
  public void idCardCheck(String inputName,String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(CheckNum15(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0 && CheckNum18(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0 ) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check with the condition.
   *        根据选择条件来检查是录入框的值,如果为0,则检查是否为身份证,如果为1,则检查是否为其他证件号码。
  public void seletAnICheck(String inputName1, String inputName2, String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(document."+formName+"."+inputName1+".value==/"0/") {" + "/n" +
      "  if(CheckNum15(document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".value) == 0 && CheckNum18(document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".value) == 0 ) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n"+
      "  }" + "/n"+
      "  else {" + "/n" +
      "  if(isNumorChar(document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n"+
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check user.
   *        检查用户名的输入。
  public void userNameCheck(String inputName,String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(isRegisterUserName(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: check password.
   *        检查密码的输入。
  public void passwdCheck(String inputName,String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "  if(isPasswd(document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value) == 0) {" + "/n" +
      "    alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "    document."+formName+"."+inputName+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "    return(false);" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n/n";

   *        public: wipe off blanks.
   *        去除空格。
  public void wipeblank(String inputName)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value="+"document."+formName+"."+inputName+".value.trim();" + "/n" +

   *        public: wipe off blanks.
   *        去除空格。
  public void comparenumber(String inputName1,String inputName2,String errorMsg)    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "if(document."+formName+"."+inputName1+".value.trim()!='' && document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".value.trim()!=''){" + "/n" +
      "  if(document."+formName+"."+inputName1+".value>document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".value){" + "/n" +
      "   alert(/""+errorMsg+"./");" + "/n" +
      "   document."+formName+"."+inputName2+".focus();" + "/n" +
      "   return(false);" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n"+
      "  }" + "/n/n";

  public void neededFunction()    {
    this.errorCheckStr +=
      "//检查是否为空" + "/n" +
      "function fucChecknull(str) {" + "/n" +
      "  for(var  i=0;i<str.length && str.charAt(i)==' ';i++  );" + "/n" +
      "  for(var  j=str.length;j>0 && str.charAt(j-1)==' ';j--);" + "/n" +
      "  if(i>=j)  return  0;" + "/n" +
      "  else return  1;" + "/n" +
      " }"+ "/n/n" +

      "//去除空格" + "/n" +
      "function trim(str) " + "/n" +
      "{ " + "/n" +
      "  return str.replace(/(^//s*)|(//s*$)/g, /"/"); " + "/n" +
      "}  "+ "/n/n" +

      "//检查是否为数字" + "/n" +
      "function fucCheckNUM(NUM) {" + "/n" +
      "  var i,j,strTemp;" + "/n" +
      "  strTemp=/"0123456789.+-/";" + "/n" +
      "  if ( NUM.length == 0) return 1;" + "/n" +
      "  for (i=0;i<NUM.length;i++)    {" + "/n" +
      "    j = strTemp.indexOf(NUM.charAt(i));" + "/n" +
      "    if (j==-1) {" + "/n" +
      "      //说明有字符不是数字" + "/n" +
      "      return 0;" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  //说明是数字" + "/n" +
      "  return 1;" + "/n" +
      "}" + "/n/n" +

      "//检查字符串的长度" + "/n" +
      "function fucCheckLength(strTemp) {" + "/n" +
      "  var i,sum;" + "/n" +
      "  sum=0;" + "/n" +
      "  for(i=0;i<strTemp.length;i++) {" + "/n" +
      "    if ((strTemp.charCodeAt(i)>=0) && (strTemp.charCodeAt(i)<=255))" + "/n" +
      "      sum=sum+1;" + "/n" +
      "    else" + "/n" +
      "      sum=sum+2;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  return sum;" + "/n" +
      "}" + "/n/n" +

      "//检查是否为Email Address" + "/n" +
      "function chkemail(a)    {" + "/n" +
      "  var i=a.length;" + "/n" +
      " if(i==0) return 1;" + "/n" +
      "  var temp = a.indexOf('@');" + "/n" +
      "  var tempd = a.indexOf('.');" + "/n" +
      "  if (temp >= 1) {" + "/n" +
      "    if ((i-temp) >= 3) {" + "/n" +
      "      if (tempd!=-1) {" + "/n" +
      "        return 1;" + "/n" +
      "      }" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  return 0;" + "/n" +
      "}" + "/n/n" +

      "//检查是否为电话号码。" + "/n" +
      "function fucCheckTEL(TEL) {" + "/n" +
      "  var i,j,strTemp;" + "/n" +
      "  strTemp=/"0123456789-()#/";" + "/n" +
      "  if (TEL.length == 0) return 1;" + "/n" +
      "  for (i=0;i<TEL.length;i++) {" + "/n" +
      "    j=strTemp.indexOf(TEL.charAt(i));" + "/n" +
      "    if (j==-1) {" + "/n" +
      "      //说明有字符不合法" + "/n" +
      "      return 0;" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  //说明合法" + "/n" +
      "  return 1;" + "/n" +
      "}" + "/n/n" +

      "//检查日期是否为(YYYY)的格式。" + "/n" +
      "function chkdateY(s)" + "/n"+
      "{" + "/n"+
      " var patrn=/^[0-9]{4}$/;" + "/n"+
      " if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n"+
      " return 1;" + "/n"+
      "}" + "/n/n" +

      "//检查日期是否为(YYYY-MM-DD)的格式。" + "/n" +
      "function chkdateYMD(datestr) {" + "/n" +
      "  var lthdatestr" + "/n" +
      "  if (datestr != /"/")" + "/n" +
      "    lthdatestr= datestr.length ;" + "/n" +
      "  else" + "/n" +
      "    lthdatestr=0;" + "/n" +
      "  var tmpy=/"/";" + "/n" +
      "  var tmpm=/"/";" + "/n" +
      "  var tmpd=/"/";" + "/n" +
      "  //var datestr;" + "/n" +
      "  var status;" + "/n" +
      "  status=0;" + "/n" +
      "  if ( lthdatestr== 0)" + "/n" +
      "    return 1;" + "/n" +
      "  for (i=0;i<lthdatestr;i++) {" + "/n" +
      "    if (datestr.charAt(i)== '-') {" + "/n" +
      "      status++;" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "    if (status>2) {" + "/n" +
      "      return 0;" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "    if ((status==0) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-')) {" + "/n" +
      "      tmpy=tmpy+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "    if ((status==1) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-')) {" + "/n" +
      "      tmpm=tmpm+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "    if ((status==2) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-')) {" + "/n" +
      "      tmpd=tmpd+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  year=new String (tmpy);" + "/n" +
      "  month=new String (tmpm);" + "/n" +
      "  day=new String (tmpd);" + "/n" +
      "  if ((tmpy.length!=4) || (tmpm.length>2) || (tmpd.length>2)) {" + "/n" +
      "    return 0;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  if (!((1<=month) && (12>=month) && (31>=day) && (1<=day)) ) {" + "/n" +
      "    return 0;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  if (!((year % 4)==0) && (month==2) && (day==29)) {" + "/n" +
      "    return 0;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  if ((month<=7) && ((month % 2)==0) && (day>=31)) {" + "/n" +
      "    return 0;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  if ((month>=8) && ((month % 2)==1) && (day>=31)) {" + "/n" +
      "    return 0;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  if ((month==2) && (day==30)) {" + "/n" +
      "    return 0;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  return 1;" + "/n" +
      "}" + "/n/n"+

      "//检查日期是否为(YYYY-MM)的格式。" + "/n" +
      "function chkdateYM(datestr) {" + "/n" +
      "  var lthdatestr" + "/n" +
      "  if (datestr != /"/")" + "/n" +
      "    lthdatestr= datestr.length ;" + "/n" +
      "  else" + "/n" +
      "    lthdatestr=0;" + "/n" +
      "  var tmpy=/"/";" + "/n" +
      "  var tmpm=/"/";" + "/n" +
      "  //var datestr;" + "/n" +
      "  var status;" + "/n" +
      "  status=0;" + "/n" +
      "  if ( lthdatestr== 0)" + "/n" +
      "    return 1;" + "/n" +
      "  for (i=0;i<lthdatestr;i++) {" + "/n" +
      "    if (datestr.charAt(i)== '-') {" + "/n" +
      "      status++;" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "    if (status>1) {" + "/n" +
      "      return 0;" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "    if ((status==0) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-')) {" + "/n" +
      "      tmpy=tmpy+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "    if ((status==1) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-')) {" + "/n" +
      "      tmpm=tmpm+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
      "    }" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  year=new String (tmpy);" + "/n" +
      "  month=new String (tmpm);" + "/n" +
      "  if ((tmpy.length!=4) || (tmpm.length>2) ) {" + "/n" +
      "    return 0;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  if (!((1<=month) && (12>=month) )) {" + "/n" +
      "    return 0;" + "/n" +
      "  }" + "/n" +
      "  return 1;" + "/n" +
      "}" + "/n/n"+

    "//检查是否为(YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm)的格式。" + "/n" +
    "function chkdateYMDhm(datestr) {" + "/n" +
    "  var lthdatestr" + "/n" +
    "  if (datestr != /"/")" + "/n" +
    "    lthdatestr= datestr.length ;" + "/n" +
    "  else" + "/n" +
    "    lthdatestr=0;" + "/n" +
    "  var tmpy=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  var tmpm=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  var tmpd=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  var tmph=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  var tmpmi=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  //var datestr;" + "/n" +
    "  var status;" + "/n" +
    "  status=0;" + "/n" +
    "  if ( lthdatestr== 0)" + "/n" +
    "    return 1;" + "/n" +
    "  for (i=0;i<lthdatestr;i++) {" + "/n" +
    "    if (datestr.charAt(i)== '-'||datestr.charAt(i)==' '||datestr.charAt(i)==':') {" + "/n" +
    "      status++;" + "/n" +
    "    }" + "/n" +
    "    if (status>4) {" + "/n" +
    "      return 0;" + "/n" +
    "    }" + "/n" +
    "    if ((status==0) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-')) {" + "/n" +
    "      tmpy=tmpy+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
    "    }" + "/n" +
    "    if ((status==1) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-')) {" + "/n" +
    "      tmpm=tmpm+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
    "    }" + "/n" +
    "    if ((status==2) && (datestr.charAt(i)!=' ') && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-')) {" + "/n" +
    "      tmpd=tmpd+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
    "    }" + "/n" +
    "    if ((status==3) && (datestr.charAt(i)!=':') && (datestr.charAt(i)!=' ')) {" + "/n" +
    "      tmph=tmph+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
    "    }" + "/n" +
    "    if ((status==4) && (datestr.charAt(i)!=':')) {" + "/n" +
    "      tmpmi=tmpmi+datestr.charAt(i);" + "/n" +
    "    }" + "/n" +
    "  }" + "/n" +
    "  year=new String (tmpy);" + "/n" +
    "  month=new String (tmpm);" + "/n" +
    "  day=new String (tmpd);" + "/n" +
    "  hour=new String (tmph);" + "/n" +
    "  minute=new String (tmpmi);" + "/n" +
    "  if(tmpy=='' || tmpm=='' || tmpd=='' || tmph=='' || tmpmi=='') {" + "/n" +
    "    return 0;" + "/n" +
    "  }" + "/n" +
    "  if ((tmpy.length!=4) || (tmpm.length>2) || (tmpd.length>2)||(tmph.length>2)||(tmpmi.length>2)) {" + "/n" +
    "    return 0;" + "/n" +
    "  }" + "/n" +
    "  if (!((1<=month) && (12>=month) && (31>=day) && (1<=day) && (0<=hour) && (24>=hour) && (0<=minute) && (60>=minute)) ) {" + "/n" +
    "    return 0;" + "/n" +
    "  }" + "/n" +
    "  if (!((year % 4)==0) && (month==2) && (day==29)) {" + "/n" +
    "    return 0;" + "/n" +
    "  }" + "/n" +
    "  if ((month<=7) && ((month % 2)==0) && (day>=31)) {" + "/n" +
    "    return 0;" + "/n" +
    "  }" + "/n" +
    "  if ((month>=8) && ((month % 2)==1) && (day>=31)) {" + "/n" +
    "    return 0;" + "/n" +
    "  }" + "/n" +
    "  if ((month==2) && (day==30)) {" + "/n" +
    "    return 0;" + "/n" +
    "  }" + "/n" +
    "  return 1;" + "/n" +
    "}" + "/n/n"+

    "//检查日期1是否在日期2之前" + "/n" +
    "function chkdateorder(datestr1,datestr2) {" + "/n" +
    "  var lthdatestr1=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  var lthdatestr2=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  var vdatestr1=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  var vdatestr2=/"/";" + "/n" +
    "  if (datestr1 != /"/" && datestr2 != /"/"){" + "/n" +
    "    vdatestr1=datestr1.replace(/-/i, /"//");" + "/n" +
    "    vdatestr2=datestr2.replace(/-/i, /"//");" + "/n" +
    "    lthdatestr1= Date.parse(vdatestr1) ;" + "/n" +
    "    lthdatestr2= Date.parse(vdatestr2) ;" + "/n" +
    "    if(lthdatestr1>lthdatestr2) return 0;" + "/n" +
    "    else return 1;" + "/n" +
    " }" + "/n" +
    "  else return 1;" + "/n" +
    "}" + "/n/n"+

    "//校验邮政编码" + "/n" +
    "function isPostalCode(s)" + "/n" +
    "{" + "/n" +
    "var patrn=/^[1-9]{1}(//d){5}$/;" + "/n" +
    "if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n" +
    "return 1;" + "/n" +
    "}" + "/n" +

    "// 检验手机号" + "/n" +
    "function isMobile(s)" + "/n" +
    "{" + "/n" +
    " var patrn=/^[0]?13//d[ ]?[-]?//d{8}$/;" + "/n" +
    " if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n" +
    " return 1;" + "/n" +
    "}" + "/n"+

    "//检查是否为15位身份证号" + "/n" +
    "function CheckNum15(s)" + "/n" +
    "{" + "/n" +
    " var patrn = /^//d{15}$/;" + "/n" +
    " if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n" +
    " return 1;" + "/n" +
    "}" + "/n" +

    "//检查是否为18位身份证号" + "/n" +
    "function CheckNum18(s)" + "/n" +
    "{" + "/n" +
    " var patrn = /^//d{17}(?://d|x)$/;" + "/n" +
    " if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n" +
    " return 1;" + "/n" +
    "}" + "/n"+

    "//检查用户名:只能输入2-20个以字母开头、可带数字、“_”、“.”的字串" + "/n"+
    "function isRegisterUserName(s)" + "/n"+
    "{" + "/n"+
    " var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9._]){1,19}$/;" + "/n"+
    " if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n"+
    " return 1;" + "/n"+
    "}" + "/n"+

    "//校验普通电话、传真号码:可以“+”开头,除数字外,可含有“-”" + "/n"+
    "function iscommontel(s)" + "/n"+
    "{" + "/n"+
    " var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(//d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((//d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/;" + "/n"+
    " if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n"+
    " return 1;" + "/n"+
    "}" + "/n"+

    "//校验密码:只能输入5-18个字母、数字" + "/n"+
    "function isPasswd(s)" + "/n"+
    "{" + "/n"+
    " var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,18}$/;" + "/n"+
    " if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n"+
    " return 1;" + "/n"+
    "}" + "/n"+

    "//检查是否为数字或字符" + "/n"+
    "function isNumorChar(s)" + "/n"+
    "{" + "/n"+
    " var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;" + "/n"+
    " if (!patrn.exec(s) && s!='') return 0;" + "/n"+
    " return 1;" + "/n"+
    "}" + "/n"+

    "//去除字符串两端空格" + "/n"+
    "String.prototype.trim = function() " + "/n"+
    "{ " + "/n"+
    "return this.replace(/(^//s*)|(//s*$)/g, /"/"); " + "/n"+
    "} " + "/n";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ErrorCheck ec = new ErrorCheck();
    String script = ec.ErrorCheckScript();


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