
本文详细记录了在安装Solaris 10操作系统的过程中,从光盘启动到选择网络配置、主机名、IP地址、子网掩码、默认路由,再到设置安全策略、命名服务、NFSv4域名、时区、文件系统类型以及软件选择的全过程。此外,还涵盖了磁盘分区、文件系统创建和软件安装等关键步骤。

{0} ok boot cdrom   


Boot device: /pci@400/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/usb@0,2/hub@4/device@4/storage@0/disk@0:f  File and args:

SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_142909-17 64-bit

Copyright (c) 1983, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Configuring devices.

Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.

Attempting to configure interface nxge3...

NOTICE: nxge1: xcvr addr:0x1c - link is down

NOTICE: nxge2: xcvr addr:0x1b - link is down

NOTICE: nxge0: xcvr addr:0x1d - link is down

NOTICE: nxge3: xcvr addr:0x1a - link is down

Skipped interface nxge3

Attempting to configure interface nxge2...

Skipped interface nxge2

Attempting to configure interface nxge1...

Skipped interface nxge1

Attempting to configure interface nxge0...

Skipped interface nxge0

Attempting to configure interface e1000g1...

Skipped interface e1000g1

Attempting to configure interface e1000g0...

Skipped interface e1000g0

Reading ZFS config: done.

Setting up Java. Please wait...

Serial console, reverting to text install

Beginning system identification...

Searching for configuration file(s)...

Search complete.

Discovering additional network configuration...


Select a Language


   0. English

   1. Brazilian Portuguese

   2. French

   3. German

   4. Italian

   5. Japanese

   6. Korean

   7. Simplified Chinese

   8. Spanish

   9. Swedish

  10. Traditional Chinese


Please make a choice (0 - 10), or press h or ? for help: 0



What type of terminal are you using?

 1) ANSI Standard CRT

 2) DEC VT52

 3) DEC VT100

 4) Heathkit 19

 5) Lear Siegler ADM31

 6) PC Console

 7) Sun Command Tool

 8) Sun Workstation

 9) Televideo 910

 10) Televideo 925

 11) Wyse Model 50

 12) X Terminal Emulator (xterms)

 13) CDE Terminal Emulator (dtterm)

 14) Other

Type the number of your choice and press Return: 3


Completing system identification...

in.rdisc: No interfaces up

  The Solaris installation program is divided into a series of short sections

  where you'll be prompted to provide information for the installation. At

  the end of each section, you'll be able to change the selections you've

  made before continuing.


  About navigation...

        - The mouse cannot be used

        - If your keyboard does not have function keys, or they do not

          respond, press ESC; the legend at the bottom of the screen

Identify This System

  On the next screens, you must identify this system as networked or

  non-networked, and set the default time zone and date/time.


  If this system is networked, the software will try to find the information

  it needs to identify your system; you will be prompted to supply any

  information it cannot find.


Network Connectivity


  Specify Yes if the system is connected to the network by one of the Solaris

  or vendor network/communication Ethernet cards that are supported on the

  Solaris CD. See your hardware documentation for the current list of

  supported cards.

  Specify No if the system is connected to a network/communication card that

  is not supported on the Solaris CD, and follow the instructions listed under





      [X] Yes


Configure Multiple Network Interfaces


  Multiple network interfaces have been detected on this system.  Specify all

  of the network interfaces you want to configure.


  Note: You must choose at least one interface to configure.


      Network interfaces

      [X] e1000g0


      [ ] e1000g1

      [ ] nxge0

      [ ] nxge1

      [ ] nxge2

DHCP for e1000g0


  Specify whether or not this network interface should use DHCP to configure

  itself.  Choose Yes if DHCP is to be used, or No if the network interface is

  to be configured manually.


  NOTE: DHCP support will not be enabled, if selected, until after the system



      Use DHCP for e1000g0

      [ ] Yes

      [X] No


Host Name for e1000g0

  Enter the host name which identifies this system on the network.  The name

  must be unique within your domain; creating a duplicate host name will cause

  problems on the network after you install Solaris.


  A host name must have at least one character; it can contain letters,

  digits, and minus signs (-).


               Host name for e1000g0 ys-db  



               Host name for e1000g0 ys-db


IP Address for e1000g0



  Enter the Internet Protocol (IP) address for this network interface.  It

  must be unique and follow your site's address conventions, or a

  system/network failure could result.


  IP addresses contain four sets of numbers separated by periods (for example



Subnet for e1000g0

  On this screen you must specify whether this system is part of a subnet.  If

  you specify incorrectly, the system will have problems communicating on the

  network after you reboot.


  > To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


