c++控制台 使用ado连接数据库

// BeginExecuteCpp
#include <ole2.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#import "msado15.dll" \
    no_namespace rename("EOF", "EndOfFile")

// Function declarations
inline void TESTHR(HRESULT x) {if FAILED(x) _com_issue_error(x);};
void ExecuteX(void);
void ExecuteCommand(_CommandPtr pCmdTemp, _RecordsetPtr pRstTemp);
void PrintOutput(_RecordsetPtr pRstTemp);
void PrintProviderError(_ConnectionPtr pConnection);
void PrintComError(_com_error &e);

//      Main Function         //

void main()



//      ExecuteX Function        //

void ExecuteX(void)
    HRESULT    hr = S_OK;

    // Define string variables.
    _bstr_t strSQLChange("UPDATE Titles SET Type = "
        "'self_help' WHERE Type = 'psychology'");
    _bstr_t strSQLRestore("UPDATE Titles SET Type = "
        "'psychology' WHERE Type = 'self_help'");
    _bstr_t strCnn("Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=oa;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=oa;Data Source=orcl");

    // Define ADO object pointers.
    // Initialize pointers on define.
    // These are in the ADODB::  namespace.
    _ConnectionPtr  pConnection = NULL;
    _CommandPtr     pCmdChange  = NULL;
    _RecordsetPtr   pRstTitles  = NULL;

        // Open connection.
        HRESULT hr = pConnection->Open (strCnn, "", "", adConnectUnspecified);

        // Create command object.
        pCmdChange->ActiveConnection = pConnection;
        pCmdChange->CommandText = strSQLChange;

        // Open titles table, casting Connection pointer to an
        // IDispatch type so converted to correct type of variant.
        pRstTitles->Open ("select count(*) value from v$session", _variant_t((IDispatch *) pConnection,
            true), adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);

        _variant_t value1 = pRstTitles->GetCollect("value");

        // Print report of original data.
            "\n\nData in Titles table before executing the query: \n");

        // Call function to print loop recordset contents.

        // Clear extraneous errors from the Errors collection.

        // Call ExecuteCommand subroutine to execute pCmdChange command.
        ExecuteCommand(pCmdChange, pRstTitles);

        // Print report of new data.
            "\n\n\tData in Titles table after executing the query: \n");

        // Use the Connection object's execute method to
        // execute SQL statement to restore data.
        pConnection->Execute(strSQLRestore, NULL, adExecuteNoRecords);

        // Retrieve the current data by requerying the recordset.

        // Print report of restored data.
            "\n\n\tData after exec. query to restore original info: \n");
    catch (_com_error &e)

    // Clean up objects before exit.
    if (pRstTitles)
        if (pRstTitles->State == adStateOpen)
    if (pConnection)
        if (pConnection->State == adStateOpen)

//      ExecuteCommand Function         //

void ExecuteCommand(_CommandPtr pCmdTemp, _RecordsetPtr pRstTemp)
        // CommandText property already set before function was called.
        pCmdTemp->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdText);

        // Retrieve the current data by requerying the recordset.

    catch(_com_error &e)
        // Notify user of any errors that result from
        // executing the query.
        // Pass a connection pointer accessed from the Recordset.

//      PrintOutput Function       //

void PrintOutput(_RecordsetPtr pRstTemp)
    // Ensure at top of recordset.

    // If EOF is true, then no data and skip print loop.
    if( pRstTemp->EndOfFile )
        printf("\tRecordset empty\n");
        // Define temporary strings for output conversions.
        // Initialize to first record's values.
        _bstr_t bstrTitle;
        _bstr_t bstrType;

        // Enumerate Recordset and print from each.
            // Convert variant string to convertable string type.
            bstrTitle = pRstTemp->Fields->GetItem("Title")->Value;
            bstrType  = pRstTemp->Fields->GetItem("Type")->Value;
            printf("\t%s, %s \n",
                (LPCSTR) bstrTitle,
                (LPCSTR) bstrType);


//      PrintProviderError Function          //

void PrintProviderError(_ConnectionPtr pConnection)
    // Print Provider Errors from Connection object.
    // pErr is a record object in the Connection's Error collection.
    ErrorPtr  pErr = NULL;

    if( (pConnection->Errors->Count) > 0)
        long nCount = pConnection->Errors->Count;
        // Collection ranges from 0 to nCount -1.
        for(long i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
            pErr = pConnection->Errors->GetItem(i);
            printf("\t Error number: %x\t%s", pErr->Number,

//      PrintComError Function      //

void PrintComError(_com_error &e)
    _bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source());
    _bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description());

    // Print Com errors.
    printf("\tCode = %08lx\n", e.Error());
    printf("\tCode meaning = %s\n", e.ErrorMessage());
    printf("\tSource = %s\n", (LPCSTR) bstrSource);
    printf("\tDescription = %s\n", (LPCSTR) bstrDescription);
// EndExecuteCpp

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